Design you Mind? Yes! Humans are the first species to construct new parts of Mind itself! Directly! Such as Language and tools that emerge directly from coherent sources! Thus tools and language are coherent sources that fit with the bio code of mind! This is the new mind beyond the animal mind! It works like a tool and is a map of complete mind! Thus humans are the first species to access the way holomind is constructed to design and build new features. Culture, Religion, Karma and Work emerge from Coherent sources that write the code of holomind and capture content like an Artist's canvas or  bottle containing a genie or key/time signature of music!   For Netscape!    Guide to access these pages: Place your cursor over the links on the left for a description to appear. Click on the link to visit the page.
 Whats in it for you: Understand your mind!
 What is holomind & self organizing mind & how does it work?
 Why is HoloMind & consciousness beyond our direct viewing?
Coherence writes the cultural maps of holomind Old & New!
Participation: Enlightenment is holoview: Join the community with participation!

Mind itself Sings! Music is The voice of mind in its own code! Music and poetry and Drama and Dance is the voice of mind in its own Phase code and coherent holomind structure! This is the very essence and inner nature of HoloMind: not a representation or metaphor! Our self organization that we experience as a "self" is "in-tune" with this deeper "spirit" and "in step" with the action of "karma"!   Here the mind is! It is not speaking to someone "out there": it is Being Human!


First  read description on right; Then click a section title to go to that section!  Find out how HoloMind Works in the first 5 sections!

Then take a few moments to look at the next sections  listed on the left to find which one relates to your idea of mind. Move your mouse over each section title to see a description that is the best fit for you, because only you know your mind.  Click a section title to go to that section and see that viewpoint.

Netscape users Click here  or here for old page or here for overview summary!

How it Works: Place your cursor over the links on the left for a description to appear. Click on the link to visit the page.  In2It  

2nd more complete Guide to access pages:
 Built-in tools to design mind!
 Intro New old Maps of being human  •
 What is HoloMind: designs of Mind  •
HoloMind requires Coherence!  •
Phase-space: Holomind as fractals!  •
 Many maps of  holomind  •
Peace: Knowing thru simple & easy  •
 Problems and solutions:           
Gap above mind: religion, science  •
 Why is culture beyond biology  •
 Designs of Mind!                       
  Hunter designs mind  •
Religion designs One Mind   •
 Science designs mind  •
  Peer groups design mind  •
 How I designed my mind  •
 Community  participation:        
 Other Writings and Authors  •
 New creativity for everyone  •
Reach me on E-Mail

How it Works!

 First find out how HoloMind Works in the first 6 sections!

If nothing new appears here and you are using Netscape or older browsers, Then Click here!

Then take a few moments to look at the next sections  listed on the left to find which one relates to your idea of mind. Move your mouse over each section title to see a description that is the best fit for you, because only you know your mind.  Click a section title to go to that section and see that viewpoint. place your cursor over the links on the left for a description to appear here.

click on the link to visit the page 

All life and mind is self organizing.

Thus you must select from the list on the left the frame of mind that interests you!

  Move your mouse over each section title to see a description that is the best fit for you, because only you know your mind.  

This includes how Mind was designed and how to re-design your own mind!

Do with the easy: this is how the neocortex can break tasks and procedures into a larger phase space of smaller pieces. This is the Way or Path or Tao of Being Human: Easy-does-it, take-it-easy, be-cool!

 It also applies to Knowledge and wisdom: to know thru the simple. Simplify Simplify Simplify!

This is what I am hoping to do in writing these pages: make designing the mind Simple!  


In science this simplifying is called “reductionism”. The other side of this is the next step of how things fit together: maps of maps! This is exactly what consciousness does! Holomind is holograms of holograms. This is not pictures of pictures, but phase spaces within phase spaces. Completeness is the keyword here: the little pieces must fit together to make a whole.

Go to final Guide to access pages:

Culture, Religion, Karma and Work emerge from Coherent sources that write the code of holomind and capture content like an Artist's canvas or Holy Grail or  bottle containing a genie or Key/Time signature of music!

Mind itself Sings! Music is The voice of mind in its own code! Music and poetry and Drama and Dance is the voice of mind in its own Phase code and coherent holomind structure! This is the very essence and inner nature of HoloMind: not a representation or metaphor!

The very same coherence found in a Laser, that produces a hologram, and as the key - time signature that allows mind to hear the "in-tune" or "in-rhythm" of music is the basis of Karma, and all religions and civil government. Our self organization that we experience as a "self" is "in-tune" with this deeper "spirit" and "in step" with the action of "karma"!   Here the mind is! It is not speaking to someone "out there": it is Being Human!


 Suchness!! What It IS!


Netscape users Click here

Some of my favorite links:

The Complexity and Artificial Life Research Concept

T h e   H e a r t   o f   H a r m o n y
Solutions for a World of Peace and Harmony

Learn to read Music Notation.

Edgar Mitchell’s article on Quantum Hologram

Personal links for collaboration:

Videos of my performances on 1590 Maginni Chamber Bass and My Dance!