Introducing a new representation of
Being Human and Mind
Introducing a new understanding of human nature and Mind based on new ideas in science that have been prefigured in diverse spiritual traditions, Arts and Music including scientific explanations of One Mind, Creativity, Freedom, and Peace.
This web site is for Netscape users, and is still under construction as is my main web page.
I have found the format that works in the presentation of my ideas, namely instant paragraphs to describe each section: this is exactly how the holomind works! Not piece by piece as in the small sections of a photograph that only contain a part or detail of the whole, but all at once.
Our Body and Brain provide the rich resources for developing Mind and self- aware consciousness. But this does not start with humans, but is built into all levels of reality. What is the structure of holography that showed us what is HoloMind? Why are rules, laws, structures and Being InSink so important to the design of Mind?
New Maps of being humanNEW is a property of self organizing holomind, thus not just a description of my writings. Improvisation is built into Mind/Matter!
All levels of consciousness include matter as a part of mind! Holomind means that all creative processes are present at all levels and locations: this means that self organization emerges everywhere / everywhen embedded within each different level of consciousness. Thus the structure of a particular level is not violated even though it can become organized differently than at other locations. This includes the structures that are time-stable organizations called Matter which can retain their structure.
Thus “NEW” is built into consciousness at different places within the same being!
My “NEW” includes or enfolds traditional maps of mind from religion and science as the new invention of TV included Radio or the “Car” and “Airplane” upgraded previous types of transportation. Thus the “intent” and direction of flow of many religions will be preserved, but much will change. Also science started within an Exclusive - Not logic, but now new fuzzy logic and complexity theory has emerged.
What is HoloMind: designs of Mind
New maps of Being Human: Consciousness (Mind) at all levels of Reality
Science started to explore the way the brain organized itself that resembled how a physical hologram is constructed in the 1960s. But the mind itself has given humans of all cultures maps of holographic mind for thousands of years.
The holographic paradigm answers many questions: how can total information be distributed throughout the brain. How can the same totality be experienced from many viewpoints. Why do all activities emerge in phase space code such as Music, Language and even Games [only one example being Solitaire]! These phase codes are exactly how physical holography works! We have used these phase coding principles in AM and FM radio.
Consciousness and self awareness is easy to understand as holograms within and of holograms, just as the melody is within the harmony and both are aware of and lined up with the Rhythmic beat!
Coherent light from lasers were used in the first physical holograms. Coherence means that all the crests and troughs of the light waves are lined up: in Order. Order and coherence is needed to design Mind: it becomes the reference source for the meaning of life's' activities.Humans no longer need biological maps with built-in coherence to design New Mind. We can recognize the freedom to connect stable principles that have been pioneered by science. TV, Cars, Computers and many other “things” are really spiritual models for designing Mind that connects to all viewpoints with peace and gentleness and flexibility.
Stacking holomind: consciousness as fractals!
Discoveries in science are self-referential: science proposes [a problem]; science disposes [with an answer]. So the gap above the highest level continues to ignore where these solutions are answers to other questions. In this case fractals map the nature of consciousness by mapping how the coherence of holomind is stacked upon itself in a self referring process! Yet fractals were first proposed as solutions to "mathematical monsters" that seemingly could not exist within the old maps of dimension. When I first saw in 1976 the first book published on "Fractals" I immediately saw its implications for my work: this was one of the breakthrus in science I had been hoping for!
Music & Solitaire map holomind
This section Shows that music is a map of consciousness and holomind. Holograms require sources of coherence, such as lasers, to construct and reMember themselves. The sources of coherence in Music is the Time and Key signature. Consciousness is self referent Just as Melody refers to harmony and rhythm! Other maps of our minds have emerged and presented themselves as popular or "fun", but have been ignored as serious scientific or religious maps of holomind! One such map is cards and the game Solitaire! I will show how this "fits" as a map of culture and psychological structures that shows the process of constructing HoloMind! Cards us the basic coherence and phase spaces that overlap necessary to create the code of a hologram and consciousness or self awareness.';Peace is built into mind: Doing thru simple and easy
The East Asian philosophy of Taoism is especially “right on”! The I Ching points to how consciousness exists at all levels of quantum holomind reality. We can see that mater and energy are subsets of mind that are stable in the time dimension, and that “fuzzy states” which are most unstable can still interact with matter. Solutions of the problems of quantum physics are offered by this structure of mind as layers of consciousness interacting with itself!?
These phases of human life can be illustrated by maps of consciousness already present, but unrecognized, like the card games of solitaire! Going up or down and choosing to start with any card after looking at all the shuffle from an up - revealed position is being fully human. Because of self organizing mind, I created all the positions and conditions incumbent on any stack / phase location, so I do not need to “know” how others prearranged the stack regarding any subject or area of knowledge. I do not need the baggage of background or preparation or school as given by others to tell me what things are!!! I am human which means I am Buddha and Christ! These “heroes” were only pointing the way as pioneers! This “enlightenment” and “nirvana” [as the freedom from baggage] is what I offer and talk about. But this offer is not doing it for others as Christianity moved into, or being totally one[ness] individual as Buddhist culture: but seeing from all sides / viewpoints / phase locations whenever I so decide! This is not some superman /power but is built into the holomind / brain and consequently built intoit being human!!Science shows how the structure of the human brain, called the neocortex, operates in a peaceful, gentle manner open to being programmed within an enormously expanded space that humans have just begun to utilize. So what new usable information in systems of psychology and the arts as well as the “hard sciences” has recently emerged?
These phases of human life can be illustrated by maps of consciousness already present, but unrecognized, like the card games of solitaire! Going up or down and choosing to start with any card after looking at all the shuffle from an up - revealed position is being fully human. Because of self organizing mind, I created all the positions and conditions incumbent on any stack / phase location, so I do not need to “know” how others prearranged the stack regarding any subject or area of knowledge. I do not need the baggage of background or preparation or school as given by others to tell me what things are!!! I am human which means I am Buddha and Christ! These “heroes” were only pointing the way as pioneers! This “enlightenment” and “nirvana” [as the freedom from baggage] is what I offer and talk about. But this offer is not doing it for others as Christianity moved into, or being totally one[ness] individual as Buddhist culture: but seeing from all sides / viewpoints / phase locations whenever I so decide! This is not some superman /power but is built into the holomind / brain and consequently built intoit being human!!
Opposition and complementarity is built in at all levels of reality. Inverse or upside-down, but not negative or evil is needed!
Gap above mind: religion, science
The highest level of human consciousness cannot directly map itself! Why? Because it is being used to make the maps, so lower levels with less representational space were used that made incomplete maps: they could not know themselves. Music is and has been a map of the principles of holomind for thousands of years, but no one Saw it. This is true for other human activities like “Drama”, playing Cards [especially solitaire], games and sport, and others. Buddhist thinkers have pointed to this all along by saying that our world of activities is a projection of Mind! These maps can be “believed” to be true in religion, but if they were “complete” there would be no necessity of belief. There would be no question or choice: they would be a “reality” and part of the design of mind! The maps of science point in many directions and do not need belief. In fact disbelief, called falsifiability, requires that all maps be clear to and testable by all humans! Now humans can apply these new spiritual principles to the design of mind!
Because Self organizing Neural networks do not allow external cultural supervision!
That is why culture needed to go beyond biology! The only types of neural networks allowed in biological systems must be Self Organizing. This means that external supervision such as by Families, Schools, Traditions [verbal or written], religion or Civil Governments is impossible. What are the consequences and implications for ignoring this impossibility? How does self organizing mind really work in a holographic setting?
Tribal hunter uses Astrological animals as designs of mind!
The connection with the totem and animal ecology was the first design of mind by humans. Does putting metaphysical systems such as Astrology and Tarot card reading into scientific language point to the reality of how the layer of holomind called “personality” or “Self” was designed. Is this design only a stage of development that allowed diversity in human culture? Have humans grown out of that stage? If there is anything to Astrology, then it can be modernized to show how the cosmos can be a source of coherence for the design of holomind at all levels. That is just what I have done: design new maps of the "Chart" for the neocortex, the reptilian brain of organ systems studied by TCM as well as expanding traditional Astrology to include the human female. I show how pairs of planets are coherent sources for consciousness that have been pointed to in all cultures as graphic diagrams. Before 1966 I was among the debunkers of any Astrology, but then suddenly during a study session, I had an awakening to a connection between the mind and the cosmos. So from that basic premise I began to study traditional Astrology. But I soon saw that it had only a small application to the types of behavior that humans have come to label "Fate" or "Karma". This lead to my re-invention of synergetic Astrology.
AgriCulture uses Religion to design mind: single-mindedness!
AgriCulture needs - even requires discipline! How and why did humans first design mind using coherence sources.
How can humans use science to reframe the successes of religion to design a whole book of maps of mind that includes Cultural coherence? How does the certainty of the scientific method allow reliable stable maps that are expected to change/evolve to “New and Better”? Can putting religion into the language of science show how the intuitive mind of religion prefigured modern science of complexity?
Competition and fashion designs mind
Business and commerce allow maps that are expected to change/evolve to “New and Better”? Can putting religion into the language of Commerce show how the intuitive mind of religion prefigured modern science of complexity?
This is personal information about my life as an enlightened being. All the "chapters" of this page contain personal information about how nonverbal areas of my consciousness pointed me along many paths. I have already mentioned my first seeing in 1976 the first book published on "Fractals" I saw its implications for my work. Many regard "subjective experience" as unscientific, yet within the science of consciousness, "subjective experience" is produced by consciousness, and thus requires inclusion within any viable model. My study of Mind journey started in 1958 when I had a sudden personal experience of enlightenment while in the process of reading my first book on Buddhism. I soon decided to apply my new openness and freedom to synergizing traditional approaches to Mind found in religion and metaphysics with modern science. It soon became clear that classical science of only black and white logic had little to offer. So I waited until the discovery of Fractals, fuzzy logic and neural network theory, and self organization to mention a few in what is now called complexity theory.
Participation and feedback in community and the public domain is the cornerstone of modern culture and especially in the progress of science. It is required that anyone can know and test new ideas and designs!
There are many sources that can contribute to understanding and designing holomind. I will add annotated sources from the public domain of thinkers: Modern and traditional.
Here I will allow my own self organization to change this material from your input: this is also a page of references on the WWW which has become the new map of human culture, replacing buildings shaped like the inside of a human skull, with a WW network of computers which resembles the interconnection of individual neurons to form a new “ONE MIND”!
All life and mind is self organizing.
Thus you must select from the list on the left the frame of mind that interests you! Move your mouse over each section title to see a description that is the best fit for you, because only you know your mind.
This includes how Mind was designed and how to re-design your own mind!
The Complexity and Artificial Life Research Concept
Edgar Mitchell’s article on Quantum Hologram
Here are some relevant old pages from 1996 on. Still works in progress:
Science resources pages 0: Holograms and summary
Page1 Resource 1 Neural Nets
Page2 Resource 2 More Neural nets
Page3 Resource 3 Fractals
Page4 Resource 4 cosmos connection with life: Cellular automata processes and general systems of levels of resolution procedures to [function] produce what we experience as consciousness of inner and outer realities as mind.
Page1 Spiritual Model of Synergetic Astrology Page2 Spiritual No Blame
Page3 Spiritual Buddhist and other religion
Page4 Spiritual science as spiritual
Page5 Spiritual Model of Synergetic Astrology
Page1 Personal Biography
Page2 Personal Poetry
Page3 Personal Music
Page4 Personal Dance
Page Outline of old files
Page Synopsis
Page Daily uploads
Page Resource Cultural applications
Page Resource Applications
Page Resource spirit fragment unfinished page