Welcome To Music-Mind/Holo-Mind!

What's IN2IT For You? Or How Can You Benefit Reading These Pages? (Thoughts of the day: Wiki Blog: Introduction )

You will discover, who you are beyond the slavery and pain of ordinary social personality organized around the black and white of everything is good or evil. These maps of self rob us of our Beauty and peace and freedom of choice  as aspects of everyone being human. Modern science proves that music and beauty are the mapping of the internal electrical activity of our holomind onto the external world ! One half order and one half freedom! Self organization is presently ongoing to some degree at all levels of reality: especially noticeable in our mental activity. Wholeness at all locations and from all viewpoints was the initial finding of science that lead to the beginning of understanding holomind. This means we are free to choose our position in life: so choose now...

Simple Science of  HoloMind! New and easy to understand research shows how the Brain works. Mind uses the same operations found in making holograms! Music has the same characteristics! Thus you can find out how Mind was and is designed and how to re-design your own mind!


:Self  Realization using science! Science has shown us that  Peace, gentleness, freedom and many complete viewpoints are built into the new evolution of human mind/brain above the mid-brain. Self realization of this is contained in "know thru the simple and do thru the easy" and in the two wings of the bird [in 3 dimensions] of enlightenment: wisdom and skillfulness! We can use the results of science like Holography or TV or computers as simple illustrations of what qualities and skills within all humans can be accessed directly! Science is about what is true forever: so these structures must have been present in humans since our evolutionary emergence. Thus old maps found in all spiritual, religious and philosophical traditions can be clarified by this science!

Self-organizing Mind: Built in2it Freedom! That's the half of it! All Neural Networks must be self organizing. Improvisation is built into Mind and Matter! This means that external supervision of culture, family and school is biological impossible and causes discomfort and deep suffering. How can culture emerge then? Internal sources of coherence still organize holomind and can be shared with others: a social coherence with interdependence of phases we call "work"! Yet, we still "make it up as we go along"!


Personality as a Cartoon Maker! Real Mind is at Higher Levels Of Resolution than a cartoon!: Real life is Beyond Direct Viewing because it is hidden by the low level of resolution illustrated by cartoons. The highest level of human consciousness cannot directly map itself or be directly viewed: no more than the first computers with 500K of memory could in one step directly handle 500 meg programs! Thus maps of these levels emerge like cartoons as Myth or intuition like Music or dreams or "God" or top news stories and headlines! These Meta-Layers are developed by indirect methods.


Internal Maps:: Traditional Cultures emerge from the internal maps of rules and self control! Interdependence allows the emergence of maps of collective holomind resulting in the miracle of cultures. External coherent sources use science, religion or tribal myths of fate/astrology to design social holomind by becoming internalized maps. Their use can still result in the suffering of external supervision. Science has emerged as a map of holomind that supports completeable maps that are provisional and need to be newly examined and completed!


Enlightenment Reveals: that our inner self is self organizing and all the rules and restrictions that seem to emerge from within are really external supervision that family and culture requires of us since childhood! 

Remove mittens on self! The view from our social self is reduced to black/white or rational Yes/No or Good/Bad from a single viewpoint of a cartoon. This is like the restriction of our four fingers by wearing mittens while typing! This is called reductionism to simple Facts that exclude freedom and self organization: like the mind-brain as a deterministic machine!   Enlightenment allows self-realization of what it is and means to be human: a higher level of resolution of holomind emerges! I immediately understood that my "ME" had been programmed by culture and my parents and peers! I was reborn and started life anew! Re-design your own mind to peacefully organize yourself.



Media Gallery: Videos of my Music and dance. Opening access to performance, to everyone by using MIDI format which allows any speed in all keys! Dance and movement that emerges from within while listening to music - especially modern classical! Using fingers and arms as in Asian cultures and Hip-hop!


Community And Feedback: Your input with wiki edit! This is the end and also the start of a new ideas. Community feedback. Participation and feedback in community and the public domain. Also this Wiki is a Tool for working on one idea, with the possibilities of the internet.



Test - example one

Test - example 2

Thoughts of the Day.

Text only

Home / Welcome:   Guide to access these pages: Place your cursor over the links on the left for a description to appear. Click on the link to Access the 6 sub-topics of the page. Mouse-over instant information is also how holomind works: instant info!  

 Here is new pmwiki Soon to include Blogs and other new features! You can edit these pages to include your ideas!

Here is first version: pmwiki.php 


< 1a. Why to read these pages: what it is about that can help you! 

< Click on left to see lists of sub pages. Double click to access pages! 

< 2: What is holomind science: easy to understand 6 subtopics

Science has shown us that  Peace, gentleness, freedom and many complete viewpoints are built into the new evolution of human mind/brain above the mid-brain. Self realization of this is contained in "know thru the simple and do thru the easy" and in the two wings of the bird [in 3 dimensions] of enlightenment: wisdom and skillfulness! With these "new" tools the suffering of guilt and shame can be dealt with! Also in this section are many new notes to be integrated!  

< 3: Self organizing neural nets SUFFER from external supervision. 6 subtopics

 < 4: Top level of any system cannot map itself or change itself. 6  subtopics

< 5: Religion, science, astrology and other maps within mind! 6  subtopics

 < 6: My performances on Video and feedback and collaboration. 7 subtopics

Culture, Religion, Karma and Work emerge from Coherent sources that write the code of holomind and capture content like a Key/Time signature of music!

Music is a scientific model of mind and of the emergence of Culture within mind. Music uses coherence of key and time signatures in the same way holography uses coherent laser light to produce a hologram: which has become a new paradigm for mental activity since the 70's. This also explains the structures in Asian medicine of Qi, pranna, chakras and many other spiritual subjects which now have scientific explanations! Because the self organizing neural network structures of the mind cannot be externally supervised, Culture would be biologically impossible. Music shows how we can internalize maps of culture that are coherent sources for the content and rules that make Culture possible! Humans are the first species to construct new parts of Mind itself! Directly! Such as Language and tools that emerge directly from coherent sources! Thus tools and language are coherent sources that fit with the bio code of mind! Thus humans are the first species to access the way holomind is constructed to design and build new features. Culture, Religion, Karma and Work emerge from Coherent sources that write the code of holomind and capture content like an Artist's canvas or bottle containing a genie or key/time signature of music! Here are some breakthru thoughts about holomind: Maybe the coherent sources are multidimensional: Like white light having many frequencies so that we access many lines of thought and images and sounds at once!


 I offer to provide maps to allow a direct connection to REAL holomind to emerge that allow any person to integrate this connection with their "normal" social life of work and culture!  Just E-mail me and expect a small monetary contribution to further this endeavor!

NEW: illustration of Mind as illusion with video! Also see Video page for explanation! 

First find out how HoloMind Works in the first 5 sections!

Then take a few moments to look at the next sections  listed on the left to find which one relates to your idea of mind. Move your mouse over each section title to see a description that is the best fit for you, because only you know your mind.  Click a section title to go to that section and see that viewpoint.