Topic 1-5. New | Holomind | coherence | consciousness - fractals


New approach to religion and belief systems using science with its systems theory to create a synergy that connects modern thinking with traditional structures. This can be done so as to not lose or alter the wisdom of so many generations. We can begin to understand how science has caught up to these traditional approaches, because science is now offering more than mere laws of behavior and is showing how everything is connected and how to understand the principles of connection and wholeness.

What is direct without name dropping like “fractals”. As someone said, don’t look or appear smarter/above. That is not the point and leads to nodes: above/below. The situation is that the “answers” are simple but cannot be “seen” because our jour98a # 298    3 mind is holographic and uses the code of culture to “see” – understand – “put two and two together”, because “two” is spelled different than the code accepts. The steps to opening to “seeing” are 1. Lose your mind/self. 2. Stay away from reconstruction systems like truth/religion/science. 3. Let your original – non-language mind point the way or rebuild. 4. When this happens you begin to see what is in front of your eyes but invisible. What is seen/invisible are the connections: what is the connection of key/time signature in music and the structure of holographic mind. What is the connection of the structure of words and grammars and the structure of holographic mind. What is the connection of the cosmos and the structure of holographic mind. What is the jour98a # 299    4 connection of agriculture/hunter and the structure of holographic mind. What is the connection of sharing the structure of holographic mind and the impossibility of culture due to the biology of neural networks being self organizing. What is the connection of consciousness and the structure of holographic mind. What is the connection of Neural networks and the structure of holographic mind. What is the connection of descriptions of “God” and the structure of holographic mind. What is the connection of Qi and the structure of holographic mind. What is the connection of the I Ching and the structure of holographic mind.




In short the holographic mind and neural networks are equivalent since both are fully connected and described by their weights, although holographic codes also contain phase information yet to be described in n.nets. So if the mind and possibly the Universe is holographic, then what is the coherent source. In TCM it is well known as “QI”. The Yin/Yang are but the first two halves of the cycle and further phase spaces of the coherent sources are embedded fractal scales described by the full Cantor dusts first partially described as the “I Ching”. Thus the system is fuzzy as ground phase states and excited/messenger states. the I Ching of all lines [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 etc] refers to the layering of coherent sources" Qi. This is the connection between "physical systems" of electron shells and psychological - consciousness states. When more than one coherent source is combined, the resulting increase of “brightness” is at the square [power if more than 2] which increases the leverage of linked systems. [this was first used in the evolution of sexes]. A great leap in evolution was to use 2 coherent sources, where one became the primary “media” or canvas that was written on by the other as “code object” or information source. The most well known such interlocking systems are the 5 elements which allowed the interlocking of the organ systems to evolve in living beings, and the 6 sided “Koch snowflake” [also known as the Star of David]. I will continue describing this evolution of “Qi” if we continue a dialogue with the intent of forming an information base that can be released to the world community.

 There are countless examples of human maps/models coherent sources: key and time signature in music, and words as phase code from the alphabet – scan sequence as the coherence for a example.

 My other interests are a definition of human culture and being human given the biological impossibility of teaching and supervision and other “cultural methods” in self organizing biological neural networks. This research solves how/why hypnosis works. There are also many other research results such as the nature of consciousness, and ..........



Rational mind is a subset of holographic mind. It builds itself on procedures of gathering / grouping coherent phase angles from higher [or lower] coherent overlays. Thus it can gather the same “concept” from many holographic sources by accessing the coherent source that writes the content: this is in effect self consciousness or consciousness of consciousness.


First: What is holographic mind? What are holographic process and procedures. How does that change how we look at what we called laws and truth!


Second: Multiple sources of coherence > levels of resolution and scales > fractals > iteration and cycles > connection with cosmos and Dyads. [Stars and Cross].


Third: Self organization on levels.


Fourth: connectivity and networks within self organization > One Mind.


Fifth: human development from hunter to agriculture to modern science.


Book plan:

start with levels of resolution and explain that this is a connection with common objects and processes like the clock and computer, cars, maps, graphic maps. Show the use of holographic metaphor to reveal many viewpoints. Show how science or religion fuse and confuse aspects of the same coherence from oppositional views resulting in seeming lack of understanding called inability to visualize the “new physics”.


 The goal of this book is for the reader to clearly understand what and how consciousness works, what is human nature and many others in a long list of what until this scientific age has seemed inaccessible to representation in human language. These representations will be given within the scientific discoveries about the human brain as having properities best represented by the process of making holograms. Yet I will use common everyday objects and experiences like clocks, music, trees, and maps. [link to list of subjects].

 First I will explain why holograms are such a strong connection to easily understand the workings of consciousness, self consciousness, the mind and rational thinking, and then by understanding how a hologram is produced you will see that humans have represented mind and self consciousness in their music, dance, drama and other arts for thousands of years.


What, put in easy to understand language are holographic processes and how do these processes work in applying to understanding the nature of consciousness. Knowing this, how can humans directly use this in their lives. This is not just theoretical science, but also applied to allow easy access to skills that have only been hinted at. [by meditation and human development studies].


159    Basic properties of the holographic process that apply to Formation of life:


Structured [constructed] using coherent sources [lasers] as the source that "maps" structures in phase space that is then self referently recorded on the original coherence making a pattern the differs from both the original source or the mapping.

 The information contained in the "map pattern" is reconstructed [re-membered or viewed] by reapplying the original coherent source to the recorded pattern.

 Since no source of coherence or any other structure outside or different from the original coherence is used to or is part of this process it is wholly self contained, self referent and a self organizing process.


# 160     The map is present everywhere: on the physical hologram any piece of film contains the total information [map - object] with the level of resolution of the information proportional to the size of the film fragment.


# 161     The different pieces of the film record [map] different viewpoints of the object as if one viewed the scene from any side [and extended to biological process maps: from any place or looking in any direction]


162     Holograms can be overlayered by using the same coherent source from different angles of combination or by using coherent sources of different frequencies.


163    When multiple coherent sources are used the combination of intensity is at the power, not the sum of the sources.


jour98a # 164    How do these properties clarify, map and enhance our understanding of cultural concepts.

 Consciousness itself is identical with the reconstruction of a hologram and if all life forms and structures use a phase space in its self structuring, the consciousness of the same coherent structure has direct and immediate access to the information of those life forms.


jour98a # 165     Qi [as the full wave form] and Yin/Yang [as 180 degree phases in a phase space] have the same properties as coherent sources.



Holomind: The viewpoint that I inherited is that some kind of holographic type of process is used to create and store memories. The possibility that mind and life processes started and continue as holograms seems to be missed, especially in understanding the structure of every cell of our body as containing a map of the whole human in the DNA. Encoded in the DNA are instructions on how to build and operate the "body" as well as how to respond to diverse situations and repel invaders. Holographic mind is part of these instructions: how to build and operate mind in response to reality of the world after birth. This is a code of processes and operations, not just of memories. Understanding it as holographic from the point of view of retrieval means that "situation" for which the code was created is embedded within the code and when that situation reappears, it reassembles or accesses the original process and operations involved in "dealing" with the situation.

[This "appears" to be or resembles stimulus / response and operand conditioning.]


New maps: illustrate what is new about these maps. New understanding of music, hate materialism and religion that reconnects and synergies with all human endeavors and thinking of all ages!

 No longer exclusive of science or religion: each adds and complements the other. No more prejudice when the scientific need for exclusion and being able to select and ignore in building holomind is understood! Then the negative exclusion of other humans who are already one with US can be let go. This shows how and why others build their mind from many points of view completes what it is to be human. At the beginning of the agriculture revolution many thousands of years ago, humans tried many experimental views to find out which one worked best to produce food.


These are new representations because they are inclusive: not discarding other representations but showing how the other representations of religions, cultures and the sciences point to this NEW representation without distorting or discarding their meaning and without discarding the “Why they came to be” in the first place!

You can have your cake and eat it!!




NEW is a property of self organizing holomind, thus not just a description of my writings. Improvisation is built into Mind/Matter!

All levels of consciousness include matter as a part of mind! Holomind means that all creative processes are present at all levels and locations: this means that self organization emerges everywhere / everywhen embedded within each different level of consciousness. Thus the structure of a particular level is not violated even though it can become organized differently than at other locations. This includes the structures that are time-stable organizations called Matter which can retain their structure.


Thus “NEW” is built into consciousness at different places within the same being!


My “NEW” includes or enfolds traditional maps of mind from religion and science as the new invention of TV included Radio or the “Car” and “Airplane” upgraded previous types of transportation. Thus the “intent” and direction of flow of many religions will be preserved, but much will change. Also science started within an Exclusive – Not logic, but now new fuzzy logic and complexity theory has emerged.


Maps can be process which are like transition diagrams!


Letter: after looking at a TV class on history of religion, I ask myself “What gives”. I do not see any understanding based on modern science of the mind of why the major religions developed, of what human need they filled or of any interest in this question. I also do not see anywhere a explanation based in science of why and how man evolved from “Ape” in the first place. I do not find any interest in a synergy between modern science and traditional thinking, especially regarding such religious writings as the Judaic “story” of creation, which is used as a big put-down of pre-scientific thought structures.  This goes both ways, for I do not see any effort to understand how science is the next step in the spiritual development of being human.


 My life’s work in research has developed solutions and theories to answer these questions, even though it appears no one else is asking these questions. My personal history shows clearly why I took up this task without any outside influence.


Not a disciplined society: we live in a disposable society. Newness!


Self organization and ignorance [to ignore] oppose even looking at new coherence. Thus evolution and science looks for random change that survives [as fittest] instead of built-in advantage that adapts as the ape 3D brain applied to 2D world.


Religion allowed science to define their ideas: creation of the world of reality in 7 days, instead of creation of a 7 level map of reality that is built into being human and human mind!

Four facts of holomind: coherence and time – key signature. Complete Information present everywhere: any pieces have whole picture from different viewpoint. Code written in phase space: throw a clock at picture and each clock returns with a time that tells the distance or color. These clocks then combined with a master clock as minuets with hours!


[what is fourth?]

Yin / Yang :trough and crest, left and right brain that express themselves in opposition! Star of David!


After 4 parts of holomind, go from yin /yang to reverse maps of left right brain. The right brain has not lost its direct connection to the highest level of operation of mind. The language brain goes thru “rules” and logic to create clarity and communication with shared maps. Language itself is the coherent source of shared maps! But these maps are plugged into and operate lower brain structures. We now know that the brain operates with fuzzy logic as is found in emotion and sensation! Thus critical mind of left brain cannot represent the higher centers of operation.


With phase space introduce matter as the stable coherent subset of mind. Mind does extend to map / see even quarks.

Have 2 parts to start page! How mind was constructed by culture and how to construct individual mind! Starting with the agricultural revolution a common “one mind” needed construction. From Buddhist and original “Jesus” a revolution was started to construct and know one’s own mind. This was a threat to emerging civilization as the forced unity of diverse cultures that spoke different languages under one common map. Thus the Roman and Holly Roman Empire and the empires of Islam and now the “American” civilization developed skills of requiring one common mind. With the scientific revolution that introduced individual “public domain” of opposition [where efforts were in the direction of disproving new innovations], No-mind became possible.

All belief and individual mind were seen as “opinion” and truth only existed as common shared skills that work or can be applied to all! This is the direct connection with “source coherence” and creativity opened up to every individual human without respect to their “history” or family - culture – race of origin!


The belief of “science” is that this method will reveal “truth” that applies to all situations and can be used by all persons! The next step is development of process and methods that can be applied according to individual differences. This allows the individual construction of holomind. Knowing that coherence is a requirement is the first step, and knowing one’s self and spirit mind is part of this construction!

Time is the domain of holomind! Thus image is a resting point of stability: Matter! Thus complete electron shells is the coherent attractor! Energy is the “image” of moving to completion.


Can coherent structures of holomind be seen in the light of the math of strange attractors? Are electron shells attractor structures in the time domain? Does the layering of holomind that has the same structuring process as fractals, especially Koch snowflake as an example, have attractor properties. This is the application of “abstract” subjects to the synergy of understanding – developing a “scientific” model of consciousness that was prefigured by old cultures and by the arts: such as the I Ching [as a fractal dust] which arose in Indian culture as Chakras and at single levels of resolution as Tarot – Kabballa and Astrology.

This figure in a much more chaotic form is one of the attractor structures of coherence "written" in the solar system by the pairs: Earth - Mercury [1 year cycle] and Jupiter - Saturn [60 year cycle]:


 These still “live” even though they don’t have a scientific leg to stand on! Maybe they are located elsewhere as in the midbrain and reptilian brain!

 So if neural nets use fuzzy logic, then it seems appropriate that old cultures that were trying to establish rational civilization also came up with fuzzy systems to explain the higher levels of operation that was beyond direct observation and mapping.

This one is the major major paradigm of life systems that have transcended single cells:


The evolution of holomind in the time domain is connected to the cosmos and the solar system path around our galaxy. It was and is used by living systems as coherent sources necessary for holomind to generate multiple levels of cells with different phase structures in a overlayered phase space of the organ systems. These were first researched by TCM [acupuncture] where the coherent source was labeled Qi [chi] and became the basis fro the evolution of neural networks. [12 meridians]



 So I have used some of these basic structures, minus their content which is time - local culture dependent, to point to modern complexity theory. I am looking to expand the work of N. A. Kozyrev on the POSSIBILITY OF EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE PROPERTIES OF TIME by seeing cause and effect in a holo-universe time domain as fuzzy attractors that change to coherent stable states called “matter” and “events”.

It makes big sense that humans map mind in terms of space and material objects. Time domain with fuzzy and CA logics of many directions – dimensions existing “above” the casual world of events and objects. It seems as if this world is enfolded or behind “reality” as possibilities and dreams – wishes! It seems that psychology uses motivation and statistical prediction as the map of this realm. The I Ching and implications of such CA like states may be the first strong map of this realm called “Change”.

The many possibilities of behavior or outcome of events is mapped by the holomind as many viewpoints. This is reflected in the many languages and religions which all access the holomind. Also by the many ways - strategies of  games and contests or struggle – fighting – competition!


The TV show “ early Edition” is about reading the time domain!

The psychic perception of quarks in 1895 demonstrates my contention that spiritual practice can prefigure science and that mind reaches to the most inaccessible and fundamental structures of reality.

 Also the idea of “one God” prefigures holomind from many viewpoints: humans must not discard other views or [egotistically] claim that they have the only approach or access to reality, including “academic” science. At least in science they are on the path to looking at all viewpoints with the completeability and falsifiability principles of the scientific method.


The finding of the time domain as the realm of holomind also extends the scope to the cosmos since the “energy” of time is much stronger at a distance that gravity: at the first power of distance, not the square of distance as gravity. This is a strong correlation with the prefiguring of Astrology and other predictive structures like Tarot or I Ching.

Phase space of light is in the time domain: so holographic code is in the time domain. What does that mean in the physical structure of a hologram at the atomic level? How would a diagram be structured? Is light and electron shells really time domain information about stability and change, where change is light energy as information about movement to a different state? What is quantum capacitance in the time domain. Is it a layered – fractal – consciousness process.

Reality by observation is a part of consciousness: I am seeking to be observed!? So others write with the inclusion of science as if they are not real unless connected to science. this extends to other authorities or levels of consciousness. This is also part of self reference: the fractal nature of consciousness.

 The new understanding of DNA coherence “projection” into the individual – social – cultural implies that human mental constructions have the same “binding” –attachment “energy” as molecules within DNA! Thus the human psyche is bound within beliefs – mental structures [need a new name – label]. This is the realm of NLP and maybe some of Iona. God as the Word! It has a “cell membrain” membrane, as if the holomind has a single cell structure,  that passes information or sees – restructures information from its viewpoint.

Like the raptor/necker cube or a game of solitaire that MUST start from Ace!


This is possible because of the holomind properties of changing viewpoint because information from holomind is multidimensional that passing to the human psyche forgets a dimension to become real: not fuzzy!

 I have not before found this relationship! It emerged via self-organization in my brain over the 4 days since my encounter with Iona!

 So wherever [WHATEVER in the modern language of, to me at my present age, young people, is a holomind term!] the cause originates, holomind becomes individual mind with the forgetful functor!


When two out of phase coherences overlap the “light” is canceled, but a yin standing wave is left: there is more about this.

Holomind is layered where each level becomes the coherence for the next level: thus the code of an emotional experience becomes many sources of coherence for writing a experience code at the next level of consciousness or holomind. Thus if we base our possibilities for thought and mental life on emotion, then we are restricted to only certain possibilities. We need new basis for new thinking. If “good” emotion emerges from “following the rules” then creativity that involves breaking the rules results in “rejection” and not able to write or think freely. But free thinking is then not real: it must be based on previous coherence that emerges from coded experience. Thus some people break the rules that result in new “science” like Galileo, but other innovations cannot be found, like my seeing music as mind!

This is expressed in modern school: to continue in advanced courses you must have a basis in fundamentals. This is the same structure as all holomind. Yet some directions of coherence allow new holograms to be layered: thus if emotion is a level of code written by a coherence as a certain size triangle that can be placed anywhere in – on a Koch snowflake, then specific emotion is written by the angle of a specific triangle, and the resulting code would be a new smaller set of triangles arranged as code but retaining the same “angle”. How does this translate into brain biology?