Ch 9 Religion


          AgriCulture uses Religion to design mind: single-mindedness!

AgriCulture needs - even requires discipline! How and why did humans first design mind using coherence sources. What is the impact of differing sources of coherence: external as “God” and internal as “Buddha”?  How did the single-mindedness of discipline and multigenerational family structure translate into religion that allowed the accumulation of skills and knowledge?


Introduction: meaning of Religion.

I am developing new meanings for Astrology and now religion based on what, why,  how and when.

I will use multiple approaches!


 Agriculture is the next step in humans learning how to use their newly evolved brain/mind “hardware”. Religion was and is the new mind that was designed to fit the needs [why] and structure [what] of agriculture with many “hows”, since holomind is multidimensionally self organizing.


 I started plans for this book in 1958 when I decided that one of the most important and difficult tasks needed for human development was the healing and synergy of the isolation of religion from science. Prior to this time I had little intellectual regard for religion, but due to a personal religious experience of Buddhist enlightenment, I immediately understood what so many other enlightened persons had been talking about for thousands of years. Yet my scientific education and common sense dictated that I do not disregard the findings of science to follow the theories that had been put forth thousands of years ago within many different cultural contexts.

 Also, I firmly supported the requirement of the scientific method of completeability and falsifiability. Completeability requires that any “new” discovery or theory be compatible with ALL other established science, and falsifiability requires that new theories / discoveries be stated in a clear and precise manner so that any objections which may be raised can be tested which will prove or disprove the theories. This means that the theories must be put into a language that is accessible to and integrateable with all of science. The usual language is mathematics, but this often makes the theory inaccessible  to the “common human”.

 I wish to extend this accessibility to all by fully explaining the scientific language and how that language is used to synergize science and religion. I use the metaphor of an artist in some cases using the canvas of religion and the colors of science, and visa-versa in other cases. This means that in some ways ideas that have been with us for thousands of years can be used to organize new ideas of the science of mind that seem to be scattered, and that other ideas of religion are prototypes that can be clarified by science. These ideas can be seen as pioneer attempts in the same direction that science has now gone: that science has accomplished what religion set out to do in understanding ourselves and our reality.


I will start with a presentation about neural nets, fuzzy systems and fractals as structures which have helped me to understand and integrate my "spiritual" experiences.

 There are two types of neural nets: self organizing nets that do not need supervision from "outside", and neural nets that are supervised by outside adjustment of their "values". Only self originating without supervision nets are possible within an individual, but these nets can be structured to "create" nets which can interact with supervision and be taught. The existence of these supervised nets in human culture is allowed by the process of bonding to a family at birth and later to ever more global structures of society at developmental stages of life. The strength of these bonding affinities which is carried by language creates an internal model of culture. This net carries cultural messages which are acted upon as if they were self originated. Humans are taught to ignore our true self originated solutions, except in special situations. When the cultural messages are dysfunctional, humans can "switch" to self reliance, but when cultural "life" is proceeding within the parameters of "acceptable behavior", then the "intrusions" of self originated messages seem like dysfunction. Plus, the very nature of the "energy surface" of the cultural net produces dysfunction due to the mathematics of feedback as "side effects" of such structures. Humans are trained to choose personalities which are already present in the structure of this cultural neural net energy surface. The structure and interaction of these "souls" are already defined: like a mountain range that has hills, peaks, valleys and many paths between them, these souls have many Connectivities of different difficulty - value (weights).


 So within the culture there is constraint and freedom, but none of it is from self originated mind. Yet it is as if self originated mind goes to sleep and dreams the "world" and that it is a soul - self caught in this world, especially since each time one wakes up, one is told and shown that self - ishness is not rewarded.  The solution is not just self reliance, because the culture is constructed of innovations that were once self originated, but now have become enmeshed, fused and then confused in mass which has fewer "dimensions" or choices, because the choices have already been defined in our cultural traditions.


Synergy which is holomind, not just Idea!

Idea is new as with a move from belief as coherence that never changes! Synergy extends idea to show the fit with the complete set of ideas. This is science of completeness within all viewpoints. So synergy anticipates science as design method in Western culture, but is found in Asian religion. As in the 8 fold path or Tao! Thus belief is in ideas, not synergy, which is a hidden level.

 View of spiritual - Hologram not dense  -

Topological structures - at very small - fine "quanta" which are connected at what are large space? - Something like neural electrons? or magnetic?


I haven't

 The most primitive level of holograms,

such as the structure of the `curvature of space' is used as the coherent base for the construction of the next level: Quarks and atomic nuclei. And so on for the structure of electron shells, molecules, and large systems. Thus the `laws of the universe' are dynamic generating processes taken from a unique `place' or viewpoint which can be `occupied' or `read out' and `known' not as data, but as reconstruction (remember, co-create, and other metaphors: somewhat like a composer unfolds a fugue from a single melody)


Maps and phase:


10/23/01 10:34 AM . Maps are part of consciousness that result when holomind is layered: a hologram of a hologram.


 This process allows the separation of living beings into interlocking phase “parts” of the original “whole” coherence. This is the Adam’s rib Yin phase half. Culture and civilization expands as the level of resolution of the phase spaces gets finer: more elements in a larger space. Some of the first results of phase mapping is found in the diversity of human "selves or egos" which maps the entire ecological system of the "animal realm" onto the human psyche as emerged in various cultural maps called "astrologies". Thus the “specialist” and “worker” developed, and new coherent structures develop which no longer resemble a “normal” biological or physical wave coherence of a start and rise, a high, a fall and a low or as commonly referred to “life and death”.  The result is discarded phase segments clearly illustrated in recent culture by elders becoming the “aged / old people”. Because of the rapid development of new phase structures the youth become the elders because of their rapid learning skills [and  other reasons].

 Thus the coherent structure that is the basis of mind becomes based on arbitrary connections, not on any extension of biological connections. This was – is mapped by 20th Century Western classical music, especially atonal or 12-tone music.


Peace comes from the neocortex but is not determined by same!


Adams rib is at the heart chakra! Obvious!


Since the world is at base consciousness as procedures, then no wonder that fractals are the primary structuring principle,

 since fractals are created by the iteration process of procedures at different levels of resolution as well as at different `places' connected by some generating procedures imbedded within.

The experience of consciousness is of information or maps of the inner/outer world that are immediate, not constructed. This is a holographic characteristic. Connected with neural nets it is “Data out” as a reMembering a process / procedure, yet it is immediate! As a map, it relates to other levels as phase map of coherence.


 The world and even the space that `contains' it is alive and consciousness!!!  Before going on to the nature of man, I will point out that this model does not end up giving clear-cut predictive theories of human behavior. They do not exist, since the very fabric of consciousness is fuzzy. More that one state can be the successor or antecedent; and more than one state can be occupied at the same `time', all of which is avoided by `good science'. Thus the `meanings' associated with any one `astrological sign' contains material relevant to overlayered historical `times' as well as polar systems of behaviors, activities and levels of resolution. If causality could be strictly applied, then it would be applied the same for all those hundreds of persons with the same birth day and time. The controversy between Fate / Karma and free will is an indication of the history of this contradiction. My model provides for many types to emerging from a single birthday and that persons in ones' environment can shift the placement of planets in ones' internal map. Language itself results from this new skill developed at the emergence of the human species. Human languages and history are the content of astrology, and no one man can sort that out for the easy consumption of others. Yet if you begin to comprehend the generating principles of consciousness, this model can facilitate your understanding of the ways you have followed being a part of the herd and operate with archaic and dysfunctional solutions at the expense of your heritage as a unique, one of a kind, self-reliant being.



conflict with evolution.

 My resolution of this conflict focuses on humans as the sum of all prior stages and not on where we came from. This means we contain the intelligence of each stage, but the focus is on the interaction of different levels of resolution. The finer levels are "invisible" to and fuzzy to the perception of the courser levels. A rat doesn't know the difference between a church and a cave, nor a flee between a rat and a human. The result of the intelligence of the reptilian brain is alertness, smell and gesture which can be applied to verbal concepts, but can't be used as a substitute language for concepts even though the representation of language can be transferred to sign language or Braille. This clearly suggests the properties of and difference between levels of resolution.

There are also meta levels which use the same data elements in different contexts. Thus the planets from the geocentric represent a sequence of ¼, 2/3, 1, 2, 12, 30, 84, 160, 260 and from the heliocentric is 3, 8, 12, 23, 244, 360, 1000, 2000 and from the nodes represent: start state, up, down, left, right and from the perihelion is close and far, slow and fast.

The I Ching also has levels of resolution, fuzzy numbers, and ground or transition / excited states.




Judeo-Christian: idea and belief from single viewpoint: Unity!

Image connects as hidden synergy.

Creation of coherence from chaos and overlayering of 7 “days”!

The Judo Christian bible opens with the description of creation that could be applied to the creation of coherence: first there was chaos and then separation of day from night and the 7 cycles of this coherence [7 days] as 7 overlapping levels of holographic mind resulting in “man”. Seeing this creation myth as a prototype of holographic process instead of as an impossible alternative to evolution is the direction I am proceeding regarding other areas.


Man created/designed in God’s image that gave structure and stability.


 Samson as strength cut back or discipline makes us weaker and less macho!

Also the Myth of Samson

 may refer to true strength is being united with one’s feminine side symbolized by the long hair. The myth of Noah may refer to a new beginning where the ark of holographic mind contains a map of all species that are saved from the great flood of free “time” given by civilization. [or such]. Saved to be part of human mind since they are no longer hunted? The flood is being overwhelmed by …?




08/10/96 5:31 PM


Adams’ rib!


The pattern of the "original" human as Adam is the compete pattern of wholeness.

 This is not a mystical religious "fiction", but the real sense of a totally self reliant human who has not become whose procedures and functions needed to be self supporting have not yet become fragmented and distributed into specialties and preferences. The interdependent activities of a modern culture have not emerged. Adam does not conceive of others doing anything "for" him/her in exchange for something of "value". This knowledge of value can be seen as emerging from "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil". The symbol of the apple is one of symmetry. The idea that Adam was "made" in the image of the cosmos is also not inconsistent with the original myth. God as creator who "made" can be structured as "self organizing construction". The first "words" or language spoken was an inhibition or request for self control: NOT to eat of the fruit of the tree of the "knowledge" of good and evil. The "fruit" results in shame and complete nieve activity turned into fragments called "work". Included is a stated relationship with the reptilian brain as "cursed" to crawl on the ground. This is a horizontal dimension which can be seen as the sympathetic nervous system of vigilance and "fight or flight" predator structures. So what is rebellion against self organization? Is it being "influenced" by other sources: giving into fear states? The influence is not direct, but comes from "Eve", who was "self organized" from Adams rib. So this "Eve" is not the female of the species as is so often incorrectly interpreted, but Adams internal image of female which Carl Jung called the Anima. Thus the original "sin" has nothing to do with women, but with the original split of the wholeness of consciousness into a self and a map of the other. Replacing the real human person with the map and acting "as if" this map were the real person and then blaming "woman", as the object of the projection, for ones action is the "sin".


 [Entry to this intelligence is fractals and mathematics of procedures, general systems, neural nets, and automata]


The meaning of the apple as the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is how humans fell into the sin of disobedience of our creativity

 and follower “rules” making good and bad the only necessary judgments: to follow higher authority or higher “power”. This helped create “one mindedness” that created civilization, but it is also the reduction of behavior to its simplest terms: reductionism. Then one is able to perform as a perfectionist but never as real inner thought.

 Thus the move to the Christian empire was also this same sin and “fall” of man repeated over and over.


Religious mind returned to:

 The reptilian brain is the seat of repetition: which is coherent data in – rules out. This is where all or nothing behaviour structures began and are transformed into fuzzy logic of emotion and creative logic of neocortex. [where creative means to create a coherence out of pieces of the rest of holomind]. Thus the reptilian is the basis of Parent and the emotion of child!

There is a good way to understand the Bible’s eating the apple from the Ospenski idea of false personality and mechanical self contrasted with essence as self organization. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil or right / wrong or Data in – Rules out is that the original sin is following the rules in a mechanical way. Thus disobeying “God” as the creator and our essence of self organization. This is a reductionism into the supposed simplicity of rules and laws and obedience. Humans then just judge and forget about fuzzy logic. Does the image of the snake have to do with less complexity? This may be a result of the expansion of self consciousness which looks for coherence and thus rules. Maybe it is the first map of the result of expanded self-consciousness in higher dyads.




Is the “Trinity” Coherent “Father”, Code “Son” and distributed “Holy Spirit”?

Father coherence as unity:

The unity of being human with all humans and all living beings is from the coherent source of holomind. This is like the coherence that encodes an entire hologram or is like the “Father” to the entire thing. The coherent light starts out as a unity which splits to find the object. Then the coherence reflects the object as a phase code which recombines with the original source as “Father”. This “Father” coherence provides a unity to the hologram so that any or all parts can be reMembered or reconstructed or reCreated  by the coherent source. It is / has been modeled as consciousness that creates Reality!

 That “physical” metaphor does not fully describe/ include the reality of living beings: as in a Hilbert space of Quantum / holographic structure, each different phase direction can be an entire “dimension”. That is, each direction in not just a different viewpoint, but a whole new beingness. Yet unified in the original coherence. This is seen in DNA and other coherent holomind structures.



The two triangles of the Star of David may refer to the Ren Mo Earth and Du Mo Heaven.

 This supports the Greek-Roman  assignment of the earth signs to the heavens and the subsequent loss of one triangle! Then “God the heavenly Father”  became supportive as love and not “Mind” as heaven!

The harmony of singing or playing in the same key is a perfect illustration of shared maps necessary for culture! Holy Spirit!


Does the coherence [Father God] become self adjusting

 like a operating system adjusts and arranges automatically or a word processor does automatic formatting?



So here [10 commandments] is the pioneer work on coherence in culture and community!


Creative as self organization!


Crops do not evolve or become “new” so maintain pattern!


God designed man about 7,000 years ago: not as a genetic being but within a new discipline. In fact, it was man at that time that was acknowledging and recognizing the new design of agriCultural mind from “on high” or beyond the gap and at the same time from the cultural group mind!

 There is a counterpart in the cosmos of man as the “Star of David” pattern of Mercury/Earth now linked to the “Star of David” pattern of Jupiter/Saturn, which is very stable and multigenerational. This could only be “designed/created” after humans started to live multigenerational life spans of past 60 years!

Christianity is a form of animal training:


Nun's Adult Catechism reinforced my understanding of how Christianity is a form of animal training: treating our basic nature like an animal to be trained, feared and despised - rejected - ignored. By contrast, Buddhism treats our basic self organizing nature as Buddha nature to be connected with and cultivated as our source of creativity. Buddhism works from the unacknowledged understanding that because our basic nature is self organizing, it stands in the way of development of culture, but also that it is the source of Mind and intelligence. Christianity implies that the final word of culture was represented with Jesus and nothing more can be added to their "perfection" except to "get with the program"! This program ends up with the person being "brain dead" as a Catholic personal friend saw her early life.




The training method of competitive systems

 of culture goes to peaks and valleys and minimum. This applies to the level of incompetence as a local min. that each side as right - left, republican - democrat. Theses two sides tend to converge to a middle of stability , peacefulness. Status Quo - stagnation - stand still - #12. Going to divergence and conceptualness Making objects and nominalizations.




The primary cycle

 that they focused on was not that of individuals but of civilizations of 330 years and the so called millennium. But they had no clue as to the true nature or structure of this cycle, much less the other cycles, so they just gave these intuitive emerging Intelligences names almost as a science fiction writer, but without the checks and balances of contradiction and diversity these words became a virus that resonated thru their entire intellectual and social structure.


<Insight Sunday into the

 second coming of Christ as a Roman emperor

who changed the empire to Christian after he had been put to death on the cross by approval of Rome!

 After the Renaissance the Christ is manifest as a Group - community that sees truth from all sides as mathematics of function spaces in science!


Neural Nets - "Naturally Intelligent System

Maureen Cadill - Charles Butler

What is conscience?

 Self organizing Neural networks are formed around any thought or action, and they can check to see if they are congruent with other thoughts and actions. When they are not, they send signals to the main organizational center, [ego] that registers as conscience. This process of normalization and self-organization over many centers is neutral to morality, but has been taken advantage of by Religion! It is having a dissatisfaction compounded by a blame and internal punishment, which is allowed by other centers that are scaffolding. Thus our "new ideas" outside boundaries of the general organization need integration. But we can rejoice in this function, not feel less than perfect when in actuality this is perfect system operation.



<<SCIENCE has an active taboo inhibition resistance repression of insight, realization and anything of general systems that "smells" [reptilian brain] of metaphysics!!!! >The BAMs are set up by the time stream, where each moment has a complete holographic representation plus the operators analysis [the set of procedures deemed possible] as solution set of the 5 skandhas. The BAMs first level is analysis of disparity or novelty as changes in two patterns. So the interference pattern is in time, with the previous  moment being the coherent source!! Buddhist noninjury or  no abuse when enforced becomes abuse. Force when increases beyond human feelings becomes politics. They are like chaos and determinism, with the understanding of the arising sustaining, and decay of these repressed. Without understanding of this process additional processes are created to avoid these avoidances. [ignore ignorance]



resonance adaptive nets to adjust coherence to create mind!?

This way we have resonance adaptive nets to have an adjusted coherence to create mind!? This allows humans to control coherent sources like two parents or it creates two base unit vectors between which we create mind!

Neural nets like traffic system in closed or limited access network of streets: if one closes or changes the flow at one single node, it changes the pattern of conductivity thruout the system if the baseline is the pattern of flow and not individual signals!!


 This models the holographic, distributed, nature of mind [harmony is the message: not single objects] and models brain "activity" as single neurons producing a whole pattern image because of their placement. Also the whole pattern flow of "Qi" in the "meridians" as network pattern.

 The "experience" of emotion is pattern! Alien language is harmonic cyclic discrete "words", as is the genetic pattern and proteins as folded patterns.



This way we have resonance adaptive nets to have an adjusted coherence to create mind!? This allows humans to control coherent sources like two parents or it creates two base unit vectors between which we create mind!


Control as a byproduct of lateral inhibition on layers of competitive n.nets.

 Control as self control needs the construction of a self to control, and a self that does the control and something that needs controlling. This control also points to the ability to concentrate using the procedure of ignoring anything and everything outside of some prescribed boundary. From the point of view of surfaces with multiple competing models of behaviours, one model of the "self" is allowed to learn and inhibit or control all competing models. Thus the pattern of having a self that has very well defined boundaries can be described as a together self. All that means is that the other inner models are ignored in favour of the "rules" of a single isolated self. All input is channeled thru this self, and any solutions that self originate in other areas are ignored. These other solutions are perceived as feelings, intuitions, emotions and in general are labeled as disruptive.



The irony of the

Father as source:

Life emerged from a single source at all times unique and strongly connected.  Time as the sequence of events and `turning on' of genes has a precise structure `driven' by the cosmos. This `history of time' became internalized as acupuncture meridian structures as complex as the genetic structures. This information about the cyclic behavior of the environment developed into the mapping function necessary for self consciousness, personality, learning, and language. This discovery of new uses for preexisting structures is common in evolution.




The formation of dyadic patterns

 is the basis of personality and of fragmentation. This process separates us from the whole by the way a dyadic interference pattern cancels some positions. This is the basis of ignorance and inhibition!?! Thus it is an advance to see relationships as a problem as was done in religious monastic settings, but a loss of information to run away from or prohibit relationships. This restricts the exploration of the most available dyad. Thus I want to see myself as a coherent source: a source of coherence that creates dyads in all situations. I want to know what my inner dyads are like.

I am finding where I amplify, cancel or ignore and separate from human maps [maps of being human]. The separation is of 90deg. as in live and let live: tolerance] This fragmentation becomes our personality when we attach to it and do not see the source generators. We treat it like gravity as uniform over all spaces instead of as complex and alternating.

These dyads are built into all cultures even when not directly attached to the cosmos in real time.



I saw myself adjusting to stereo tones [feedback in my computer sound system] to cancel the sound: Does this happen with dyads to keep our viewpoint at a constant angle that max. or minimum the coherent sources!


 False strengthening of repressive internal control

 can only result in sickness or worse projection on family or society of this root of violence. First we must give up (or "abstain from" said Walters) control. This is not easy since we don't even know where and what control is!  ...   We think we are making mistakes, when the perception is the interruption of the process of development. We believe most of all that if we stop controlling we will lose it. We will fall apart, when actually we are already apart and will more likely experience a new unity, a falling together.  The further consequences of fragmentation are boredom and 'habit'. Imposing will successfully results in learned tasks becoming automatic, done seemingly without conscious thought or attention. We 'lose' interest. This is also a result of fragmentation, for those parts of ourselves never participated in the process, so why should they find any interest in it now?  So part of giving up control is allowing yourself to regain interest in life. Finding new connections and viewpoints with parts of your daily routine. Imbuing them with feeling, energy and spontaneity: PLAY or EXPERIMENTATION.  It is exciting to find cause and effect where before you saw fate and resignation; thinking that your life is only an accident with no solution. The first step of the scientific method is observation without interference. Ask yourself how things got that way, and allow yourself to see and feel and hear what happens. So in these classes we start with some part of yourself and provide you with tools for analyses of the connections to the whole, not with ready made answers or meanings. We do not read charts for you, but allow you to reveal those meanings for yourself, with our respect and support. This first stage is designed to reveal the extent and nature of our forcing of control and self manipulation; and to admit to ourselves that it fails and leaves us helpless.  This is accomplished by our own examination and feelings. We freely admit our dysfunction and its history.  The second step is to gain a glimpse of the power of our inner unity, for everyone has times of the experiencing of this 'higher power' when we far outdid our expectations, when we felt a connection to a greater whole. Our classes will support this by providing a clearer understanding of consciousness and by showing how to further apply the tools learned in the first step. In the third step we will start the process of trusting ourselves in letting go of control in our lives. Tools for doing this in a controlled setting without fear of falling apart are plentiful. We will continue to deepen the experiences of the first two steps. The next step is one of growth and development. When we begin to realize our own uniqueness, we begin to see to true nature of what we previously termed our shortcomings. These in effect are easily discarded because they are no longer needed as solutions or they are reowned as inverted parts of previously repressed parts of ourselves now being integrated into a unified self.



 great leap backwards when humans became "tied down" or in bondage to the use of language

 to represent intelligence! Humans moved from using language to communicate skills and reinforce connections into trying to explain the "world" and create global maps both of the outer world and the inner use of language.

These first millennium saw the blunders of the beginner. The complete human structures and intuitive knowledge of these structures could not be represented except by "stories / drama / myth" and by the all or nothing / true / false logics of commerce and simple arithmetic and geometry!



Asian Religion: multiple viewpoints and process


Buddhist breakthru last nite!

 The suffering and extinction are about the separate self and the desire for happiness. Thus it is about how we are plugged into our earlier brain, not That we are plugged into our brain in self similar ways. Thus self organizing and self similar are different, in which we take responsibility for self organizing, and self similar is a training of the lion - animal that creates a self vs., lion!


Tradition [as "ancestors] is needed for orientation and process in the brain,

 where feedback  resonance between hierarchies establishes harmony - serenity; even if those "values" are rejected. But since all mind is self originating self organizing - self reliant, our elders show us the way of knowing ourselves, not of forcing us into a mould of centrist "death" The middle way is to develop diversity, not conformity. The extremes are force and passivity - conformity.


The 1st truth is to not avoid or ignore problems

[suffering]; 2nd is to not avoid responsibility for causes. Things do not just appear by "Fate". The 3rd is solutions exist, so find and explore skillfulness. The 4th is that skill does not happen all at once or only one way, but by taking steps in many directions.



10/23/01 10:34 AM . As if speaking to the police: using guns have many phase directions: learn to use guns and others don’t. Reverse this: others use guns on me. Trine: use with another in group – gang. Square: separate from guns. Part of “shoulds”!




bodies and chakras as catastrophe dimensional folds!

 Thus events happen in bodies simultaneously. This structure goes to Koran as a way to access other bodies that are nonlinear. The behavior space is an energy surface. What was seen as the karma of individuals is actually family and cultural and whole species parameters which become reality for the individual and then folded energy surface. The self is thus existing' on many of these levels. <<


>>< The other spiritual bodies - Astral ,Will etc. is able to "Form" the Connectivities of proteins. Command proteins???

>Reincarnation - The genetic Code is like an information input output systems for "lives" & "culture"


Dimension as connection and self-organization.


I call this process-consciousness mapped between melody and rhythm as two levels of holomind a dyad. This map extends in the holographic universe all the way to the quantum mechanical basis of all matter. This maps matter as the most stable subset of holomind which is always changing and transforming. Thus the next dimensions beyond the space-time dimensions of matter are connection and self-organization.


Those first level connections and emergence of “matter” called hydrogen / helium create the connection called “gas” and “fire” when they are gathered. The next level of carbon / etc. can connect to create 3 dimensional shape. The next level can connect to form metal. Beyond, in the next level, what we call mind can start?

 So the structures of dimension can move beyond mere external measure to deal with the process that generates what is measured.


 Gas as the first dimension is fuzzy!


Consciousness as levels built in the same “image” [God made man in his image] as fractal levels emerge within the same process. Thus silicon crystal is aware of carbon connection: consciousness has the ability to connect and transfer information about structure and structure within structure.

 Thus one level of fractal can be the coherent source for the next level and fractals also display holomind! Like parents and children!



TV is “easy and simple”! But will I miss something if I turn it off keeps me dependant!



 The way in which a key signature as a single source of coherence can support multiple melodies and harmony maps how an underlying coherence [that David Bohm called the implicate order, but there are multiple coherences!] supports change and self organization.


 This self organization based on coherence is mapped as the creator God or the Buddha Mind. After the organization of single cells, dyads allowed the cells to organize as multicellular life forms, and then to form organs and the most obvious dyad: sexual reproduction. Additional dyads that had the same shape allowed the formation of family groups and cultures: and thus “mankind” [human-kind] was born [created] as in the story of Genesis “God [Dyad] created man [dyad] in his image”. The story of the creation of “woman” is also with holomind significance: “Adams rib” is a half of a complete ribcage cycle [circle] which is dividing the mankind coherence into half cycles of Yang and Yin! They already existed! Just look at the electron pairs of electron shells!


 These dyads of the organ systems, individual animals and family systems derive there coherent sources from dyads found in our local cosmos: the solar system. [this is not Astrology]. When proto-humans undertook the adventure  of leaving the forest and evolved into humans, they incorporated another dyad level of holomind that is recognized as the maps produced by language and the Arts. [left / right brain which are both equally productive. The B.S. about the right brain being merely …  comes from the above mentioned separation of consciousness]. This allowed the self referent map of individual “ego” and human thought to emerge which derived its holomind source of coherence from the “individual” objects [Stars, planets, Sun, Moon and Earth rotation] of the cosmos. And thus was born “Fate and Karma”, along with maps based on “thought events” separated from consciousness dyadic process. [as mentioned before in the model of music analyzed note by note or a picture viewed thru a movable pinhead sized hole.



The ego as a dyad of observer and attention focus, where this dyad is the earth / Sun system called the sun sign. This is a focus by a holomind level on a phase space generating a set of holominds.




 The next higher level in science is general systems and those topics of complexity theory!

So I need to explain levels of resolution and holomind first before I can explain the gap!



I can see a gap in both directions! We are not directly aware of procedures at the cellular “DNA” level or smaller and of the larger levels. So what level is civilization? We have maps of civilization but not of how our “ego” is created by that level of holomind. Or is it? In meditation which separates us from the composite group mind, we can become self aware and see part of a bigger reality? Or is it a implicate holo order where each “part” [phase] is smaller and part of a subset?


 Karma Yoga:

 the development of ones nurturing, self and for others during the course of everyday activities. Some of my thinking about the start of Christianity seems to me to deal with being "saved" from the excessive "Macho" representation of being human. To allow men to express their soft, nurturing side and still feel OK. I respect that and you.



looked at Nirvana,

 which by contrast is being sharing in the Now without trying to control self or others. This thought arises when I looked at how my material is received with indifference and "what does it mean / do for me?". Bliss and rapture are avoided and put off as "delay of gratification". The world is seen as non-gratifying and suffering: as a problem to be solved. So I will recommend sharing as the solution and as the basis of rapture.


That the beginning of this self discovery lay in the invention of discipline needed to enable the Agricultural revolution!


Nirvana is the acceptance of bliss as life without the need for other imposed discipline.


circulation sex system.

 Focus can be framed as erection regarding task completion. Inflation of  this system can be seen as failure to accept normal focus as perfect, but expect and try to develop exaggerated focus which ignores everything from inner or outer feedbacks to "only" perform the task by the "rules" without any normal intelligence: producing a machine behaviour.




 Acupuncture Meridians are the major global species organizations

of the Connectivities, and Chi (Qi) results from the activities of the `weights' and balances. The Qi of the five elements are cognitive systems that process with the same procedures and logics as `light'. Thus emotions (fear, courage, etc.) and other correlates are `shades' of primary functions (colors), and the functions are interrelated and blended just as color. The organization of neural nets by `Time' as an index allows holographic stacking such that at the moment of the experience of perception of the `world-out-there' (which is already an organization of internal representations) the solutions are already present ready for immediate choice by the `ego'. Automatic reactions (emotional, danger, etc) bypass the Ego and are most dramatically reveal the solution state-space operation in situations of the `Idiot Savant' as in `Rain Man's instant calculations - counting of the tooth picks, or the individual who could play a difficult piece of classical piano music after only hearing it once and doesn't even know what printed music is! Learning is simultaneous with perception in certain types of neural nets which are accessible by humans! (often dismissed by science as `instinct' and educators as `talent') This organization of the ego needs a start state in the Time line which is a dimensional orientation which we attribute to `space' as up-down, `left-right', `front-back' and was first discovered by `Astrology'. (Traditional Astrology uses a 4,000 year old model which may only `Chart' your automatic reactions, and not your free will and life choices.)




Truth of solution and path : extinguish attachment and identification with control and manipulation. "there is no path, no meditation ..."


  Understanding the connections and integrating ones private and public or social self brings 'true' peace, strength and will power.

Language as a tool and the rationalization / standardization of tools.

 Tools need to work in all situations, not drift and work one day and not or differently on another. In order to create such structures, humans needed a model of the universe, a paradigm, that had the same properties. Chaos was a problem as was individuality!




Path: if information is orthogonal to process and "time"

 and repeats moments of "Time" then path or steps move out and along the time line where one step is the width of the information "unit".



The development of self

 (personality) is controlled by this process as good and bad performance result from mindless endless repetition. Then the self becomes an object in time which is taught to believe that it has control over situations if it only 'learns' by repetition what to do. Repetition of segments of sequences puts them in another time dimension where they are independent of a 'flow' or shape of time. This means that a action becomes a behavior that can be inserted into a time stream at arbitrary places. We take for granted that we can eat or work anytime and that life consists of collections of tasks arranged or strung out in any order we choose. Life becomes endless repetition of 'routines'. Within this deprived context we distort our understanding of 'animals' as living endless repetition when in fact without a planed future they are surprised and even endlessly delighted by events. This is possible for modern man!!! Within this new dimension we have freedom of performance. We also can 'learn' the behaviors of others as previously indicated by meta mapping of an ecology onto a group. And we can perform another meta mapping in the time stream seen as developmental processes (evolution). If human development is learning the ways of performance of activities as objects supported by repetitions then we find a time line operation upon the mastery of tasks. This 'expands' the development of tasks over months or years. This is seen in the terrible twos' of child development. Even though the physical growth has slowed to 20 years, the child at two wants to be master of that development as awareness of the shape of their time line has emerged. Then we rip them slowly from the fabric of time and cast them out into the world of endless repetition whether they like it or not. No permission required. Music is a perfect realization of the fabric or shape of time. In listening to music we have a brief realization of the feeling of connection we have with the shape of time. Yet the total situation of passive listener and active performer playing music written by another not present is a reenactment (ritual) of the activities of our internal 'self' performing and at the same time observing our 'lives'. The only missing element is the real shape of time which we ignore in favor of our 'composed' lives. Thus we think of 'nature' as grand or awful but as always as separate. When something 'bad' happens some cultures project this as a result of sin or the problem of Job as if there was a cause and effect relationship between how 'good' we perform and the shape of time. By the way, this dimension of freedom appears as random to those in the greater dimensions of time and conversely the shape of time appears as Chaos to humans.  Now the Garden of Eden myth makes sense! We were told that eating the apple was inconsequential. Just a small blip on the time line (Gods' command). But by just slipping of the time line by even an inch, we learned shame, the signal that we are not following our own true way. We learned of the knowledge of good and evil and began WORK. The snake of shame is then always with us as internal musculature armor forever squeezing us into self control. What are we controlling? Our impulse to follow the shape of time, of course!!




New skills and solutions: path to development. Erection is a system characteristic of the

 From this heliocentric center emerges the one of human's most respected abilities: empathy as the ability to know another person or situation as if from inside.

 With the understanding that language evolved as permutations within this heliocentric structure, "One Mind" and empathy logically emerge. This "One Mind" can generate many patterns of which prior evolution "assigned" each different pattern to a different species, with the complementary set being their "environment". Thus each individual contains structural information that links them to their whole ecological system: living systems are not isolated accidents whose only cognitive processes are about individual survival values.



Consciousness as solution states:

`Life' is a fractal structure of consciousness at all levels. Thus understanding the nature of consciousness is important. What it is not is information processing or a subject `aware' of objects. In fact the subject or self is present in all `objects' including the many objects we label `our self'. Our experience of ourselves and an environment is of solutions: internal models or programs whose completed output is our experience. Our awareness of our surrounding space is in terms of our size and abilities to operate and act in that space. Our awareness of objects in that space is an multidimensional index of actions that can be taken with regard to that object. Included in that awareness is the history and current motivation regarding that object, or the subject in the object. Thus there is no absolute reality that we passively participate in. Currently a holographic metaphor, implying that all information of the universe is distributed thruout `all space', is popular. My model of consciousness takes this hologram to be of movement or action, and the procedures or programs that generate those actions.


Science as reductive and contradictory belief.


“Proving” the existence of God is limiting and reductive.

 The idea of “God” is a composite structure that contains and overspans many scientific ideas: a meta structure. Thus scientists have tried to prove the “existence” of God, but if they had succeeded, “God” would have been reduced to human and scientific concepts of existence. This would have “wiped out” much of the way personal belief or understanding of “God”  functions in life processes. Personal creativity, intuition and the structure of social mind would have been dealt a big blow.


 There are now scientific ideas that “existence” itself is self organizing and that so are the neural networks of our brains. Ideas about a holographic universe support a all-knowingness – all-seeingness, and ideas about the big bang support all-powerfulness. The ideas about holographic mind support our need for coherence in order for mind to exist. This need for coherence can be found in our search for rules and laws in science as well as religion. The Judo Christian bible opens with the description of creation that could be applied to the creation of coherence: first there was chaos and then separation of day from night and the 7 cycles of this coherence [7 days] as 7 overlapping levels of holographic mind resulting in “man”. Seeing this creation myth as a prototype of holographic process instead of as an impossible alternative to evolution is the direction I am proceeding regarding other areas.


As for instance the scientific repudiation of unsupported, leap of faith, beliefs. I propose that these beliefs are not about the nature of reality, but become the foundation sources of coherence for building levels of shared mind that result in culture and civilization.


Religion presents material that is important to deal with before or without the tools to deal with the material.

 Then because the "ordinary" output of neural networks are rules, these first steps of exploration into uncharted areas become transformed into rules. This reduces the intelligence of the quest into a "finished product" which includes such rules as "since this material cannot be comprehended by the intellect, it must be believed as it is". Thus any attempt to continue the quest is thwarted. Another rule that stops the quest is "In the future the original person will come again and tell us all we need to know to solve this mystery", and "this original person is one of a kind and the only perfect one". To illustrate: this situation would be repeated in science if Einstein where given the same religious status, in which case quanta mechanics would have been discarded because Einstein said so: "God does not play dice with the universe. Now quanta mechanics is not the final answer, but it does advance human understanding. So the position of religion can be stated in this rule: "if it's not The Final Answer then do not consider it at all. Science as a religion seems to take that position in regard to most of the material first proposed by religions. Both sides back away from a human quest for the nature of mind. If I apply modern psycho therapeutic insights to the situation, I would assess a post traumatic stress syndrome and schizoid labels.



The way that persons were treated in school was a model for the home as sanctioned by "god": "if the nuns did it to me as a child then that punitive treatment is good enough for my children" and the home became a place where "parents" treated the child as an "evil" to be removed and washed out like a stain. [because the child is closest to their basic self organizing nature]




The "fall" of man into matter and time from the "spiritual" is exactly what I call the

 Repetition is generated by failure to continue movement along time

 - line shape (stuck) due to too great or too little 'tasks' (catastrophes). If too large then fear or move to another space. If too little then boredom. Both cases result in repetition of previous tasks (called performance or work) developing personality as collections of these traits. (endless repetition, practice and habits without involvement of total being) The principle of  following your fate or karma or Gods' Will must be voluntary and complete. 

Behaviorism is based on the obsolete physics of force - energy and power.

 At the same time competition is not allowed. Private ownership is not the problem, but neither is disregard of the public "good" in the name of noninterference! My position is that science has no general system to guide it, and consequently cuts off its orienting BAMs. like a man lost in a forest of facts and not able to assemble what is before his face, and other metaphors like selling water by the river: only because others don't realize what a river is!! Science is drowning in Buddhist ideas.


 "Rational consciousness"

 allows modern humans to ignore more "global" - complete - total "existence" in "order" to concentrate on a very narrow range of events in what is labeled a very "intense performance of ones job". Where or how did this develop?



The pendulum of the planet pattern : To create more than one dimension, the pendulums must be aligned.

 This is the function of the single consciousness. The single tropical zodiac lines up the various subfunctions into a single awareness _ alignment into a single coordinate synchronization of all computations. Thus there will be a meta organization.


All single dimensions are coordinated by this meta structure All "forgotten" or ignored dimensions are lost. Thus the loss of awareness of the constellations looses a dimension. The alignment with a subsystem also creates a situation such as the scrambling of a pay for view TV cable channel by not transmitting the vertical alignment code, which results in a chaotic jumbled picture where certain portions of the picture are visible. This can result in "rational" mind trying to find the alignment in fewer dimensions.


In the lower dimension there are fewer phase states available Thus rational mind organizes the work in a way which loses an entire dimension. The soul and spirit and mind are all meta levels of orientation! The pendulum pattern reveals itself over millions of years. This is because the drift of the separate locations takes that long to make complete rotations to the same spot. The lack of synchronous dimensions in culture results in uncoordinated duplication, with each subset trying to expand to the next "line" or dimension slice.


Thus, rational mind tries to prove that other dimensions do not exist, as in the present situation in western schools Thus "equality" becomes a disorganization factor which inhibits 'mind" from higher dimensional organization: everything must be set in an equal frame, reduced to a lower dimensional frame.


Feelings are dimensional syncs., which orient humans or signal that an event is violating [anger] or have perfect alignment.


 The 2 dimensional slices of a three space are a fractal subset of the 3 space. Any 2 slice is controlled by the global points of the slice as an energy surface. This slice is created as the fuzzy placement of the power subset. This means that the set of five emotions in its power set of 32 expanded to 78 tarot can represent all the personalities possible in the human species, just as there can be an infinite number of 11/8 sheets of paper on a room sized slice.


The fractal algorithm that controls the phase angles of the pendulum and its fuzzy movements in a orthogonal direction are also defined by the power set of 2 and subsets of the subsets as fractals defined on fractals. Thus I have described the evolution of personalities coming from the power set of 2 to the five. 2 up6 is then the situationality of the higher dimensional person. Another property of self organizing neural nets is that given identical inputs and outputs, different nets organize the solution path differently: they are chaotically structured, no model of their behaviour is "correct" or standard. This has been traditionally stated as "there are as many different ways to truth as there are individuals" Thus the study of knowledge [epistemology] in and by humans that finds the "one right way" for the [global] organization of social, religious especially monotheistic, political, or learning institutions is not based on the biology of the human or any other species.


 In my model, such efforts are attempts by some individuals to isolate the "One Mind" from its ability to self organize and substitute centralized self control and bivalent "rationality". Since this is impossible all that results is the creation of phase filters that arbitrarily select individuals as competitively more suitable and assign greater value to some individuals among identical biological functioning individuals due to their developmental similarity to the "standard model" which may have been developed in religious context or as emperors or other "hero models". There many metaphors for the "One Mind", one of which is "holographic mind", which can clarify many of the brains properties: functions are distributed, they can be layered by phase angle and frequency, they need a "coherent source" for creating the original structures, and output functions of different sizes produce identical information of the whole at different levels of fuzziness of resolution.


 In neural nets, two principle structures contribute to the understanding of the kinds of models humans make of their world. They are bi-directional resonance between the "layers", and lateral competition within layers for which "function" will "win" and thus be allowed to learn. The winner then inhibits other functions that are "distant" and reinforces those that are "close". In the first case I can group such behaviours as tradition, worship, trust, love, harmony, synthesis, creation, construction, and cooperation. In the second case I see competition, ethic cleansing, analysis, destruction, oppositional bonding, rebellion, and control. The question is if human models of reality are more a result of the brains function or of the reality "out there". The Buddhists clearly stated that the former is the case, whereas early science embodied this projection in its rules designed to avoid subjectivism and religious dogma, especially in the light that an ethnic group as was formed by scientists produce a connected surface that acts as if it was one subjective individual. Thus "proof" as the test of subjectivism became a filter that eliminated complex fuzzy systems where each "individual" self organized and acted from their unique "model" of reality.


 Another structure of n.nets is by brain systems:

 sensation and levels of activation and awareness - alertness as emerging from the base of the brain as often referred to as reptilian. Emotion as emerging from the social- mammal mid brain structures, and higher brain structures of the neocortex. I model each of these structures as having different logics, or in the archaic language of Astrology, different charts. Yet these charts supply an excellent metaphor: the reptilian brain belongs to the circadian rhythm of the acupuncture meridians, the mammal brain maps this energy of a whole day and night cycle onto two specific moments: of birth and its symmetric opposite as a map of the personality and its gender opposite as belonging to the cultural neural net energy surface and not to an individual.


 Finally the "One Mind" of the neocortex language center is mapped by the more global heliocentric structure that can be changed by contact and sharing with other humans. The first two structures have a fixed program that is unique to each individual, and the heliocentric is changed by coercion, influence, learning, parenting and other cultural functions, but from the center is stable in the "real" structure from which all the other structures are shadows or illusion.



.  The reptilian brain is the seat of repetition: which is coherent data in – rules out. This is where all or nothing behaviour structures began and are transformed into fuzzy logic of emotion and creative logic of neocortex. [where creative means to create a coherence out of pieces of the rest of holomind]. Thus the reptilian is the basis of Parent and the emotion of child!





Is Tantra NLP using sex to reprogram: how my feelings with June while making love are so strong and satisfying can be reframed to help write my book?


There is a good way to understand the Bible’s eating the apple from the Ospenski idea of false personality and mechanical self contrasted with essence as self organization. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil or right / wrong or Data in – Rules out is that the original sin is following the rules in a mechanical way. Thus disobeying “God” as the creator and our essence of self organization. This is a reductionism into the supposed simplicity of rules and laws and obedience. Humans then just judge and forget about fuzzy logic. Does the image of the snake have to do with less complexity? This may be a result of the expansion of self consciousness which looks for coherence and thus rules. Maybe it is the first map of the result of expanded self-consciousness in higher dyads.


The meaning of the apple as the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is how humans fell into the sin of disobedience of our creativity and follower “rules” making good and bad the only necessary judgments: to follow higher authority or higher “power”. This helped create “onemindedness” that created civilization, but it is also the reduction of behavior to its simplest terms: reductionism. Then one is able to perform as a perfectionist but never as real inner thought.

 Thus the move to the Christian empire was also this same sin and “fall” of man repeated over and over.


Also the Myth of Samson may refer to true strength is being united with one’s feminine side symbolized by the long hair. The myth of Noah may refer to a new beginning where the ark of holographic mind contains a map of all species that are saved from the great flood of free “time” given by civilization. [or such]. Saved to be part of human mind since they are no longer hunted? The flood is being overwhelmed by …?


Enlightenment also refers to fearlessness if fear is a social relationship to shame and fear of loss of “face”, since I lost more than face when I lost the old personality: self! Thus I became a pioneer ready to tackle what others call difficult or impossible to understand.


The frying pan as higher power is a excellent image of self organization and “Creator God”: since the food is cooked which means transformed or reframed in the frying pan.



Had dream last night that sharing is Buddha or highest level of being human. Sharing seems more in line with Christian ways, but there are big questions about motivation. Helping is close to this? I don’t see sharing as a basis for religion: not built in. but sharing of results and “truth” is built into science. This sharing is without restrictions as in religion: unqualified by requiring those one shares with to believe the same or be assimilated!


I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

You shall have no other gods before me. But you can have other gods! Competition and be in front. Be a winner. But do not kill the other gods!

You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments. Heaven above= Rules and laws of conscions, earth beineath = daily life, waters under = subconscious.

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. Guilt is built into error, when we blame our own creativity [god] for our mistakes!

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your manservant, or your maidservant, or your cattle, or the sojourner who is within your gates; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it. Relates to the peace and ease and gentleness of the top Chakra: neocortex! This encourages creativity and space to self organize and recreate the sub-conscious: "sea"!

Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you. Tradition was the "book of knowledge", but now we have real books for everyone. Some say God is "father", then what? Honor = respect?

You shall not kill. Buddhist and Hindu say Non-injury! Not only just "not kill"!

You shall not commit adultery. How far is commit? What is Almost?

You shall not steal. what about share? When is using other Ideas stealing? No progress allowed!

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. But against non-neighbor? keep community!

You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his asshole, or anything that is your neighbor's. No Competition?


So here [10 commandments] is the pioneer work on coherence in culture and community!


The unity of being human with all humans and all living beings is from the coherent source of holomind. This is like the coherence that encodes an entire hologram or is like the “Father” to the entire thing. The coherent light starts out as a unity which splits to find the object. Then the coherence reflects the object as a phase code which recombines with the original source as “Father”. This “Father” coherence provides a unity to the hologram so that any or all parts can be reMembered or reconstructed or reCreated  by the coherent source. It is / has been modeled as consciousness that creates Reality!

 That “physical” metaphor does not fully describe/ include the reality of living beings: as in a Hilbert space of Quantum / holographic structure, each different phase direction can be an entire “dimension”. That is, each direction in not just a different viewpoint, but a whole new beingness. Yet unified in the original coherence. This is seen in DNA and other coherent holomind structures.


Is the “Trinity” Coherent “Father”, Code “Son” and distributed “Holy Spirit”?


The harmony of singing or playing in the same key is a perfect illustration of shared maps necessary for culture! Holy Spirit!


The trinity in Christianity was an expansion to a new paradigm: so now this can be continued and elaborated using holomind and music.

 Does the coherence [Father God] become self adjusting like a operating system adjusts and arranges automatically or a word processor does automatic formatting?

Prayer: using holomind to line up coherent source with higher level of consciousness. This may be with older level that is more distributed. Thus using personal individual coherence to line up with meridians and older more general – larger systems of coherence that have become misaligned. This is more ancient coherence on a deeper, more powerful level that supports and connects all life.

If the name or association with the label “ordinary or fully human” as is implied by the label “Buddha” changed to imply “superman” then it is not appropriate to use that such “hero” words!


Religion is already using systems connectionist theory and maps: so science does not need reduced laws of behavior or the approach to music as analysis of frequency!


So my completeness approach is from general systems! Completion is also a reference [when someone asks where I got my ideas]. I start with intuitive mind [like the dream of the structure of DNA] and connect it with all human ideas with the inclusion of science and especially complexity / systems theory.


The weather forecaster is a good example of reductionism: is finds the place where the temperature “Should be”  by statistics and “measures” the goodness of the day by the variation from “normal”. Science looks for the one law that perfectly explains and predicts the behavior of systems.  In religious reductionism we are measured by a standard which becomes a layer of holomind as a map shared by all that “belong”, but it is also used as a measure for “outsiders” and expanded from public society to private thoughts. In Asian societies, because of the self organizing of Buddhism, private inner life is kept separate, and the individual is the only one responsible for inner structure and organization. Their inner life is not shaped or created by outside forces, either spiritual or environment or heredity [behaviorism and survival of the fittest evolution theory]. Thus shame as a social signal is important, but sin and guilt for personal errors and mistakes is replaced by skillfulness: correct the error and learn – become more skilful.   


 When this reductionist science is applied to the inner mental life, a theory of mental structure that fits all humans is pursued [hunted - searched for] and the alternative possibility that each human mind structure is individually programmable and starts out with different phase settings to its coherent sources from which holomind emerges, is not even expected or considered possible. The possibility of unique individual structure that was the underlying structure of traditional systems like Astrology or Tarot is not pursued. Yet these traditional systems assert that the same set of coherent sources is present in everyone, only the “shuffle” or cycle positions differ! This individual mix of coherence happens on deeper levels of mind usually referred to as “animal brain”.


Thus the hereditary and environmental structures needed to be programmed into human holomind! Some biological structures are present in the animal brain, but the “ancestor worship” or “one Father God” worship and cultural social maps are not built into the brain as is peace and gentleness!


A possible start to the need for phase in building holomind: when lines of humans for the same task are formed. When more than one is doing exactly the same task. Hunting societies did not have a iterative task the same way agricultural tasks are formed. Each hunt can be different. Only the weather changes in agriculture, and in city life, even that doesn’t much matter!

Thus hierarchies formed that are like phase structures: first, second, third, all the others and last!

This “mind” is formed within the social position context!

But hunter societies had circle dances, which are more phase oriented. The line is more an extension of a single coherent phase into fractal sub-phases?!



Search function that does not want to stop [or die] may be why final solutions like the second coming of Christ is rejected: we want improvement, evolution, development and finding a better way! Thus we do not recognize complete structural function like the programmable neocortex! We still see programs as a result of millions of years of evolution: no “shortcuts”!


Also when a project reaches its conclusion, such as the second coming implies, there is no future or the idea of the hope for a better future is gone, because the development has reached a limit. The Now is the best it can be! Hope for more becomes redundant! Like being in heaven: nothing could be better! So conclusion and closure are rejected?!

 Much of science creates its laws, truth and reality based on the ability and knowledge that enables the prediction of the future of a process. Even when the future is fuzzy, laws based on statistics are used.


The assertion that “God is Love” had a mixed – fuzzy result: for individuals it put “love” beyond reach as a purview of a higher power and not accessible to individual shill. It is like assigned to “Fate” and finding to “one perfect mate or love or place in life. For the distributed or omnipresent [everywhere present] “god” it meant that society as a whole learned to distribute love and equality. Thus the rights of individuals advanced compared to other societies where women are treated as not real persons! This needs investigation for a strong connection in the voracity of my assertion that “God is love” helped society in the Roman empire.


The catastrophes expected at the end of the millennium happened in “the world as they knew it” changed to the new Copernican science of Earth going around the Sun and a round earth. The mass death was the great plagues: all after and around 1330!

The process structure of the general system called relationship is 3 dimensional as the Star or/and Cross. When it is projected onto 2 or 1 dimensions, it can overshoot the original system surface as a tangent overshoots a curved surface. This becomes a catastrophe area where the individual or pair no longer has the support of the total 3D system and can fall/rise to match the original system at any time. Thus emerges the idea of Fate and Karma and “Lust is bad” where lust is the individual 1D structure. This also moves away from the 3D structure of the extended family into a 2D “parents only” nuclear family which loses information in the same way as the way individual love loses connection and growth potential. Thus the move to separate ego/self is a second degree or area of loss: the primary area is loss of extended family - community.

The Cross is a reductionist system which tries to separate and isolate information, but can end in forgetful functors: loss of dimension.

The Hindu spiritual celebration using the Gangies river can [and does] map the newness of life and every moment is new. This can be very scientific in accepting a river of information and new innovations!


Here is the next step in a scientific understanding what Buddha was getting at with the 4 noble truths and enlightenment. At the moment of my enlightenment I experienced a unity of consciousness that allowed me to recognize my physical posture as a "hunched over ducking from criticism". So I stood up straight for the first time in my life. I recognized that my simple life tasks were scattered: life had become a "habit" without unified consciousness of "one mind". This was long before I had contact with "Zen". I realized that I was not automatically a "nerd" to others, but was only known for what I presented myself "as".

 That was on May 30, 1958! It took all this time to link this experience with science in understanding that Buddhists are talking about real biological states of consciousness that we now refer to as fight and flight or depression or anxiety. These were called "samsara" in Buddhism and "The World" in Christianity [as in "there is no happiness in the world"]. I'm glad I did not "protect" my enlightened unity of One Mind over these 43 years: this allowed me to find more complete and new ways of looking at the same experience: to validate it over and over.

Now I see that "ordinary" consciousness is like a chronic pain / suffering. that culture teaches us to accept as "normal". Yet the answer to the removal of suffering "normality" is not years of meditation and is not available to only a few, but is part and parcel of "ordinary mind" and is built into the biology of being human. [in the evolution of the neocortex] This "fragmentation" of mind is also built into biology as holographic mind: if you divide a hologram or the mind into "many parts", each part will contain the whole picture or in biology, each part can operate as a center of consciousness with different focus. the result of these many or even a few of these focuses going on at the same time is this divided consciousness of "samsara" and suffering the loss of peace and oneness!

This e-mail is not to "preach", but to share my journey!


 The assertion that “life is suffering” as the first noble truth may refer to a lack of unity and acceptance of the resulting consciousness as normal. Just as an injury results in “physical” pain that results from the tissue being separated from the unity of body consciousness, so there may be a bliss that is normal consciousness that is not present because of the separation of the “self” into parts. Thus the Christian idea that “God is Love” may refer to this bliss as “normal” consciousness within a “oneness in God”. Thus ordinary “samsara” culture as portrayed by drama, especially on TV, is the disconnected consciousness called “samsara” that is suffering. It is also referred to as lack of happiness!

The use of stimulants – coffee is because of samsara fragmentation. Thus “one mind” points to unity of consciousness beyond suffering. Attachment is to all the fragments and threads that are part of “becoming” instead of “being human” in a peaceful state. This “becoming” is part of self / other divisions as maps that we internalize “about what we should” be doing in life. This is internal control and supervision that we call “culture”!


Parts of culture are possible because of holomind! Otherwise humans would not have diversity. We accept diversity of many languages, but not of new culture as modern dance connected with hip-hop and baroque or classical music. This is as problematic as the ignoring self organizing n.nets. That modern science can upgrade the first initiatives of faith based traditional culture is rejected. As if faith can NOT be a result of emergence from humans and cannot have any significance for science.

The swastika shows conflict moving in a direction around a circle. The backward swastika is from the rotation of the earth in a daily cycle which is most related to single cells of self organization of holomind where the movement of the earth in a bigger context of the solar system is focused by the forward swastika. This is progress or looking forward to resolve conflict, not to force one-world-view on everyone as happens with the disregard of progress and development. The other backwards focus sees the earth as the center or one race/culture/religion/ideology as center. Differences are to be exterminated or genocided and is not tolerated or integrated. Conflict is not allowed even though the whole dynamics is based on the focus on conflict and differences.


This extends to “looking back” at J. S. Bach as unalterable when he himself was flexible in altering his concerti for current purposes. Thus adaption for any instrument or “orchestration”, even with drums, makes sense from a forward moving focus.


How did the strong connection of music with the reptilian / drums brain emerge? Was it a resonance as confusion with planets at a Star of David high point in 1961?


Teaching, especially in grade / high school can be an example from teachers to students in that teachers can devote time to their own learning progress and demonstrate – share this with their classes – students. Share that the greatest reward is learning and mastery!

. Love as in “God is Love” is the emergence of giving / sharing ourselves with others so we use fewer or our command “strings” to construct our life action and trust others of society / culture more to fill in the missing strings. We “trust” and expect that some will be garbage collectors and some doctors and some teachers, not all becoming only one thing - thread!

Thus love is the model of giving up “tasks” to others as mapped by family structure and the husband – wife symbiosis .

This “love” emerges from the top chakra: 1,000 petal lotus. This is where “life” can be divided into so many specialties that we trust others to do 999 if we follow just 1 thread!


The “heart chakra” usually thought of as love is relay a command center for connection just as the blood supply connect to all parts of the body: every cell! Teaching from this heart chakra is connection and supply of encouragement: acceptance of needs and delivery of supply. It is like giving, but also allowing return of needs after delivery! This is in contrast with teaching from the critical centers, which turns self organizing minds into critical right/wrong or good/bad dichotomy thinking. This teaching results in creating a heaven / hell critical world. This is what is evident in school systems that erupt in violence: the students that are criticized feel the hell they have been put in, so it is a small step to violence! I see this non-critical voice in Krithika, and hear it in their tradition! I found it in my study of shamisen that I called mind-to-mind!


The scientific mind is directly in the brow chakra as a completion of the critical mind of the pre-scientific millennia: the introduction of truth from all viewpoints instead of just one Good Bad! This is the fully connected “critical mind”!

The dispersal of the Jewish community created a map of the 1,000 pedal chakra: it also allows multiple views of  and from critical mind that predates scientific method! This is another link in the way circumstances were turned into unrecognized and unappreciated success!

The Protestant revolution is just now realizing its true potential of complete access to creativity or self organization  [God] with the internet and computers! We don’t need to go thru anyone or institution or have someone perform for us as vicarious structures. Yet these vicarious structures are also part of complete Love, sharing and distributed skills that we trust in others.

The trinity is a holomind concept: 3 in 1 or 3 complete structures from different viewpoints! Thus Christianity was also pointing to the holographic aspect of one mind contained in all parts. This also points to the Star of David and other cosmic patterns of conjunctions and oppositions as one holomind at many places/points of view!

The golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do to you” is a use of the principle that self organizing systems copy behavior and do not easily respond to requests. Thus in order to meet ones needs the “rule” requires indirect action to get ones personal needs met! If you want or need love or support, then give love and support to others: to directly ask for it is called “selfish”! Thus the structure of behavior becomes distorted into indirect “other directed” action expecting the other to read ones mind and putting a personal motive on ones actions! This results in fusion and confusion!

Meditation is the gateway or passage to the neocortex realm of peace beyond the 6 realms of the lower animal centers.

What is enlightenment? It is not a one time event, but a starting over from the root of mind that was called rebirth: yet it does not conceptualize itself but is the beginning of the development of the skill to restart with any activity of conceptualization. It is the transcendence of subject – object beyond the “self” as the map of culture necessary within the context of self organizing mind!

Looking at the Yin – inverse half cycle of coherence. The question is whether “light – electrical” waves are an accurate map of biological coherence? Where do I find canceling activity and process? Ignoring! Mind is ignorance! So canceling unwanted sensual input allows concentration to occur: it is a process.

 Is Islam primarily concerned with the discipline of ignoring The New and holding on to tradition? The absent “God” who created only once and then rules to maintain? Is this the killer religion of innovation and progress? Or is all religion in that vain?

What-if: visual and audio representations [that are not allowed – canceled in Islam] used by religion foster stability of traditions and the past, thus reducing innovation and creativity? Thus in Christianity, science was not allowed to emerge except as a complete break with religion: total split of mind! Only one truth was allowed with no experimentation! Yet in Islam they developed 0 in math and other innovations! Where are the innovations in Christianity until Luther?

Labels are part of a belief system. Thus science may discover and prove, but the label given may restrict and misdirect understanding and application of the discovery. An example is fractals which reveal the nature of consciousness but have not been applied there because of labeling according to the confined math problem that fractals solve!

 This goes for history as in the label of the Holy Roman Empire which was the second coming of Christ and the resulting millennium. Because of the incorrect label by the subjective participants people still expect the second coming! Thus belief has resulted in the lack of acceptance of science as the new spiritual development expected after the millennium!

This mislabeling includes ignorance. Different areas of research ignore other areas as in the ignoring of the implications of biological self organization in neural networks!

Much of religion turns out to be experimentation with the newly emerging properties of the neocortex! This highest level of holomind operation was at first called “God”: this means that religion started to play “God” by making neocortex process and procedures into “rational law”! This goes against the creative process of self organization: thus replacing the real time flexable – fuzzy logic of creativity with “absolutes”! This stops “Time” to create stability of tradition: replacing the chaos of individuality holomind! Thus culture emerged in its first primitive form – structure based on the newly discovered ability of the neocortex to “load programs” that became as strong as “biological structure”!

 Thus Abraham can be seen stripped of manipulation by some “God” exterior to his own mind, and see that he had a psychotic episode!

In thinking about - focusing on my web page this morning, a new focus
occurred to me. Traditional religions have a built-in opposition between the
"spiritual" as coherent source for holomind and all the material universe;
and self organization - chaotic processes inherent in "God the Creator" or
creativity. My first response is that this is now found in how cultures have
approached  diversity and the need for unity - stability.

 This focus on stability brings into question “what is – was knowledge”. In building holomind that works with agriCulture, rationality was introduced into a structure of neural networks that primarily use fuzzy logic. The first time I encountered this was the understanding of the statement: “God made man in his image”. I have not followed this up because of lack of access to my mind that is provided by the public domain thru dialogue with any human that wanted to extend this. Now – today I am probing the extended implications of “man” as representing diversity, chaos and self organization as found in the holomind structure given by the Mercury – Earth Star of David. This structure enabled the pre-agriculture societies to merge with natures holomind in the hunters mind. This hunter mind can merge with the midbrain “animal” mind. Thus self organization became the “way” at the rites of puberty in this 3D “tree” logic of the “garden of Eden”.

 During the agriCultural revolution, this diverse self organizing tree logic became the “serpent” and was rejected to enhance stability of Jupiter – Saturn Star of David structure of multigenerational passing on of traditional wisdom about discipline. Thus the birth of “rational” holomind as the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of “good and evil”.

 This emergence of “tradition” as the source of knowledge found in belief systems and religion was very successful in the development of stability and unity found in cultures and civilization. It is a process of dealing with self organizing diversity by mapping the structures onto a single “rational” structure. Thus the coherent sources of holomind were mapped onto the 60 year triangle – trinity of the conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn.

Now science has shown that conjunctions ie. Zero degrees, in neural networks besides resulting in amplification – lining up as in a laser, creates conFused knowledge structure where information separation is not possible. Information separation results from N.nets at 90 degrees such as found in the cross. So belief and knowledge became inseparable?

 In the scientific culture we focus on separate vectors – phase within a process: find the cause of problems! Yet much of this traditional rational approach remains, especially in the division of the areas of scientific and artistic – spiritual focus and source!

 So the new focus of this is that what we call knowledge is really a focus from a single chart and earth position! I didn’t allow myself to consider this until today!


Now I can explore how stable phase structure emerging from the Jupiter Star of David resulted in a set of 12 ways to allow the midbrain animal processes to be loaded [as a “program” is loaded into windows] into the human neocortex as the constellations and later the signs of the Zodiac. The observation of this resulted in to beginning of Astrology, or was it an emergent intuition?

 This “stability” allowed humans with a complete holomind structure to specialize: they began to trust that if they developed “work” as a single life pursuit that others would “fill in the gaps” that they left by not developing their complete Self! This giving away of so many parts of ourselves to others is the paradigm of “God as Love”. Humans give up self reliance and completeness to become “part of society” [Body of Christ]. This reached its high point in the Holy Roman Empire of Constantine. This resulted in a distortion of the teaching of Jesus, which in its original form showed both “being part of” and “becoming whole”. Thus my recognition of the correctly expressed statement: “I AM” is the way, truth and light. [which produces the coherence of holomind!].

 Thus my “scientific” view of Astrology is not as fate or belief but of process: how did the split of human holomind take place so that diversity within unity of phase structures [in all their fractal sub-phases] became possible in self organizing n.nets.



Karma and trading stamps are 2 time domain pattern storage process structures?! What are others?

Sin and the need for a savior have been solved: sin is a stage of development of skills that failed. Failure is understanding that there are skill levels. Thus the idea of a savior was necessary when there was no public domain of wisdom and knowledge that can be accessed by anyone. This community that first developed in the hard sciences is now developing in spiritual structures and being understood as a function of religion. Thus we are seeing that when humans were isolated by self organization and had no understanding of the operation of self organizing n.nets, they looked to a higher power for a fix. Now we see the higher power as an internalized map of culture that allows the nurturing of new skills. Games are a fine example of this science of skill development: the more skill, the more wins – success. As we discard “win – lose” for “win – win” we see the cooperation of the entire community: even oppositional actions that prove best actions. Then the “rules” and laws of society and “God[s]” become limits of provisional knowledge and the summation of the most skillful courses of action. Now humans can reexamine these “laws” from their true fuzzy logic and resume intelligent development instead of mindless obedience that was the only choice of society. This “obedience” was useful for the spiritual infancy of humanity, but no more!

 Finding out what wisdom and skills are supported by “spiritual Laws” and then continuing the development of those skills and that wisdom will unify those humans who are “living in their past”!!! this is my hope for the mid-east and Christian authoritarianism as well as raw communism.


Focus on religion: beliefs are pre-scientific ideas about human biological and holomind structure. Also about different holomind viewpoints of the same structures such as Love and Peace. This spiritual world is about time energies that humans call “skills”! The transfer of skills in the animal world as presented by the biologist is in the time domain of holomind. This includes dreams and “God”! Thus the skills prefigured by religions can be seen as “built-into” human biology. Humans can access them by “transcending” animal-self programs by the skill of self-realization! Campbell made this his goal, but was very mystical, which defeated the self of self-realization as beyond biology and shared access for everyone!

Religion as operated in consciousness is like a computer program set up to operate a particular CPU at a particular level of development. Thus not many programs can operate modern industrial open society culture that is not directly based in agriculture. It is the Peter Principle where programs are used to operate at a level beyond their capabilities. Like using Dos when windows is available as if Dos is the “Only Way of God [CPU]”. Thus the full abilities of the CPU are not utilized even though the calculations are “strong”.

 Thus the question is not in terms of “Good – Evil” but within a higher level of resolution.

The different cultures are like different programs or CPUs that can access alike with a RISC CPU. Thus the American culture is like RISC and other cultures in single cultural countries are like 8088 or 6820 single chips that cannot run super code!


The view of any historical religion is conditional on the scope of the language of that society and its community. Thus in Hindu, Buddhist and Christian – Islam, the newly perfected agriculture and the introduction of discipline and rational logic as a new way of interacting with nature, that is no longer relevant to each and every member of a cultural community [given living in a city], the innovative focus of the words can lose their meaning. Thus the attachment of “desire” may be a translation into a level of resolution of 2 logical parts instead of its original 30 fuzzy parts. We live at a time where rational logic of 2 parts is assumed for all parts of speech: this but not that! So many more things make sense within an emerging consciousness: like sacred cows to connect to agriculture and move away from hunter!


What about Yin/Yang cycle: could the start or unity at conjunction be #1 or all Yang as the root? Does this make logic sense? Then the usual order would be reversed so the split of Yin into 2 parts would be at the opposition. Yet the opposition maybe the creative or far out! The conjunction then would resonate with fusion and confusion and inability to separate factors with clarity! Yet the lined up of coherence then has 2 aspects when including the Sun! opposition has the Sun in the middle and thus may be bright? Or may be earth where the other is lost? The conjunction is a lining up coherence!?

Love as god includes ignorance: ignoring all the other functions that I haven’t developed, and trust others to fulfill those needs. Thus a human looks to love to become complete: and others are also doing this ignoring just as much but in different places, so there is no complete human out there. There is only path among the multiple dimensions of possibilities of who I am and who I can become!

Omniscient “God” is about holomind completeness. Modern school and becoming a scientist is about “know-it-all” tests and completeability. This limits the introduction of new paradigms beyond the perview of the Establishment!


The “One and Only God” problem of Islam becomes a wholeness vrs. Layered fractals of wholeness called “God of Love” in the Christian / Modern society that looks on a diversity of human effort. There is no “One Woman” that is represented by all females as in Islamic cultures, nor a single image of man! So Islam rejected images and music as maps of “God”, or as idols, but everything reverts to a single idol as an image – map of behavior. So Islam wishes to destroy diversity, competition and freedom, which takes humans back in evolution before language and the neocortex. They have truly ignored their “being human” and have reverted to a previous life of Apes! This is mapped by a immersion and connection with the fixed stars of the constellations instead of the moving – progression of the equinox, earth based coherence upon which to build holomind! [was old Astrology]


This is an early “reductionism”: reduce everything to oneness! Only one rule or one way is allowed! So in Islam or science it doesn’t work!

The “black hole” God only takes and does not return. Thus there is no accepted criticism or comment on developmental skills: his word is law like Kings or the Pope. TV is a reverse situation: it only gives with no receiving. The Black hole receives even the smallest attention: modern [non-Muslim] women also look to be attractive of attention. Thus the DNA that is based on evolution and creativity emerged before the need for black holes. This BH is discipline and rule based culture, which was needed for agriculture. Even though the Sun God gives and takes. The only connection is not from the BH but from a “community of worship” or like-minded community that forms civilization. Thus the community only knows being in agreement or rejection. The scientific community requires disagreement for complete whole as all views. Thus in the BH we get “kill the nonbelievers” or infidels instead of explore alternatives and improve! A BH cannot be improved except to get bigger and stronger: more intense!

Twelve fold chain of causation: when suffering images emerge, humans look for the cause of this suffering. Like: I am a bad person or I did x y z wrong. These x y z are unfinished business that need resolution or skill development. So holomind in the time realm wants to finish tasks or “do things”, even if they do not “add” to good results. When I need food I go shopping, and do not look at it as caused by suffering, but things that happened that I stopped before they were finished “want to continue” and then seem like suffering. Since I want them to stop does not mean they are finished.

 The single parts of the 12 fold chain are only one of many examples that can be constructed or that emerge, within a 12 fold level of resolution, as analysis of events that have not finished.


Regarding the last Buddhist noble truth, the 8 fold path: Path suggests one step at a time, 8 fold suggests multiple directions. Looking for a single solution to a complex problem that involves not only our actions, but also our upbringing, our work, our beliefs and ways of relaxing mind. The suggestion of “right” in right effort, and 7 other “right” goes to looking for development of skillfulness in all areas of life, not in hiding or controlling problems by inner rules or avoiding!


Conflict within the Star of David is complementarity: both sides are needed and correct. They are like different phases within a coherent canvas of a higher dimension. Like 2 canvases each of 2 dimensions becoming a 3D canvas. And this is the relationship of a physical hologram to a 2D picture: conflict emerges on the 2D object and is can become true to each other and themselves in the hologram. Like taking one photo of a round table with the salt behind the pepper and at 180 deg. the

pepper behind the salt. And other views aide by side. These “circular” holograms may not be within the physical model, but we are looking at a biological model. Thus in Buddhist thought the self and other – object are different aspects of the same holomind. [I remember the power of my first experience that an object I was viewing was me! As with my enlightenment, I remember the year 1968 and can view the room!]

 Thus we reduced [reductive] our 3D tree mind to 2D plane mind to develop agriculture and to a 1D rational mind for discipline and non-fuzzy logic from the Greeks to Descartes.


Comparisons with Jesus or Buddha seem to be unacceptable by religious and scientific persons alike: this implies that they are beyond being human, that they are transcendental and mystical. I see their efforts as in the direction of discovering what it is to be human. Worship of rules of behavior that are intended to imitate heroes robs humans of being “I AM who I AM”. This rules worship has extended to science where the rule is to not investigate spiritual heroes or what they have pioneered with their “teaching” because they are subjective. Thus science is not connected or synergized with understanding being human: only with the mechanical generalizations. Thus there can be no specific prediction applied to individuals as in TCM except with random statistics. So Western medicine will never understand the synergy of mind – body that allows TCM to understand and correct problems before they become “physical problems”.

The use of heroes in religion as a way to internalize rules of behavior results in a “virtual human” as the “Lord – Ruler”. Thus humans do not discover who they really are: self realization, but only how good or skillful they can be in following an example given by “others” from the outside of their mind! We now know that these heroes are not even represented accurately!


Religious freedom: is a religion that advocates the spiritual – religious destruction of all who do not agree with them acceptable as receiving freedom? If this standard were applied to other groups: teaching that only agreement is possible to be accepted; then it is not a freedom returned. The religions accept freedom but do not believe or practice the same freedom.

This applies strongly to Christianity and Islam, but not as much to Judaism, which does not proselytize even though they call themselves the “Chosen of God”. Yet by another view, the spreading of the “Gospel” can be viewed as “sharing” and Judaic position as isolation from a superior, beyond the “others”. There are many operational views.

 Is this what the Chinese government is restricting? Not freedom but permission for others to restrict freedom! So maybe the Chinese have an ignorance feedback problem in not distinguishing between some groups that do not take an exclusion viewpoint!




So what does discipline and operant behavior of reward – punishment, that is so close to the runaway feedback of labeling incomplete development as being sinful instead of being in the process of skills development, what do they have in common? How do we approach teaching as skills development instead of drawing boundaries with grades that amount to the label of “sinner”. Of a world of reward and punishment from outside instead of nurturing the inner process of skills development. Music as a model of mind is a huge example of allowing the education of the musical mind to direct the physical skills of performance instead of the use of a mechanical written literature of instructions, where the notes on a music page represent where and how to mechanically produce the music instead being heard as sound that then emerges as mechanical movement. This is the difference between “self realization” and blindly following the instructions of others, In music the “blindly” refers to not hearing the sound. For instance, in history, how can a teacher make the past events apply to what happens on the streets NOW! So self organizing mind just accepts mechanical learning reinforced by reward / punishment as a means of establishing superior / inferior boundaries, where those who get good grades are inferior “geeks” who do not understand the “real intelligence” of social / group structure.

More on this is emerging!


So the most revealing understanding of modern education may be the studies of child abuse!



The mechanical teaching may be illustrated by learning to paint by listening to a musical sound, where the sound of different instruments represent different colors and the pitch represents a place to start and the melody movement represents the brush movement, but the painter is blindfolded! The “student” paints but never sees the result! Schools teach what is never applied to “life”.

What is the structure of all the old memories of failure: is this what is referred to as “sin” where we can be “saved” from in Christianity? Does the “confession” act like AA? Is this writing holomind code upon experience, as the structure of DNA which codes proteins? Do we save experience in an extended memory code for use just as proteins are saved in DNA code for use within our living systems? So is there some “protein of experience” that is an operator as the “cause” of these “bad or failed” experiences? So the solution is [maybe] non-attachment of these action codes? This is a new direction in thinking! Search for the coherent source that writes experience within early life experiences or resulting from conclusions – attitudes – beliefs: what I want to happen or expectations. Self fulfillment! Self reference!

Thus astrology and cognitive psychology address this structure!


The cross is the symbol and structure of reductionism!

Beyond good and evil: science shows that mind is self-organizing which is called creative or God. This means that external supervision such as from parents, school, religion or civil government is biologically impossible unless we internalize the common rules and laws. We are responsible for how they are internally structured. Are they like a map we can follow or ?

Pairs as in the Cross and Star write a composite holomind of two directions within an individual: group as in family or community – cultural and for the individual action. Thus Jupiter would be individual action and Saturn the family community with real connections to the parents and other generations. Thus energy connections relate to all of this, not just to an individual “self”! Thus Neptune relates to civilization: all humans, and Uranus to an individual within a group? Venus relates to the 12 meridians? This is a new paradigm about being human. Thus the AA give my life to a higher power is connecting to this group mind within! The psychological “super-ego” then has some validity as first glimpse! The older view of single objects and selves is finally understood within a general system. The “subconscious” is thus related to Venus Mercury and Moon also as pairs!

So it is not man and God as separate or together, but simultaneity. Is that what Jung was going for? Is it part of his thinking with archetypes?