Ch 7. Self organization




Tours of Mind

For non-technical persons with general interest.

For scientist includes fractals, holographic structure.

For psychologists.

For educators.

For reporters and news organizations.

For governments.

For those interested in any or all religion.

For New Age enthusiasts.

For young people.

For radicals and anti-cultural.

For non-technical persons who want to understand – learn the science and/or new age.


The basic structure of holographic mind which is equivalent to neural networks but with important structural differences.

All Neural networks in biological systems must be self organizing within their self containment. This fact of contained self organization does NOT directly permit the functional processes like teaching and supervision that are central to human culture. How humans developed structures to circumvent this apparent biological impossibility of Human Culture leads to understanding a new, more inclusive definition of what it is to be human based on science, but validates much of what is contained in all previous human attempts of self understanding called religion and philosophy.


My model has produced a complete new paradigm of what are the procedural components that define Being Human. This uses the newly developed mathematics of neural networks and self organization.

It answers the question of how human culture developed methods of supervision, teaching and organization that are biologically impossible given the fact that the only kind of neural networks that can exist within biological systems are self organizing. From Human to ant brains alike cannot be opened up and programmed like a computer but must learn and do everything that we attribute to influence and traditions from internal structuring. This also means that even though given the same "input" which produces the same "output", different individuals will and must structure their neural networks uniquely and individually and that during the repetition of these so called "learned skills" each individual will alter - deviate from the skill by their unique self organization. This is built in and only began to appear as "mistakes or sin" when 5,000 or more years ago the artificial experiment of human development

called agriCulture started looking for "rationality and a central organizing principle".

The nature of illusory mind has been pointed out by those who share my experiences and insights especially in Asian cultures over the last 2,500 years, so I was not to surprised that those few that responded to my internet mail at best wrote letters of opposition without even familiarizing themselves. They seem to believe in a Dualism, such as Yin/Yang has wrongly been attributed, to science and TCM which holds that concepts such as Qi, Tao, 5 elements and the meridians cannot possibly be scientific. [and given their Grasp [ing] of these words, I would agree].


Self organization can be at any single moment emerging from hunter/tribal mind! Thus cultural maps and Astrology helped organize time as supervised organization. The development evolution of supervision starts with family in basic life structures?!


The scientific fact that the only kind of neural networks that can exist in living brains/minds must be self organizing makes external supervision and hence human culture and civilization impossible. This is because the function of families, schools and civil government are based on supervision and external “rules”! So the question is how could and did human culture and civilization evolve. This fact has emerged in the writings of Buddhism as “Buddha nature” and in the Western traditions and the Creator! Yet it has been disregarded by modern philosophy and thought regarding teaching in schools and families. Maybe it is to recent a discovery to have filtered down in a compartmentalized society that “must” maintain coherent structures for the smooth function of holographic mind!


About 3: Problem: self organization! Solitaire illustrates self organization and the many distributed repetitions of the same code as on a physical hologram. Here the code is the phase space of a previous scale.



2:55 PM . Self organization assumes there are no internal or external target output “vectors” – “goals”. With holomind the coherent source contains the output targets! It can also be 3 resonant nets or 2 sets of 3. there is a “winner-take-all” best structure for self organization. So how do these mathematical structures fit holomind?


Materialist position regarding self and consciousness is that we are the sum of our information. My position is that we are information generators and if we are found in other conditions we would produce different information.

I see consciousness as "Seeing" within the neocortex as if it was a landscape of language and in the 3rd dimension of where and how the language is plugged into our older brain.


5. N.nets between layers are adaptive resonant: [constructive / destructive resonance] adaptive resonance and tradition. Energy surfaces and minima. Solution states and heating / shaking by size of shake by levels of resolution and planets! Never ending looking for solutions.



Self Organization

Universe not caused by outside other as laws, influences or "Super".

Ignoring as response: threat to power and control. Behaviorism

Implications for education

Representational systems

N.nets map reality

Maps of maps: signs as one to one with objects in space location.

Maps in the neocortex of map codes in the lower brains. Symbols with time location and time binding.

Sensation as map of objects in single layers. Awareness and recognition. semantics, meaning and labels as "odor" brain. "God named the animals etc."

Emotion as maps of resonance of outcomes of competitive alternatives in lateral nets of reptilian brain. Is cognition! Training the Animal!

Words and thought as maps of code which can be used to code: Third Eye

Sharing and connection: virtual skull! Self organization of words and chaos in path with similar outcome.

step backwards in intelligence.


In 1991, I read in a book from the Seltzer Library that "Culture is Biologically impossible because neural networks in all living systems and especially human brains are self organizing". Given my background in the Arts and long time association with Asian and especially Buddhist Philosophy, it made perfect sense to me. What didn't make sense is why the scientific community had not said a word about this even to this date. The consequences of this finding, which can be called a law of nature, for education which relies on Behaviorism's operand conditioning theories is devastating: all this research has been made invalid in its foundation and interpretation of living systems as nothing but machines with no consciousness! The behaviorists and educators had turned the human activity of sharing and acknowledging the successful representation of reality by another into mechanical "reward"! Praise and good feelings of connection became mechanical procedures of reward and punishment! But then science has proved that smoking is addictive and dangerous at best. So what if science proved that the use of certain disproved theories would result in a Hugh movement by a large portion of our culture away from being a part of culture. In fact resulting in this population forming anti-cultural groups that are more a threat to governing in the United States that any Communist Red menace ever was. I wrote letters to educators and agencies that worked with these "Gangs" and was told that it had nothing to do with their work!

I have started this lecture by sharing my feelings, but I will represent the scientific method as a brilliant new step in the evolution of human culture. I see the application of the information I am presenting here as supporting change in individuals and culture.

SO WHAT? This is a description of "Buddha nature" that is self originating and creativity. But here self organization is fundamental and following others or tradition is the later stage of development. Then the contrast between Asian and European culture becomes clearer by seeing the context. In European Judaic Christian traditions, self organization was expected [being an individual] so religion [especially Christian] emphasized group process as the balance, whereas in Asia Group process as defined by Confucian structures was expected, so the individualism of Buddha nature was the balance!



Outline for classes:

18.7 Self organization and impossibility of Culture: God as creator, Buddha as Self originating. Neural nets in biological systems must be self organizing. Supervision, teaching and consequently culture are biologically impossible from the simple point of view that one can do something that will cause or automatically produce change in another.


Consciousness as procedure: Objects resolve into a final state that is experienced as awareness when they are "attached to" process and procedures of self other interaction and evaluation of the actions outcomes. Thus awareness could be called time dependant action - movement start states. The neural nets as a digital fractal sundial can be a metaphor for consciousness: The inner states that learn to respond to an input by projecting the result as a shadow on a surface, yet can from the same pattern project a different result at a different time, measured in discrete quanta, is the experience of consciousness. This means that the awareness of a complete environment is like the single digits displayed in response to our focus on some environment. This "response" is constructed from the learning that has previously taken place, and is constructed into the structure of the fractal sundial. Information as procedures involving the person and their environment is the sundial's inner structure and what we call the "self" is the light and the experience of the result. As the phase angle of the activating light changes, so does the resulting answer. Consciousness is the experience of this totality of possible solutions contained in the sundial as well as the particular questioning intent and "thought" response as the shadow. This metaphor relates to n.nets in this way: each layer of the digital sundial interrupts the incoming light, and passes it on to the next layer. Another and perhaps clearer metaphor is of  a hologram. The hologram is made of interference patterns in the phase space, and if these interference patterns are to be found as cycles in the time domain, then the resulting objects would be procedures. That is procedures encoded by encoding the steps by connections with a coherent cycle. The output would be reconstructed by the same coherent cycle. This would be a direct involvement of the cosmos in consciousness. This level of process would be cycle dependant, whereas human consciousness is cycle independent. Thus this may be more our emotional animal consciousness and the sundial as more a metaphor of the single pattern human shared brain consciousness. Thus the transform from an analogue to a digital sundial may refer to language. Humans becoming the light or God like may be the freedom we have in doing procedures at any time independent of cycles and "natural” motivation. This is the distributed system, as any angle is accessible by any human, and each angle produces a different orientation to "reality" as distributed work - specialties.


>The point is that each moment of awareness is constructed of a set of ready to go procedures completely available for employment. Humans feel they must decide or think of action, but this is a secondary process analogues to changing the phase angle of the input light on the metaphorical sundial. As I will explain later, thinking is also a perception process, and not independent of total life systems as often modeled by those who see humans as some independently superior creature "above" the animals. The awareness of our surrounding space has pre-calculated components that we "take for granted", namely: front / back, left / right, and up / down. Our consciousness then "locates" objects in terms of these dimensions. This process of location is called a zero dimension cognitive process. Connecting or defining a single weighted relationship between one or more one objects and one or more separate other object is a one dimension cognitive process. Defining connections between sets of one dimensional relationships is a two dimension cognitive process which produces a surface with attractive basins and repulsion highs. Defining a geometry to these two dimensional surfaces is a three dimensional process. An example would be the mobiuse strip relationship between what is seen as our male and female side. Our cognitive processes are pre-calculated within the same congruent dimensions in the visual and/or social spaces. Since these "spaces" are "there" we accept them as reality even though they may have predefined attractive basins built in as preferences and so called heredity. In social spaces mapped from a global frame of reference:  1. the front is the sign and the back the constellation. 2. The sides are the male / female gender persona "charts". 3. The moons and planetary nodes are the up / down - higher / lower rankings. They relate to the chakras or environmental quality levels when combined with the dimensions of the planets.  a. zero to .5 dimension is to keep or control the "place" or location or label. Autocratic. Sun/moon. Touch and smell? b. One dimension is to control the ranking relationship of better / worse. Peer group? Mars. hearing? c. Two dimension is to control the interactions and procedures - data communication flow. competition? Family structures? Jupiter. "reptilian - predator" vision? d. Three dimension is to control the participation? resonance? Social and cultural structures. Saturn. Depth vision? e. four dimension is to control the global points or geometry / framework resulting in control of the forces / intensities / peace - stress? Religious structures? Rotations, stretch etc of coordinate surfaces? f. Four or five dimension is to control the emergence organic structure? Evolution? spiritual?   historical? Change of structures? Neptune. Attractor patterns / full dimensional catastrophe structure?



At the root of self originating Mind is a connection with the whole evolutional history of our biosphere and with all life and processes including physical cycles. The push toward diversity of species that is implied in the use of the term "self originating" does not imply a disconnection or isolation from a whole, but a process of co evolution: all species developing together from a single source and containing this single changing source that is the "cosmos". Greater diversity, far from being a disconnecting event, and only happen in a environment of greater interdependence. My readings indicate that many others who had similar enlightenment experiences report a new consciousness of the connectedness of all life and beyond. My scientific cultural training Citra 1958, which points to an evolution by random processes, disconnected from other life and lifeless matter, seemed to totally contradict these experiences. This contradiction still exists as the psychiatric frame of reference which labels this as merely a grandiose feeling – remembrance of the "real womb". If I had my experience in 1980, I might have studied general systems theory of self originating evolutional and information systems, But the available writings at that time were the "mystical" works of Ospensky, Tibetan Buddhism, and Judaic Kabala. In 1967 I started to study the system of connections traditionally labeled "Astrology", but not as a passive system of "influences", but as an active process of development where the physical cycles are incorporated and used by life processes as information indexes by which to build time binding structures. In this book I am ignoring the obvious scientific objection to even the possibility of any global - cosmic awareness abilities in cells or cellular structures, and am focusing on the paradigms implied in any cultures Astrology, Religion, and parapsychology. First: Human consciousness is a mapping of the entire ecosystem onto one collective human psychic life as the Zodiac of animals, insects, and plants. This implies that human personality is fragmented and interconnected. Second: Each species contains a complete map of the entire ecosystem, split into self and other, that coevolves from a single source simultaneously in all species. This touches on the religious ideas of gods and spirit present in all cultures. My system models human phenomena such as language, learning, psychology, sociology, religion, Mind, and a beginning of a physical - medical model connected by acupuncture daily cycles.



Self organizing universe: self organizing systems have fluctuations. They take in free energy and give off entropy: entropy as disorganization is Shit and piss. At equilibrium points of dawn spring, shit or large intestine [ Taurus in tauran age was spring] and the kidney function separates the good from the bad as sunset - fall [as fruit and dead leaves] . This is the 12th hex; which is an easy association, but does this include large intestine? or is LI related to 11th hex? Cap. as earth is related to yin, then the cycle is anticlockwise as signs. Does this relate to an evolutional past as these information structures were developed when our ancestors were nocturnal competing in a reptilian dominated ecosystem?


The attitude of science is to find out what problems exist, what are their causes and how to fix the problem, not to use what they know to enslave others! This was the attitude of the Roman empire and for me not what a real spiritual person would do or think: "You are the sheep and I am the shepherd!" That is the attitude of a beginner in the spiritual path who ends up starting a cult!

When we see that we are human we see that we can create our own videos by using the cameras and sound recorders and computer that is our neo-cortex! But we can also share the videos made by other humans!

In this metaphor of mind the planets are like many different speeds of the video recorders and dubbing - mixing procedures.

2. Dissipative Structures: Autopoiesis

Nothing in excess. Inscription carved on the temple of Apollo at Delphi

Spontaneous structuration

The examples used in the preceding chapter to demonstrate the spontaneous formation of hydrodynamic structures (turbulent flow and Benard cells) were characterized by outside imposition of the energy penetration by means of water pressure and heating of the liquid, respectively. The emergent structures represent the manner in which the system copes with increased energy and mass penetration. Of much greater interest, however, are those physical-chemical reaction systems which themselves maintain energy and matter penetration by way of exchange with the environment and which give rise to the self-organization of globally stable structures over extended periods of time. These structures are the dissipative structures in the narrow sense of the word. They have been called that way because they maintain continuous entropy production and dissipate the accruing entropy. They emerge from dissipative self-organization, in contrast to conservative self-organization which uses the static (attracting or repelling) forces in the system itself.

The most frequently cited example for a dissipative structure is the so-called Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, discovered 1958 and named for its Russian investigators (Zhabotinsky, 1974). It involves the oxidation of malonic acid by bromate in a sulphuric acid solution and in the presence of cerium (or also iron or manganese) ions. If certain conditions are met, concentric or rotating spiral waves may be observed which lead to interference patterns (see Fig. 2). In this and similar reaction systems pulsations of great regularity may be observed which may last for many hours, so that one also speaks of "chemical clocks". Or there are periodical bursts of sudden chemical activity which, as "chemical vectors", may prefer certain spatial directions, or the welling-up of concentric chemical waves and other dynamic phenomena which sometimes become even more spectacular by the play of bright colours by which they are accompanied.

For the spontaneous formation of such structures in chemical reaction systems, a "generalized" thermodynamics by Glansdorff and Prigogine (1971) stipulates precise conditions. They include openness with respect to the exchange of energy and matter with the environment, far from equilibrium conditions and auto- or crosscatalytic steps in the reaction chain. The last point means that certain molecules participate in reactions in which they are necessary for the formation of molecules of their own kind (autocatalysis), or first for the formation of molecules of an intermediate kind and subsequently of their own kind (crosscatalysis). The result is a type of behaviour which is called non-linear and which is characterized by runaway processes. In technological cybernetics, such a behaviour is called positive feedback--a deviation from a given reference value is not eliminated, but increases. The global population explosion and other growth factors in the human contemporary world are examples for autocatalytic non-linearities. In our case, however, they are not scary, but constitute an essential factor in the creative act of gestalt formation.

Dissipative structures exhibit two different types of behaviour: near their equilibrium, order is destroyed (as it is in isolated systems), but far from equilibrium, order is maintained or emerges beyond instability thresholds. The latter type of behaviour is called coherent behaviour. As long as dissipative structures exist, they produce entropy. However, this entropy does not accumulate in the system but is part of a continuous energy exchange with the environment. It is not the statistical measure of the entropy share in the total energy of the system at a given moment that characterizes a dissipative structure, but the dynamic measure of the rate of entropy production and of the exchange with the environment--in other words, the intensity of energy penetration and conversion.

Whereas free energy and new reaction participants are imported, entropy and reaction end products are exported--we find here the metabolism of a system in its simplest manifestation. With the help of this energy and matter exchange with the environment, the system maintains its inner non-equilibrium, and the non-equilibrium, in turn, maintains the exchange processes. One may think of the image of a person who stumbles, loses his equilibrium and can only avoid falling on his nose by continuing to stumble forward. A dissipative structure continuously renews itself and maintains a particular dynamic regime, a globally stable space-time structure. It seems to be interested solely in its own integrity and self-renewal.

There is a remarkable parallel to a new theory of subatomic particles which has been founded by Geoffrey Chew (1968) in Berkeley and which is also called the "bootstrap model". It is based on pure process thinking and considers the so-called "hadrons" (which include, in particular, the protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus) as temporarily stable configurations which result from the interaction of processes. Hadrons may transform themselves into each other and help other hadrons in their transformations. They may appear as composite particles, constituents of other particles, or binding forces. The actually unfolding process chains and the resulting process webs are unpredictable, but they obey certain rules. These rules are based on a single fundamental principle, self-consistency. Whatever comes into being has to be consistent with itself and with everything else. A reduction of physical reality to basic building blocks or even to basic laws is not possible according to this concept which is in full development. As we shall see later, the open evolution of the macrocosmos, too, may be understood as being based on nothing else but self-consistency.

A hierarchy of characteristic system aspects

By its very nature, a system cannot be described by the sum of single properties. However, it is possible to make significant distinctions by looking at certain aspects of the whole system. The most essential system aspects include the following ones which, in the order in which they are enumerated, also form a hierarchy in ascending order.

With respect to its relations with the environment, a system is called open that maintains exchange with its environment--especially exchange of matter, energy and information--and that is open toward the new and unexpected (toward novelty, as we shall call it later). Systems without exchange with their environment are called isolated. An exchange with the environment can be maintained by the system itself only when its internal state is in nonequilibrium; otherwise, the processes would die down.

The (logical) organization of a system refers to the characteristic pattern in which processes are linked in the system. It may be represented by a flow scheme. Of particular importance is cyclical (closed circular) process organization which will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 10. The dissipative systems which interest us here in the first line are organized in hypercycles, as Manfred Eigen called this particular organization.

A hypercycle is a closed circle of transformatory or catalytic processes in which one or more participants act as autocatalysts. The above-mentioned Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, for example, may be represented as a hypercycle formed by the intermediary products X, Y, Z (see Fig. 3). In order to maintain a specific sense of rotation--in Fig. 3 in a clockwise sense--there has to be nonequilibrium. The "inner" process circle renews itself continuously and, as a whole, acts like a catalyst which transforms starting products into end products.

Another important aspect of system organization concerns the arrangement of processes at one or more levels. Among multilevel systems, hierarchic systems are of particular importance. In such systems, each level includes all lower levels--there are systems within systems within systems... within the total system in question. As will be shown in later chapters, evolution leads to differentiation in multilevel, hierarchic systems.

/Fractals and scales!!

The function of a system embraces the total characteristics of its processes, including the relations with the environment and the system organization, but beyond that the kinetics of the individual processes also and their interaction. The logical scheme of relations appears here in the framework of time.

The function of autopoiesis (from the Greek for "self-production") occupies a special place. It has been introduced in the early 1970s by the Chilean biologist Humberto Maturana and has been further developed by him in collaboration with Francisco Varela and Ricardo Uribe. A system is autopoietic when its function is primarily geared to self-renewal. A biological cell, for example, is autopoietic in its balanced self-renewal through the interplay of anabolic and catabolic reaction chains; over longer periods, it does not consist of the same molecules. An autopoietic system refers in the first line to itself and is therefore also called self-referential. In contrast, an allopoietic system, such as a machine, refers to a function given from outside, such as the production of a specific output.

The structure of a system has long been understood primarily in terms of its spatial structure. In connection with dynamic systems, however, the notion of a space-time structure is of importance, or in other words a structure given in a particular moment of time which represents not only the spatial arrangements, but also the kinetics effective in this moment at each spatial point. Such a space-time structure includes the function of the system, and thus also its organization and its relations with the environment. The co-operative principle of dissipative self-organization becomes manifest in the spatio-temporal order of interactive processes--in the space-time structure. It is the disssipative structure which is responsible for ordering the processes in such a way that there is balance between generation and degeneration, that the autocatalytic self-reproduction in the system does not blow it up into pieces and keeps it imprisoned in its own tread-mill.

A time sequence of space-time structures yields the total system dynamics. It may be organized from outside the system, such as in the case of a machine operated from without, or it may be self-organizing. In self-organization, as has already been mentioned, conservative and dissipative modes may be distinguished. Conservative self-organization may lead to static or dynamic (steady-state) equilibrium systems; an example for the latter class is the solar system with its rotating planets. In this book, we are primarily interested in dissipative self-organization.

These hierarchically ordered, six system aspects may be summarized so as

From "Self Organizing Systems:"

Overcoming reductionism

From every-day experience we know what happens if we open a water tap. At first, the water jet is smooth, perfectly round and transparent; the physicist calls this laminar flow. But if we open the tap further and thereby increase the water pressure, this image changes abruptly at a certain point. The water jet forms strands and presents itself in a dynamic structure which somehow conveys the impression of being "muscular". This is the typical appearance of turbulent flow which remains unchanged for a while and, if the tap is opened even wider, changes over abruptly to other, similar structures. The beautiful regularity of the laminar jet, which almost seemed to stand still, is destroyed and disorder seems to rule.

But appearances betray truth. It is precisely in turbulent flow that a higher degree of order rules. Whereas in laminar flow the movement of the individual water molecules follow a random statistical law, turbulent flow groups them together in powerful streams which, in their overall effect, permit an increase of throughflow.

/ Here the chart of the 5 or 7 planets is a random flow, but when family structure of Jupiter/Sat enters the picture, there is an attempt or path / flow in the direction of maintaining the family structure and stability. Then Jupiter is the increase of disorder and adventure and dynamic growth, and Saturn is the neg. feedback to decrease disorder and bring things back to order and equilibrium.

The frequently cited "limits to growth" are overcome by the evolution of the dynamic structure; they reappear as the widened limits of a new structure. In nature, processes often have more than one structure available for their unfolding. In our example, the increase in water pressure and throughflow leads to the instability of the laminar flow structure and the appearance of a turbulent structure, which in turn evolves through a sequence of turbulent structures. What we are calling here structure is nothing solid, composed of the same components, but a dynamic regime which puts ever new water molecules through the same strands. It is a process structure.

pg. 21

Another example from the field of hydrodynamics demonstrates the spontaneous appearance of macroscopic order perhaps even more impressively. If we heat a big, shallow pan--bigger than usually found in kitchens--uniformly from below, regular hexagonal cells, the so-called Benard cells, appear. At first, the temperature in the layer of liquid is practically uniform, or in other words, the system is in its thermodynamic equilibrium. In this state, the heat from the bottom of the pan spreads through heat conduction, a mechanism in which the molecules get into thermal vibrations and transfer a part of this thermal energy in collisions with their neighbour molecules without moving from their place. But if the bottom of the pan becomes hotter and the temperature gradient in the liquid layer steeper, thermal non-equilibrium increases. At a certain gradient, convection starts, or in other words, heat transfer by movement of molecules. At first, smaller convection streams are suppressed by the environment. Beyond a critical temperature gradient, however, the fluctuations become reinforced rather than suppressed and the dynamic regime abruptly switches from conduction to convection. Macroscopic molecular streams form which include more than 10^20 molecules--a degree of order which cannot be explained by the familiar thermodynamic principles. A new macroscopic order emerges which may also be understood as a macroscopic fluctuation, stabilized by energy exchange with the environment. This order becomes manifest in the Benard cells (Fig. 1). From the perspective of the molecules, this phenomenon of structuration corresponds to a higher level of co-operation. As will be discussed later, the high nonequilibrium is of decisive importance here.

Macroscopic order plays an important and even dominant role in our everyday experience. This even holds for the realm of the inanimate. From water vortices and sand dunes all the way to stars and galaxies we recognize structures expressing macroscopic order principles. The rich world of forms has always exerted a certain aesthetic lure which sometimes has led to deeper thought and systematic exploration. In particular, the photographic studies of the Swiss physician Hans Jenny, who died in 1973, and known under the term "cymatics" (Jenny, 1967 and 1972) have become the precursor of empirical research interested in macroscopic order. More recently, Ralph Abraham (1976) is continuing these studies with his "macroscope" built at the University of California at Santa Cruz. In the macroscope, a varying energy throughput is produced in a viscous layer of a liquid by means of acoustical vibrations. A process structure appears which evolves with higher frequency through a sequence of instabilities and new structures.

However, physics has so far restricted itself to the study of a few specific phenomena only, which may be surprising in view of the wide open area of interesting research. General theoretical approaches developed in the 1940s and triggered by interest in biological phenomena, resulted in the broad frameworks of General System Theory (Bertalanffy, 1968) and cybernetics (by Norbert Wiener and others). Both approaches succeeded in acquiring a good understanding of the stabilization of given structures which becomes very fruitful in the domain of technology. But the original vision of achieving an understanding of macroscopic order across the boundaries between the animate and the inanimate world remained vague and inconclusive.

For biology and the social sciences, the macroscopic dynamics of coherent systems--systems whose structure does not remain rigid, but evolves in a coherent way--became ever more important and urgent. Organisms of all kinds and ecosystems are coherent systems, as are also cities, communities and the institutions of societies.

But the consideration of macroscopic dynamics ran into the resistance of the ruling reductionism of Western science whose aim it is to reduce all phenomena to one level of explanation--a level which physics hopes to find in the microscopic, in the basic structure of matter. It is not without irony that the Heisenberg indeterminacy relation-the recognition that it is impossible to observe simultaneously with high precision position as well as velocity of a particle--has first been formulated at the subatomic, microscopic level. In physics, it is of importance there because the impact of the observer on the observed phenomenon can no longer be neglected. For such an observation in the microscopic domain, the comparison has been made with the watch-maker who tries to repair a delicate wrist watch with a huge, heavy hammer.

But in the domain of life and to an even higher degree in the domains of social and psychological relations, the inclusion of the observer is even much more evident. With every action, every thought--and also with every observation and theory--we interfere with the object of our study. It appears as strange, therefore, that many physicists today search for the interface between the physical and the psychic, and even for the free will, exclusively in the microscopic realm of quantum mechanics. The complementarity between the concepts of the independent movement of individual particles and the holistic behaviour of the entire system of the atomic nucleus, as first formulated by Niels Bohr, has always been evident in the macroscopic realms of biological and social relationships. But to really see it, a new basic attitude was needed toward the phenomena which matter to us in our life.

/This is rulership by a new organizing path / flow of Uranus as a new level of resolution. The view behind / beyond normal experience for causes which would seem to organize the seemingly random process of fate and karma of the chart. The idea is that disorder enters when the flow is less powerful and order is maintained under "pressure" or farther from equilibrium: Just as with mars as "close" and personal to the normal situation as irritation and Saturn as a more powerful flow which creates order further out".

The traditional reductionism of Western physics is not only based on a belief in the "simplicity of the microscopic" (as Prigogine puts it), but also on a static view which is primarily interested in spatial structure. A rigid structure may be easily disassembled into its pieces and reassembled again. In many cases, such a structure may be understood in terms of combinations of a few basic elements. Macroscopic properties, such as weight, stability, or strength, may be explained by the properties of components and their configuration.

/This is Uranus!! Take it apart into pieces and fragments.

In a true system, however, not all macroscopic properties follow from the properties of components and their combinations. Macroscopic properties often do not result from static structures, but from dynamic interactions playing both within the system and between the system and its environment. An organism is not defined by the sum of the properties of its cells. In chemical reaction systems, certain molecules which do not participate in the reaction may act as catalysts and thereby influence the overall dynamic system in a decisive way. A human being falling in love--perhaps only once in a lifetime--changes the life of the community of which he or she is part. Such considerations already hint at the fact that a systemic view of necessity leads to a dynamic perspective. Quite generally, a system becomes observable and definable as a system through its interactions. The hydrodynamic structures used as an example at the beginning of this chapter do not even consist of durable components, but are essentially process structures.

Three levels of inquiry in physics

Such a systematic and dynamic view helps to overcome the ruling reductionism in physics (not to speak of the domain of the living). Following a suggestion by Ilya Prigogine, we have to distinguish in physics at least between three levels of inquiry and description which are irreducible to each other.

Classical or Newtonian dynamics, the development of which is linked to names such as Laplace and Hamilton, makes statements in terms of mechanics, such as position or velocity of particles. It reduces the world to trajectories, or space-time lines, of single material points. The movement of a particle from point A to point B is perfectly reversible.

/Physics as a continuation of politics and training by supervision without self organization.

The impulse for the movement has to be provided from outside; there is no self-organization. The particles crossing the world on their lonely tracks, do not interact with each other. Thus, classical dynamics becomes the idealized case of "pure" motion of a particle or a wave packet, a mere thought model which nevertheless is useful for many considerations. But the "dirty" reality includes encounters, collisions, exchanges, mutual stimulation, challenges and coercions of many kinds. The collective with all its complexity can hardly be denied anywhere.

With the development of thermodynamics in the nineteenth century, a macroscopic view was introduced which considers whole populations of particles. Thermodynamics makes statements in terms such as temperature and pressure which represent the average effects of movements of a large number of molecules. This level of description addresses processes, or in other words, the order of change in the macroscopic values. The order of the processes themselves, or the evolution of the systems characterized by them, found its first valid formulation around 1850 in the well-known second law of thermodynamics (Clausius, basing on Carnot): The so-called entropy of an isolated system can only increase until the system has reached its thermodynamic equilibrium. It may suffice here to introduce the complex term entropy as a measure for that part of the total energy which is not freely available and cannot be used in the form of directed energy flow or work.*

In other words, entropy is a measure for the quality of the energy in the system. In contrast to the mechanical description, irreversibility or the directedness of processes is introduced as characteristic of this new level of description. Any future macroscopic state of the isolated system can only have equal or higher entropy, any past state only equal or lower entropy. The reverse is impossible. All irreversible processes produce entropy. More than a century ago, Ludwig Boltzmann interpreted the increase in entropy as increasing disorganization, as evolution toward the "most probable" state of maximum disorder. If the world had appeared as a stationary machine in the mechanical view, it now seemed to be doomed to the "heat death", a notion which influenced profoundly the pessimistic philosophy and art of the turn of the century up to our days.

/This is Yin.

Classical thermodynamics deals with equilibrium systems or systems near equilibrium. An isolated system without environment shows a particular type of self-organization (or, to be precise, self-disorganization). It will evolve in the direction of its equilibrium state and remain there. The more general and realistic case is a partially open system which exhibits similar behaviour. This is generally the case for systems not far from equilibrium. For all such systems, the Boltzmann ordering principle holds which stipulates irreversible evolution toward equilibrium.

With irreversibility, the notions of process and history enter. Time is given a direction from the past into the future. The system evolves through a sequence of thermodynamic states which may be ordered along the scale of a single macroscopic parameter, entropy. In a microscopic view, the system gains the experience of innumerable encounters and exchanges between system components (molecules), but in a macroscopic view all that changes is the relation between free energy and entropy in the total system. Although the time scale is not given in an absolute way, but depends on the internal system processes, the path and the goal of the macroscopic system evolution are unambiguously predetermined. Within the experience of a system of this kind, the equilibrium state determines the origin of the system as well as its death.

? It constitutes the only point of self-reference of the system.

In thermodynamics, irreversibility often leads to the destruction of structures. But this does not hold in an absolute sense. At low temperatures, and if binding forces act at the same time, the approach to the equilibrium state may also give rise to structures. Crystals, snow flakes and biological membranes are such equilibrium structures with higher entropy than their corresponding liquid state from which they emerged. The emergence of form at increasing entropy also plays a role in condensation models of the universe (as will be discussed in Chapter 5). But there is also another way in which new structures may form, a way which is of central interest in this book. This is the spontaneous formation of structures in open systems which exchange energy and matter with their environment. Such systems constitute the other basic class of physical systems, namely, non-equilibrium systems of a particular kind.

With such considerations, a third level of inquiry and description is opened up, which may be called the level of coherent, evolving systems or (to anticipate what will be explained in a moment) the level of dissipative structures. Open systems have the possibility of continuously importing free energy from the environment and to export entropy. This means that entropy, in contrast to isolated systems, does not have to accumulate in the system and increase there. Entropy can also remain at the same level or even decrease in the system. The "accounting" includes the environment. The second law of thermodynamics becomes extended for open systems and the entropy change dS in a specific time interval is split into an internal component diS (entropy production due to irreversible processes within the system) and an external component deS (entropy flow due to exchange with the environment): dS = deS+diS, where the internal component diS can only be positive or zero (as in the case of the isolated system), but never negative (diS >- 0). The external entropy flow deS, in contrast, can be both positive and negative. Therefore, the total entropy may also decrease, or be stationary (dS -- 0). In the latter case, we have dis = -deS_>- 0. The internal production of entropy and the entropy export to the environment are in balance. Since, for the equilibrium state, both components would approach zero, it already becomes clear that an open state of order may be maintained only in a state of nonequilibrium. There has to be exchange with the environment and the system renews itself continuously. Being and becoming fall together at this level.

Dissipative structures constitute the simplest case of spontaneous self-organization in open evolution. They will be discussed in much detail below. However, it is important to recognize that even without the phenomena of life, the description of a dynamic reality requires at least three levels of inquiry. The reduction to one level, the ancient dream of physics, is no longer possible.

Humans are not tied down to a single generator of "self" as are animals. Humans can develop their "self" from many levels of resolution where each individual can have a different primary "executive" level of resolution that can also differ in point of orientation [start or zero point]. This is the representation of planets in different orbits at different phase angles utilized by holographic mind constructors.


Investigate: is the Sun the #1 "creative" hex and the earth #2 "receptive" or zero point? Observe that "creative is also zero for Yin! Can Yin be the separation / opposition energy. Then science is a Yin - analysis - destructor process.


Implementing the structure of the "doctrine" of the trinity as a Law or commandment from "gOD" results in a runaway feedback system increasing wealth, knowledge and power at the expense of other humans! 


< Shared brain is the key of human nature. Language uses representations to share, so the ability to represent is the key. Finer levels of resolution allow representations that are invisible at other levels where they are hidden. For instance, in order to represent electromagnetics the square root of a minus one is needed. For centuries this was considered "out of bounds", so when mathematics allowed imaginary numbers, they could develop electronics.

Self organization uses self reference, iteration, and recursion which results in fractals when procedures are repeated at finer levels of resolution. This becomes a restriction created by resonance in that the finer levels have much more representational space which is ignored by continual resonant reference to generators in smaller spaces. Thus the fully connected networks represent only fractions of dimensions which are not "separated", but are fused - confused by their connectedness. Thus it becomes impossible to create new representations within a fractal which is self referent. This is the basis for inner procedures of the mind being "projected" onto outer reality: "we create our reality out of our own mind". For instance, the iteration of "everything has a value" may hide the intrinsic value of sharing and connecting as "humans" for its own sake.


Play is the best example of being self organizing. Trying and testing and experiment are other words that come to mind. We "play the music" means performance: the form as music is there before or prior to our playing it. But how did it get to be music? Composition or creation or self organization and self regulation: the composer played around with the notes until they liked what they heard or just heard the music as if someone deep inside of them was dictating or singing it to them. Sometimes they would listen to the music of others to "prime the pump" or get things flowing. J. S. Bach and Stravinsky did this. In fact Stravinsky used the music of many other composers with the idea that he could compose there music better than the original. I play around with concepts from science, mathematics and religion as my "notes" so I will introduce one of my compositions called fractals which is a word that means fractional dimensions.

You know what Fractions are like ½, ¼, 2/3, etc. and the dimensions of this room are the up - down, front - back, and side to side, so what is ½ of "up". In music we can call Surprise as a dimension: when music has no surprises and you can predict what the next note and rhythm will be, I can call that the 0 [zero] dimension. When you can't tell what the next note is, everything is totally random and there is no rule or law we can call that the first dimension or one dimensional. Well it seems that the music we like best is half way between or has a fractional dimension. We can measure that with the math called spectral density. A spectrum is a rainbow or a chromatic scale of ½ steps. We can count how many times we play each note and how many times we jump or step between notes to find the density. We can also measure how often the music imitates itself or is self referent and how many times it is new. All of this is done so we can compare the music with other things like trees, flowers, mountains and even the shape of the coastlines of the earth as seen from space. These all have a close to ½ dimension as well as the activity within our brain: and maybe that is how we recognize beauty because it is similar to our own mind's activity.

Self similarity is an ingredient or component of self organization.

The amount of self organization versus the amount of conformity to social organization may be similar to the structure of "good" music defined in the enclosed article as 1/f half way between conformity and randomness. Unfortunately freedom often appears as randomness especially in American school systems which treats everyone as equals in unequal contexts. There now seems to be paying attention to teaching individual and group differences which recognizes individual self organization, but it seems as if those opposing these directions do so from a point of view where Freedom and Equality are unquestionable dogma of a religion called "America". This is how I apply some of the ideas embodied in music. A appropriate question to present students is: "how much self similarity is found in the rap or hip-hop music they listen to". "How much predictability and how much freedom"?





So to review: any culture is biologically impossible because our brains which structured as neural Networks are self organizing. Humans circumvented this by building scaffolding around the "Original" structures. This idea of scaffolding can then be shared with others who then themselves build their own scaffolding around their own unique structures [still self organizing], so that even though the original buildings are unique, the scaffolding has a common structure, which is of course language. Other unique scaffolding that is not expected to have a common structure is the Arts, and the scaffolding built on the scaffolding is religion and science.


The problem with this process is that humans go to sleep about what is the original structure, they ignore the original structure / Mind and see the scaffolding not as representations of original Mind but as the primary structure. Then humans have tried to change original Mind to make the scaffolding easier to use and more "Rational". [That process has self reference feedback which makes it grow and expand without check.]


Finally the best and most beautiful scaffolding becomes the primary focus and original Mind is lost sight of entirely! I have spoken about this in reference to removing one triangle of the Star of David transforming it into the trinity. Rules used to change rules as if you could pass a law to make gravity an equal opportunity force that pulled you in all directions at once and was not prejudice in the "Down" direction!


This intelligence is self organizing and the new language logic is group organizing that allows culture to emerge. As humans became more immersed in cultural mind, in a trance or sleep, that that is all there is, they forgot the self organizing high level of intelligence that first generated language. We forgot that we are gods! The Christian Myth of creation puts it more convolutedly: God created Adam and gave us language; when Adam disobeyed the rules, which are the natural output of neural nets, we were expelled from the garden of Eden and direct contact with that intelligence that started human culture.

This intelligence that was left behind in the garden is embodied in the structure of Astrologies and is superseded by heliocentric logic. That is why it is not developed: it is in the same condition as the moment of language start. In the present we have enough tools to find out its internal structure, but it needs a group effort.



  Brain - Mind and cognitive behavior consists of neural nets organized into other types of neural nets. The experience of this is as a person in an environment: referred to as left and right brain organization. The connections we make to other people as extended family are the cognitive pathways already present at birth. In our head we are a family of persons. These cognitive connections are felt as time: past, present and future (anticipation) as a personal history. (this process is described as abstract automata with start state, alphabet of states and transitions and final states) What is called the right brain is a set of neural nets whose connections are to the inner representations of the environment (called objects) which nets supply the feeling of context - meaning in the environment of family and personal culture. This culture includes the global aspects of school, neighborhood and ethnic background as well as subjective interpretations of a persons experience with `mass media'. These multiple neural net connections present themselves as representations of `my self' and `my experience'. Anything that is represented can be acted upon functionally because the representation is also the set of procedures that we call cognitive skills. Thus learning deals with accessing the organizational logics of the inner representation that we call `self' differently at different stages of brain - mind development. The person is clearly involved in different neural net types and their training at different life stages. The different `training processes' are evolutionary and biological invariant as is the right brain `cultural context' which is needed to make experience meaningful. The most important transition is at puberty when new cognitive logics must be mastered in the service of the self organizing new adult brain. At this stage learning is performed without a target `vector' present and is unsupervised.  Clearly the perception in educational theory that there is no inner representational `self', and if there is it does not need to be consulted, has done immense harm to our culture. This is compounded by the attitude that accessing the persons' context is optional. This attitude is supported, by the behaviorists in their stimulus response theories, and by the belief that knowledge can be abstracted from life and experience and taught as fragments by their successors: the cognitivists. Knowledge is an abstraction that does not exist as an outcome of the activity of our nets. All forms of life, from microbes to humans,  work as time and place processors, with skills (cognitive abilities) specific to concrete environments and the personal history of that skill. The `solutions' of these processors is the actual connectivity net structure, and does not have any generalized form, like TRUTH, beyond the topology of the net. There is no `self' which possesses knowledge or skill. The illusion of a supervisory `ego' is only a result of properties of other nets which require `supervision' in order to operate. The so-called free will (ego) is just a property of the net of being unsupervised and self organizing. Language and culture are organized as a neural net!!! Words are the nodes and connections and weights of this unique net which is basically a projection - mapping of our internal representational nets, both neural and biological. (Which is why hypnosis can affect the internal systems workings of organisms.) Thus cultures and subcultures have some of the same properties as a single brain. ( statements about there being no self does not imply that what we call a `person' with all the human self reliant normal properties does not exist, but is a statement that all objects of consciousness are cognitive processors, as well as the so called `subject'. Further discussion is beyond the scope of this `short' introduction.)  In the school environment, parents were only marginally included. The scope of the resulting disaster is only now being measured. This resulted from failure to apprehend the brain as structured as a internal family group. Teachers do not check to see if the student has mastered the logic of subjects before their are taught. During the teaching the only checks on the progress of the building of fully implemented inner representations is the single dimensional logic (appropriate to the 4 year old developmental stage) of giving grades to tests, which a student easily learns to defeat. This system quickly establishes `errors' as the enemy instead of the necessary insight into the organization of the inner representation.  In cognitive development insight into error production is more important for uncovering representational weakness and distortion than already mastered skills.  The clash starting at puberty of the self organizing mind is brought about  by the establishments refusal to acknowledge this development by becoming a partner in learning. Instead they continue the same autocratic training agenda. The need is for the student to understand the difference between the self organizing logics of their emerging adult mind and the logics of the child involved in the enthusiasm and excitement of discovery. One of those properties is the emerging `cool' emotional response, which is the emerging response of `deep feelings' appropriate to the `adult' self organizing of stable skills that no longer have the `heat' of enthusiasm appropriate to the stage of concrete operations. (I use some of Piaget's' constructs as closest approximations to my work) The brain is now ready to accept abstractions and long term individual and group projects. The logics that support this stage are the same rules of evidence introduced by men like Locke, Hume and others in other cultures, but applied to discipline the subjective interpretation of experience based on `like and dislike' and other nominalizations that characterize earlier stages. Finer levels of resolution of cognitive skills are needed, but are only covertly inferred from the `advanced' nature of the subjects. They need to be applied to the persons cognitive organization in the their total context- environment, and as stated above this transference does not and cannot happen because of a presumed `global' property of knowledge or UNIVERSAL TRUTH. Stated again: cognitive skills are local to the generating connections to a specific sequence of `events'. We often encounter the person who is brilliant in one subject, but seems below average in so many others settings, especially social. One list of possible cognitive distortions already used in cognitive therapies is: All-or-nothing thinking, Overgeneralization, Mental filter, Discounting the positive, Jumping to conclusions, Magnification, Emotional reasoning, `Should statements', Labeling, Personalization and blame. ("The Feeling Good Handbook", David Burns, M.D., 1990) We must allow everyone to find `forward and drive' to be able to continue on the journey of evolution, and not just ignore self - organizing unsupervised behavior as `Art', Dreams, and the work of Buddhas. (The `driving backwards' is a metaphor for the essentially inhibitional nature of the neocortex in relation to mid and   lower brain centers or `inner child'.)


IV. GENETICS  A. Automata with end states yes or no:     no as primary set is neocortex as inhibitor     creates yes \ OK space by recognizing lack of new     information as no threat. Everything accounted for,     environment is learned.  B. automata with more than 2 end states:      key sequences as start \ end states      OR multiple elements: complex components in states  C. distance from marker equivalent to planet orbit in helix     DNA as library, not operators so what reads??   


 Neural networks that can exist in real biological brain structures are self organizing model free function estimators. According to the latest research, they do not need to relate inputs to outputs in a causal - deterministic way that can be represented by the standard number systems.  My model uses a system of states that act like fuzzy numbers that are embedded in the structure of neural nets, electron shells, and the functional structures of biomolecules. This is a basis for the continuity and unity between consciousness, brain behaviour, biochemestry and physics; all of which use the same source of logics to self organize. Matter use these logics with a power spectrum of equal use for all states which is a random function. "Life" self organizes these states into a coherent cyclical fuzzy system in the phase domain. This allows life systems to be sensitive to all "random" cycles of matter to make use of a random function's properity of completely filling an information space in developing evolving diverse distributed systems. The space filling properity of a random function is illustrated by the result of continious "skribbling" on a sheet of paper eventually fills or covers all white space. Consciousness as a behaviour contains arousal levels [awakeness], sensation, emotion, awareness, evaluation, expectation, and action. All of these subsystems emerge as fully formed estimates of functions. Functions are "maps" or relationships that contain all the dynamics of behaviours and action. Dynamics of behaviour show all the possibilities of functionality and the boundaries beyond which the system breaks down or becomes dysfunctional. In human terms, when we approach the edge of a cliff, we feel fear in inverse proportion to our skill level as a mountain climber. So consciousness includes the self, other and the background unifies in one system. Everything humans experience as "out there" also contains a map of our "in here" involvement, experience, and skills as a complete system. I will discribe consciousness as a complex fractal whose nature can be modeled by a hologram of space and proceedures in the time domain, or as a digital sundial: shining a light from some source gives an instant answer that is constructed by an inner fractal structure and any change of direction of the source instantly changes the "solution output" [answer]. Thus the internal structure of the sundial is like biological macromolecules as enzimes, neural transmitters and the smell - odor system which are the principle constructs of cognitive processes in most life forms. And the lower dimensional shadow as the "readout" of a particular "angle" of light is an analogy of thought processes which in spoken language are one dimensional and in Asian ideograms are two dimensional slices of the complete structure or situation. Thus humans say that no single thought can fully capture an emotional content. We also then have the possibility of approaching the complexity of all situations from a "fixed angle", thus creating a "space" of different approaches to life called "personality".


 That neural nets are self organizing means that supervised behaviour and learning, and culture itself are not directly realizable in biological neural networks. Then how did culture evolve and what is it? Language is a set of pointers to real neural net structures with fuzzily identical outputs which creats a fully connected neural network across individual human boundaries. The boundaries of this energy surface is the entire population ofthat ethnic language group: everyone in that group shares their  mind with all others as if they were functional inside a single brain. This has been directly discribed by many traditional cultures for thousands of years. The "One Mind" allows functions to be fragmented into their constituant steps and those steps distributed among the group members as specialities according to fractal scaling proceedures. This mapping of the entire information - learning space of a single individual onto a fraction of the phase space of all human proceedures and behaviours. A "primative" family that is totally self reliant for all their needs has a limit to the "amount" of information that they can learn, and know - retain. According to anthropological studies, this amount was emensly larger that the requirements of "modern families", and with the projection of the information perserved in extended families onto "experts", the total breadth of this knowledge is shrinking. Since the "horizontal" fragmentation is increasing as more and more specialists are being developed, the vertical development time is increasing as each area of specialization develops its own "language" in isolation. In this sense, cultures are following the same logics of evolution in the the diversification of species. When isolated from predators as in communist systems, evolution stopped even as it does in natural isolated ecologies.


Language as the "space" within which humans are able to be "inside" each other and share distributed functions contains the global coordinates which "drive" the geometry of human interaction. Thus the examination of the state transition and cultural "weights" of words and especially unspoken and nonverbalized rules is like finding new viriuses and/or DNA protien structures. The models humans construct of their personal global situation as well as models of the nature of "reality" fold, bend, and in some cases of persons labeled "dysfunctional", mutulate the geometry of the energy sheet of culture that we "allow" ourselves to share. Our model of our abilities and our place in the "world" is the visible "tip of the iceberg" of our personal global position which "determins" how we permit our activity to display itself [how much energy we allow ourselves to utilize or make available] [Does this point to Mercury & Venus and the lung - kindey merridian as our "projection"?]. The "folds" in our and the culture's "energy surface" are commonly referred to as "context". A rule or proceedure in one context may not apply in another even though that "rule" is perfectly logical and true. For instance, the rules: "If you eat too much, you gain weight", and "If you control your hunger and refrain from eating immediatly when hungery" applied to a person who is thin is a different context from an overweight person. The place on energy surface of the thin persons is at some stable minium, wheras the overweight person is position on a "roller coaster" between maximum and minium that is obviously unstable and multi dimensional. It is precisily the folding of other dimensions of, for example, self esteem that creates a energy minium stability from "overeating". Thus the "attraction" of overeating as "fixing" self esteem is stronger than [overwhelms] the attraction - reward for being "thin".





My model of self organization shows that for supervision within culture to take place or for language to be meaningful, humans must plug-it-in to the older brain structures of the reptilian and emotion brain. This is illustrated in music by the way the melody and harmony plug into the rhythm and time signature bar-line structure. An amorphous or chaotic melody without rhythm appears unskillful and/or alien to our “minds”.

 This connection with rhythm is also how the neocortex discovered the connection with the cosmos and utilized it with by the overlayering of the phase structures or phase space we refer to as key signature. Thus this became self consciousness as a hologram [melody] of a hologram [beat – rhythm]. Later addition of culture and civilization as a third and more layering of holograms  as harmony and counterpoint.

 This is a new insight into the biggest problem of self organizing biological structure that does not allow supervisory actions and thus seem to not allow culture to exist as humans know it

So Astrology is about the supervised division of human activities into a phase space called “Work”. It is programmed and is no more basic to biology than language or music.



Illustrations of how “meaning” is produced by plugging into the older brain.

 Music melody plugs into the beat.

 The virtual beat of classical becomes the “real” beat of the drums in Rock and Hip-Hop which plugs into older reptilian levels.

The Cross plugs into death and resurrection in Christianity.


Games plug into dominance or competitive NNets?

“NO” does not plug into any particulars except competitive nnets of opposition. “Not” may plug into fear.


The Zodiac represents the variety of “machine codes” of the older brain that can be plugged into the neocortex as models of “personality”. This shows the ability of over-maps of an entire ecology of the neocortex.



What are precise models of fuzzy phase space systems that were created by holomind and model holomind? Cards [especially solitaire], Music, language with the alphabet as the phase space. I propose that a word has the same function of a coherent source in holography: it “shines” thru the phase code and reconstructs the stored content. It is also like an address in a fractal structure.


What are coherent sources in culture that are used as the canvas for multiple levels of holomind?

Ethics, morality, civil law, procedures and rules.



By left/right brain maps of culture I refer to language and “artistic”, “musical” or other dimensional maps such as visualizations that seem to originate from activity in different hemispheres of the neocortex. I also am not referring to any “deterministic” differences, which I also believe do not exist in the same way that the organs are “determined”. This is validated by knowing that other cultures, Japan for instance, process language on the “other side”. I am being fuzzily inclusive of concrete language and imaginative activity.





The “fuzzy” coherent structures “look” for or move towards being not fuzzy as if they are problems to be solved. Thus mind has many transition states or action modes that are not final. This is modeled / mapped by drama / TV and endings in music. The final complete state is not death, which is only a stop or pause: thus the idea of rebirth to “finish” or complete things. This completion is mapped as “Nirvana”!



The fuzzy states that seek completion are labeled “Samsara”! Do these states have any stability in each culture as “meaning”?


Why is the holographic map so strong? Rules and laws and actions to bring situations to completion are examples of wanting and needing coherence to build society and individual life. Male and female or Yin and Yang are integrated into wholes just as the crest and trough of wave forms. I will supply many maps and illustrations of this coherence and starting at incoherence or fuzzy states. I will also supply the maps of phase space and other direct evidence of the brains code.


The incomplete fuzzy states are represented and accessed by Zen Koans: the sound of one hand clapping. The solution is my one hand clapping and connecting with another to form a Gemini!

Thus incomplete states are ignored as real!


The trigrams fire and water can refer to wave forms! The 12 hexagrams refer to building to completion of “Creative” and the canceling energy of the trough of waves moving to “earth” with 33 as retreat or withdrawal as cancel and 12 “standstill” as data separation and 20 looking down as standing aside [beside] and observing as from objective outside the process and 23 “collapse” or “top-heavy” as not giving into the destructive releasing energy for new beginnings. Then “earth” is the same as “Object” where we think of “matter” as having no life or self organization and being without “mind”: dead!

Mind and the universe is self organizing which preculdes supervision by
family, religion, school, civil government or any facility of culture /
civilization without the nwely evolved holomind levels which act like
idenity maps shared by everyone of that culture. This fact is not recognized
or appreciated outside some small circles of mathematics of neural networks.

The frying pan as higher power is a excellent image of self organization and “Creator God”: since the food is cooked which means transformed or reframed in the frying pan.


.  The reptilian brain is the seat of repetition: which is coherent data in – rules out. This is where all or nothing behaviour structures began and are transformed into fuzzy logic of emotion and creative logic of neocortex. [where creative means to create a coherence out of pieces of the rest of holomind]. Thus the reptilian is the basis of Parent and the emotion of child!




Is the school violence part of a change in cultural programming instead of single self organization?


NEW is a property of self organizing holomind, thus not just a description of my writings. Improvisation is built into Mind/Matter!

All levels of consciousness include matter as a part of mind! Holomind means that all creative processes are present at all levels and locations: this means that self organization emerges everywhere / everywhen embedded within each different level of consciousness. Thus the structure of a particular level is not violated even though it can become organized differently than at other locations. This includes the structures that are time-stable organizations called Matter which can retain their structure.


Thus “NEW” is built into consciousness at different places within the same being!


My “NEW” includes or enfolds traditional maps of mind from religion and science as the new invention of TV included Radio or the “Car” and “Airplane” upgraded previous types of transportation. Thus the “intent” and direction of flow of many religions will be preserved, but much will change. Also science started within an Exclusive – Not logic, but now new fuzzy logic and complexity theory has emerged.


Maps can be process which are like transition diagrams!


Put the dimensions of holomind as fractal connections as my music composer: each note is a result of self organization in only a sub-dimension of a sequence!


Self organization can be at any single moment emerging from hunter/tribal mind! Thus cultural maps and Astrology helped organize time as supervised organization. The development evolution of supervision starts with family in basic life structures?!

How is “taking care of children and home” a basic consciousness procedure that becomes an automata where humans plug-in all other “need for being busy”? It seems that procedures lose their original content but retain their structure.


My need to fill time?


Is a wedding ring also a symbol of the woman wrapping the man around her finger? Is that the way it is said or thought of now?


Games – procedures: as a game becomes successful the structure remains above the gap! This means it is not synergized with the rest of or old procedures. This is like science not recognizing that it is a new type of the procedure that emerged as religion. It sees solutions and iteration of itself, but does not see its structure as a solution of the procedure called religion.  Thus the game is played [us against them where them is ignorance and us is understanding reality] over and over from within its rules, but ignores that it is a win to just be playing that game: to be “taking care of the children of science” or to be “standing on the backs of giants”! [Newton]

Are the moon’s nodes the coherent source for self organizing DNA in survival mode? Build a better organism that can rise to the top: occupy a single place in the ecology. Thus the sun came to move to a center of the whole cosmos based on real positions and momenta, not on labels. Yet labels as maps became important. Thus the moons position as a real body was important, not its shinning phase reflecting the sun, which became the illusion! Thus werewolf speaks of the demon of illusion and unimportant seeming-coherence like the phases!!!!!?!


Consciousness has a built-in search function: electrons are searching for a place to become coherent – where to fit in best. This is self organization. When a fit is found, that may not end the search function. Yet human culture needed to have limits to search for the success of agriculture, which had resulted from search and self organization. So additional search was labeled “Sin”! Now search shows us “self-organization” and that “sin” is a myth – illusion of an unfinished – incomplete search!

TV and especially news has this search structure!

This search for coherence is for higher dimension of connection and organization. So self organization has levels and consciousness – awareness between levels that is studied – mapped in quantum mechanics and called dimension. Gravity may be part of this self organization: connect everything! First level of connection that results in fire and stars!


Search ends in “found” and attachment. Thus nonattachment is freedom for open search. If light is a search – consciousness function, then it is in all directions as part of holouniverse.

That is, light does not emerge with only one piece of information, but the whole picture. How does this compute in layers that have different levels of resolution?

Layers of neural nets = layers of fractals goes-to  layers of consciousness and quantum layers.

Because of competitive neural nets [they all are competitive: that is the natural structure of holographic mind] that cannot be controlled or supervised, my writings can be [are] interpreted as attempts to control “as-if” this is a new religion or “scientific truth” and as if it is a formula to be obeyed “or-else!”. Thus most religions, especially Buddhism, expect or wait for such maps to “spontaneously” emerge from within: from enlightenment or a relationship – personal connection with “God”. Thus my writings can be seen – modeled as competive instead of as sharing my inner journey to synergize science and traditional religions- philosophy – metaphysics.



The idea of restorative justice of youth doing harm or by extension any “bad - unlawful” social behaviours may be referred to how the maps of society controls and supervision conflict with biological self organizing neural networks. The earliest example is of a parent first attempts to stop unwanted behaviour in an infant – toddler. The word “no” is interpreted by the self organizing mind as “how to say no to others”. It is not taken as “stop my actions” or “control myself”. The social mind is a over-layer, which has not yet developed, that acts like a mirror in which the toddler sees themselves not doing or stopping. This is called control and supervision. Yet it does not stop any plan or “idea” from emerging from the self organizing mind. At further stages of development when the child stops once, but returns to the same action at a later time, labels of “bad” and “good” are attached which create split off parts of mind as disunity and inability to integrate actions.

 When the self organizing mind gains more power in later childhood, it finds it can disregard the “mirror” of control and supervision.

 So justice must start with a clear understanding of the process of self organization and how to lead the mind into skillful action and not label the mind as “bad” or “good”. The mind can only be self organizing: ALWAYS!

 The attempt to control and supervise all levels of mind is the real injustice!

What is the self – ego? The control of majority of selves that delegates who and when other selves are “turned off” as signals between neural nets as “off” or inhibition. The word “inhibition” is not the scientific word which is actually to not accept signals. This is like moving the coherent source 180 degrees. So maybe the control process – mechanism is the ability to move the phase start!? Is this the process of creation of coherence” inhibition that acts like a shift of phase start. The other selves are self organizing so they cannot be “controlled”, but they can be unified. The maps or records of others are internalized as “learned behavior” that is continued to be applied as if the person is doing it to me. I  [central coherence] can grow and progress – develop those others that “live in me” [called parents by TA] be completion: see how I dealt with them and what I did, not how they reacted.

 These “others” are pushed away on a phase time line to become “midnight nightmares” and criticism of others.

 The use of self organization is the only process available to infants, so the enlightenment and awakening process is a renewal of self organization, and thus appears as infant or being like a little child!

 Thus consciousness and recognition is a phase fit with each “self”! the organization of this phase space is from the “Sun sign” as a desire or attachment to “being good and bright” or to life’s goals as where the ego wants to go as progress and path. This is where all religions and modern psychologies miss the inner process.

I see or propose that the inner process is to love and appreciate oneself, thus uniting all selves in inner joy and delight.


 These other selves can be ignored by concentration which looks like “self asleep” [of Gurgieff] which is the one mind map of culture. Thus “asleep” to inner realities is the result of being a cultural man!

Self organization can be in two directions? Using a new phase angle as a source of coherence or moving away from a complex structure of unstable or new evolving sources to an more stable source of the source. This seems the process in religion and conservative political society where the other direction is experimental and seen as “fashion”.

The golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do to you” is a use of the principle that self organizing systems copy behavior and do not easily respond to requests. Thus in order to meet ones needs the “rule” requires indirect action to get ones personal needs met! If you want or need love or support, then give love and support to others: to directly ask for it is called “selfish”! Thus the structure of behavior becomes distorted into indirect “other directed” action expecting the other to read ones mind and putting a personal motive on ones actions! This results in fusion and confusion!

Suffering is part of evolution: the biological experimentation of self organizing systems by genetic algorithms. It is built into being biological and development. The first stages of any new development  result in errors. When we refer to these errors as suffering and look for blame we bark up the wrong pile of shit! The tree of 3D logic is never wrong!

There is never Karma to blame, but looking for the causes of problems in the total structure is correct reading of Karma!

Why does “God” allow suffering to happen? Because suffering is a part of God’s nature as being self organizing in the present here and now! If God created the world and left, then there is no blame. But God creates now which results in many contradictory processes! Even viruses are part of creation and are evolving creatively. Random suffering allows the entire population to be examined and all problems examined! Contact the actor Mike J. Fox with Parkinson with these thoughts!


With evolution and chaos as the main paradigms of self organization [God] then “God does play dice”! but the dice used are the mind phase spaces as in a 12 sided “cubic” where the points and sides are flat and can be landed on which would be fuzzy states of mind! Landing on the flat sides is the stable matter!

So “God” doesn’t play dice with the rational cubic dice of 6 sides and no corner – edge states. The 6 sides are the 2nd and 3rd electron shells!

So “God’s” dice is more a rubx cube in all possible states! Even half turns! 

 This goes to tinker toys and cards!

What is enlightenment? It is not a one time event, but a starting over from the root of mind that was called rebirth: yet it does not conceptualize itself but is the beginning of the development of the skill to restart with any activity of conceptualization. It is the transcendence of subject – object beyond the “self” as the map of culture necessary within the context of self organizing mind!

So worship of a “God” outside somewhere is false! Creativity is within and cannot be accessed from outside! Then one is asking for control that is impossible! Thus asking for a result beyond being human doesn’t work: only new skills from within or emerging from and shared by community is possible! Thus the emergence of “trust” between US and Russia is a correct example of access of new programs beyond “Self” within emptiness [realm of infinite possibilities]!


With the self organizing mind, orders and supervisory instructions given by “strict” and abusive family or school or peers can be turned outward to produce the “controlling” man. This process can result in the desire to control others as the motivation for rape, domination and all the meanings of bullying: harassment maltreatment discrimination intimidate terrorize persecute torment frighten oppress browbeat harass threaten coerce overawe suffering distress torture. From this list I pick out “suffering” as the biggest “orbit” produced by humans emerging in Buddhism. Thus suffering results from trying to ignore and strip away [BH] our human creativity known in science as self organization. Thus the central path seen as discipline is exactly the inverse of self opening and creativity!

 Enya is a new paradigm for music: creation of all parts by the many parts of holomind performed by one individual!


Tobacco is a self punishing tool to take the place of criticism: those insults to selforganization offered by culture are turned inward instead of offered to others as putdowns or mirrored behavior. Thus one can inflict a map of the injury and harm done by others judgments by taking the poison of tobacco as if this fulfills their intent to criticize and judge. One “acts out” the content of their words! Self organizing behavior takes control of the insults by doing them to oneself! This continues the fight and game of life!

Regarding Standard Deviants videos: their comedy could be about self-organizing mind! They could produce a video about learning and self-organization.


Operant conditioning within self-organizing n.nets is the “pass-it-on” of you do it to me and then I have permission to do it to others. So putdowns and other punishments result in my doing the same to others, not in my better behavior or improved skills. This I’m OK results in passing on I’m OK to Your OK, unless I’m Not OK with others: if they treat me Not OK then I see them as NOT OK. If I want or desire strokes or things from others then my state may become less than others: “I’m NOT OK!”.

Yet in “top dog” there is a conditioning of fear and “They are stronger”, so I must be less than!? How does this work?

Disruptive people, in business, are an asset. They are innovative. This is an example of fuzzy functions.


I AM that I AM may be the conjunction and zero on a number line or in a dimensional structure. Then one or minus one may be opposition and I AM as being how far YOU or OTHER construct my world. At first I saw this as conjunction of self determination being positive one and opposition of other determination as negative – critical number structure. But this shifted into zero or center or origin as self determination and opposition as both sides contained in one structure.

Culture imposes rules and reward – punishment on self organizing mind: the result is the more the rules are followed and self organizing is disregarded, the more one acts as supervisor of others and has self defeating actions. This means humans try to defeat their own creative mind! This is named “control”! Humans follow rules in expectation of rewards or avoidance of punishment: but self organizing tasks are their own reward! Thus creativity and improvisation from within is a self connection: self made real or self realization!!


Beyond good and evil: science shows that mind is self-organizing which is called creative or God. This means that external supervision such as from parents, school, religion or civil government is biologically impossible unless we internalize the common rules and laws. We are responsible for how they are internally structured. Are they like a map we can follow or ?