Why the maper is invisible to itself: the part of mind that produces self consciousness cannot be conscious of itself. The highest level of a system can only produce maps of lower levels. Thus maps of the newly evolved human brain or neocortex, emerged in mythic or transcendental language as if it was beyond or outside comprehension.
The way science looks at reality is not by description of appearance, but by mapping the inner structure that results in the appearance of reality. The clearest example of this is the reorganization of the understanding of the cosmos and the earth: the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun and the earth is round and rotates! To come to this conclusion Galileo had to self organize his thoughts based on his observations and discard the traditional descriptions of the experts.
History that looks at the inner structures and discards the opinions of experts applied to the Holy Roman Empire remapped as started by the second coming of Christ and ending after a millennium of “Peace on Earth”!
How this relates to holographic mind!
The history of civilization and the levels of holographic mind starting with the agricultural revolution.
Humans cannot directly know / be aware of the structure of the highest level of their Mind because that is the very level that constructs the program – procedure that constructs the way of knowing – being aware. Thus in trying to understand how the highest level knows or what is its nature, humans have made maps and “symbols” which include this “gap” as a kind of transcendence. As if the top layer of mind is beyond comprehension.
The mind in the process of knowing / mapping itself at other levels of the stacks of holomind cannot map the level that is creating the maps: cannot know “itself”! it can “see” the various sizes of the smaller phase spaces, but it cannot know that it is manipulating those smaller spaces within its own larger phase space. In mathematical category theory this is know as the forgetful functor: mapping a larger set onto or with a smaller set! It has been studied in the logic of self reference?
About 1: Why is it so hard, so much of a problem to know ourselves as humans?
5/14/02 2:55 PM . Completeability requires theories of mind to include holomind, neural net self organization and all the material of consciousness that emerged over recorded history including Astrology and other “psychic” structures!
Also persons with real experience of the various levels of consciousness and who allow themselves to be objectively guided by those experiences in a scientific method context are needed: that is ME!
This removal from the experience of mind and consciousness is a partial solution to the problem of the gap between the highest level as producer of maps and the maps that are produced based only on the action of this highest level. This solution is called objectivity and is most clearly defined in empiricism. The most commonly understood example is the direct observation of the solar system by Galileo which contradicted the religious subjective position that the earth was flat and the center of the universe.
This gave the highest level new map making tools called science, but did not change the subjectivist impossibility of the mapmaker knowing its own processes. These new processes – operations responded to new sources of coherence: the rules of the scientific method.
Others, such as Kant, challenged these rules with the idea of the “a priori” or maps created before the rational procedures could operate. Thus this revealed the new level of cultural holomind having the same gap as the ole religious cultural holomind. My contention is that all levels of holomind have a “gap” where the level that is being examined cannot know the examiner. This is clear since the higher level interacts with / within the phase space of the lower level’s coherent source. This is illustrated by the Koch snowflake fractal. My dilemma is seeing that this process goes in the opposite “direction” of the division of the figure into smaller and smaller “space filling” iterations. I see the process as the smaller figures are the holo phase code “organized” by the larger coherence. Then the higher level sees this coherence as a phase code organized within its own larger coherence.
This first chapter about the “gap” can use Kant’s insights.
I am proposing that it is necessary to use this process to reveal the nature of holomind, just as it was necessary to get to the same level of map making with Galileo’s use of the telescope which in effect “jumper the gap” to be at the same level of resolution.
5/14/02 2:55 PM . The disregard of the foundation of human intelligence being the multidimensional processing space of “Apes” speaks to the gap or transcendence of the neocortex. Science developed evolution, but has refused to look at the implications: as if human language and intelligence developed out of thin air!
Science has enlarged this gap [part 1] in the total disregard of subjective “opinion” that is unsubstantiated by “evidence”. This is and was a new beginning. It began to recognize that there is a transcendental area - information space beyond the “ordinary mind”. It also began to recognize that this area could and must be simple and direct. This is the reductionist movement to find the single laws of the universe from which all other laws and truth would emerge [be derived]. In so doing it mirrored religion of “God” being a single cause and philosophy of the excluded middle. [nothing can be a little bit true and false at the same time].
Modern science has enlarged into complexity structures of complementarity and self organization [to mention a few] which may be giving a more accurate picture of this “gap” as multidimensional maps of an underlying reality.
the Thought as a System seminars (as they are interpreted by Nichol) Bohm
discusses the way thought objectifies itself. Repeated thoughts and reactions
become "hard-wired" into consciousness in the form of "neurophysiological
reflexes." Our human products-science, art, music, architecture, computers,
and societies--are the manifestation of "fixed, concrete" thought. The
activity of thought, emotion, and intellect, along with the artifacts that
thought builds, all form an entire system. Yet a "systemic fault"
exists in thought, which "doesn't know it is doing something and then
struggles against what it is doing." As a result thought and human society,
which is an aspect of thought, are constantly generating incoherence.
The question that Bohm kept returning to in his last years was how to
clear up, or heal, the incoherence of thought and how to understand the nature
of what he termed "the egoic process." How can thought develop the
proprioception of its own activity? He had once accepted Krishnamurti's teaching
that it can do so when the mind is silent and something beyond thought comes
into operation. What lies outside the system of thought is "insight, ....
perception," "intelligence," or "active energy." Yet
thought's reflexes operate at the social level, where dialogue groups can play a
role. Dialogue also opens the possibility of a collective "flow of
meaning" within a group that transcends the limits of individual
I see this as a strong statement of the emotional impact of the “problem” of self knowing the knower. Yet it is not stated / mapped in a form
That I use in my work. Bohm was not exposed to [rejected?] fuzzy logic and neural networks, maybe because the math had not been worked out until the end of his life and mostly after he died. The next quote goes to this point: [pg. 301]
“One of Bohm's
preoccupations was the Finnish physicist Kalervo V. Laurikainen, who felt that,
in his constant desire for order, Bohm did not leave room for what Pauli had
called "the irrational in matter." Bohm strongly rejected the idea of
"the irrational." It was meaningless, he said--nothing occurred in the
universe that was not without order. He talked more and more about the need to
discover order, rejecting anything that hinted at chance or randomness.”
I can see zooming in on holographic mind and having a process happen!
With the holomind, the cards as a phase space of a "lower" scale / chakra is "played" by the consciousness of a "higher" level that contains all the "games" in each subset of itself! This is so much closer to understanding consciousness and its unity! Like the hexigrams contain multiple sets of trigrams but even more powerful in a larger space of mind! It is how humans have limited ourselves to single deals, single games and using only to Ace as start build to solve the "game of life". And each deal / shuffle is a new chart! Looked at from different views! as Signs, constellations, heliocentric and moving within the galaxy!!!
The statement or instruction of “face difficult situations by dividing them up into little pieces” is part of the neocortex and is not available to other animals.
I am looking to show the map or place of “transcendental” ideas so they are no longer transcendental, but part of being human and supported by science in their essence!
Nobleman! This refers to the ability of humans to self program as if creating DNA code of activity and behavior. We ask the “Gods” for help as if the lower levels [chakras] have programs or behavior structures of connection within group structures [of the heart chakra or higher?]. Thus “noble” can refer to creating programs and instructions that are consistent or stable instead of self organizing and flexible or respondent to circumstances. The old genetic programs of the reptilian fight or flight of self interest can be overridden with programs that extend beyond to large groups. This can be the start of cultural. It moves from Mercury / Earth to Jupiter /Saturn or Uranus / Neptune. These are groups that include contradiction, which points to Uranus/Neptune. The Jupiter [heart] chakra is about resonance and love, not separation and opposition. So communication with language and the 5th / 6th chakras is about alternatives and separation.
Fusion [confusion] is about resonance!
The next higher level in science is general systems and those topics of complexity theory!
So I need to explain levels of resolution and holomind first before I can explain the gap!
I can see a gap in both directions! We are not directly aware of procedures at the cellular “DNA” level or smaller and of the larger levels. So what level is civilization? We have maps of civilization but not of how our “ego” is created by that level of holomind. Or is it? In meditation which separates us from the composite group mind, we can become self aware and see part of a bigger reality? Or is it a implicate holo order where each “part” [phase] is smaller and part of a subset?
What is direct without name dropping like “fractals”. As someone said, don’t look or appear smarter/above. That is not the point and leads to nodes: above/below. The situation is that the “answers” are simple but cannot be “seen” because our jour98a # 298 3 mind is holographic and uses the code of culture to “see” – understand – “put two and two together”, because “two” is spelled different than the code accepts. The steps to opening to “seeing” are 1. Lose your mind/self. 2. Stay away from reconstruction systems like truth/religion/science. 3. Let your original – non-language mind point the way or rebuild. 4. When this happens you begin to see what is in front of your eyes but invisible. What is seen/invisible are the connections: what is the connection of key/time signature in music and the structure of holographic mind. What is the connection of the structure of words and grammars and the structure of holographic mind. What is the connection of the cosmos and the structure of holographic mind. What is the jour98a # 299 4 connection of agriculture/hunter and the structure of holographic mind. What is the connection of sharing the structure of holographic mind and the impossibility of culture due to the biology of neural networks being self organizing. What is the connection of consciousness and the structure of holographic mind. What is the connection of Neural networks and the structure of holographic mind. What is the connection of descriptions of “God” and the structure of holographic mind. What is the connection of Qi and the structure of holographic mind. What is the connection of the I Ching and the structure of holographic mind.
The main points of my book are:
The top level program / level of mind cannot "know or map" its own
that is involved in the process of knowing / mapping. Thus many guesses
about this level of holomind have been made.
Modern science has already developed a model of this top level but doesn't
"know" it.
Music demonstrates the gap in understanding: it is the strongest map of
consciousness that all science refuses to acknowledge!
Is the gap related to putting higher phase “cards” above lower cards so a coherent or “correct” order is not possible and the continuation of understanding in not possible? Thus putting god first may block comprehension of intermediate structure as was done in the Middle ages? Is this also the “Peter principle” of putting successful operations and principles above untried procedures? This happened with discipline and rationality after its success and required / necessity to operate agriCulture. So now and always humans apply their most successful intelligent operations at levels where they fail.
The gap is mapping the highest level of human consciousness and how it can access internal and external fields as well as its own programs called thinking. These internal programs are operations within this level found in different areas of holomind. This is supported by the way a hologram has the same info with different viewpoints at each different location in the brain/mind.
The gap results in our ignoring our minds products as maps of mind. This applies to computers and their programs, and now to web pages and their design. Humans can now design their own individual mind just as a programmer or company creates a product. We accepted the design as if it came from some outside source: heredity or environment. Modern mathematics of neural networks prove that it comes from within as self organization. We assemble and program using a basic mental machinery of DNA, but because our DNA is so almost identical to our Ape ancestors, this doesn’t explain the great diversity of language, culture and personalities of humans.
Gap: the experience of unity of consciousness of the “world out there” and my personal mind that I first had in 1966 showed me how my consciousness of everything is one unified whole. I can now see this as an experience of consciousness of consciousness where both levels are self organizing: I am taking responsibility for the design of my mind that I am creating since my enlightenment experience in 1958! At that one moment I woke up to the fact that most of what I called “Me” was information given to me by others about “Me” that I had accepted as true.
My experience of separateness of myself by consciousness seemingly outside myself that I first had around 1946 and still have today is a direct experience of this human mind that programs the self as the highest level of consciousness seeing itself. It is like seeing a stranger that I live in and call myself! The experience of this “gap” is very vivid as if myself doesn’t belong to me: it is created within some unknown structure that seems to belong to everyone. As if being someone else is as reasonable as being myself. I remember inducing this “state” with the question” “Why am I Me?”.
The gap is also illustrated by looking at a scene and only “seeing” what is focused on!
Is the gap related to putting higher phase “cards” above lower cards so a coherent or “correct” order is not possible and the continuation of understanding in not possible? Thus putting god first may block comprehension of intermediate structure as was done in the Middle ages? Is this also the “Peter principle” of putting successful operations and principles above untried procedures? This happened with discipline and rationality after its success and required / necessity to operate agriCulture. So now and always humans apply their most successful intelligent operations at levels where they fail.
The gap is mapping the highest level of human consciousness and how it can access internal and external fields as well as its own programs called thinking. These internal programs are operations within this level found in different areas of holomind. This is supported by the way a hologram has the same info with different viewpoints at each different location in the brain/mind.
The gap results in our ignoring our minds products as maps of mind. This applies to computers and their programs, and now to web pages and their design. Humans can now design their own individual mind just as a programmer or company creates a product. We accepted the design as if it came from some outside source: heredity or environment. Modern mathematics of neural networks prove that it comes from within as self organization. We assemble and program using a basic mental machinery of DNA, but because our DNA is so almost identical to our Ape ancestors, this doesn’t explain the great diversity of language, culture and personalities of humans.
Gap: the experience of unity of consciousness of the “world out there” and my personal mind that I first had in 1966 showed me how my consciousness of everything is one unified whole. I can now see this as an experience of consciousness of consciousness where both levels are self organizing: I am taking responsibility for the design of my mind that I am creating since my enlightenment experience in 1958! At that one moment I woke up to the fact that most of what I called “Me” was information given to me by others about “Me” that I had accepted as true.
My experience of separateness of myself by consciousness seemingly outside myself that I first had around 1946 and still have today is a direct experience of this human mind that programs the self as the highest level of consciousness seeing itself. It is like seeing a stranger that I live in and call myself! The experience of this “gap” is very vivid as if myself doesn’t belong to me: it is created within some unknown structure that seems to belong to everyone. As if being someone else is as reasonable as being myself. I remember inducing this “state” with the question” “Why am I Me?”.
The gap is also illustrated by looking at a scene and only “seeing” what is focused on!
Reviewing my thoughts about early conceptual formulations like “instinct”: they have nowhere to fit within bigger coherent structures yet to be put in line [lined up], so they continue the same disorganization. As fragments of organization, they become attractors which increase the “gap”!
What if “instinct” as coherent immediate recognition of workable procedure is consciousness as intelligence and what is called intelligence is the instinct to create coherence [put things in order] where disorder is seen as a “problem”. This is also studied as “evolution” thru the mechanism of “survival of the fittest [most lined up coherence]”.
Above the gap is “God”: it is the commander. Where the rules and operating structure exists. Yet there are older operating systems in the deeper brain. So it is levels of operating systems. Yet human consciousness is not directly in contact with this meaning of human being, but is in contact with the meaning of being animal and reptile and now with the meaning of being the 2 triangles! Science or contradiction and belief or culture! Thus in moving “on” to the cross as the command operating system, it gave us a clear vision or map of the Star of David and the definition of cultural maps!
Yet, few humans have understood!
I am saying that peace and gentleness is built into biology: is part of a material world! Thus the idea of a separate spiritual and material world no longer exists! It only started with a reduced intelligence to “only rational”! Now we know that the material is a subset of the spiritual mind and that the rational is a subset of the fuzzy and “imaginary”!
The weather forecaster is a good example of reductionism: is finds the place where the temperature “Should be” by statistics and “measures” the goodness of the day by the variation from “normal”. Science looks for the one law that perfectly explains and predicts the behavior of systems. In religious reductionism we are measured by a standard which becomes a layer of holomind as a map shared by all that “belong”, but it is also used as a measure for “outsiders” and expanded from public society to private thoughts. In Asian societies, because of the self organizing of Buddhism, private inner life is kept separate, and the individual is the only one responsible for inner structure and organization. Their inner life is not shaped or created by outside forces, either spiritual or environment or heredity [behaviorism and survival of the fittest evolution theory]. Thus shame as a social signal is important, but sin and guilt for personal errors and mistakes is replaced by skillfulness: correct the error and learn – become more skilful.
When this reductionist science is applied to the inner mental life, a theory of mental structure that fits all humans is pursued [hunted - searched for] and the alternative possibility that each human mind structure is individually programmable and starts out with different phase settings to its coherent sources from which holomind emerges, is not even expected or considered possible. The possibility of unique individual structure that was the underlying structure of traditional systems like Astrology or Tarot is not pursued. Yet these traditional systems assert that the same set of coherent sources is present in everyone, only the “shuffle” or cycle positions differ! This individual mix of coherence happens on deeper levels of mind usually referred to as “animal brain”.
Thus the hereditary and environmental structures needed to be programmed into human holomind! Some biological structures are present in the animal brain, but the “ancestor worship” or “one Father God” worship and cultural social maps are not built into the brain as is peace and gentleness!
A possible start to the need for phase in building holomind: when lines of humans for the same task are formed. When more than one is doing exactly the same task. Hunting societies did not have a iterative task the same way agricultural tasks are formed. Each hunt can be different. Only the weather changes in agriculture, and in city life, even that doesn’t much matter!
Thus hierarchies formed that are like phase structures: first, second, third, all the others and last!
This “mind” is formed within the social position context!
But hunter societies had circle dances, which are more phase oriented. The line is more an extension of a single coherent phase into fractal sub-phases?!
“Peter Principle” is a good example of the “Gap” between the top map or top executive and lower maps. Thus when smaller maps are applied to larger teritorities or visa-versa because of dimension and consciousness problems the maps do not function as expected. When the higher maps are not recognized, then smaller maps emerge. As for instance extended family maps of synergetic structures mapped to “nuclear” [2 parent] families, their maps are inadequate to deal with complete surround children!
Also the maps of trinity were a dimension reduction! Thus a higher 3D world allows opposition as a whole 2D projection map!
Visual 3D maps in holographic code are not accessible by 1D linear logic. Thus when humans developed linear thinking they did maps of maps or restricted consciousness: as for instance years to days – to hours – to minuets to seconds.
The gap is also like the Christmas tree lights on an outdoors tree in bright sunlight. But even more the immense interest in the stars and drawing – seeing figures as constellations is also the gap: we cannot see the stars in daylight even though they are there!! Thus meditation is like tuning down the light intensity until one is aware of the stars or the human mind. Thus the no-self is seeing the illusion of thinking the sun is all there is and following this pattern of action with only skill participation by the neocortex – stars!
In music the sunlight is the drums of rock-and-roll: the reptilian brain or lion as ego.
This mirror or picture – map within a picture is the same as was labeled “super-ego” or conscience! What I don’t want done to me –picture- I feel inhibited or excluded from doing myself – picture within picture! Is this the operator called “NO”?!? Is this “PIP” [Picture in picture] the basis of inner supervision – control? Is it also “levels of consciousness” and a recursion – fractal?
The most important things to know about mind that cannot be know directly by mind informing us is that Peace, gentleness and creativity is built into the biology of the neocortex. Peace in-as-much as the number of connections from the intense - bright sensual processes in the old brain reduces that intensity to a peaceful easy to handle gentle process that is represented by Christmas tree lights or candles compared to sunlight. This allows creativity and reprogramming the brain in the “here-and-now” instead of in immense evolutional times of millions of years. One of the first examples of this reprogramming is the emergence of agriculture that evolved into urban society from humans that genetically are primarily hunters!
Another more primary structural feature is self organization. Science has verified the limits of human culture by establishing as fact that the only kind of neural networks that can exist in biological systems, called self organizing, cannot be controlled, or supervised from any outside influence or force. Thus, family or school or social – civic supervision is on the face of it, biologically impossible. The solution that allowed culture and civilization to emerge, is for each individual to internalize and embrace identical maps of cultural rules and boundaries. The clearest process of use of these identical maps was introduced by religion as the culmination of the need for discipline in a agricultural and urban society. The symphony orchestra is also a clear representation of this process, with each member of the string section playing identical parts. The woodwinds, brass and percussion play the single self organizing parts available to the many multiple selves of mind based on holographic process.
This introduces the third important structural element of Mind: science proved starting in the 1960’s that the same process that creates a hologram exists in the brain and mind, only the mind can take this process into a layered structure much like the layers of all matter as seen in electron shells. Thus we can propose that matter is made in the image of mind!
Early holography used coherent light sources such as lasers as both the canvas and source of the mind code written in a phase space on that canvas. Thus when this code is stored on a physical media like film or integrated as the structure of biological systems, the reintroduction of the same coherent source at the same phase angle results in the total information content becoming conscious in biology and reassembled as an image in the physical holographic process.
The evidence for or result of the existence of coherent sources in biological systems is the emergence of rules, laws, discipline and other processes the imply lining up of actions. This coherence is mapped by the time and key signatures of music, which shows what a direct and complete map – representation of mind and consciousness has been present for centuries.
The next structural process of mind is the self reference process of love and beauty which is a reflection of the experience of resonance of the inner mind process having the same fractal mathematical “shape” as some external structure. Thus we feel the emergence of beauty and love from within as referring to external reality, but in truth, it is the experience of resonance and identity with our mind.
These structures are not directly revealed or available to our mind because the highest level of process of any system cannot map itself while it is involved in the operation of mapping. Thus it allows symbolic representations to emerge that resonate with these process, and that resonance is recognized as the experience of truth and meaning!
New insight: the symmetry of the body and the mind’s general resonant attraction to symmetry results from coherent sources and the symmetry of wave forms. Thus the crest and trough are found in the circular left – right symmetry as given in the I Ching!
The overlayering of holomind as with the chakras and I Ching may be like the clock where the minuets layer over hours and seconds
God is love refers to resonance with the highest command levels of mind. We know ourselves thru love!
Had an unremembered dream about completion, threads, Bradshaw like ideas, others agree with me: what was it? The drama – story of the dream was compilation of competing n.nets? is that why it is hard to remember: there is one commander when I am awake?
What is the higher level / power? The next level of coherence that is the source that codes and reMembers the procedures being used as “self”. This coherence may be a part of the phase structure / space of procedures that are more general or apply to a larger set. Thus looking for the highest level of holomind is that level that applies to everything or every process. Thus the moment of my enlightenment was a recognition that my social self map was only a phase of a larger coherence of only being human!
These maps in phase space are procedure maps stored at various “angles” of a phase space. Thus the coherence is part of a process contained within a “higher” or bigger phase space where moving the interaction of the original coherent source, that acts as “canvas” that is called “subject” upon which the code is written, and the coherence source that was changed by the process to become the code that is called “object”, “writes” many holomind contents. Each at the different angle in the larger phase space. This is illustrated by the physical holographic process where many “images” can be stored on a single film by altering the angle of interaction between a single
Frequency that is the coherent source and many codes that resulted from the interaction of that single source and the “object” of the picture. Also different frequencies can be used on a single “film”, each with different phase angles?
These different frequencies may be seen as phase space of a higher coherence?
[This is a start of emergent understanding of levels of holomind].
One aspect of why it is hard to know the higher coherence or highest level of computation is that it would be hard to imagine or predict how a procedure would change if we change the source code or how a computer program would change if the CPU machine code was changed, or what new procedures would be available. Also it the phase space was changed, what would happen to all procedures coded and already existing. Thus I knew who I was before my enlightenment, but after I became a mystery. I had to experiment and be open to new possibilities!
The RISC technology maps the new human mind that can load maps into consciousness / mind as especially implemented in drama: there the characters / action and processes are loaded into the minds of the audience! This is the same process as naming anything: it loads a map into RISC consciousness. This as first mapped is how “personality” or selfhood is loaded and why the person has no knowledge of this process as the higher level of mind and process. The Buddhists called RISC Sunyatta or emptiness!
TV does produce maps of holomind: a new example is “Smallville” which tells a story about superman as an infant to teen who is discovering his power! This idea of a infant from another planet who does not have any adults of his species to instruct him or demonstrate his innate inner power exactly maps the evolution of humans over the last million years. We developed the neocortex and language and discipline for specific purposes: away from the forest we had to compete with humongus large animals and later develop agriculture. We were successful to an extent that made us totally different or alien from any other species, even our brothers the apes! So we don’t know what is the extent of this development, we have no teacher. So we invented “God” as teacher, but even that fell far short because it was about and “out there” exterior reality! Even when pioneers came like Jesus and Buddha to tell us that it is all within us, we made them into a different kind of “God”: “God in the flesh”, or “Only Son of God”. It is very clear if anyone reads the complete set of gospels as Thomas or Andrew that Jesus was talking about creativity within each of us. But then the 2nd “Christ”, namely Constantine, “put things straight” back to following others. Not as much was lost in Buddhism, but when I tell others that I am a Buddha, that their instructions found in Buddhist scriptures really work, I very quickly learn how much deterioration has taken place. Others take such a statement as a brag instead of listening to what new maps of skills already in them that I am pointing to. So why bother.
I can point to the expanded viewpoint of truth from all angles introduced by science and that everyone has a valid right to speak, which supports holomind, in US culture. All of this and much more is built into the biology of holomind and being human: we humans only need to utilize it in the many ways that are used in competitive productive industry to “make a better working product” or procedure - skill. Thus even sports or the performing arts is within this spiritual realm of learning who we are. Just try the concertos of Paganini or List!
The problem of “black box” or how the top level cannot produce models of itself, may be in and of itself misstated: it is not a problem of a program, but of emptiness of any program. Thus the highest level is not yet defined because definition is a lower level: the highest level is empty of definition but is pure possibility for creation. Thus the neocortex is an opening or openness to possibility and solution: a free not yet formed or bounded process within which constructs or objects or processes emerge!
Virtual reality is what takes place at the level of experience of the world: it was called “illusion” as in “the world is an illusion” in Hindu – Buddhist writings. This virtualist is our constructed sense of what we are and what is happening to us in the world constructed from sensory input. But it is not the “reality” of this experience, but an approximation!
The apple falls from the tree and Newton understands that he can find out how gravity works. Peace and gentleness emerge within human behavior and science doesn’t blink an eye. But they have already solved the problem of why peace emerged, but ignore any search for an answer.
Map of top level: if the TV picture/sound is a map of our objective consciousness of our self/ego, then it cannot map where the picture source is. The TV cannot know if a VCR tuner or tape or a cable or broadcast is the source. Is it coming from everywhere as broadcast or from a cable or a one time tape. Is the tape recorded at high or low resolution? Is the TV set tuner being used or bypassed. When applied to the self, do we know the origin of a thought or feeling or other experiences: we just “have” the experience.