Ch 4. Music and Culture Maps


Knowing the nature of mind and applying this new knowledge in everyday life.

Language, Music, the Arts, and human Culture already offer models of mind/body more precise than anything yet thought of in science, medicine or psychology. Yet new developments in science are beginning to catch up: namely holography, fractals and self organizing neural networks with fuzzy logic. These obtuse subjects are made simple when we understand that these are the newcomers on the block of seeing directly into the nature of Mind/body.

My idea of holotime needs translation into history and “karma – rebirth” ideas in the same way music is fractally related to what went before in multidimensional structure process!

 The most important map is music. It has the same real shape as holomind: the structural basis is real coherent sources, namely the key signature and time signature. There is self consciousness in the process of the holocode of the key which is the melodic [mind] code is always aware and fits / lines up with the time / rhythm code. This is a coherence in two dimensions of time and 2D frequency space. Also there exist space for multiple holomind codes in harmony and counterpoint of multiple interacting holomind orientations. This models distributed processes and layers of cultural mind: the self /ego / observer, the other [or focus?] or partner [Gemini], and the group support mind. The “laws of harmony” are also a map of holomind: the listener has immediate recognition of correct / incorrect harmony / dissonance. This immediate “consciousness” that precedes any possible thought and appears fully formed without going thru any set of steps or procedure is a characteristic of holomind. No matter how small or where a portion of a physical hologram is viewed, the whole picture is immediately present. Whereas with a ordinary photograph, each portion contains only portion or detail of the whole. Thus if one looked at a normal picture thru a movable covering with a hole the size of the head of a pin, one would need to make many moves [in a coherent way] to recognize the picture. This is a strong map of thought processes.

 With looking at music in this same moment by moment detached way, the [self] consciousness is lost because the coherence between the time and melody is lost and the melody becomes an object. This musical model of the thought process shows that when the higher dimensional mind “melody” is abstracted from the lower “subconscious” mind of rhythm, one would come up with maps based on how the analysis or thought process self structures itself. So the rules that would recognize one piece of music would not apply to all others because the time signature can change! But isn’t this a map of religion and science which discards the reptilian brain [rhythm] and subjectivism [melody] in understanding the coherence of “reality”. But what they have come up with is a reality without consciousness in science and only one consciousness [God] in religion. To this day even 40 years after the first introduction of a holographic paradigm of  mind, there is not one good model of consciousness.




1   Change the rules to get peace: is like changing the start phase or base phase for reframing / reorientation. This is like starting with a different card or choosing a card that works, [in solitaire] not being stuck with the rule that the only way to construct mind is starting with the “natural” ace and building up! Thus each culture – country - situation is like a different deal - shuffle that has been worked on for centuries.

The shuffle is time: the combinations that are – create situations do not occur in phase structure.


The intensities of language are like fragments of mirror: each shines bright but only from certain angles. Whereas the lower brain catches the light from external sources, the new brain reflects the reflected light!


Iteration is how repetition happens. Thus any concept tries to be iterative: such as second coming over and over at different scales! So now the second coming is science!


2 The monkey, ape, and baboon evolved the neocortex in the 3 dimensional environment of the tree-tops and leaves: a higher scale fractal structure that fits my conjectures. When pre-man moved out of the treetops he applied 3D logic to the flatland of the plane and out performed everything with only 2D flatland logics!

jour98a # 221    Thus when we came out of the trees we constructed the 3D logic of heirachical structures and connectivity called community and civilization. As if the branches in all directions are paths of connection of thoughts and procedures.


Worship is necessary when one “person” cannot understand and others do not have the skills of representation to explain what seem like mysteries and hence sacred truths.


3  Halloween revealed: this is the premiere religious holoday of USA. It is celebrated everyday by mass media as “trick-or-treat” news shows which come out with material that is designed to engage the human “fright or fight or flight” emergency parts of our brains and emotions. To engage the child-inside all adults. To alert us – disturb us – catch us up in the turmoil toil-and –trouble of the world. This is designed so the corporations receive the “treat” when the viewer spends money on the products described by the commercials. There is no appeal to “gentle” or serenity  or peaceful activities of humans as in the mathematics which prove that to be human means that we all must share ONE MIND as living within a single virtual skull or all sharing a single world wide web of virtual brain cells. When has any news organization explored or reported on this mathematical solution to the “meaning of life”.


4 What is attachment and “desire”? I cannot know the Sanskrit meaning except by context and some equivalence. I cannot trust that “scholars” know anymore than I trust an English teacher to know fractals. What I can see in these words after I strip them of moral code meanings, is a process of separation of the multiple coherent sources that make up dyads and triads. This jour98a # 41 results is “pure light” without moiré bands that are usually [first “knee-jerk” response] relegated to dualistic maps. Thus there is no inherent dualism in anything except what emerges as a result of using multiple coherent sources. jour98a # 42 What emerges is an increase of intensity of consciousness in some areas and a reduction of consciousness in other areas. This “becomes” mapped with “good/bad” constructs. When the constant sources are separated, the dualism disappears. Is this also the process called emotion? jour98a # 43 Is emotion the perception of the bands of intensity of different systems that are dyads? [this is a good example of new scientific understanding starting to emerge from traditional sources]. Is the rest of it “subjective PR” as a come on to “save” humans from themselves with promises of heaven or perfect peace of nirvana and an end to suffering? What a huge blunder since jour98a # 44 self organization takes place within disturbance! Yes life is suffering which is the basis of Buddha nature: so some got it right when they said “Nirvana is Samsara”!



Which brings me to the details of how the newly evolved human brain on top of the older structures [15-200 million years old] called the neocortex defines our humanness!

First: because all biological neural net structures in any and all living systems MUST BE SELF ORGANIZING, human civilization and most aspects of culture like supervision, language, remote teaching not directed by example actions and other interactive behavior are biologically impossible. So the evolution of the neocortex obviously created a way to solve this problem posed by not being able to adjust or supervise each others self organizing neural networks.

In the holomind, the neocortex connects to the older brains and not directly to the sense organs. Then the neocortex is making a hologram of the hologram phase spaces of the older brains. Thus it can make a self similar phase space of each phase within the phase spaces of the older brains. With you I can use the I Ching as metaphoric structure: if the trigrams are the reptilian code space and the hexigrams the mammal brain code space then a space of 12 lines could represent the space of the neocortex which would have 2 to the 12th power states. This fractal scaling is obviously what happens in the creation of language and the maps of "Art, Music, etc." These neural networks in the neocortex which are virtual representations of fragments of the older brain can be shared with others who plug them into their brain [process resulting in "meaning"] as if all humans brains are inside a single virtual skull. This process is modeled by the places of religious worship [cathedrals, mosques, temples, churches, etc.] Thus the meaning of being human is that we all share one mind as maps within each individual.

This process of fractal scaling [fragmentation] reduces the intensity of single pieces of information or process states in the neocortex relative to the high survival intensity of the older brains that relate and deal with family, food, territory, sex and survival. If the older brain which is connected to the environment is like a rotating mirror reflecting sunlight, then the neocortex is like a shattered mirror scattered around and reflecting only parts of the whole mirror and only when there is alignment with the movement [bio-cycles and phase angles]. During the last 10,000 years and especially the last 3,000 as the agriCultural revolution evolved, humans had more time in which to map this process when parts of the neocortex was not connected or reflecting the intensity of the older brain. What happened isjour98a # 148     we discovered ourselves as serene, gentle and Peaceful.

This is especially evident in Buddhism and Taoism: "Know thru the simple and do thru the easy"! Then the 4 noble truths are: Suffering as being connected to the old brains. Suffering results when we use the old brain [excitement and arousal] as motivation. [cause of suffering]. Serenity [nirvana] results when we solve this problem because there are solutions, [not fate, karma and predestination] of non-attachment. The procedure [path] is holographic in many directions at once and one phase step at a time. [8-fold path to start]


6   The neural nets of the old brain are like machine language words that put a CPU into a "state". A sentence is a succession of words that does something. Then the neocortex connection is like an assembler or interpretation that can translate into a program for use anytime [to be called up] or directly produce real-time code! This is also the ability in the neocortex to produce machine code directly since the n.nets of the neocortex are like RISC. Thus humans can translate into "emotional - animal" code like loading the instruction set of a Pentium or Mac, but also write "native code" that doesn't "go thru" the older processors and directly connects to IO [action] especially verbal!

Basic biological structures of Being Human: peace and sharing one mind.


jour98a # 153    The basis of peace is biological: it is built into being human. We share our human brain [neocortex] with our older brain centers which are naturally more intense, thus the human brain that divides up that high intensity into little pieces that can be shared, thus creating human communities and civilization, is by nature far less intense: it is gentle and peaceful. Thus the human brain only realizes its power when it is shared as language and music and the arts!

Yet this human brain was developed / evolved as a tool to enhance the abilities to gather food, create and defend family, and other high survival tasks that require maximum energy / effort and intelligence. So we still "plug our peacefulness into" high intensity stories that many centuries ago had real survival value.

The approach I take by peace and gentle and serene is not making the lower brain centers "enemy" or demon or other oppositional "devil - hell" thinking, so we are beyond heaven and hell!

Change the rules to get peace: is like changing the start phase or base phase for reframing / reorientation. This is like starting with a different card or choosing a card that works, [in solitaire] not being stuck with the rule that the only way to construct mind is starting with the "natural" ace and building up! Thus each culture - country - situation is like a different deal - shuffle that has been worked on for centuries.

The shuffle is time: the combinations that are - create situations do not occur in phase structure.

The intensities of language are like fragments of mirror: each shines bright but only from certain angles. Whereas the lower brain catches the light from external sources, the new brain reflects the reflected light!

Addicted to excitement is the same structure as Buddhist desire - attachment and refers to the size -> intensity of the older brain. So the fractal pieces of the human brain can never be as "powerful" [hence powerlessness] or match the intensity of the lower brain. The human brain then is gentle, hence gentlemen! So the coffee and other drugs try to match this "feeling, strength, and intelligence of the older brains! The new brain was structured as a tool to help: hence helpful! So humans try to simulate the intensity and integration of the deeper structures in a place that cannot develop that much intensity.

The reduction of input to the somasystems produces a greater sensitivity to group mind.

Material sent to acupuncturists or TCM:

I am not offering information about particulars of treatment related to scientific medical theories, but a whole new theory - model of the body / mind that includes, integrates and synergizes very modern math and medical research [such as that done by Carl Pribram and Paul Plesch describing brain structures have properties that can be explained by their similarity to a physical hologram] with ALL the models present in TCM, Taoism and Buddhism. It answers the questions of precisely and scientifically how humans and life forms are connected to the cosmos as well as how cultural mind, family mind, individual mind is a continuation of the structures that allowed single celled organisms to inter-link as multicellular and later to differentiate into organs but still function as a single being.

I show precisely:

1. What is the One Mind and Self originating Mind, Tao, Qi in all its forms, Yin and Yang, I Ching, and meridians.

2. What is [and how they work] hypnosis, magnets, structure of the daily rhythm of Qi in the meridians.

3. Why such concepts as soul, the eternal Now, morality etc. Must arise

4. What is music, the Arts, and written language as a sculpture of mind and since they have developed independently of time or place with the same structure provide strong evidence for my model.

5. A way to diagnose based on the structure of the meridians that produces concrete charts for individuals. [A charge is involved, but if anyone provides anonymous data I will demonstrate]


My model has produced a complete new paradigm of what are the procedural components that define Being Human. This uses the newly developed mathematics of neural networks and self organization.

It answers the question of how human culture developed methods of supervision, teaching and organization that are biologically impossible given the fact that the only kind of neural networks that can exist within biological systems are self organizing. From Human to ant brains alike cannot be opened up and programmed like a computer but must learn and do everything that we attribute to influence and traditions from internal structuring. This also means that even though given the same "input" which produces the same "output", different individuals will and must structure their neural networks uniquely and individually and that during the repetition of these so called "learned skills" each individual will alter - deviate from the skill by their unique self organization. This is built in and only began to appear as "mistakes or sin" when 5,000 or more years ago the artificial experiment of human development

called agriCulture started looking for "rationality and a central organizing principle".

The nature of illusory mind has been pointed out by those who share my experiences and insights especially in Asian cultures over the last 2,500 years, so I was not to surprised that those few that responded to my internet mail at best wrote letters of opposition without even familiarizing themselves. They seem to believe in a Dualism, such as Yin/Yang has wrongly been attributed, to science and TCM which holds that concepts such as Qi, Tao, 5 elements and the meridians cannot possibly be scientific. [and given their Grasp [ing] of these words, I would agree].


7 Dance is also connected to the neocortex gentle peace: this is physical contact without violence or conflict.

Drama is the same: it proceeds with even depiction or representation of violence and reptilian brain stuff, yet everyone knows that it is “only a play”. So it is also an explanation of how the neocortex works: reaching into the midbrains and producing maps or holographic mind on top of holographic mind as self consciousness.

Music bars of the time signature is a representation – explanation of the many repeatings of holomind: by cycles. The repeated melody is the representation of overlayered repeated self consciousness in many “locations”.


8 One of the roots of all spiritual traditions is found in India and Hinduism. The trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva can be seen to prefigure the new understanding of holographic Mind. The coherent structure necessary to produce the holographic code can bee seen in the 3 aspects of God, where God in any aspect can be understood as coherence. Then Brahma Creator is the brightest apex or culmination or zenith of the whatever wave form is used. In the material world this is coherent laser light or sound that can be used as the canvas to produce the holographic code when an interference pattern is created by this same coherence that has the information from interaction with the “world” or object. This Brahma creative aspect is now described in science as the self organizing universe. In humans it refers to the fact that only self organizing neural networks can exist in biological brains. With the connection to the cosmos it is the strongest, brightest point of conjunction that is used by holographic mind as starting points.

Vishnu is the aspect of coherence of balance, peacefulness and tranquility that produces stability within culture. Those who connect with meditation find this place of inner gentleness. [more]

Shiva is the nadir or inverse of the wave crest whose energy can “destroy” or cancel the zenith energy when 180 degrees out of phase with an original coherence. This allows for rebirth or regeneration and is one of the cornerstones of the Christian doctrine of “death and resurrection”. This energy of consciousness is the source of the scientific method and reductionism. It has produced our modern world in all its aspects. There is no truth in science: only statements that have failed to be disproved. All scientific statements must be offered to the general public domain in a form that is specific enough to be tested. This is the concept of falsifiability and leads to progress based on finding the false or error and replacing it with ideas that can better stand more advanced scrutiny and inquiry.


9 The evolution of culture is increasing the separation / breakdown of original unites of culture like family and neighbors so that all that remains is our common humanity. This increases the peace and gentleness because of the non-attachment. The scientific paradigm of separate objects with trajectories and energies and mass supports this new loss of old organization, which is now being replaced by clearer understandings which become the connections and structure of the new emerging culture of complete accessibility which removes the dependence on  “materialism” as indicating cultural status.

This is a result of the inclusion of data separation structured by 90deg phase angles within neural networks. This removes individual identity or “self” that resulted from self organization as the primary bonding structure. This data separation at the individual level allows group and cultural identity especially as introduced by religions and now the “religion” of science, to become primary bonding structuring as a meta-structure in holomind.

 Phase angles. 180 degree is the structuring of opposition and variety starting with the development of the sexes. Thus mind is not “torn apart” by opposition, but included as complementarity.



My current focus is to clarify my understanding of being human as peace, gentle and freely creative due to the emerging understanding and expansion of the abilities of the neocortex [human brain] in creating maps of self reference and forms for the use of language pioneered in modern science and now becoming part of everyday [common to all] language. These maps and this new use of language reflects the understanding that because the neocortex can divide activities into very fine detail at a much higher level of resolution, it can deal with those activities in a calmer, gentler, and more creative solutions than the older midbrain of emotion and reptilian brain of fight or flight. This difference is like that between sunlight and Christmas tree lights or diodes. I believe this is one of the primary messages of the worlds religions: when you allow yourself to be peaceful, you find a place within [and some referred to it as “above”] that is free or non-attached from the seemingly “stimulus – response” fully implemented modes of behavior controlled by what are referred to as “instincts”. For this focus I am looking for verification of the brains proportional connectivity map between the neocortex and the older emotion and moving centers showing that the neocortex connects with dimensionally many more connections to these areas than takes place within these older centers.


“I'm unsure (without further research)
if the statement that the neo-cortex doesn't connect to our basic senses is valid”

My focus is to clarify what any part of modern science can contribute to understanding the structure of being human. I define the most basic focus of science itself as developing functional maps of reality that allow and include human interaction with that reality.

 One of the maps that has been developed allows my last statement to be treated as provisional by anyone such that they will produce other definitions that range from contradiction to agreement or any fuzzy point between.

 Clearly I can have multiple definitions, but I am using this definition to connect with pre-scientific traditions /activities / structures whose focus was functional. This includes language, music and games which I am investigating for how they reflect the holographic structure of the human mind that created [self organized] them. This extends to the direct attempts of religious and metaphysical “philosophies” whose intended focus was to “reveal” the “true nature” of physical and/or spiritual reality. With a few exceptions, I do not deal with the content as scientifically meaningful, but as function maps pointing to basic structures. An example is the first passages of the Christian / Jewish Bible referring to the separation of a chaos into “day and night” as referring to creating coherence. Thus I consider language, music and games as clearer maps of holomind than any “philosophy” or “metaphysics”.

 Thus in investigating statements about “peace” or “gentleness” or “spiritual love/compassion” or “non-attachment” I am referring these statements as self-referent maps of the structure of the neocortex and the interaction / connectivity with the “old” brain structures. Thus I want to know the details of the research and scientific findings regarding this connectivity. I clearly remember that the neocortex does not directly process sensory input, but then connects to those areas of the brain where these processes take place. The nature of these connections is significant regarding the nature of the self-aware – self-conscious “human” mind. I interpret the Buddhist “four noble truths” as referring to this connectivity and the possibility of the neocortex being able to create a meta-holomind that can be aware of these connections but not “involved” or “attached”. The alternative contradiction is given by “behaviorism” which proposes an unavoidable “causality” to these “stimulus – response” connections that seems to approach “predestination” or at least the commercial advertising industry would like to believe.

 I focus on statements made by theistic and transcendentalist traditions as referring to the neocortex as a structure that overarches – over-spans the old brain, where “man” is associated – labeled by properties of these old brain structures. This makes scientific sense in that highest operational level of any system cannot “know” itself: it can map lower levels but cannot produce a map of the mapmaker. [this was clearly recognized in Buddhist writings that warned against creating new “selves”]

 Thus I hope for as many leads – references to research that gives the most current details of the connectivity, functionality and neural network structuring of the neocortex.

12 Human cultural based statements and activities that depend only on the structure of the human brain. This includes statements about peace and gentleness: some referenced to “meditation” as an effort of man and others as transcendental gift from “God”. I am referring these to the expansion of structure of the neocortex by which, with language or maps, humans “spread out” the intensity of the animal brain into manageable “subsets”. My metaphoric map of this process is “like dividing sunlight into manageable / controllable segments like diodes or Christmas tree lights”.


Human cultural based statements and activities that emerge from structures that are shared with the other species in the older brain structures, but that are mapped by the creativity and freedom of the human neocortex to in effect be new stages of evolution. This will include self organization and the way in which the mind has operations that are similar to the production of a physical hologram [referred to by me as holomind]


 This is especially true of how humans moved the evolutional context of DNA development over time spans of millions of years to cultural programming. I refer to my RISC metaphor: humans reduced the specific instruction set of the animal mind to the most general and directly applicable and freely changeable “gates?”. Maybe one of the processes humans developed is the iteration of self similar procedures producing levels within levels, each of which is self organizing. Individual procedures can then be addressed separately by “self awareness” that allows the diversification of  singular life structures like hunting or farming into a multitude of interconnected tasks.


 Another process change was the mapping of identification of individuals by precisely individual “odor” onto nominalization within language which allows a broader range of identification. [I don’t fully include many stages of development of identification using the other senses because humans still share many of these same procedures with other species. These are “pioneer” or first time assertions that need dialogue or debate for clarity and validation.]


13 Stem cells that can regrow tissue or organs are the same holomind structure at the DNA level as holosituations of the coherent “petals” of the other chakras. Thus the heart code of the 64 hexagrams are enfolded situations that all contain “code” or personal information  and are also problem solving processors just as a Pentium CPU or the liver which solves the biological problem of creating energy from “food” or cleaning blood or whatever! Thus our structure of heart opens up emerging from within and available everywhere just as the structure of the electron orbits are available everywhere, but only certain “solutions” are available to the electron shells depending on the inner nucleus!!!! Thus the inner coherent situation represented by the trigrams or hexagrams or pentagrams etc. of each holomind level [called chakras] has an outside connection with other situations that create completion just as the O2 needs 2 Hydrogens to be the complete “water”. This is the solution that becomes a complete “room” in the house of “Wisdom” or any information!

Thus the bondings of the pentagrams or hexagrams are as powerful as the sun compared to the bondings of the neocortex which are the 1,000 [1028] pedaled lotus of the Crown Chakra are peaceful and gentle.


First chapter. What are maps? They are created by all levels of holomind. They show the “Way” [TAO or Path]. They are procedures with self consciousness. This implies that 2 levels of coherence are needed to make maps, thus maybe matter only has procedures and connections. Maps are fuzzy logic: there are or can be many routs from start to finish or within a structure, there are many dimensions for connection. Maps can be defining: humans define ourselves with maps of peace, gentleness, freedom, creativity and much more.

 What is the reason some maps seem to be transcendental: beyond reason or understanding and come in “symbolic” forms. It seems these map makers are  inaccessible: we cannot make maps of these map makers.


Thus matter is a subset of coherence structures of the dimensions reflected in the I Ching. It is quanta sized meaning it only exists in certain states, where the other states complete the structure as “Mind”.


14 Popular superficial culture is really closer to the neocortex of peace and gentle and laughter as maps of the “serious”.


15 The purpose of writing this book is to demonstrate that there is a solid modern scientific foundation that supports the traditional intuitive maps of human nature as peaceful, gentle, noble, and creative. Also that the deep perceptions of human mind transcend the ordinary limits of the material world which indicate [prove?] to me that “matter” is a subset of “Mind”! My hope is that this material can set the stage for a greater world unity and comprehension of the validity of the inner structures of the traditions of all human cultures. This does not mean that the violence and moves toward exclusivity are supported, but even these actions can be more fully understood beyond a scientific pointing to our connection with our inner animal nature [including Lion and Snake] so as to not continue to repeat the same “Fate”. So along with the emergence of this new Wisdom must also emerge new skillfulness.

 The new maps of human mind as transcendental to material science treat the spiritual traditions on an equal footing with pioneer scientific discoveries that later were proved to be incomplete. Thus I have given myself permission to propose how these spiritual traditions can be completed using the new mapping abilities of the science of complexity. For instance, I do not discard Astrology, but see it as a first attempt to describe the emergence of many levels of holographic mind that seemed to operate outside the control of though and mind. I ascribe the cosmos as sources of coherence needed to create holographic mind just as a laser is the source of coherence needed to create a physical hologram. But I do not restrict myself to the cosmos as the only source of coherence, or see this as an inescapable scientific cause / effect structure. I see that the cosmos was available and put into use by the evolution of life on earth.

 Other maps have emerged that are pioneer works such as the I Ching, the Indian Chakra system and the mystical traditions of the Kaballah which resulted in the Tarot cards. These are different incomplete viewpoints of the same internal structures, which incompleteness can be clearly understood by the multiple viewpoints available within a physical hologram. Beyond that, I propose that mind is a recursive holographic process resulting in what can now be illustrated by the science of fractal dimensions. This means that if consciousness has holographic structures, then self consciousness is structured as holograms of holograms which result in the worlds of consciousness being divided into phase spaces. Examples are the time and key signatures of music, the alphabets of language, and  “social hierarchies [casts]” of human society to mention a few.


Looking at the neocortex as a maper.


Why the maper is invisible to itself: the part of mind that produces self consciousness cannot be conscious of itself. The highest level of a system can only produce maps of lower levels. Thus maps of the newly evolved human brain or neocortex, emerged in mythic or transcendental language as if it was beyond or outside comprehension.


The way science looks at reality is not by description of appearance, but by mapping the inner structure that results in the appearance of reality. The clearest example of this is the reorganization of the understanding of the cosmos and the earth: the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun and the earth is round and rotates! To come to this conclusion Galileo had to self organize his thoughts based on his observations and discard the traditional descriptions of the experts.


History that looks at the inner structures and discards the opinions of experts applied to the Holy Roman Empire remapped as started by the second coming of Christ and ending after a millennium of “Peace on Earth”!

 How this relates to holographic mind!


The history of civilization and the levels of holographic mind starting with the agricultural revolution.

16 What is holomind and consciousness: it is holographic layers or holograms of holograms, where the “energy” called Qi or pranna is the coherence. The object is the holographic code of a lower level than the subject. The self or subject is the hologram of this hologram where the viewer of these holograms is the top level which is not self referent. It is not conscious of itself!

Limits are the nature of my canvas: so different canvases and my picture on each is an example of consciousness as a hologram of another hologram. The canvas is the coherent limits of the previous hologram and my picture produced with the materials of science is the content of this next level hologram. Thus I am starting with the same picture content  on each canvas, but the different limits produce unique results just as different frequencies of coherent light may result in blocking other frequencies, and different viewpoints of the same scene result in a change of perspective. For instance from one side of a table the salt and pepper may be lined up and from the end of the table the salt and butter may be lined up.

 This change of perspective is clearly responsible for differences in religions which declare similar final positions regarding the nature of being human as peacefulness/tranquility, gentleness and creativity among many.

17  “Eternal Now” as the point of coherence of the conjunctions where there is no feedback from the future that re-arranges the past as “NOW” from the future. Or the converse of a stable past that reconstructs the Now! I have been wondering where the motivation or goal – directed action has gone: at this moment of double “NOW” of the Star and Cross: I have been looking at the real nature and missing it because I have been living in the future all my life!


A summary of my work:

  1. The room/space that evolved/emerged in the neocortex that supported language also supported maps that are gentle, peaceful and allow easy manipulation to create new maps. This ease of use and accessibility is because of the low “voltage” or brightness of these maps compared to the midbrain and reptilian brain maps: like the Christmas tree lights compared to sunlight.
  2. Solution to the problem posed by self organizing neural networks, which are the only kind allowed in biological brains, which dose not allow direct supervision, sharing or communication from sources outside the brain. This means that supervision by family, school or society would be impossible if not for the many layers of holographic mind! Thus a map of society that is coherent for all members can be “plugged into” the brain. This is symbolized in all cultures by the religious and cultural meeting places being shaped like the inside of a human skull: churches, temples,  mosques, and cathedrals!
  3. That matter is a subset of holographic mind where the sources of coherence are found in quantum mechanics for matter and fuzzy quantum states for mind that are unstable for matter/energy. These “states” have been described for centuries in the I Ching and Kabbalahistic structures which was the only map that is available using “psychic viewing”.
  4. The holographic mind layers each use different sources of coherence, which in multicellular beings used environmental, and in higher layers, cosmic sources of coherence. [explaining the interaction of cells and organs is more than DNA] Thus the three most recognizable levels of mind/brain, the reptilian, the mammal and the human brain, each take different sources of coherence in construction of mind. The reptilian uses the 12 hours of the 12 organ SYSTEMS as described by TCM [traditional Chinese medicine], the mid-brain uses the planets in pairs as nodes in a standing wave pattern. There are 3 primary patterns: 2 Stars of David, a 5 pointed star and a Cross or 8 fold structure. The human brain can use the cosmos as a holographic phase space within the hologram of the mid and reptilian brains. Thus it can view the holographic positions from the center of the solar system or from any orbit, and any position that is a stable map where they or others have a coherent source. One of the first developments of this was the intergenerational family birthday, which evolved into Christ’s or Buddha’s birthday and then into civil holidays [4th of July, etc.] These become the coherent source for the shared maps that allow families and cultures and civilizations to remain stable. [except that the cosmos and these nodal points are chaotic, so not stable forever]


19 The orbits of planets interact like gears that leverage or create room and ease! Thus it moves to increase peace and gentleness. 2:55 PM . The modern “Ego”, as in egotist, involves how strongly one can deny self and others in the sense of falsifiability! Thus identity can be taken from “not this” and many viewpoints. Thus belonging is still important, but to subcultures instead of “Families”. Self assurance and confidence become problems.


20 The neocortex may require no adrenalin / coffee for command mode! Thus the midbrain may feel down and our command center may wish to give it love or connection by giving it excitement. The hunter culture may have operated from neocortex – calm command where extended senses were available, but moving to agriculture required a “force” of discipline from the midbrain: thus the idea of “work” as a punishment for disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Thus bad feelings may be the result of not engaging the midbrain as command and control: where relationships are most important. Doing something for/with others.

Also, since humans were operating from the neocortex as the 1,000 petaled Lotus or highest center of peace and gentleness, the center of the emergence of language, then when they entered the “world of work”, [left Eden] they separated from “being” and from this chasm saw the operator of the neocortex as “God”. Thus the emergence of religion was a result of separation – divorce from the very essence we now seek outside ourselves! Thus enlightenment or awakening has historically pointed to God or Buddha within as I experienced in 1958. The Christian “Gospel of Thomas” [where Thomas was reported to have gone to Buddhist India after 33AD] states this directly: “the Kingdom of God is within”.


The new realization is that the hunter cultures before 20,000 years ago were not savages! They operated from the gentle and spontaneous being necessary to deal with "elusive prey". There is much material here to resynergize with "anthro-Pology".



21  Thus reality is consciousness constructing reality as if it is observation of itself just as a laser reconstructs the content of the same hologram it was the coherent referent source in the original first construction. [holographic or holomind creation process]

Thus everything is self reference and observation or which a human measurement is a small part of this totality of consciousness – only!

5/14/02 2:55 PM . “Over the Top” problem: my new name for the topmost level not being able to map itself. A more practical approach is that there is no language to map the highest level, because this is the level making language maps of lower levels. This was demonstrated when I requested entrance to U. of C. in ’71 and was told since my research was way beyond anyone, there was no one to teach me! This also points to the highest level being the master or teacher: super-ego! The structure is personal and social! So now I am using the language maps of traditional science: “neocortex” and of traditional religion / philosophy: “peace, gentleness and tranquility” as well as “emptiness and Mind-only”.


So my direct perceptions into the nature of reality emerging from Mind-only of the quantum hologram is supported by the “psychic perception of Quarks”! They did it in 1895 and science didn’t catch up until 1970. So now I will go forward even thought I can’t give it [the 5th, 6th and 7th … dimensions] a precise name. That will come.

This direct seeing also supports Buddhist, Taoist and other direct views of reality, and it supports my work as providing a language within which the traditional maps make sense Right NOW!


 I see the 5th dimension one of connection: how molecules are formed, especially as tetrahedrons! [Fuller] The 6 pointed star! Then the next dimensions are connections into first cells, next dimension as tissue and organs, then beings! Church of Synergy! [my new home?]




Peace, serenity, and gentleness being built into the neocortex escape analysis because of the impossibility of a system describing and representing itself since it cannot take a metaposition above its own structure.

The part of the neocortex for humans is the three-dimensional tree structure inherited from common ancestors who actually lived in the treetops.  The necessity of language as in implementation of this three-dimensional logic is to enable cooperation and structure activity as hunters on the two-dimensional plane where we were confronted by large animals that were totally dominant over single human individuals.

The neocortex allows many choices and diverse solutions or pathways to solve problems.  Language allows the solutions to be passed on current generation to generation over hundreds and thousands of years.  But when new conditions emerge that require no solutions humans have attached themselves to the old solutions because of the deep fear that accompanies language as the original solution to the problem of survival in the two-dimensional world of the plane.  When agriculture became a solution new ways of programming the mind emerged that are now referred to its religion.  Discipline and stability was needed more than creativity in dealing with the seasonal problem of crops.

Thus choice, free will, and self organization can be put aside in favor of tradition, structure, stability and other indications of the strong coherent source that the canvas of collective mind is being written on.  This collective or over mind is the essence of cooperation that allows culture to take place by allowing the person to in effect become a puppet of language.  Thus supervised activity becomes an internal function of shared mind.


23 Peace

The basis of peace is biological: it is built into being human. We share our human brain [neocortex] with our older brain centers which are naturally more intense, thus the human brain that divides up that high intensity into little pieces that can be shared, thus creating human communities and civilization, is by nature far less intense: it is gentle and peaceful. Thus the human brain only realizes its power when it is shared as language and music and the arts!

Yet this human brain was developed / evolved as a tool to enhance the abilities to gather food, create and defend family, and other high survival tasks that require maximum energy / effort and intelligence. So we still “plug our peacefulness into” high intensity stories that many centuries ago had real survival value.

< reframe the old traditions as “beautiful experiments” that enhanced our life.

< reframe: now with modern technology those high intensity “plug-ins” are a detriment.

< why is sharing our biological definition. Self organization and the way around. The invention of culture as a new level of mind.


24  The approach I take by peace and gentle and serene is not making the lower brain centers “enemy” or demon or other oppositional “devil - hell” thinking, so I am beyond heaven and hell!


23   Change the rules to get peace: is like changing the start phase or base phase for reframing / reorientation. This is like starting with a different card or choosing a card that works, [in solitaire] not being stuck with the rule that the only way to construct mind is starting with the “natural” ace and building up! Thus each culture – country - situation is like a different deal - shuffle that has been worked on for centuries.

The shuffle is time: the combinations that are – create situations do not occur in phase structure.


The intensities of language are like fragments of mirror: each shines bright but only from certain angles. Whereas the lower brain catches the light from external sources, the new brain reflects the reflected light!


Iteration is how repetition happens. Thus any concept tries to be iterative: such as second coming over and over at different scales! So now the second coming is science!


24  Modern psychology has a system construct with similar maps: TA. OK and Not OK applied to self and others with various levels of holographic mind as Parent – Yang coherence plugged into mammal [mid] brain, Adult as neocortex of peace and gentleness and child as self organizing older brain centers. The model of the adaptive child is what I refer to as the cloned cultural mind.


25 The neocortex is easy and simple as well as peaceful and gentle. This is the Taoist view!



Peace, serenity, and gentleness being built into the neocortex escape analysis because of the impossibility of a system describing and representing itself since it cannot take a metaposition above its own structure.

The part of the neocortex for humans is the three-dimensional tree structure inherited from common ancestors who actually lived in the treetops.  The necessity of language as in implementation of this three-dimensional logic is to enable cooperation and structure activity as hunters on the two-dimensional plane where we were confronted by large animals that were totally dominant over single human individuals.

The neocortex allows many choices and diverse solutions or pathways to solve problems.  Language allows the solutions to be passed on current generation to generation over hundreds and thousands of years.  But when new conditions emerge that require no solutions humans have attached themselves to the old solutions because of the deep fear that accompanies language as the original solution to the problem of survival in the two-dimensional world of the plane.  When agriculture became a solution new ways of programming the mind emerged that are now referred to its religion.  Discipline and stability was needed more than creativity in dealing with the seasonal problem of crops.

Thus choice, free will, and self organization can be put aside in favor of tradition, structure, stability and other indications of the strong coherent source that the canvas of collective mind is being written on.  This collective or over mind is the essence of cooperation that allows culture to take place by allowing the person to in effect become a puppet of language.  Thus supervised activity becomes an internal function of shared mind.


27 Richard Carlson’s books “don’t sweat the small stuff” or “it’s all small stuff” is an implementation of my theories of peace and that the neocortex can disconnect with the reptilian brain and become peaceful, gentle and deal with problems without attachment. Like the finer levels of the fractal “Christmas tree lights”. Wisdom is reflective relaxed and allowing emergence of structures and thoughts! This goes beyond analytic thought which deals with “problems”! His goal is to create kindness and compassion in the world [love] which is equivalent to my “gentle”. Gratefulness for life is another of his goals which is where June’s path! 

Attitude enhansers: resist urge to criticize, get comfortable with not knowing, allow others to have their reality [let them be right].


28  First it creates trust in the spiritual traditions that only modern science can generate. I will propose that science is the great leap forward in spiritual understanding and show how modern research and discoveries re-invigorates those

jour99 # 31    Spiritual and religious traditions as a continuation of mans quest to know himself. There is an enhancement, not a canceling / dismissal, but not from the literalist tradition, but from a free and open examination that is given to ALL scientific theories and endeavors. In science there is advance in skillfulness and knowledge which is nurtured by allowing all statements to fall under scrutiny: in other words all truth is fallible and must be stated in such a clear way that anyone who reads it can clearly understand what is being proposed enough to see what would be the opposite or complement of that truth. This is working with language as an invention of humans that changes and develops, and may never be able to fully capture “Truth”.

jour99 # 32    Given these conditions, trust can grow in the same way that we trust our lights to go on when we flip a switch, or to see what is happening world wide with TV even though we may not know the specifics of electronics or the electrical network. We do not know that the mathematics that backs up this science is based on the use of “pretend numbers and calculations” [called complex math and imaginary numbers] 

that works even if it is beyond logic and for centuries was considered / dismissed as impossible.

jour99 # 33    Secondly, my work opens

up new possibilities of development and understanding based on holographic mind. This is like uncoiling material that is hidden from our mind, but took millions of years to develop. …

jour99 # 34    Third, we can come to realize that the many of the structures of culture that limit us were given to us for a reason that no longer exists. We can experience a new freedom based on individual differences, and not on a need to be all alike. With computers we can learn and explore [in school and at home] at our own pace and in our own directions.

We come to understand / realize that the basis of life and spirit is self organization and creativity.

jour99 # 35    Fourth, we can come to understand a greater unity of being human that is built into our genetics and often referred to spiritual traditions as One Mind or being one with [in the body of Christ or the church …] [this is the biological opposition to human culture that resulted in the solution of ONE Mind thru Language.]


  Music is an example of multiple coherent sources [time and key signature and harmony] using phase spaces of "notes" and duration.

Written language is a phase code within a coherent "alphabet". [otherwise words would look like "hist" ("this" in alphabetical or coherent order )]

jour98a # 146    Rules and games [sports like basketball or football "soccer"] use inhibitory rules to create phase spaces where each individual has a complete map but performs from their position [holographic viewpoint] and the self organization is called skill and play. This is similar to a symphony orchestra structure.

jour98a # 147    Rules and consequently coherence, are the natural output of neural networks: Data in - Rules out!

This and the way in which neural networks are fully connected with weights is the same structure as holograms!


Which brings me to the details of how the newly evolved human brain on top of the older structures [15-200 million years old] called the neocortex defines our humanness!

First: because all biological neural net structures in any and all living systems MUST BE SELF ORGANIZING, human civilization and most aspects of culture like supervision, language, remote teaching not directed by example actions and other interactive behavior are biologically impossible. So the evolution of the neocortex obviously created a way to solve this problem posed by not being able to adjust or supervise each others self organizing neural networks.

In the holomind, the neocortex connects to the older brains and not directly to the sense organs. Then the neocortex is making a hologram of the hologram phase spaces of the older brains. Thus it can make a self similar phase space of each phase within the phase spaces of the older brains. With you I can use the I Ching as metaphoric structure: if the trigrams are the reptilian code space and the hexigrams the mammal brain code space then a space of 12 lines could represent the space of the neocortex which would have 2 to the 12th power states. This fractal scaling is obviously what happens in the creation of language and the maps of "Art, Music, etc." These neural networks in the neocortex which are virtual representations of fragments of the older brain can be shared with others who plug them into their brain [process resulting in "meaning"] as if all humans brains are inside a single virtual skull. This process is modeled by the places of religious worship [cathedrals, mosques, temples, churches, etc.] Thus the meaning of being human is that we all share one mind as maps within each individual.

This process of fractal scaling [fragmentation] reduces the intensity of single pieces of information or process states in the neocortex relative to the high survival intensity of the older brains that relate and deal with family, food, territory, sex and survival. If the older brain which is connected to the environment is like a rotating mirror reflecting sunlight, then the neocortex is like a shattered mirror scattered around and reflecting only parts of the whole mirror and only when there is alignment with the movement [bio-cycles and phase angles]. During the last 10,000 years and especially the last 3,000 as the agriCultural revolution evolved, humans had more time in which to map this process when parts of the neocortex was not connected or reflecting the intensity of the older brain. What happened isjour98a # 148     we discovered ourselves as serene, gentle and Peaceful.

This is especially evident in Buddhism and Taoism: "Know thru the simple and do thru the easy"! Then the 4 noble truths are: Suffering as being connected to the old brains. Suffering results when we use the old brain [excitement and arousal] as motivation. [cause of suffering]. Serenity [nirvana] results when we solve this problem because there are solutions, [not fate, karma and predestination] of non-attachment. The procedure [path] is holographic in many directions at once and one phase step at a time. [8-fold path to start]


jour98a # 149    Matter is in a phase space written on the electron orbitals as coherent source: the electrons as Yang and the nucleus as Yin. Then the holographic code is created from the inside: not as a reflection of something outside. Then the material world becomes self organizing where the holograms are original material and each molecule is a completion and energy is the fragmentation looking for completion: the energy that seeks completion as the finished orbitals of helium, argon etc.. Thus multiple orbitals are like multiple coherent sources and can be lined up with the I Ching?!

jour98a # 150    Thus light is a map of the total coherence that links the nucleus and electron structures and charge [polarity] is part of structure that appears as wave yet includes an outer space of EMF and inner nuclear structure that is "earth" or collapsed space as location!?!

jour98a # 151    So This definition of matter is also the same as mind and consciousness as being able to "read" everything as if it is holographic. Then when consciousness as coherence records something it is in the same realm! Thus everything takes its place in a phase space and new recordings or maps in phase spaces of different resolution!



Maps of mind: what are they good for. This is a theme of my books and quest. How do maps of holomind help and guide us in understanding music and the arts. How can we re-map mathematics and areas like fractals to understand layers of mind? How do we apply new science like neural nets to understanding old maps of “spirit”? What are the maps of chakras and the I Ching that show how mind and matter emerge from the same procedures and can be mapped as particles and waves!? So now to look at mind as having the same reality as electrons in the structure of reality. I see that particles and location – matter has structures that are only the non-fuzzy aspect of reality, and that electronics are only the tip of a very large iceberg of holomind structure given a mapping in the complete levels of the I Ching.

Another map that just occurred to me is “I GO” where the stones are matter as particles and the remaining space as well as the occupied “locations” is the mind. This implies that the levels of mind are “played” on many boards of different size! This is as-if the orbitals are different size boards in intersecting dimensions! Thus any location can be a location of matter only when it is the coherent intersection of many dimensions which gives it the quantum structure as a coherent whole number!

5/14/02 2:55 PM .

Title for my book: synergy of the maps of Mind.

Maybe the sources of coherence for holomind are “exterior” to the human?! This is a holostructure as is present for matter, where the orbitals do not depend on the individual atoms: each individual atom of carbon cannot determine its structure. Thus the idea of God as the source which is the canvas on which we paint individual mind! When we allow mind to resonate with these sources of coherence, we gain unity and power.



 The purpose of writing this book is to demonstrate that there is a solid modern scientific foundation that supports the traditional intuitive maps of human nature as peaceful, gentle, noble, and creative. Also that the deep perceptions of human mind transcend the ordinary limits of the material world which indicate [prove?] to me that “matter” is a subset of “Mind”! My hope is that this material can set the stage for a greater world unity and comprehension of the validity of the inner structures of the traditions of all human cultures. This does not mean that the violence and moves toward exclusivity are supported, but even these actions can be more fully understood beyond a scientific pointing to our connection with our inner animal nature [including Lion and Snake] so as to not continue to repeat the same “Fate”. So along with the emergence of this new Wisdom must also emerge new skillfulness.

 The new maps of human mind as transcendental to material science treat the spiritual traditions on an equal footing with pioneer scientific discoveries that later were proved to be incomplete. Thus I have given myself permission to propose how these spiritual traditions can be completed using the new mapping abilities of the science of complexity. For instance, I do not discard Astrology, but see it as a first attempt to describe the emergence of many levels of holographic mind that seemed to operate outside the control of though and mind. I ascribe the cosmos as sources of coherence needed to create holographic mind just as a laser is the source of coherence needed to create a physical hologram. But I do not restrict myself to the cosmos as the only source of coherence, or see this as an inescapable scientific cause / effect structure. I see that the cosmos was available and put into use by the evolution of life on earth.

 Other maps have emerged that are pioneer works such as the I Ching, the Indian Chakra system and the mystical traditions of the Kaballah which resulted in the Tarot cards. These are different incomplete viewpoints of the same internal structures, which incompleteness can be clearly understood by the multiple viewpoints available within a physical hologram. Beyond that, I propose that mind is a recursive holographic process resulting in what can now be illustrated by the science of fractal dimensions. This means that if consciousness has holographic structures, then self consciousness is structured as holograms of holograms which result in the worlds of consciousness being divided into phase spaces. Examples are the time and key signatures of music, the alphabets of language, and  “social hierarchies [casts]” of human society to mention a few.


Looking at the neocortex as a maper.



I call this process-consciousness mapped between melody and rhythm as two levels of holomind a dyad. This map extends in the holographic universe all the way to the quantum mechanical basis of all matter. This maps matter as the most stable subset of holomind which is always changing and transforming. Thus the next dimensions beyond the space-time dimensions of matter are connection and self-organization.

 The way in which a key signature as a single source of coherence can support multiple melodies and harmony maps how an underlying coherence [that David Bohm called the implicate order, but there are multiple coherences!] supports change and self organization.

 This self organization based on coherence is mapped as the creator God or the Buddha Mind. After the organization of single cells, dyads allowed the cells to organize as multicellular life forms, and then to form organs and the most obvious dyad: sexual reproduction. Additional dyads that had the same shape allowed the formation of family groups and cultures: and thus “mankind” [human-kind] was born [created] as in the story of Genesis “God [Dyad] created man [dyad] in his image”. The story of the creation of “woman” is also with holomind significance: “Adams rib” is a half of a complete ribcage cycle [circle] which is dividing the mankind coherence into half cycles of Yang and Yin! They already existed! Just look at the electron pairs of electron shells!


 These dyads of the organ systems, individual animals and family systems derive there coherent sources from dyads found in our local cosmos: the solar system. [this is not Astrology]. When proto-humans undertook the adventure  of leaving the forest and evolved into humans, they incorporated another dyad level of holomind that is recognized as the maps produced by language and the Arts. [left / right brain which are both equally productive. The B.S. about the right brain being merely …  comes from the above mentioned separation of consciousness]. This allowed the self referent map of individual “ego” and human thought to emerge which derived its holomind source of coherence from the “individual” objects [Stars, planets, Sun, Moon and Earth rotation] of the cosmos. And thus was born “Fate and Karma”, along with maps based on “thought events” separated from consciousness dyadic process. [as mentioned before in the model of music analyzed note by note or a picture viewed thru a movable pinhead sized hole.



The most important map is music. It has the same real shape as holomind: the structural basis is real coherent sources, namely the key signature and time signature. There is self consciousness in the process of the holocode of the key which is the melodic [mind] code is always aware and fits / lines up with the time / rhythm code. This is a coherence in two dimensions of time and 2D frequency space. Also there exist space for multiple holomind codes in harmony and counterpoint of multiple interacting holomind orientations. This models distributed processes and layers of cultural mind: the self /ego / observer, the other [or focus?] or partner [Gemini], and the group support mind. The “laws of harmony” are also a map of holomind: the listener has immediate recognition of correct / incorrect harmony / dissonance. This immediate “consciousness” that precedes any possible thought and appears fully formed without going thru any set of steps or procedure is a characteristic of holomind. No matter how small or where a portion of a physical hologram is viewed, the whole picture is immediately present. Whereas with a ordinary photograph, each portion contains only portion or detail of the whole. Thus if one looked at a normal picture thru a movable covering with a hole the size of the head of a pin, one would need to make many moves [in a coherent way] to recognize the picture. This is a strong map of thought processes.

 With looking at music in this same moment by moment detached way, the [self] consciousness is lost because the coherence between the time and melody is lost and the melody becomes an object. This musical model of the thought process shows that when the higher dimensional mind “melody” is abstracted from the lower “subconscious” mind of rhythm, one would come up with maps based on how the analysis or thought process self structures itself. So the rules that would recognize one piece of music would not apply to all others because the time signature can change! But isn’t this a map of religion and science which discards the reptilian brain [rhythm] and subjectivism [melody] in understanding the coherence of “reality”. But what they have come up with is a reality without consciousness in science and only one consciousness [God] in religion. To this day even 40 years after the first introduction of a holographic paradigm of  mind, there is not one good model of consciousness.


Play is the best example of being self organizing. Trying and testing and experiment are other words that come to mind. We "play the music" means performance: the form as music is there before or prior to our playing it. But how did it get to be music? Composition or creation or self organization and self regulation: the composer played around with the notes until they liked what they heard or just heard the music as if someone deep inside of them was dictating or singing it to them. Sometimes they would listen to the music of others to "prime the pump" or get things flowing. J. S. Bach and Stravinsky did this. In fact Stravinsky used the music of many other composers with the idea that he could compose there music better than the original. I play around with concepts from science, mathematics and religion as my "notes" so I will introduce one of my compositions called fractals which is a word that means fractional dimensions.

You know what Fractions are like ½, ¼, 2/3, etc. and the dimensions of this room are the up - down, front - back, and side to side, so what is ½ of "up". In music we can call Surprise as a dimension: when music has no surprises and you can predict what the next note and rhythm will be, I can call that the 0 [zero] dimension. When you can't tell what the next note is, everything is totally random and there is no rule or law we can call that the first dimension or one dimensional. Well it seems that the music we like best is half way between or has a fractional dimension. We can measure that with the math called spectral density. A spectrum is a rainbow or a chromatic scale of ½ steps. We can count how many times we play each note and how many times we jump or step between notes to find the density. We can also measure how often the music imitates itself or is self referent and how many times it is new. All of this is done so we can compare the music with other things like trees, flowers, mountains and even the shape of the coastlines of the earth as seen from space. These all have a close to ½ dimension as well as the activity within our brain: and maybe that is how we recognize beauty because it is similar to our own mind's activity.

Self similarity is an ingredient or component of self organization.

The amount of self organization versus the amount of conformity to social organization may be similar to the structure of "good" music defined in the enclosed article as 1/f half way between conformity and randomness. Unfortunately freedom often appears as randomness especially in American school systems which treats everyone as equals in unequal contexts. There now seems to be paying attention to teaching individual and group differences which recognizes individual self organization, but it seems as if those opposing these directions do so from a point of view where Freedom and Equality are unquestionable dogma of a religion called "America". This is how I apply some of the ideas embodied in music. A appropriate question to present students is: "how much self similarity is found in the rap or hip-hop music they listen to". "How much predictability and how much freedom"?




The implications and extension of sharing our mind is that we are not alone: science - religion is a community and increases skills by sharing. Work on skills and knowledge is done in the human community just as in the hard sciences. Knowledge is not in the new mode until it can apply to everyone and is not unique to only one person as individual therapy or some "evil spirit".

This is another application of my paradigm. For classes show applications for fractals as procedures. In music getting a fractal procedure to generate the pitch and time sequence is one scale. Next look at procedures that are self similar to generate the structures of the key, of rhythmic alphabets and phrase alphabets. This looks like automata where the alphabets are rhythm groups and note combinations. Show fuges as self similar phase structures like the turns of a Star of David. Thus the self similar operations are related to figures on the plane that have phase structure and are thus coherent organizations that repeat by iteration.




Meaning: humans share mind, but there are ways of sharing that involve bypassing self organization and "plugging in" to the brain that does not allow connection to human meaning. These cultural / rational representations plug into "it's good [bad] for you" which removes the focus from self realization and understanding to cultural conformity. We seem to plug into laws, instructions and cause / effect. This feels like, "if you don't do this, then that [punishment / bad] will happen" and if you do this you get rewarded. This is impersonal / removed from personal reality level beyond meaning. Cultural rules, beliefs as well as scientific information [facts] take this form. Science stops at the level of correct information [truth] without bothering to connect to human relevance [represented as subjective opinion].


That the Arts and music are in depth maps of these coherent structures and code of holographic mind, and that they are “truer” maps than any so far produced by “Science”! [But science as an art in complexity theory is catching up!]


2:55 PM . The subconscious is modeled in music by the Western classical lack of drum beat, which is the removal / exclusion of subjective non-verbal structures of intelligence from the Western scientific cultural mind. The reintroduction of the drum in the mid-50’s [Rock-and Roll] is a step toward re-admitting non-verbal ancient intelligence of the mammal and reptilian brain into the human and scientific holomind! Listen to my Changed Bach which has made the subconscious into its normal consciousness!!!!


The most recent modern Western Classical music from the atonalists to many of the present composers and “free music” improvisers have left the foundation of holomind out: coherence. Everything is cause and effect and operational behaviorism. What ever one does is OK. “Whatever”! this can be only approximated by my NoBach piece, which still has coherence in each line. Has science come full circle to the earth is flat and the center o the universe around which everything circles with such vacus ideas in quantum theory that the observer determines the universe?!?!




About 7: Maps of holomind and holographic process and universe. What is it? Maps by Music and Arts.


Viewpoint and science



I call this process-consciousness mapped between melody and rhythm as two levels of holomind a dyad. This map extends in the holographic universe all the way to the quantum mechanical basis of all matter. This maps matter as the most stable subset of holomind which is always changing and transforming. Thus the next dimensions beyond the space-time dimensions of matter are connection and self-organization.

 The way in which a key signature as a single source of coherence can support multiple melodies and harmony maps how an underlying coherence [that David Bohm called the implicate order, but there are multiple coherences!] supports change and self organization.

 This self organization based on coherence is mapped as the creator God or the Buddha Mind. After the organization of single cells, dyads allowed the cells to organize as multicellular life forms, and then to form organs and the most obvious dyad: sexual reproduction. Additional dyads that had the same shape allowed the formation of family groups and cultures: and thus “mankind” [human-kind] was born [created] as in the story of Genesis “God [Dyad] created man [dyad] in his image”. The story of the creation of “woman” is also with holomind significance: “Adams rib” is a half of a complete ribcage cycle [circle] which is dividing the mankind coherence into half cycles of Yang and Yin! They already existed! Just look at the electron pairs of electron shells!




 These dyads of the organ systems, individual animals and family systems derive there coherent sources from dyads found in our local cosmos: the solar system. [this is not Astrology]. When proto-humans undertook the adventure  of leaving the forest and evolved into humans, they incorporated another dyad level of holomind that is recognized as the maps produced by language and the Arts. [left / right brain which are both equally productive. The B.S. about the right brain being merely …  comes from the above mentioned separation of consciousness]. This allowed the self referent map of individual “ego” and human thought to emerge which derived its holomind source of coherence from the “individual” objects [Stars, planets, Sun, Moon and Earth rotation] of the cosmos. And thus was born “Fate and Karma”, along with maps based on “thought events” separated from consciousness dyadic process. [as mentioned before in the model of music analyzed note by note or a picture viewed thru a movable pinhead sized hole.




5/14/02 2:55 PM . The most important map is music. It has the same real shape as holomind: the structural basis is real coherent sources, namely the key signature and time signature. There is self consciousness in the process of the holocode of the key which is the melodic [mind] code is always aware and fits / lines up with the time / rhythm code. This is a coherence in two dimensions of time and 2D frequency space. Also there exist space for multiple holomind codes in harmony and counterpoint of multiple interacting holomind orientations. This models distributed processes and layers of cultural mind: the self /ego / observer, the other [or focus?] or partner [Gemini], and the group support mind. The “laws of harmony” are also a map of holomind: the listener has immediate recognition of correct / incorrect harmony / dissonance. This immediate “consciousness” that precedes any possible thought and appears fully formed without going thru any set of steps or procedure is a characteristic of holomind. No matter how small or where a portion of a physical hologram is viewed, the whole picture is immediately present. Whereas with a ordinary photograph, each portion contains only portion or detail of the whole. Thus if one looked at a normal picture thru a movable covering with a hole the size of the head of a pin, one would need to make many moves [in a coherent way] to recognize the picture. This is a strong map of thought processes.

 With looking at music in this same moment by moment detached way, the [self] consciousness is lost because the coherence between the time and melody is lost and the melody becomes an object. This musical model of the thought process shows that when the higher dimensional mind “melody” is abstracted from the lower “subconscious” mind of rhythm, one would come up with maps based on how the analysis or thought process self structures itself. So the rules that would recognize one piece of music would not apply to all others because the time signature can change! But isn’t this a map of religion and science which discards the reptilian brain [rhythm] and subjectivism [melody] in understanding the coherence of “reality”. But what they have come up with is a reality without consciousness in science and only one consciousness [God] in religion. To this day even 40 years after the first introduction of a holographic paradigm of  mind, there is not one good model of consciousness.




Language metastructure: IN summery, if languages including Arts and Science / Religion are needed to allow sharing being human to transcend the limit of self organizing neural networks then the final step is to understand and realize in action this liberating process. The limit is actually our creativity or Buddha nature which does not allow humans to be taught unless they organize the meaning of what is taught. Since language is used to pass on tradition and teachings, the meaning of the words have usually been organized and made real for the individual at the toddler stage of first learning language. Then, as adults, the process may appear to be automatic or almost hypnosis with very little participation by the individual. Yet unless the individual is completely "under hypnosis" there is some segment of their mind that is putting their "twist" on the input. Thus is born the "self / person / I / me" separate from the "world" which this an object "out there" that the human takes no responsibility for "creating" and does not understand that the world of objects is in reality their own consciousness. They create / self organize that "world" in their own mind and it is made up of their own mind which does not stop operating, creating conclusions, cognitively processing even if that part is considered to be outside "self".



Music is one example of this energy surface externalized as inter-human activities. It is a structure generated from the coherent substructure of the holographic mind. Gesture is a substructure of the fractal address substructure of procedures at different scales represented by each joint.



Yin is duplication and self reference. Tradition and teaching, Father -- mother is Yin and duplication maps to father maps to narcissism. Self reference maps to narcisistic needs maps to Mother.

Duplication as the unity of dancers all doing same steps at different locations. Self references mirroring, facing as one hundred eighty degrees, and gives structure to individual from Goddess and Mother. This continues to the love relationship of self Reference, not as habit or discipline. Self reference as development, growth. Principle of mother and infant where the infant gets being structures from eyes and mirroring of Mother. Duplication, laws, rules, truth, judgment, tradition as in embodiment: incarnation

dance and music:

Yin as self reference and duplication equal order and form. Yang as self organizing, Freedom, new creative and chaos, unique and original.

Buddha as self reference.



Rap music video moves to gestures of anger, defiance, territory which produce demons and hellish creatures



Turing machines, abstract automata, and general systems are all related to fractals and scaling: complexity and dimension. By number local dimension, by vector or by a space with direction. All numbers in a scale are related to neural Nets, catastrophe. Surface and behavior surfaces and minimal or maximum are energy surfaces of culture.

Hip hop: characteristics reenable modular iterations, time and self reference with narcisistic mirroring

Hip hop: self similar and recursive emergence and generation of time. Use dance teaching with hip hop and all music. To lead young persons directly to concepts of complexity in time and space and using computers. What is personality: by old version it is story, not reenactment. Must learn from beginning to end. Cannot splice melodies and get same i.e. not self similar but local: not global either.



Uranus can never reach God. All man's efforts are puny. Bach's music is nothing compared to the unreachable Almighty. Man's behavior, performance is laughable as are man's aspirations. The search for knowledge is futile. The only use for learning and the search for knowledge is to discover that we can not know truth,?. This inflation of the neilism and inhibitory aspects of the neocortex is a worst case of run away or all or nothing thinking, with nothing as the side of God.

Resonance of energies states continued: matter as particles has resonance, connectivity with network of space, and other particles, and in lowest states his greatest connectivity. Yet the high energy particle move and are small and high frequency short wait length and thus less connected. They can disrupt normal connectivity. The metaphor for this is seen in TV and excitement: try to disrupt others. Even therapy intervenes or interventions are a disruption, rather than allowing others to relax and become connected. There is a role or mask as a hoemostatic energy level related to the nodes, as the competitive energy differences level. When one falls to the perihelions, then to an absolute or intrinsic, connected to itself, self organizing energy state. Thus I use coffee and comparisons to induce output. The buddha's position with regard to outflows and disturbances is also regarded as dis ease Disease suffering dis satisfaction dissatisfaction. Thus serenity is just perihelion and is described above

2-9-94 talk with Steve about classes:

#1: why are you here? Enablement, for themselves-supervise or unsupervised neural Nets, by themselves. Obtain birthday and information.

#2 talk about neural Nets, neocortex, give away. Mid brain, repress. And reptilian duplicates. Use cards to explain.

#2 one on one, relate to individual, to individuals needs use chart to address their needs.



Talk with conductor about my model: I see that modern art is a representation of the connection that the artist has with their non verbal areas of mind. I see this is especially true in Japanese Noh Theater. Music in the symphony orchestra is a clear representation of how we use images and language which is a sub set of the entire range of sound to create procedures which are represented by the sound as standing in for action. Meaning the actions of the body.

In art and fashion we see the image of the beautiful woman in the same way that we expect correct pronunciation of language: deviation from a norm is not well tolerated.

Talk and fight with Rob this morning. I am still bringing my mother and her values into my relationships. I expected to be punished for walking on a wet floor when Rob was cleaning and mopping the floor. When he did not yell at me I ended up yelling at him when he walked on the floor I was mopping. I saw clearly how I try to solve other persons problems before I take responsibility for my problems. This goes back to my mother's statement: solve your problems by forgetting your self in service to others.

> The opening - introduction to my book is about connections: How things fit. Science and religion, biology of the brain and Art. About what is meaning in life. About how to look directly and fit biology with TORI. How to see symmetrical numbers and the opposition - analysis - competition dissonance and resonance - conjunction - tradition as fits. Thus analysis and splitting as the relationship of Mars to Venus etc. is competition and seperation for clarity. Then we first become the outer planets as a major mold and progress to the inner planets as individuation and not as insignificance. Thus we get closer to the Sun as center. The outer planets are closer to the stars and are thus closer to DNA and heridity. So we must move beyond the viewpoint of a single point of the Star of David to see all orientations. Evolve to the center to see all forms and patterns. Thus we do not only see the total "round" of signs and entire garden, but see how they change from each new base vector or ground state.



The holographic dimension can be illustrated by music. The mind hologram is like a record of all the movements necessary to perform the music: as in a violin, all the arm movements, finger movements, pressures etc.; which when plugged into the "conscousness" produces the sound. The speed, replay parameters such as start and stop are conscious choice at a higher level more isolated from this distributed conscousness. This awareness of being in and at a specific time and location, not connected with other times and places, directs the holographic action conscousness like a point moving a plane or cube. This makes sense about Terry's psychic abilities to "See thru anothers' eyes" by connecting with their psychic pattern.

This location point, sometimes called "Ego" sees itself at a higher level, when in fact it is in a lower dimension.


Scientists and science do not meet because of fragmentation: each scientist is a specialist and has the belief that all other branches of scence support the bias against religion and spirituality without actually investigating those other specialities. Thus each physicist believes that religion is a competitor in that God is a cosmic concept. For instance, one physicist on the ch11 program "thinktank", said that God did not have the time to attend to all the billions of planets in the universe. This view is limited by not seeing the spiritual as being in a function space organized holographically. Thus "God" is all knowing / doing as heart mind, not a centeralized location who thinks, decides, plans and directs events and everything else.

Thus scientists as they presented themselves, besides being dishonest, are not capable of investigating spiritual diciplines because they don't know themselves, or how their own mind works. Thus I do not present my material to correct these children: immature undeveloped technocrats and data manipulators.




Dissapative structures are group behavours, not individuals or parts that add up to a system. The behavour of the system cannot be surmised by the sum of the parts or individuals that are contained by the system. This is what is apparent in the transition from the 18th century to now! Mozart created a sense of the individual [melody] being supported by the harmony of the rest and group. Then a total group mind and mood of the 19th century was created by freedom from the rules of musical sonata or logic form and expansion of harmony into relativity of Wagner, where key was no longer a point of stability. Now the juxtaposition of multiple musical experience in a single "piece" creates a chaos which evolves. Thus there is true unpredictability or no "supervision" by cultural rules that makes art into art.



Music has the resonant map of the brain / mind. The Octave as the closest resonance or recognition of the same note at a higher / lower pitch is the limit within which we measure notes. The stable 5 or 7 note scale is how the octave is divided as the in between fractional dimension that resonates with brain structure. Not too complex or random or too simple: which resonates with the branches of trees and other primary structures. How these notes are arranged into melodies also has the same shape: too much suprise and not enough self similarity seems ugly, as well as too many predictable rules is also not resonating with the brain and is booring.

Keys, notes and harmony is how many individuals fit and work together as harmony and love. The feeling of love and family and belonging to a group is the same feeling as beauty and stability: it is a reflection of how the brain / mind works. The brain is the genetic enitity and the mind is the group / culture entity. The rhythms also have the same structure as procedures or skills. They are more individual and self organized. Too simple and there is resonance with booring non-alert sleepy, by rote - memorized with no personal connection. When there is no beat then there is no organization and stability. The marching together beat of all hearts beating as one.



Tonal center as coherence means that associating a note or pitch of a sequencial address within a melody is giving it an interference pattern structure. Thus we do not think in images, but in interference patterns and language is built of interference patterns. Thus we directly use interference patterns without transforming them. Family systems and cultural systems of astrology is the creation of interference patterns.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is the creation of direct holograms!! It is the music of the spheres.



This structure and organization of language is due to its multidemensional interference pattern or hologramic structure. The coherent source is the common or global functionality because humans use the same coherence in self organization even if there are different phase space values, which is to say, even if there are different tonal centers or octaves used in the music metaphore



Dance: Ballet shows the Newtonian religion. Moving without connection and only 2 couples and not linked as in folk dance. Only the young who learn difficult muscle movements with little real complexity in the rhythm as in Balkan Folk dance. Even the Greek stuff is stronger. There is no fractal repetition and stability. The spinning is as planets. Thus there is a loss of information and the "old" are discarded.

Jewish and Government "conspiracy" to Own the media is really a inner perception of the new religion that shapes human life. The nature of a cult is to "tell - command" belief, not to allow self development and self organization. Religion is free and open to diversity, not recursive as happens to belief repeated. The generator in God and a start point in history.

What is the process of spiritual development? Light implies seeing, enlightenment implies seeing within or in a place that previously had no light. Awakening implies reorientation to a visual reality and leaving an unconscious state where only dreaming is available. Rebirth implies a first time or new experience, but also a emergence from a dark, wet tunnel into the light and breathing for the first time.

What information is made available "in the light"? Dimensional orientation to up/down, front/back and left/right, which implies that prior to enlightenment awareness was in a 1 dimensional sound sequences or location as 0 dimensional "feeling" including sounds as impact in a bark, growl or purr. Organizations of this lower dimensional information can be made that appear to be in more dimensions, but they are actually in a phase space referring to cyclical information. The complex organization is still accessed in 1 or 0 dimensions, and access in 3 and 4 dimensions is instantaneous and multiple. We see everything at once [within our field of vision which varies with different animals] that was there all along as being at separate locations.

To show the new spirituality, I will first show current spirituality based on life impact emerging from old "religions" and current science / technology. The old religions provide stability and the resonance of tradition by "following", obeying, and believing the laws and dogma. Thinking and deciding for oneself as the self regulating, self organizing being that characterizes human nature is problematic. By separation of science and religion contemporary life can be lived in two separate domains. But the actual impact on our life as we live it everyday is strongest from science and technology rooted in Newtonian view of the universe as random matter moved by forces which collide, not connect. Organization is in "orbits" from planets to electrons and problems are caused by infections to mention a few myths.


Play is the best example of being self organizing. Trying and testing and experiment are other words that come to mind. We "play the music" means performance: the form as music is there before or prior to our playing it. But how did it get to be music? Composition or creation or self organization and self regulation: the composer played around with the notes until they liked what they heard or just heard the music as if someone deep inside of them was dictating or singing it to them. Sometimes they would listen to the music of others to "prime the pump" or get things flowing. J. S. Bach and Stravinsky did this. In fact Stravinsky used the music of many other composers with the idea that he could compose there music better than the original. I play around with concepts from science, mathematics and religion as my "notes" so I will introduce one of my compositions called fractals which is a word that means fractional dimensions.

You know what Fractions are like ½, ¼, 2/3, etc. and the dimensions of this room are the up - down, front - back, and side to side, so what is ½ of "up". In music we can call Surprise as a dimension: when music has no surprises and you can predict what the next note and rhythm will be, I can call that the 0 [zero] dimension. When you can't tell what the next note is, everything is totally random and there is no rule or law we can call that the first dimension or one dimensional. Well it seems that the music we like best is half way between or has a fractional dimension. We can measure that with the math called spectral density. A spectrum is a rainbow or a chromatic scale of ½ steps. We can count how many times we play each note and how many times we jump or step between notes to find the density. We can also measure how often the music imitates itself or is self referent and how many times it is new. All of this is done so we can compare the music with other things like trees, flowers, mountains and even the shape of the coastlines of the earth as seen from space. These all have a close to ½ dimension as well as the activity within our brain: and maybe that is how we recognize beauty because it is similar to our own mind's activity.


Self similarity is an ingredient or component of self organization.


The amount of self organization versus the amount of conformity to social organization may be similar to the structure of "good" music defined in the enclosed article as 1/f half way between conformity and randomness. Unfortunately freedom often appears as randomness especially in American school systems which treats everyone as equals in unequal contexts. There now seems to be paying attention to teaching individual and group differences which recognizes individual self organization, but it seems as if those opposing these directions do so from a point of view where Freedom and Equality are unquestionable dogma of a religion called "America". This is how I apply some of the ideas embodied in music. A appropriate question to present students is: "how much self similarity is found in the rap or hip-hop music they listen to". "How much predictability and how much freedom"?


I can see that any jour98a # 21 culture is created in holographic mind around what in music has the function of the key signature. Humans in Asian cultures have used 5 notes per octave and in Iran more than 12 notes. The key signatures of the scientific culture use the Calculus to bend thought into a linear thought structure: to in effect try to fit blocks of ice into a bottle with reasoning such as: “Ice is really water, and water fits”. There are of course many examples such as the Greek guy [what’s his name] sawing off his feet to fit the bed. So this century already inherited a jour98a # 22 sawed off culture as illustrated by how J.S. Bach created well tempering to fit the already sawed off Major/Minor into any starting note. [Major/Minor is a reduction from the 7 “modes” representing emotion/mood. Thus the jour98a # 23 connection to reality was replaced by functional ease in performance: one could play in any key and not be “out of tune”.] In science this is called reductionism and in industry “interchangeable parts” and standards and in psychology “one model fits all” until that model is proved incorrect. But even then the human technology that emerged is still used as is the case with behaviorism. It seems to have escaped those “trained” in psychology that the human mind is a generator of models within models. Thus even after the development of the “holographic model” no one has pointed out that music is a model of this model, because the “mind” and “consciousness” don’t exist and before the “scientific age” could not have produced such an accurate model, so it is not looked for. [this is the jour98a # 24 meaning of ignorance: anything “out of tune” to the cultural key signature cannot be heard much less “under-stood”!]

 Hence silence!


Notes and hence music exist at a fractal scale of a coherent source! They model wave forms in their phase spaces. Thus holographic phase space code is given a metamap of the substructure or fine structure. Thus jour98a # 45 music acts as an enlargement of the phase space with high accuracy.

Dance is also connected to the neocortex gentle peace: this is physical contact without violence or conflict.

Drama is the same: it proceeds with even depiction or representation of violence and reptilian brain stuff, yet everyone knows that it is “only a play”. So it is also an explanation of how the neocortex works: reaching into the midbrains and producing maps or holographic mind on top of holographic mind as self consciousness.

Music bars of the time signature is a representation – explanation of the many repeatings of holomind: by cycles. The repeated melody is the representation of overlayered repeated self consciousness in many “locations”.


The concept of idea of emptiness is difficult for Western thinkers to represent. The first attempts used labels from the point of view of Western philosophy of “Asian – Buddhist” nihilism which is far from the truth. Empty refers to a container or canvas or score with no notes: only staffs. Brian, do you understand what a leap of intelligence is explained by just the bare 5 lines of the music staff? Before this there in effect existed plain chant above and below a single line, so you could represent the totality of music as lines going in all directions in a 3D space. This 3D space is sets of logics left over from our mammal mind when we were living in tree tops and used arms, legs and tail to move in any direction limited only by the top of the tree. This logic became the branching logic of language when humans moved to the plain and had to compete with larger stronger animals like lions, buffalo etc. and our only choice was to develop the leverage of hand held weapons and group strategies. So music then started to gather these single lines of music as a group all going in the same direction. This again is music as an explanation of how mind works: multiple holograms gathered together to form a single map that can be shared by all humans.

So this emptiness was the restart or rebirth [as the same process is explained in Christianity] on the original self organizing human nature. Understanding and supporting - nurturing this process as teachers – parents involves knowing that our students – children must organize what we are trying to convey to them by their own inner process: so we must check on what they think we mean and how they put into their representational structure. They are putting their code on a canvas that has a different shape than ours.

This is the kind of research I can provide for understanding teaching. Much more to come.

I will elaborate if you point the direction of your interest.



The deal of the cards is one instance of distributed mind that is coppied thruout reality – mind and each instance is and can be processed differently as one can process starting from different cards of a shuffle!!!!

Each chakra has different numbers of phase angles and piles. This shows how music is organized and my game and deal can show different melodies for each pile according to the sequence of cards! This can be a concurrent music composition depending on which pile is now or last accessed!


What is the holomind code? It is not the same static set of the holographic code, but is the procedure code that interperits or brings into coherence the properities of the object. As a solitaire game it would be the set of moves to bring the cards into coherent order. And it would be that same deal from each Chakra: with piles of 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Where each deal would have 7 different holocodes for the same object.


Time signatures could be multiple sources of coherence where the quiet part is cancelation? This can be what drum parts are like and how sounds of animals are made as a code!?




If thought is like a melody of music that is our personal signature and plays over and over, then it is an object: thought changes like fractal of ½ dimension.


Music is a model of this self consciousness: beat and time signature is the coherent source and consciousness upon which is written the holo-code of older mind and the key signature that results in melody and harmony is conscious of this other consciousness that is reconstructing the beat and rhythm. The melody is written within the key – coherence – consciousness that is self conscious of the beat and uses it to construct itself!

So the melody construction uses parts of the beat and rhythm to construct itself as self reference. Melody uses them independently of the rhythm and beat, sometimes 3 against 2 etc. but still conscious of the time consciousness.


Drama is the model of the process of self consciousness: sections or acts that are coherent and have consciousness about something else are assembled in a coherent sequence in the same way rational mind is a putting together of coherent elements in a sequence. This sequence seems to be a causual chain of cause / effect that we accept as rational.


So a deck of cards is like 4 coherent sources and the stacks in a solitaire game is the phase space of consciousness. In reading the cards each stack has a different life meaning and the cards that are next to each other have a meaning. In music the stacks would be like melody, rhythm, harmony, instrumental sound, and phrase and structure like march or symphony etc..


My solitaire can move to a different starting place other than Ace or transfer / transpose the cards to a different start with the same shuffle. The second way plays easier in the mechanics of the “game”: it doesn’t bend the rules about kings on empty space and nothing on a king! This is like society more than new start and is a code within a code like normal transposition instead of 12 tone “science”!


The draw piles are the “what’s happening” or draw of life as what becomes available. The cards on the stacks beyond 1 is life’s baggage! What we carry around with us that has not been resolved. Our problems are still bugging us: our internal pain is projected! If the game only allows the rules for one card at a time, then this baggage cannot be fixed. This encouraged the creation of the idea of Karma and rebirth or transpose and restart.. If the rule allows moving any card in a stack, then “things” can be lined up, made coherent, construct mind, or problems resolved.

 The best way of playing the game of life is “one thing at a time”, with the future hidden. The other structure includes hidden or open baggage in ones’ piles. We hide what we cannot operate on, which then is labeled “past” or “childhood”. Yet these unfinished business keeps us from creating peaceful mind of space and freedom!

 The draw pile having one up card and one hidden is like Yin/Yang!


Going up or down and choosing to start  with any card after looking at all the shuffle from an up – revealed position is being fully human. Because of self organizing mind, I created all the positions and conditions incumbent on any stack / phase location, so I do not need to “know” how others prearranged the stack regarding any subject or area of knowledge. I do not need the baggage of background or preparation or school as given by others to tell me what things are!!!

I am human which means I am Buddha and Christ! These “heroes” were only pointing the way as pioneers! This “enlightenment” and “nirvana” [as the freedom from baggage] is what I offer and talk about. But this offer is not doing it for others as Christianity moved into, or being totally one[ness] individual as Buddhist culture: but seeing from all sides / viewpoints / phase locations whenever I so decide! This is not some superman /power but is built into the holomind / brain and consequently built intoit being human!!


Mind itself Sings! Music is The voice of mind in its own code! Music and poetry and Drama and Dance is the voice of mind in its own code and holomind structure! This is the very essence and inner nature of HoloMind: not a representation or metaphor! Here the mind is! It is not speaking to someone “out there”: it is Being Human! Suchness!! What It IS! InToIt!!


music is a multidimensional world [not infinite dimensional]: each key signature is a dimension and phase space! There are 12 major and 12 minor plus modal and Asian and multitonal from Iran with more than 12 tones in an octave. Then each dimension / key can be operated on by a different time signature: also multidimensional! It this similar or the same as Hilbert and operator space?

Are the momentum factors in music related to the time signature or the phrase structure? Seems going to a conclusion as in a phrase is the “energy”! Is the domain the coherent source key signature and the range the code or melody, with the function as the object? The domain can also be a melody as in variations!


Music is a model of this self consciousness: beat and time signature is the coherent source and consciousness upon which is written the holo-code of older mind and the key signature that results in melody and harmony is conscious of this other consciousness that is reconstructing the beat and rhythm. The melody is written within the key – coherence – consciousness that is self conscious of the beat and uses it to construct itself!

So the melody construction uses parts of the beat and rhythm to construct itself as self reference. Melody uses them independently of the rhythm and beat, sometimes 3 against 2 etc. but still conscious of the time consciousness.




Drama is the model of the process of self consciousness: sections or acts that are coherent and have consciousness about something else are assembled in a coherent sequence in the same way rational mind is a putting together of coherent elements in a sequence. This sequence seems to be a causual chain of cause / effect that we accept as rational.


Music demonstrates the gap in understanding: it is the strongest map of consciousness that all science refuses to acknowledge!


Categorization is the storage of code with a coherent source in a phase space. Consciousness is looking at Data-in thru the coherence of Self/World [self = Yang, world = Yin of a single wave structure]. Reading cards is reading the holo-code of coherent place stacks just like understanding which note in a melody belongs “where” in the key signature, where key is the coherent source as the underlying consciousness.

 How do I graph and visualize and animate this?

So a deck of cards is like 4 coherent sources and the stacks in a solitaire game is the phase space of consciousness. In reading the cards each stack has a different life meaning and the cards that are next to each other have a meaning. In music the stacks would be like melody, rhythm, harmony, instrumental sound, and phrase and structure like march or symphony etc..


My solitaire can move to a different starting place other than Ace or transfer / transpose the cards to a different start with the same shuffle. The second way plays easier in the mechanics of the “game”: it doesn’t bend the rules about kings on empty space and nothing on a king! This is like society more than new start and is a code within a code like normal transposition instead of 12 tone “science”!


The draw piles are the “what’s happening” or draw of life as what becomes available. The cards on the stacks beyond 1 is life’s baggage! What we carry around with us that has not been resolved. Our problems are still bugging us: our internal pain is projected! If the game only allows the rules for one card at a time, then this baggage cannot be fixed. This encouraged the creation of the idea of Karma and rebirth or transpose and restart.. If the rule allows moving any card in a stack, then “things” can be lined up, made coherent, construct mind, or problems resolved.

 The best way of playing the game of life is “one thing at a time”, with the future hidden. The other structure includes hidden or open baggage in ones’ piles. We hide what we cannot operate on, which then is labeled “past” or “childhood”. Yet these unfinished business keeps us from creating peaceful mind of space and freedom!

 The draw pile having one up card and one hidden is like Yin/Yang!


Going up or down and choosing to start  with any card after looking at all the shuffle from an up – revealed position is being fully human. Because of self organizing mind, I created all the positions and conditions incumbent on any stack / phase location, so I do not need to “know” how others prearranged the stack regarding any subject or area of knowledge. I do not need the baggage of background or preparation or school as given by others to tell me what things are!!!

I am human which means I am Buddha and Christ! These “heroes” were only pointing the way as pioneers! This “enlightenment” and “nirvana” [as the freedom from baggage] is what I offer and talk about. But this offer is not doing it for others as Christianity moved into, or being totally one[ness] individual as Buddhist culture: but seeing from all sides / viewpoints / phase locations whenever I so decide! This is not some superman /power but is built into the holomind / brain and consequently built intoit being human!!


Mind itself Sings! Music is The voice of mind in its own code! Music and poetry and Drama and Dance is the voice of mind in its own code and holomind structure! This is the very essence and inner nature of HoloMind: not a representation or metaphor! Here the mind is! It is not speaking to someone “out there”: it is Being Human! Suchness!! What It IS! InToIt!!


New maps: illustrate what is new about these maps. New understanding of music, hate materialism and religion that reconnects and synergies with all human endeavors and thinking of all ages!

 No longer exclusive of science or religion: each adds and complements the other. No more prejudice when the scientific need for exclusion and being able to select and ignore in building holomind is understood! Then the negative exclusion of other humans who are already one with US can be let go. This shows how and why others build their mind from many points of view completes what it is to be human. At the beginning of the agriculture revolution many thousands of years ago, humans tried many experimental views to find out which one worked best to produce food.


These are new representations because they are inclusive: not discarding other representations but showing how the other representations of religions, cultures and the sciences point to this NEW representation without distorting or discarding their meaning and without discarding the “Why they came to be” in the first place!

You can have your cake and eat it!!


The two triangles of the Star of David may refer to the Ren Mo Earth and Du Mo Heaven. This supports the Greek-Roman  assignment of the earth signs to the heavens and the subsequent loss of one triangle! Then “God the heavenly Father”  became supportive as love and not “Mind” as heaven!

music is a multidimensional world [not infinite dimensional]: each key signature is a dimension and phase space! There are 12 major and 12 minor plus modal and Asian and multitonal from Iran with more than 12 tones in an octave. Then each dimension / key can be operated on by a different time signature: also multidimensional! It this similar or the same as Hilbert and operator space?

Are the momentum factors in music related to the time signature or the phrase structure? Seems going to a conclusion as in a phrase is the “energy”! Is the domain the coherent source key signature and the range the code or melody, with the function as the object? The domain can also be a melody as in variations!


The harmony of singing or playing in the same key is a perfect illustration of shared maps necessary for culture! Holy Spirit!


The trinity in Christianity was an expansion to a new paradigm: so now this can be continued and elaborated using holomind and music.

 Does the coherence [Father God] become self adjusting like a operating system adjusts and arranges automatically or a word processor does automatic formatting?

Music program for children: All things are possible!

 Can learn and play on any instrument including voice.

 Can begin at any speed to make it easy for each of you.

 Can use this start to expand in many directions.

 Using the computer to do all this allows all of this plus learning more about computer!


Music was and is originally written / composed for specific instruments with only one key and speed! This new way allows opening to any speed at any pitch for any instrument: true accessibility for everyone!


So I have a computer: where do I start?

Midi files are music files for the computer and are available at many locations.

Here are a few:



Then you want to use a music program to arrange the music for your instrument, print it out in the key and clef you know, and then play it at your speed on your computer as accompaniment while you learn!

Solitaire as map: openness and levels of coherence. Goal or focus is to reveal all the hidden – face down cards which is like revealing the mysteries or secretes or  finding how things work in science. Within this process is the sub-process of alteration of colors, which builds a yin-yang like coherence. Does this map the looking for good and evil as a primary way to build “mind” as motivation!? So is solitaire showing how the mind works regarding task formation as sub-structure of color and suite?

Thus the original shuffle presents phase angles that are not “fits” and cannot be used for coherent sources or become [maybe] too energetic to be individual mind. Where do group mind maps fit in?

Do different cultures play different games? Is the game played to create coherence the defining process of culture? Do different parts of holomind play different games? Have different decks? The chakra system points to exactly that!


Thus the 2 colors represent the deepest level which may represent the dynamics mapped by “4 color person”. The suites is almost a yin-yang of each color. The suites may represent group/individual or? The 10 cards represents the “power” chakra” and the addition of the “face” cards may be the way the heart chakra is fitted! The total process shows stacking or layers of phase structures working together: synergy! This is shown within music as relation of melody as card numbers, suites as harmonies or counter melodies and color as rhythm [2/4?]?! That works!

Then the focus in these games or mappings to find coherence or line up in coherent order [solitaire] is also the process of finding “God” or source within all things or process.

Most games have some cards revealed or turned up or open, which makes them available for operations of the game, and the rest are hidden or unavailable. This is also a map of implicit versus explicit or implicate order. That is extended to the full coherent order when the cards are lined up by suite.

The 2 suites per color gives choice in some procedures – games. Thus there are two processes: one with choice and a final process of putting the suites in order of no choice: spade only on spade! This is the stage of solitaire that maps the strongest or final coherence: just as cultures have “only one” God or Buddha who is far removed from “Here-and-Now”!


This solitaire also shows multitasking using the same holomind implicit structure: each suite is a separate process yet emerges from the combined oppositional process of colors. Thus in the final suite-only process color or deeper chakras are discarded or ignored or not involved! Thus the complete process involving color ignores suites and is a “preliminary” or first stage process. The operator of all this is a still higher level that designed the game in the first place. It seems to be divided into 4 parts of the same structure as 4 views of holomind [4 suites] such as dividing a hologram into 4 parts and each part is a different view of another hologram which has 12-14 phases, which is a hologram of yet another hologram with a 4 phase structure, which views the 2 color hologram.


Thus the procedures that result in a single step of lining up a suite can be “saved – stored” in memory for use when the next similar situation emerges. This “procedure memory” is part of the next higher level – layer of holomind. It is as if each “shuffle - game” is repeatable from each “step”, and each “individual” has a different “start shuffle”!


Thus each shuffle encodes information on each level that is read “as-if” it is a single whole!


This information reveals why the holomind process is so hidden, yet so open. It is not mapped by a single hologram process with only one kind [frequency] of coherence and one phase space. It is a distributed process as well as distributed information.  It is not a holomind of information only, but also of process! Thus the process becomes the implicate or hidden order like the suites within the shuffle and the information – memory – awareness is reconstructed or becomes conscious by the process. Thus all our “memories – knowledge” are not present explicitly at each moment: first a construction process must become explicit – active!


Thus “modern physics” has sought a single map of dimension and structure: reality cannot be more that one way or location at the same time – moment. This is the same coherence sought by religion. So dimension that relates to connection [where different dimensions are different levels of connection by the same quantum structures, as mapped by the 5 elements] has multiple process available at each level. Thus carbon can become part of gas, or diamond – rock, or plant – living tissue!


Applied to conflict as in the mid-east, operating as solitaire where the suites map the “factions”, the more “your” suite is lined up and becomes power of coherence, the more the other “opponent” suites MUST be lined up. The process is fully interactive. In fact some of the final steps of adding to the separate suite coherent piles may be delayed or ignored in order to retain a strong red-black preliminary process structure. Thus “true” progress must recognize the unity – strength – coherence emerging in each suite!


Hilbert space operators are maps of functions: this is a process map where the function is an information map! Now I got it!!

Language as modeled by music: each different language is like a transposition of all the modes to differing starting pitches. Then the instrument of the words are produced in differing ways just as playing the different notes on the same musical instrument requires different fingerings. But the relation to the source key remains the same and so does the beat! Thus meaning is a relation to or fit with coherence of a sequence of phases or steps or operations!

Beauty and the Arts are direct perceptions of the highest process levels: we recognize beauty because of the resonance with these highest levels of process which cannot think about nor produce maps of themselves! It is not just a map of the minds operation! This is the gap itself before our eyes that are blind! It is not the concept of beauty but the wave form [?] as expressed by Jeff in describing Hebrew ideograms! Same for Chinese! Even the idea of an experience is fuzzy: it is a unity, not a division into an object and a separate self! This separation into a self is the gap and is where Zen tries to show the gap! No wonder my enlightenment was so powerful!

Is the relation between key and time signature in music a reflection of the quantum hologram as mind – melody interfacing with neural nets as brain - time – rhythm?

Here is the quote:

This visualization in the format of a 3 dimensional movie defined through the emission/absorption model of quantum holography then not only provides a mathematical specified, physical realizable and potentially experimentally validatable model of Evolution as a process of phase conjugate adaptive resonance, but as a fundamental physical model of image and signal processing applicable to the brain/mind as a non-classical machine phase conjugately mirroring that Evolution, it generates the stream of conscious perception and cognition we all experience. And thus in the context of the brain/mind - itself a product of that Evolution - the brain is enabled through the processes of quantum holography to transduce representations of knowledge as suggested by the Copenhagen interpretation within the mind, so that neural events and processes give rise to mental events and processes. The converse process is thought where mental events and processes give rise to neural events and processes. This particular emergent ability of the mind to learn to control the brain through phase conjugate adaptive resonance characterizes human behaviour and defines consciousness as we experience it.


So consciousness is levels of melody - instrument maps as harmony resonating with rhythm as biological brain!

In the holomovement, everything is connected, but this may be different at various levels of resolution: each level is the exteriorization of an Implicate Order made by a particular shuffle or chart or information organization. This means that our reality is not directly non-local just as matter is non-local within the stable phase states of consciousness at different levels of the I Ching. Thus it is not THE Quantum hologram but many levels!

“In either case, the sequence of enfolded ink droplets in the glycerine constitutes the implicate order, and the visible droplet that is unfolded at any given moment is the explicate order.”

Many “drops” may be enfolded and “unfolded” at the same time. This maps the various orbital speeds of the dyads and points to a process of inward at opposition and explicate “energy” at conjunction!?!

Thus I can see the process which is like a shuffle and an coherence separateness of conjunction! Thus there are various stages for each set of drops as if they are simultaneously in different media: one “location” can have reference to 3 processes as the 3 triangles! Thus the mind is not “one thing” but different places –stages for different process viewpoints! Three points of the triangle!

Thus as the process of enfolding or out-folding takes place, it is like a solitaire layout with some cards visible and others face down. Thus the cards move to positions where all are visible for one process but not coherent in all suites from other process. This is as if each suite related to each arm of the cross or point of the triangle! So the process of one suite may be to full exposure and others towards enfolding!

Thus Art –Music is like an enfolded process and speech – language – thought as revealing [Large-intestine brain] with science as both where math is an enfolded process!

Each shuffle is like the ego viewpoint from the earth: geocentric illusory positions! Thus there are so many shuffles or egos for the same cards! And the meaning of cards depend on emergence and enfolding?!?

I wrote this to Britt:

“> Read this for an important discussion of what the planets mean: namely that you want all the cards on the table face up! Nothing hidden! You do not want
to hide your feeling from self or others, and that openness was and is so important to who you are and how you impacted me and still do in a very
positive way! What you have transcends mere common ideas of intelligence: smart is VERY relative to time and place and childhood circumstances! But you will not stand for half truth!
So this was hidden to me until I read this stuff that follows many times, but reading it now with your "What do the stars mean for me?" question
allowed me to understand the larger process! This is open truth versus closed belief like religion  Or knowledge versus instinct – Art!”


See “Rap” as inner emergence of “talk-to-me”!

We must explore current youth orchestra programs and teaching youth world-wide. There is much material on the net!


See playing an instrument as model - map of emergence of “ego” or “self” as a performer that is called up or accessed as needed. This is also the “expulsion from Eden” of Adam into the need to “work”: the “real” Adam and Eve [still] live in paradise [Eden] of the newly constructed [evolved – emerged] neocortex. The “Devil” thinks he/she is the “top” of the command “chain” [God]. This “top of the command” can NOT produce maps or models or reproduce ITSELF. Thus attempts and “efforts” to produce such a map “falls” from this “God-Head” into a realm of symmetry: Good and Evil or separation from the unity of consciousness as a complete source of coherence. This is the separation of the Tao into Yin and Yang, of effortlessness into “Your not Trying” and “work”!

 Thus the “easy and simple” become “complex” and the discipline of “working at it” called “learning”.  This is reflected in the new children’s toys and cartoons and dolls that are models of life that the manipulator [one above the “gap”] cares for and treats as real with total control.

When “control” enters the picture, it is fall from the top level [Eden] because of the property of biological neural networks as self organizing that cannot be supervised or controlled. Thus as musicians “learn to control” their instruments, they are modeling the mind itself and the production – creation - emergence of the EGO or self. Students of music look to or connect with teachers as their source for instrumental skills instead of opening themselves “inward” to their self organizing “musical” mind from which emerges the direct and effortless connection  to the instrument: music itself is the real map of performance. This is exactly how and why the Suzuki method is so totally successful! They call themselves “nurtured by love” [and “God is Love”]!.

Thus “learning an instrument” becomes a model of the process of “creating - developing an ego – self” and playing in an orchestra is [obviously] a model of culture and civilization where the biological impossibility of direct control and supervision is bypassed by all persons in the orchestra sharing the same identical map called “music” [the sheet music] with a control “super-ego” called “conductor”. Chamber music is more a map  of effortless connecting to the common emergence of shared maps!

This is a map of “division of labor” and “breaking down” a task into “parts”: division of labor. Thus each of life’s tasks is like a musical instrument that a single individual has a different level of skill or “ego strength” in performance and the entire process of playing the “chamber music” is a map of “life emerging from the creator” [composer!]. in Asian [especially Buddhist] models this is called “One-Mind” and in the world it is mapped by the “congregating” of all inside of a space shaped like a skull such as a church, temple or mosque!

 Chamber music models cooperation and connection instead of “winning – losing” as does “solitaire” [explained elseware] versus competitive games and sports. Yet multiple models that are competitive is exactly how self organization works! [is a model of the self-organizing process] So there is more to the map of mind than religion and music!


After “learning to play” an instrument, the automatic way the “body- fingers” respond to the music is a map – model of how the “self” responds to the ego as “master” of self!


The application of rational – analytical thinking, that is attributed to the left brain and “men”, has been and is the primary way of the inner cultural map creating control – supervision. This way listens to input as a problem to be solved. The map is “how do I apply what I learned to what I am hearing?”. This is using the map of culture and civilization with all its traditions as a knowledge base without any self organizing maps that include “subjective” responses that emerge from “within”. The cultural map includes skill – competence that can be applied by a part of the map called “self” or me. The person has a 1 dimensional sequence of actions: not a 3 D set of relationships including “feelings” and inner “needs” that connect in many directions and on many levels.

 Teaching music has been [and is] within this 1D map of “put your fingers X” and “move Y”. The 3D map is first let the music itself be the map, then observe where confusion or bewildernment [2nd of 3 poisons in Buddhism] as to more than one direction emerges at once, then allow the performance to finish and only then correct the confusion or “mistakes”. This “wait until the end” is because music is taking place in “biological time” as a process and correction is done with a different part of the brain. This left brain of applying rules and figuring out solutions takes place in no-time: a kind of eternal outside of biology process where “time stands still”. These old traditional approaches to analysis can now be explained: these correction processes take place in the neocortex which is not connected to sensory inputs of sound or movement, but in fact, interacts with the mental centers that process and do response with the sensory world as if it is a dance of life. Dance of brain and world! Maps in the right brain are self organizing process dealing with the structure or shape of the map, whereas the left brain deals with the application of the map as if the map is in control and supervisor of action. The map becomes the ego and the map making becomes the self and the map maker is the “soul” and is above the gap. This means that the map maker cannot make a map of itself

 So when this is tried the maper must use maps of lower level processes as if they could point to this highest level. It is a fractal process: like using 1D strings - thread to weave a 2D rug and flat boards to construct a 3D building. We map 3D as a construction of right angles: vertical/horizontal because that is the most logical/rational way, but that is not the way reality constructs itself. Which is in resonance 60/120 degree structures! Tetrahedrons as clarified by Buckminster Fuller!

My performances in dance are “improvised”: this is a direct emergence of music – moving mind as resonance that feels good and hence is beauty. This brings out into the open the definition of beauty as recognition – awareness of resonance with highest levels of mind process that create all ordinary life process – activities and produce thought before and as thoughts emerge into consciousness.

my dance can connect with youth listening and moving as they already do with their “InSync” or “hip-hop”. This moves to make all music accessible to all: any moves can be used without repetition. All improvised! The new generation has taught us that our personal space is large enough to dance in! now we can listen! Other beings are complete in their activities: [as I have often written] humans split and fragment their activities, whereas others can access everything that each one of their species can. As ssssss has shown us, they can even communicate over distance the new “moves”. Humans look for or seek completeness [in religion and elsewhere], but become confined to “being a self” or “what do you do for a living”! So open all classical music to inner happiness and movement!

Take this to schools. Find dance teachers to [Indian] show me new – additional skills. So approach dance as personal [created in each individual personal space and self organizing mind] with growing skills.


The maps of mind such as music are important when we have a map of mapping. Thus Western Europeans could not begin exploring the world until they considered a map that the world was round. Thus they started to create complete maps that in math resulted in calculus as maps in higher dimensions represented in lower dimensions of linear action. Like threads gathered together to show curves as surfaces.


My dance is a new map of mapping music.

Maps are fragmented phase vectors: not wholes. So for youth, maps of who is hip – popular, are coherence created from many sources. Show this from coherent hip-hop music versus many directional modern classical by blending two hip-hop pieces!

Concert and lecture March 29 at Sulzer. Play one each Bach and Mozart. Talk on music as map of coherence necessary for holographic mind point of view. Show how coherence is the machinery of mind: rules laws and their projection onto spiritual sources is the coding we call intelligence and the decoding we call consciousness. It is the basis of language thru the coherence of an alphabet and other layers of coherent machines called grammar. One of the first conscious [not produced by evolution] uses of coherence was in the development of agriculture and the planning and invention of discipline necessary to switch from a hunting culture.

 Then the development of science and the reductionist position as best stated by Mozart: “Bach is too complex. Music need only be Harmony and Melody!”. There is then the resonance with the industrial revolution and later mass production, where music was no longer sacred or of the soul, but became a product to be refined and marketed. Thus Paganini, List, and Mendelssohn created “show pieces” which Brahms declared was corrupting music. The instrumental technique developed as a product for its own sake: who can play the most difficult scales and arpeggios the fastest. Composers used scales as major content as if they are representing the machinery of music to show – reveal the technology of producing music as a map of industrial culture.

 Near the end of the 19th century complexity and “soul” were reintroduced by the impressionists, 12 tone composers, Bartok and Stravinsky. So the relationship with complex folk music. Then show how recent science created fractals which is the first mathematics able to map – model natural objects such as trees, rivers, coastlines, flowers and mountains. Show the study giving music fractal dimensions and what the difference between good music at a midpoint between the zero dimension of coherence “everything lined up” and chaos as the next dimension where everything is surprise and no anticipation is possible. Show how this “good .5 music” is the same fractal as human neural electrical activity, which leads to the conclusion that beauty is a resonance with our own minds.

 Show how modern music “so called popular” like hip hop, rap and rock give each person a personal space of creative movement and does not distinguish between the performer on stage and the audience by dress. Also the paradigm of the focus of music that moved from the top-rear of the head in Holy Roman Empire Cathedral Gregorian chant, to the frontal lobes of judgment when music became centered in front on stage, to the new music of rock which resonance become to amplified so that music felt like it came from everywhere at once and from inside out.

 Show how this is a map of and applies to the  fact that neural networks must be self organizing, and cannot be supervised or controlled. Thus religious and classical orchestral music embodied the need for shared maps “everyone reading from the same score”, to create culture and civilization.


[this is where we collaborate:]

 Show how dance – movement can be used in a personal space to create understanding and appreciation of classical or any music.


Last show how the new complexity and technology of the computer can be used to make music performance available universally. Show that access and availability is a new advance of human development that solves the disparity between the material and spiritual: complete access to all human achievements and skills is the spiritual result of modern culture as embodied by the public library system and now the internet.

The dance of the 70’s 80’s like hip hop that looked like Asian dance was break dance!


The meaning and purpose of music and dance is as a map of mind with the output of the closeness of match between mind and the mathematical shape of sensual input as measured as fractal dimensions [sight and sound] is beauty. When what we see and hear resonates with mind’s process and activity we experience beauty!


Explain phase space with clocks and alphabets to illustrate the notes of a scale as the phase structure of the coherence of what is called the key signature. We hear “in-tune” because our mind processes code information  with coherence that has the same structure as key signature. Consciousness recreates information just as the key signature in the background allows the correct notes to be played as a map of space.


Midi code is a good map of DNA code. The staffs are not included where they map levels of holomind [chakras]. Each level has a different level of resolution which is mapped in music as different intervals represented by the staffs. Thus the “regular” western staff represents the whole and half steps of an octave and “mostly” major – minor “keys”. But it can also represent some other “modes”. The “staffs” of other chakras might represent all half or quarter steps needed to show the holocode of different phase spaces of different levels. The way operating systems produce music by translating the code into machine operation maps “mind-body” process. The way software is aware of the “meaning” of midi code to allow changes in pitch, duration [time] or tempo and instrument is a map of consciousness. The staff is a map of the meridians already mapped by TCM.

 TCM has been treated as if it is Western religious dogma as used by the Holy Roman Empire for social control with only the priests [scientists] permitted to “interpret” the “meaning”. We can now see that it relates to complexity – general systems math and holographic mind, and is thus far beyond the purview of traditional scientific medicine.

The difficulty of recognition of the unification of all “staffs” by key and time signature from the code is similar to the problem of the highest level of consciousness being conscious of itself. This also extends to mind not able to be conscious of mind as mapped by our not able to be conscious of a total piece of music while it is playing. Thus mind is constructed at its highest level in one more dimension that the content of consciousness, and cannot use the maps of a lower dimension to map its action in a higher level or “dimension”!


The coherence source needs to go thru several cycles before frequency can be distinguished from shape and position. Thus music uses the phrase: not just one note or measure!


Midi code is a good map of DNA code. The staffs are not included where they map levels of holomind [chakras]. Each level has a different level of resolution which is mapped in music as different intervals represented by the staffs. Thus the “regular” western staff represents the whole and half steps of an octave and “mostly” major – minor “keys”. But it can also represent some other “modes”. The “staffs” of other chakras might represent all half or quarter steps needed to show the holocode of different phase spaces of different levels. The way operating systems produce music by translating the code into machine operation maps “mind-body” process. The way software is aware of the “meaning” of midi code to allow changes in pitch, duration [time] or tempo and instrument is a map of consciousness. The staff is a map of the meridians already mapped by TCM.

 TCM has been treated as if it is Western religious dogma as used by the Holy Roman Empire for social control with only the priests [scientists] permitted to “interpret” the “meaning”. We can now see that it relates to complexity – general systems math and holographic mind, and is thus far beyond the purview of traditional scientific medicine.

The difficulty of recognition of the unification of all “staffs” by key and time signature from the code is similar to the problem of the highest level of consciousness being conscious of itself. This also extends to mind not able to be conscious of mind as mapped by our not able to be conscious of a total piece of music while it is playing. Thus mind is constructed at its highest level in one more dimension that the content of consciousness, and cannot use the maps of a lower dimension to map its action in a higher level or “dimension”!


The coherence source needs to go thru several cycles before frequency can be distinguished from shape and position. Thus music uses the phrase: not just one note or measure!


Ballet and puppeteering are maps of the shared cultural map that is instilled by family, community and culture thru civil government and formerly religion. The advance is that the map of modern scientific culture is a developmental map, whereas the Roman Empire map was static and based only on tradition. The only development allowed was expansion and conquest!

 Thus our modern puppeteer changes and can allow developments of even knowing itself as a process! This is also a good map of why the puppet cannot know who or the process of the strings being pulled even if able to recognized that strings are attached.

 Thus nonattachment! Thus strings as 1 dimensional object in a 3D world!

 One big big BIG difference between a puppeteer and being human is that humans observe all these “objects” and behaviors but do not see the strings attached. So they willingly “connect” as everyone around them is connected. At first use, from their self organizing mind, they conceive of these as strings they will pull, not as ways of being controlled and supervised! This is especially with infants who are first learning language, discipline and the concept “NO or stop”!

 The world of advertising and its “scientific” basis in conditioned responses and behaviorism.

Watching movie about reality games: this is map of competitive neural nets. Different parts of our holomind come up with different paths and compete to be the executor program – to get a majority and be the only one!


Another map emerged while listening to recording of Tibetan Bells which is primarily a single pitch sustained by rubbing the bell rim. This, as a result of resonant map emerging from Tibetan meditation, shows the older brain intelligence that is always present. It also is an example of coherence upon which the next higher resolution of mind builds its code. Thus to replay that code – information, one must use the original source coherence – pitch. This is attached to what are called “emotion” and explains what is the meaning of  attachment and nonattachment. The process of the meditation is to use calm, peaceful, serene, and balanced “pitch” as source coherence. Thus as I listened to the bells, I was also listening to modern piano music which was also playing. This is a map of life process on top of inner single pitch – coherence.


Putting the pieces together from both faith and science based sources: what is the meaning of music/art, religion and life. What does art, dance, music and religion really map in this scientific culture? Mind itself! The pieces of science are assembled using the maps provided by music, dance and faith, which originally emerged from mind itself, to understand mind, culture, civilization and what it is to be human. This is possible if the techniques for creating scientific theory are used in conjunction with the techniques for understanding mind and Self passed down to us by faith based cultures around the world.

 The starting point and first difficulty to be overcome has been introduced to human culture by science only a few decades ago: namely, it is impossible for the highest level of computation and process to directly map or know itself. It only knows the indirect effect it has on lower process levels that it is actively operating or commanding. Scientifically we label this effect “resonance” and faith or arts based labels are “beauty” or “truth” or “meaning” or belief or inspiration from “higher sources”. These “higher sources” seem to operate behind or above what we call “ordinary life”.

  The new understanding of the basic operation of mind as having the same operational structure as the holographic production and use of images gives a new map to understand what music and faith are pointing to. Holography uses coherent sources like laser light to code and store and reconstruct images. So does music use coherence of phase space called key and time signature as the basic structuring of melody and rhythm. This is also a clear map of the nature of consciousness as layers of process where the melody is conscious of the coherent structure of the time / rhythm of the music and thus “lines up” with the “beat”.

 Science has produced proof that what humans find beautiful has the same fractal signature as the electrical activity of the brain. Thus I assert that beauty is an experience of resonance with mind and meaning is also a resonance with higher levels of mind operation and inspiration or “creativity” emerges when humans allow this resonance to be the center of mental control by “turning off” the centers of social “self control”!

These centers or levels of “control” are holographic processes interacting  with or “being conscious of” other broader – older layers: holograms of holograms. Thus single celled organisms became multicellular and then developed layers of organ systems that operate  under the 3 layers of tissues [skin / brain, muscle / skeleton, and interior organs. Later single individuals became part of groups in layers up to societies, cultures and civilizations. This last process is modeled / mapped in music as harmony and counterpoint.


The difficulty that needed to be solved is that the universe, and especially self contained organisms [brains], is self organizing. This means that supervision or control by  any operation or agency outside the boundaries of these organisms is impossible. Also self organization is non-repetitive. Thus the introduction of maps of construction and organization in the biological DNA for single cells as the first holographic layer of biologic mind and succeeding layers of holographic maps for organs and organizations of cells and individuals. The holographic maps that allowed the organization of many cultures into civilization and now civil government was introduced by religions. A excellent map of this whole process emerged recently in the computer industry with the introduction of the Power Mac computer using the RISC technology to operate both Mac and Windows software by loading the instruction set of each computer into its highest level operation [RISC CPU]. For this to happen the instruction set of the CPU is a “reduced instruction set computer” where only the fastest and most essential instructions are retained in hardware and the remainder of the chip is fast internal memory into which the instruction sets of other computers are loaded.

 The first and still used instance of this process is humans invention of language as instruction sets that are “loaded into memory”. This allows holographic mind structures to exist on the same level side-by-side. Thus the same way process instructions in different organs can grow / operate the basically same cells for specific use by that organ, allowed the individual to load the “instruction set” of different mammals as psychic personality maps.

 Later this simplification and reduction of a total complexity of tasks performed by a single “animal” into separate individual “specialized” tasks allowed a group of individuals to act “as-if” they are a single organism: I cannot produce my own food or fix / construct my car – computer or electricity. This process is mapped by music as the “symphony orchestra” and in industry, science and music as reductionism and progress. In western music this produced the 19th century virtuoso performer and concert of Paganini, List, etc..


Music maps how the same coherent code from different “phase” angles produces different procedures: by playing the same music on different instruments. Each instrument is a source of coherence that produces a different procedure code.

 So this is a map of how holomind works! Thus the meaning of the music of the spheres! Also the instruction set of a  CPU is a coherent source within which a program is written. It can be written at different “chakra” levels of resolution as machine code or “high” level language like C++. If there were active “genetic” algorithms that changed the machine code, the outcome of the procedures and program code would be unknown. This is a illustration of why DNA changes are so frightening as is done with a virus!

Parts of culture are possible because of holomind! Otherwise humans would not have diversity. We accept diversity of many languages, but not of new culture as modern dance connected with hip-hop and baroque or classical music. This is as problematic as the ignoring self organizing n.nets. That modern science can upgrade the first initiatives of faith based traditional culture is rejected. As if faith can NOT be a result of emergence from humans and cannot have any significance for science.

The swastika shows conflict moving in a direction around a circle. The backward swastika is from the rotation of the earth in a daily cycle which is most related to single cells of self organization of holomind where the movement of the earth in a bigger context of the solar system is focused by the forward swastika. This is progress or looking forward to resolve conflict, not to force one-world-view on everyone as happens with the disregard of progress and development. The other backwards focus sees the earth as the center or one race/culture/religion/ideology as center. Differences are to be exterminated or genocided and is not tolerated or integrated. Conflict is not allowed even though the whole dynamics is based on the focus on conflict and differences.


This extends to “looking back” at J. S. Bach as unalterable when he himself was flexible in altering his concerti for current purposes. Thus adaption for any instrument or “orchestration”, even with drums, makes sense from a forward moving focus.


How did the strong connection of music with the reptilian / drums brain emerge? Was it a resonance as confusion with planets at a Star of David high point in 1961?


Teaching, especially in grade / high school can be an example from teachers to students in that teachers can devote time to their own learning progress and demonstrate – share this with their classes – students. Share that the greatest reward is learning and mastery!

Dance is pulling 1D strings and flat 2D moves out of 3D space of monkey logic. I will show the 3D logic accessable to all. It is often called chaotic movement, but this is the prejudice of 1D string logic. Also the art of Picasso or Stravinsky is the same “higher 2D” for the few as was produced by Buddha and Jesus. So I want to open up the world to total access of their mind thru what was called Art!



Mozart uses the crest and trough of coherent wave shape as 1st and 2nd symmetrical phrase. !!! Thus it is not a good / evil or up down dichotomy!

Intuition is the spiritual voice of resonance. Thus I am seeing peoples spiritual side and confused it or rejected it. This is the bewildernment and confusion where everything looks the same. But now that I am seeing clearly the cultural map as it operates in others, I am seeing what emerges beyond this map, evening tone of voice and intent.

I see the 2/4 or 3/4 or 4/4 time signatures as cultural reductionism as part of the emerging scientific culture and “critical mind”!


Body and Soul program containing dance for well being using 5 rhythms. This is similar to my approach to connecting with music.

Finally, Body & Soul just barely catches up with Gabrielle Roth, who teaches her healing form of ecstatic dance in workshops all over the world.

The Five Rhythms


The 4 movements of classical Western music are set in the context of inner rhythms of life: the same context as Peace&Noise 5 rhythms. But many performers fail to find this inner rhythm and just do critical mind performance where harder is better. So I am finding the inner resonance. These inner structures / patterns are identical with Indian music Raga and beat. It is no longer how perfect is the performance!


The orchestra is also an map of the same one mind from many instruments as points of function / view. So is the good/bad or God/Devil of the critical mind just different points of view. Thus the conjunction and opposition and the crest and trough are found in the left/right brain hemispheres. This is mapped by the reverse writing “no sex causes bad eyes” and more like random dot stereograms!

This masking is why the crest and trough cancel each other: they make each other invisible just as we do not see the science of resonance with mind in music and beauty and “belief/meaning” which are products of the right brain as crest - spirit and the left brain logic / language / thought as trough - material!

Stereograms map how the levels of brain code are written in phase space of the previous larger coherence: thus left / right is a different viewpoint of the same material. So this is the structuring of the chakras as fractals with the I Ching as left/right!


Music works with quantum: notes not sliding from place to place!

I am carrying on the work started by Buddha and Christ: the characterization by organized religion of this work as a one time thing or that “God” was only  involved once serves the needs of creating a cultural map that is stable. Newly unearthed writings by other apostles of Jesus clearly state that “God” is present within each of us and a all times. So I accessed that presence since 1958 to allow a modern wisdom to emerge that unifies with modern scientific wisdom.

 This includes the principle of completeability: new wisdom must connect with established wisdom so as to complete it, not to deny its wisdom that emerged in another age! Also the principle of being able to connect to all human cultures and points of view. Additionally to see that wisdom is never complete for all time, but evolves alongside human development and evolution.



I am calling attention to research in 3 areas that science dealt with from 1960 till now. First in areas called the holographic paradigm of mind and the universe.


first fact of holomind: coherence and time – key signature.

Coherence of alphabet, grammar, rules and laws.


 Complete Information present everywhere: any pieces have whole picture from different viewpoint.

The orchestra is also an map of the same one mind from many instruments as points of function / view.



Last part of concert: connecting thru movement/dance in your personal creative space with your soul and the essence of classical music. The new generations have been doing this since the 60’s with rock and roll to hip hop!


The 3D moves and the 1D and 2D threads of coherent discipline of classical dance forms.

The self organizing space of modern popular dance.


Others like Gabrielle Roth  have a similar approach:


"Dance until you shatter yourself." Rumi.


"Working out should be like having a conversation with your body and spirit; it should be personal, intimate, and holy, not boring and painfully repetitive," says Gabrielle Roth. who practices what she preaches.


Over the years, she has identified five "rhythms of the soul." They offer a guide, but it is not important to dance them all. What matters most is to move. "A spiritual practice requires discipline, the willingness to show up not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well."


The Five Rhythms


Flowing is the state of being fluid, of hanging loose and being flexible. It's also very rooted. Michael Jordan playing basketball is the essence of flowing. In flowing, we learn how to be sensitive to our unique energy, to follow it and be true to it.


Staccato is a very percussive, passionate, fiery and angular type of dance. Where flowing is earth, staccato is all fire. This rhythm takes our experience, and puts it out there. It lets the dance out. In staccato, we learn how to listen to our hearts and honor our need to express our feelings.


Chaos is art! It is the rhythm of life itself. It's where the inhale and the exhale collide...where the feminine and the masculine come together. Chaos is where we get in touch with our whims, our impulses, our spontaneous poetic intelligence, and free them to move through our bodies and hearts.


Lyrical is the rhythm most connected to our souls. On the dance floor, it's where the dancer really discovers their style. In lyrical we have the freedom to keep shifting energies, so as to never get stuck in one possibility.


In stillness, we move into letting be whatever's left. Anytime we are ready we can access the lessons of stillness: wisdom, compassion, and inspiration."


Choosing phase fits is with successive or adjacent numbers of opposite color and different suite or same color and suite. The second is  amplification or greater power and the former is making connection and unity of community. This love connection of opposite color “holy spirit” and the other is building coherence and inner power of spirit of “God”!

Symphonic music is a strong model of Christianity: it has an absent creator and a single “Pope” whose conducting must be followed for any unity to happen. The joy that most instrumentalists obtain is from a correct playing of the notes that are preordained in their part of the “score”. Jazz allows creativity to emerge from the one source: self organizing individual mind! Free jazz like Kabuki or Noh allows moving beyond mind into the center of self organization as “Spirit”. Here even the coherence of time and key is transcended! Return to the origin before mind and self where mind and self do not yet exist!

Here is how the cards model the human brain – neocortex. Using any pack of standard or Tarot cards in any arrangement of solitaire, Tarot prediction or competitive game, the usual game or arrangement maps the mid-brain [called fate or life path, etc.], then turning all cards face up and allowing the “deal” or layout to start with any card maps the neocortex! Thus one can keep the same shuffle and lay out multiple games. The solitaire map would be to chose the “build” cards. Not just Ace but any card! The build can take place from increase or decrease. Skill development [developing life skills] would take place by playing the same shuffle from the many “viewpoints” of different build cards, and in solitaire playing with many different size “piles”! Like a game of 6 piles with 8 cards in a pile or 9 piles with 5 cards each or any other! These viewpoints of holomind are looking thru the same holocode from many “vectors” as if looking at the objects on a round table [chart] from many angles: the “relative positions change. Only from the center is the non-illusory position given. Exactly like the center of life is seen from the Sun, never from  any planet or earth position. But look at the chart from the orbit of Jupiter or Neptune!!!! Science and Metaphysics and politics!

 The original 7 cards that are face up in ordinary solitaire and the subsequent play from the pile maps how humans load a subset of the “animal” mind into the human brain and follow a pre-selected path [fate] which follows the human development in hunter society of entering animal consciousness done at maturity and by “seers” [medicine men: can’t think of best name of this, but you know who] But this is background in the development of human “personality”!



The trance of music in modern life reinforces the cultural map, so it does not appear that listening to modern music results in trance: because humans are already experiencing that trance.


Music as map codes emotion by relationships of phases to each other.


How solitaire is a model of the time field as experienced as “spiritual”: the moves to put the cards in order, at two areas, is coherence as attractor and the experience of development as desire or “like” and wish. The two areas are same suite and complementary colors of red – black as first step to full “same suite” coherence. Creating coherence or “Order” means or is experienced as power and completion of task: success!

 The time field, like a shuffled solitaire layout, is in holomind phase spaces. But each individual consciousness – person – entity will start from their enfolded coherent sequence to “see” the procedures and operate on - in the time field. Thus within the cards as model, within a shuffle, one can use any card as start, and proceed in ascending or descending sequences or even have different start cards for each pile!

Each move towards coherence results in increase of resonance and power and stability. Thus self organization has an attractor but still seems to be chaotic because of the many start points possible in developing coherence.

Dance from rock to Hip-hop is from the preverbal mind: communication of one year old humans. This is the honor of the child within on its own terms. Before labels!

The early mind looks for self organization and completion of procedures.  Thus humans follow drama where their mind interacts with self organized procedures to compete with the drama: do it my way! This includes games and other tasks!

Key and time signature is the consciousness called “ego” or self within a larger context! Thus NLP deals with the “trance” of ego where hypnotic process is the “being in a key” and the ignoring of the full “terrain” of all pitches as “out of tune” or not rhythm. This is a new comprehension!

Question: what is animal ego/consciousness? Is it a key signature or only a drum on a single pitch?! Thus the total separation of animal consciousness at different pitch for each animal. Then the strong connection with tribal drums.

So the loss of ego in meditation may have been / is a step backwards to “no pitch”, whereas cultural mind has moved forward to access all pitches and as created HARMONY!! Family and group consciousness as new ego levels.

 The step into single pitch of mystical states can be seen as a scientific exploration before science emerged as a method to produce a map of the total terrain of consciousness. This would show how “ego” and “culture” are new uses and understandings of the nature of consciousness and holomind, not as failures! Now I can be proud and delighted with my self and culture! Thus these “religious” mystical traditions may have been [and are now] assertive “depressive” states and depressed “self” esteem. Thus as culture was emerging, some humans could not deal with the discipline and personal competition [who is better and leader / boss], but instead of retreating into “depression” they had the meditation – mystical map that told them they were really superior and beyond culture. They had transcended to a consciousness “before” culture and ego!

 Thus when I had my “enlightenment” I was no longer affected by “perfection – imperfection”, but I soon [6 months later] came to understand that the Buddhist world would not accept me as a new Buddha, and that I had nothing to prove to them or anyone. So for me, it emerged that a synergy with science was and is needed. Not only to understand mystical no-self from a scientific language perspective and thus see the completion of what was started by spiritual directions, but also to see “science” as a manifestation of mystical religious discipline in a new key!


Operators in biosystems are connected with the time field and thus total awareness. So how are operators mapped in music and holomind. How do they emerge with connection or roots in the cosmos? Are these cosmic operators as phase angles and levels of resolution? Or more?

Are neocortex operators beyond frames of time: eternal?

Music of the 19th century that developed technique in a reductionist way also opened up the way to going beyond the rational mind of key – time signature that allowed 20th century music to show creative evolution and self organization. This “beyond rational” level of resolution of “only” yes-no in science that became electronics and industry allowed TV – radio and cars –planes to be imagined, mapped with the same next level of resolution of phase space of holomind found in “modern” music!


Rock & roll is the return to the “only 2” Mozart level of resolution [rational “ego”]. So levels of resolution are holomind operators that “choose” how many phase angles in a phase space!

The music of Enya is a perfect example or model of writing holographic mind. The music that she produces with multiple voices that she overdubs models the multiplicity of holographic mind and her personal intimate style models how holographic code is written in mind. When her music is translated into instrumental form you conceded consciousness objective phase of holographic mind: When the mind’s holographic code is made an object of consciousness.
My insight into this process emerged from a level before object of consciousness or Mind is writing or creating itself. This is a level beyond my conscious control because it emerges in an unsought way.
What emerged this moment is that science as totally disregarded this phase of consciousness because they called it subjective the tea and personal: it cannot be verified by the scientific testing because it is totally unique. Thus the scientific method that looks for a uniform provable lot of consciousness misses the mark.
It is difficult for those with attained enlightenment to convey these personal codes or how they work to others. Even in my riding of this sense I understand that the word attained his incorrect: The process is of emergence not of attainment or gold consciousness oriented behavior. Thus when I was teaching as a guru in the '60s, I followed the Zen way of koan which tries to cancel the process of consciousness as creating objective reality: of being conscious of a reality exterior to the self. Now, with the holographic paradigm which clearly shows the two processes of writing the holographic code on the canvas of a coherent source and then using that coherent source to restore the process or information in what we experience as being conscious. Now with this paradigm, I can clearly present to consciousness of others in model of what is happening and see or understand how others have modeled the same process. I can begin to see how the self creative dance that emerged with rock-and-roll is an example of this process. Ballet and other classical dances model object of consciousness of culture. These dance forms along with classical music model the process of consciousness which takes the written form created by the composer or choreographer and objectified as it as a performance.

Enya. Born May 17, 1961.
I can see that the feelings of sacredness in being in contact with God are a direct result of the emergence of this aspect of consciousness. Thus I can see was called spiritual is being in touch with the aspect of holomind or the holo universe in its writing process: or the holo-code is written and stored as with DNA.  I can also see how the resulting objectification resulted in the many various contradictory forms of religion.

Regarding the application of completeability to my work I expect to show the relevance of holomind as process of writing on a canvas of coherence and consciousness as using the coherence to read what was written. Thus the cosmic charts as individuated holomind code and individuated conscious processes can be verified and validated scientifically. I include some data regarding your chart which includes the heliocentric as the coherent canvas as well as the geocentric ordinary chart as the written code. Thus when others look at you the right their own code on your canvas as if their son position was looking at your heliocentric positions. I include this as a view from others. I also own include the conception chart and what I call the Buddha chart which for you or occurred at the exact conjunction Jupiter and Saturn. This conjunction occurs in Enya is chart as the intuitive self when she started to write music.

Information as relating to control and synergetic: an article appeared that moves information theory away from a mechanical statistical approach to seeing information within control systems. This is closer to what I mean by the phase code of holographic mind relating to process and procedures. Thus the original holographic metaphor would see the interference pattern captured on photographic plate as information that controls the reconstruct of reference beam or laser used to view the hologram. Thus music could be seen as control information in a phase space about the composer's emotions which can reconstruct those emotions in the listener. Thus abstract information as an object of consciousness is constructed by the control information in the holographic code of mind. Thus consciousness seems to be about or removed from reality and not reality itself.

The abstract information theory requires an agent or self to access control information. The holographic paradigm shows that the use of holomind does not require the process of consciousness to activate the control information of holo-code: the entire library or Book of control information is available at all times but at different levels of resolution. Thus the situation can evoke a particular response without the self or consciousness processes that we attribute to the ego being present. In fact the self and ego are really part of and contained in each segment of holomind. So the response to a situation may be taking place simultaneously with the response the we call self or ego. I have observed this for over 50 years as a performer in a symphony orchestra.
Thus the arrangement of letters and a word access the original coherent source that coated the word in the language space. Thus recognition of the word includes immediate access to the meaning as the code written by the word where the word is the coherent source index.
Language as control information is layered like fractals: were higher layer is grammar which depending on the phase angle accesses different meanings of words being used.

Teaching music is a 2D rational process when focused on the sheet written music instead of the sound present in music mind!

 The Bohm implicate order is really a multidimensional realm from which the 3D or 4D “world” becomes explicate: it is not “within” that is the source, but the explicate world is the “within” of which there can be “many worlds” that emerge as a loss of dimension!


The opposition or cancel of phases 180 degrees is the power of concentration produced by ignorance of all but one thing! Rules and laws are to ignore everything but the focus of the law or discipline! Thus discipline is also this opposition. As how Mother put the rules against alcohol into my family!


The coherent source as canvas and as a wave form of holomind is in a multidimensional space. Thus music as a representation is like language or math that represents one complete event – image is spread out over time but is really a single tone as a canvas that has been written on by the complete melody. Thus a single note is in a phase space that represents a place indicated by the rhythm and complete 8 or 16 bar phrase. Thus is is one complete whole that on a physical hologram would be at one location and also at all locations: which is what the succeeding verses or sections “write”.


Are events enfolded and unfolding like music? Is this how fate and futures are foretold? This would be the holomind as single location energy in time whose pieces and phases unfold. The unfolding universe of the drop of ink in glycrine as Bohm saw it!

So is there a direction to the rotation that manifests events that can be reversed or changed? With Prayer or skill?