Ch 3 Consciousness, fractals:


Cultural examples of conscious aware stacked levels.


Music: melody over harmony over rhythm.


Drama: players over audience. Its only a play or map!



Arts as maps that represent phase as wholes.




History: once and again


Skills: operations within stacks and levels.


Fractals as stacks of coherence: iteration and process-holomind!


5/14/02 2:55 PM . Maps are part of consciousness that result when holomind is layered: a hologram of a hologram. This process allows the separation of living beings into interlocking phase “parts” of the original “whole” coherence. This is the Adam’s rib Yin phase half. Culture and civilization expands as the level of resolution of the phase spaces gets finer: more elements in a larger space. Some of the first results of phase mapping is found in the diversity of human "selves or egos" which maps the entire ecological system of the "animal realm" onto the human psyche as emerged in various cultural maps called "astrologies". Thus the “specialist” and “worker” developed, and new coherent structures develop which no longer resemble a “normal” biological or physical wave coherence of a start and rise, a high, a fall and a low or as commonly referred to “life and death”.  The result is discarded phase segments clearly illustrated in recent culture by elders becoming the “aged / old people”. Because of the rapid development of new phase structures the youth become the elders because of their rapid learning skills [and  other reasons].


Dyads and systems.



Separation versus unity of consciousness: subject and object.



No fit


1 Knowing one’s self is mathematically impossible because an overall system cannot span – scan or map itself. Thus we project out self maps onto the environment, and that is especially true for computers. When we developed language we made the content or landscape of consciousness larger than the window to view it! Thus we hide parts of being human from ourselves. This also has a positive aspect: for as with fractal structures, we are able to specialize with “views” from our window. This is the scope of the new coherences of consciousness of Uranus/Neptune.

2    Thus some of the complete holographic mind is not within the window of consciousness: like all the views are the squares on a chess board but one becomes limited in what can be reconstructed to 8 or “X” squares!?


3 The way knowledge is pursued in science is like the stacks in solitaire: they seem to have a limit and don’t allow any other cards played once there is order/sequence/coherence.

Also the cards are a great metaphor for “ego” which is any pile as a subset. The piles like a fractal of Koch snowflake are all at different levels of resolution to start, and at lower resolution that the whole, as holographic pieces! This is also a good graphic for holographic mind at different phase angles of overlayered coherent sources. That is that the Star of David is constructed as phase angles over another coherent source!



What is random and entropy? It is thought that a problem such as division that is simple given the correct procedure is highly structured and not random. The way I see it is that it is less connected and structured and can thus be isolated so it is high entropy. Far away from structure with little information: it is information death!

This came from the article on holographic computers:

Problems such as pattern recognition in natural environments, however, lack the structure that would allow    simple algorithmic solutions. It is this departure from the properties of structured problems and the methods for  solving them that characterizes a random problem. The term "random," as  we apply it here, is derived from the  mathematical concept of randomness,  namely the lack of a concise and complete definition. Randomness in this  sense is linked to the mathematical notion of entropy, which can be thought  of as the amount of disorder in a problem or, equivalently, the amount of information needed to define the problem. Because a formal description of  a random problem would amount to a  listing of essentially every possible solution to the problem, random problems have a much higher degree of entropy than structured problems.  To better understand what it means for a problem to be random, consider  once again our tree-recognition example. Although it is clear to most people  what a tree is, it would be very, difficult  to write down a concise definition for.  a visitor from another planet, who  does not know what "branches" or  "leaves" are, or for that matter what  the color "green" is. Even if examples of each of these features could be presented to the alien visitor, there are innumerable types of branches, leaves and hues of green; a handful of examples is unlikely to be enough to cover all possible arboreal combinations. Among the inhabitants of the earth a universal understanding of what is meant by the term "tree" arises from a vast, accumulation of common experience. A computer, like an extraterrestrial visitor, cannot draw on this reservoir of common experience; everything must be spelled out for it precisely and unambiguously. Although many properties of trees and other visual scenes have a fair amount of regularity, there is a major component of irregularity that does not fit any simple mathematical or algorithmic model. Any generalized definition that is grounded on an underlying regularity among trees runs the risk of subsuming objects that are not trees. Indeed, the only definition that would not assume any prior knowledge of trees and that would include all trees and exclude all other objects would amount to a description of all types of trees It is important to recognize that this difficulty is inherent in random problems; it is not just a symptom of fuzzy  thinking by human programmers or a poor choice of descriptions.

A simple algorithm will therefore never serve to solve a random problem, because an algorithm for the solution of a random problem would be tantamount to a definition of the problem, and hence it would have to contain all the problem's many possible solutions. For example, an algorithm to identify fingerprints would have to amount to a list of all possible fingerprints, but there is no way to pack such  a list in a few lines of computer code:  Fingerprints must ultimately be classified into a large  number of basically unrelated types-each of which must be considered in order to identify a given print The solution to random problems therefore lies essentially in memorizing all possible solutions.”


4 The effort to fit all knowledge into the linear languages has resulted in the new models being seen as continuations and extensions, which cuts off understanding that these are models of mind that contain the older models! That even the number system is different as I Ching states in a fuzzy phase space. I don’t even know what to call it!


5 Buddhism and religion also try to reduce everything to their “key” so I cannot re-teach. The models of cause effect as illustrated by a single steering wheel for each wheel shows how reductionism can get caught/enmeshed in their own mental productions!


6 Another example of mislabeling is the word “chaos” which should be “dimension filling” because patterns created by linear procedures and laws limit and create “grooves” of behavior. So if the task is to grind a perfectly spherical mirror for a telescope then any repetition of a deterministic procedure will result in grooves. The procedure that creates a perfect spherical mirror must be chaotic or not repetitive.

This is also correct when in a search mode or exploration and seeking the answer to mysteries like the meaning of life or what is consciousness.

7 Deductive and inductive searches result in the end being determined by the first steps which one knows already do not contain the “answer”. This is the same process that is labeled “Fate” or “karma”. Only a totally free and space filling search turns up with results or allows the searcher to reframe the question. This has happened to me often, but one famous example is the apple falling on Newton’s head which allowed him to reframe what the “Church” claimed were laws of “heaven” and see that the same laws that applied on earth applied in the heavens!


8 Chaos and determinism: enlightened beings throughout the ages including myself have seen and declared that end is hidden in the start. They called this karma, fate and the will of the gods. Modern science has investigated this in terms of laws of nature and causality.


Holographic mind requires coherence which has the same properties of recursion and repetition which looks like causality.

Yet freedom is seen in “chaos” or non-repetitive dimension filling procedures or search.

So is this vision of karma really a vision of how the holographic mind maintains coherent stability? Thus the Buddhists talked about “no-mind” and “emptiness”!

Some western modern psychology, namely Transactional Analysis have advanced the idea that humans create scripts based on life experiences and value states such as “I or you are OK or not OK” [now improved using fuzzy logic]. Also they propose that each experience leaves some unfinished – incomplete expectation or judgment called “trading stamps” [after the stamps stores used to give in the 1960’s after a purchuse that were put in books and when the books were filled they were traded in for a reward]. This is a very good map of “karma”. People collect resentments, judgments, feelings of being or not being appreciated,  anger and other leftovers which are coded in holographic mind at various levels of resolution.


9 So what is language and the new mental skills of the neocortex and what are they based on! An analogy has emerged [there all along] to clarify my ideas of the past 30 years and more. [I also now see that this ability does not exist in or for the animal brain because of an orthogonal relationship between individual functioning and DNA. This means that the cosmos is coded in the animal DNA but has emerged into the consciousness of humans so “thought” becomes a virtual DNA in other phase spaces [other levels of resolution or “dimensions”] that is being tested, appraised, evaluated before being incorporated within the DNA, and now doesn’t even need to be added to our “biology”. Yet at times as with hypnosis and meditation or schizophrenia the biology can be directly affected with “words”.


10  So the human neocortex that can generate cosmos if/than holomind patterns to use as coherent sources became frightening: change in a virtual instead of genetic world became so easy that many consequences arose. This became very apparent during and at the height of the mind of agriCulture. So religions invented the Devil to reduce this self organizational play with the new evolving skills and powers of the neocortex. These powers were explored as powers in the pagan witches and trances including totem animals.

[are hemoriods the burning in hell?]

so how is coherence a field?

11 This source of coherence in the cosmos packaged in genetics is not in “real time” but human time is different as consciousness that is continiously coding in the same genetic phase spaces?



Being Human from the point of view of "Science" is represented as "Subjective". This implies that it is not truth or "absolute" and as such is not scientific. Thus I cannot assert that my thoughts are scientific, but are mere opinions and have no validity or "reality".



Am I Real? From the point of view of science, my "Mind" does NOT exist, but is a byproduct of the activity of biological systems. Some scientists represent mind and consciousness within the domain of waste products: as that which is left over after the completion of biological activity.



I represent mind as representations of real biological structure: especially of Neural networks, but also of other types of networks and systems! Thoughts, opinions are valid truth that represent the structure of the system that generated those thoughts, and have connections that can be represented scientifically.



Humans are not tied down to a single generator of "self" as are animals. Humans can develop their "self" from many levels of resolution where each individual can have a different primary "executive" level of resolution that can also differ in point of orientation [start or zero point]. This is the representation of planets in different orbits at different phase angles utilized by holographic mind constructors.


Understanding language is difficult to express in language! Many religions have experienced this difficulty, and my favorite representation is from Taoist writings paraphrased as speaking about the Tao is not the Tao: "Who talks about the Tao does not know the Tao and Who knows the Tao does not speak about the Tao!"


This points very clearly to the representation of language as a scaffolding built around beautiful landmarks that block experiencing their beauty! Now I understand that this is only the beginning of the representation: each board or support of the scaffolding has its own scaffolding to fix it and make language as the scaffolding conform to the RULES or TRUTH of how to build scaffolding irregardless of the original landmark, and then the scaffolding of RULES has its miniature scaffolding and so on. This is a fractal structure! It is also a neural network that in the first case is self organizing and each successive level becomes more organized by culture. Thus the original Taoist statement is also a scaffolding on a scaffolding and as such points to [represents] the entire process. Many people thruout the centuries have seen this as a primary scaffolding and used it as an excuse to mystify the situation further by making it a RULE! The strength of my enlightenment is to clarify this situation and share with the world the permission I give myself to bypass this quandary and directly represent the Tao!


So to review: any culture is biologically impossible because our brains which structured as neural Networks are self organizing. Humans circumvented this by building scaffolding around the "Original" structures. This idea of scaffolding can then be shared with others who then themselves build their own scaffolding around their own unique structures [still self organizing], so that even though the original buildings are unique, the scaffolding has a common structure, which is of course language. Other unique scaffolding that is not expected to have a common structure is the Arts, and the scaffolding built on the scaffolding is religion and science.


The problem with this process is that humans go to sleep about what is the original structure, they ignore the original structure / Mind and see the scaffolding not as representations of original Mind but as the primary structure. Then humans have tried to change original Mind to make the scaffolding easier to use and more "Rational". [That process has self reference feedback which makes it grow and expand without check.]


Finally the best and most beautiful scaffolding becomes the primary focus and original Mind is lost sight of entirely! I have spoken about this in reference to removing one triangle of the Star of David transforming it into the trinity. Rules used to change rules as if you could pass a law to make gravity an equal opportunity force that pulled you in all directions at once and was not prejudice in the "Down" direction!


Another example is the blunder the Greeks made centuries BC. When they declared that the Zodiac no longer had to do with the stars, but started on the Vernal Equinox, [which is by the way the middle of spring, not the first day as so many idiots tell us: another example of scaffolding on scaffolding on scaffolding!] This enormous blunder applied the energies of the warier - thinker - doer of the back of the body to the nurturing - communicating - loving front earthly energies. Not only did it turn Astrology into garbage [which was so powerful that even in its present corrupt state, many gifted people can still access some of the underlying wisdom] but it reduced the study of the original mind in the West to the study of mechanics and the body as a machine whose exhaust is consciousness and mind.


Thus even today humans talk about the DNA and the midbrain and reptilian brain as if they have nothing at all to do with their consciousness and everyday intelligence when in fact these are the original Structures, original Mind [SON OF MAN] that the scaffolding is built around. These are what introduced themselves to me at my moment of enlightenment 39 years ago and what connect with me as I write this now. These are the Mind that is hundreds of millions of years old, not the mere 100,000 or maybe much less age of the scaffolding! This Mind has changed very little in that ~100,000 years and even less in the last 3,000 years since the time of those we see as the founders of religions. But the scaffolding has changed enormously and I recognize that science has begun anew to fit the scaffolding to the original mind instead of the other way around as has been the case for so long!


Abstract science is still far removed in its constructions, but much of the new work of John Bradshaw and Harvel Hendrix, Alice Miller, and those of NLP to name only a few, have begun to bring us to connect with and respect our original Mind!

I hope to add to this in my web pages and teachings with the new understanding [scaffolding] of how all of our holographic Minds are written with space and time sources of coherence and the fractal structure of the scaffolding [culture] that is directly representing original Mind!


Looking at the Original Mind: if consciousness is this then desire is our hope, need and direction of change which extends all the way to the DNA. The mechanism of random "mutation" which becomes selective survival of the fittest seems an absurd avoidance of fitting consciousness and Mind into any real bio-logic process. As if consciousness is the dirty word and garbage that needs to be burned, buried or disposed of or it will contaminate "Real" science. For a new desire to come into existence it must be formed by a Neural net structure which can then be the form for new DNA structure. So the prohibited desires may refer to desires generated by scaffolding block other expressions as in eating sorrow?


Emptiness is like emptying the recycle bin: when we delete life procedures, they stick around if forms that can be reset. That is because they are inhibited by other programs and because they are really n.nets in the first place, they cannot be killed. Thus the idea of reincarnation in a new form, because they transform as fuzzy systems do. Thus the idea of coming back as an animal if one gets "bad karma". The "animal" is midbrain connections which are the central purpose of our little programs that we don't like: to connect to and represent our midbrain so that it can be shared. But we try to "look good" and follow the rules, so we use our human brain to train the midbrain in the rules!


 This results in a separation from our neocortex of a part we call "ego" and the rest that we expect to follow our commands - orders. This "ego" becomes subservient to the plug-in rules of "society" with the expectation of being accepted by the "group": of belonging! [longing to be!] Whereas the "rest" of the neocortex is only permitted to maintain the skills and language basis [ground] that supports our be-longing. But in fact the other side of the "rest of the neocortex" looks - feels - sounds like "God" because it is self organizing and evolving - organically growing. And we use our energies to inhibit the results of that growth!!! Which eventually gets old and weak!

This is very good and new understanding of human dynamics!



My position within the community that is the replacement for what was the seeker of truth is closest to Sun where I can normalize the new Buddha of science which is taking over the old "Truth" as a virus consumes all cells - n.nets. Thus humans are becoming disenfranchised from their own creation. Science is represented in the movie "Independence Day" as the aliens that have advanced technology and take over all resources.

We no longer see ourselves represented in our representations!



The groups that are fragmented as words and procedures also connect in a holographic overlay at different levels of resolution that connect larger groups. Thus even those parts of our N.nets that are inhibited from being original mind are connected in a larger net that looks at finer detail! This is what meditation discovered - uncovered!



Emptiness results in the open lotus and is TORI openness and Christian reborn anew! It creates room for new programs instead of saving the obsolete.

Sin can be a result of self organization with background of rules, and one can learn - use emptying to effect change.



Thought as "DNA" would allow healing and other effects on biological function.


The Buddhist idea that the world we experience as "out there" is only a reflection of our and group mind can be explained as "self similar fractals". In fact my view is that our consciousness is at a very deep level of resolution of fractal fragmentation, and as such if "far" from experiences of the whole, just as a few bumps deep within a Koch snowflake cannot see the whole star of David shape. There are many individuals who do not want to and refuse to "see the meaning of life" as if this would bring living to a stop. This is also the metaphor of the fractal scaffolding of language around our biological intelligence. The further removed we are from the whole, the more elaborate the scaffolding appears, but the more constrained it is to describe and understand the whole generator: "Why, that is only the Star of David"! These convolutions then seem to replace and explain intelligence.

The explanation given by one philosopher was that human consciousness as the highest can be broken down into smaller functions over and over until small units at the lowest level are very robotic automata.


 I see this as an inverted description of the process which results in human consciousness entangling itself in these levels so far removed from wholeness as to require robotic behavior. This is the theme of religion, Christian and Buddhist, of liberation and salvation from an entangled "World". [from Daniel Dennett?]


Others propose that scientific method and Cartesian rationality is a dead end. I don't see this as a dead end, but as part of the continuity which leads to fuzzy logic and our new understanding of complexity.

Nietchie feared the eternal repeating reality: "eternal reoccurrence", but this is what happens as iterated systems that generate time itself and holographic mind!


Materialist position regarding self and consciousness is that we are the sum of our information. My position is that we are information generators and if we are found in other conditions we would produce different information.


I see consciousness as "Seeing" within the neocortex as if it was a landscape of language and in the 3rd dimension of where and how the language is plugged into our older brain.


Fractals are also fuzzy dimensions: fuzztals! Thus they are linked to n.nets!


Buddhist breakthru last nite! The suffering and extinction are about the separate self and the desire for happiness. Thus it is about how we are plugged into our earlier brain, not That we are plugged into our brain in self similar ways. Thus self organizing and self similar are different, in which we take responsibility for self organizing, and self similar is a training of the lion - animal that creates a self vrs, lion!


The implications and extension of sharing our mind is that we are not alone: science - religion is a community and increases skills by sharing. Work on skills and knowledge is done in the human community just as in the hard sciences. Knowledge is not in the new mode until it can apply to everyone and is not unique to only one person as individual therapy or some "evil spirit".

This is another application of my paradigm. For classes show applications for fractals as procedures. In music getting a fractal procedure to generate the pitch and time sequence is one scale. Next look at procedures that are self similar to generate the structures of the key, of rhythmic alphabets and phrase alphabets. This looks like automata where the alphabets are rhythm groups and note combinations. Show fuges as self similar phase structures like the turns of a Star of David. Thus the self similar operations are related to figures on the plane that have phase structure and are thus coherent organizations that repeat by iteration.


Is looking thru increasingly smaller wholes down to pinpoints a fractal self similarity of holographic interference patterns. Looking at objects from different angles is also a phase structure in relation to construction of a fractal, not a phase of the light. Do life forms generate symmetry around any line in the form of phase angles. Like generating flowers from a single petal? Thus we think in fractally embedded phase structures as the levels of the I Ching: 6, 8, 10, 12 etc. Are the small scales / levels of a fractal congruent with interference patterns?


Vertical time is the essence of astrology. Time flow like a sin wave along the time axis in our lower - older brain is supported by the neocortex as vertical arcsin wave which encompases a subsection of time and goes forward and backward in time to the origin of a fragment or action. Each planet looks at a repeating time which we call "SELF"! it is as if we live a moment over and over, repeating and practicing that as moments of consciousness that is vertical or "eternal" [stopped time].

In space this is upside down. I heard of Eskimo tribe that writes upside down as well as regular.



Four Noble truths: Truth means to not ignore or to be in denial, but to face reality and suchness. Suchness is related to concrete "what is" and not what is sybolized or labeled. Reality as it is! Thus the hands to the middle bow that shows top of the head is very real left hand, right hand to the center.


The 1st truth is to not avoid or ignore problems [suffering]; 2nd is to not avoid responsibility for causes. Things do not just appear by "Fate". The 3rd is solutions exist, so find and explore skillfulness. The 4th is that skill does not happen all at once or only one way, but by taking steps in many directions.


 Reduction and simplicity vrs. Suchness as complexity. Distraction of mind by desire - need for novelty and stimulation. Focus and abstraction by reduction of stimulation.


Culture as personal source of coherence replacing inner areas of self organization: culture against nature. Cloning personalities. 



 The language of representing this center is Mathematics where complete structures can be represented as sums, functions, and tensors of all instances and situations. It is in the language representing holograms, fractals, neural networks and "Chaos". In our biology it is our neocortex operating on the world from the heliocentric and even Galactic centered view of all time found in our DNA, which transcends the geocentric view of the single moment of our birth. If I am making any meaningful contribution it to look at what is already out there in science and the spiritual traditions not from a "new" viewpoint, but from no viewpoint: the seeing which is at the center and everywhere for all to share.


How difficult it was to explain and represent / image the results of mystical experience 2,000 years ago! Now with modern biology and mathematics and physics of holographic mind, coherence / lasers, neural networks and fractals we can represent what was experienced. Now we can move ahead in science itself with the leadership of these ancient spiritual traditions from Asia and the near East / Greko-Roman traditions. Modern psychology of family systems as clearly brought before the public in the last 10 years by John Bradshaw and others is supported by these new synergies of science and spiritual traditions, which allow humans to clearly understand what it is to be human and not just a trainer of our animal minds! We can now define what is the essence of human culture and how human culture is possible in the face of a biology which does not allow others to directly influence, teach or pass on traditions. The types of Neural networks that can exist in biological systems must be self organizing: supervised learning or behavior of any kind is impossible! So how did human culture and passing on of knowledge and traditions take place?


JANUARY 6, 1996

Words and language are at a meta level above action. This means that it [this level] is fully connected to ALL time as a holoprocess or a next layer of a fully connected neural network. Thus we can have "self awareness" as this metalevel in time and space.

Enlightenment is a metalevel above this metalevel. It is seeing the connections of the previous metalevel that creats a Self. This is the level from which God is aware just as the previous level is self awareness. Here the level of machinery of the cosmos looks and acts like multiple arms of a CD Rom. On the level of animal, the arms are hard wired like Jim Andersons dedicated computer with burned-in programs in E-Prom that look at data also in E-Prom. The next meta level is Disk drives that can access any data, but cannot change the CD Rom. This has self awareness that humans can have full access to the Data and Write once. The next level is aware of all the CD and can change programs. The next level of enlightenment can program, Read other CD's and Write twice. God was seen as the only holoprocess that could write or the writing was transparent as Fate. Humans are self aware that there is a procedure called self, but not that it is written. This is the very symbol or meta level of writing!! The next level sees that it is a program and a programer that is self organizing!


5/14/02 The constructor of scaffolding that reveals the structure of “biological” mind does not know itself or its procedures. It only uses the process, but does not know the origin of the scaffolding. The human mind uses the scaffolding to explore and map the mind –mid brain, but does not see itself as map maker. When it does it becomes scaffolding on scaffolding! Maybe the metaphor is from the inside out: thus does not look at the space behind it! The space that allows scaffold construction anywhere. This is also a tree structure of multidimensional structures as layers and scales.


Gremlins 2 [the film] had a scene where the film burned up and the scene turned to the projector room and what happened.


The search for higher mind mistakenly looks for something bigger, higher and more unified. This is the wrong direction: the neocortex divides into smaller, less unified [not all in one “god”] and like cards in a solitaire stack, the place can be below a blocking card in a lower sequence.



I can see zooming in on holographic mind and having a process happen!

With the holomind, the cards as a phase space of a "lower" scale / chakra is "played" by the consciousness of a "higher" level that contains all the "games" in each subset of itself! This is so much closer to understanding consciousness and its unity! Like the hexigrams contain multiple sets of trigrams but even more powerful in a larger space of mind! It is how humans have limited ourselves to single deals, single games and using only to Ace as start build to solve the "game of life". And each deal / shuffle is a new chart! Looked at from different views! as Signs, constellations, heliocentric and moving within the galaxy!!!



The neocortex “spreads” difficult tasks into a phase space in the same way that the mid brain creates solutions in a phase space spread over the reptilian brain! This process is also represented by the way the “chart of houses” is spread over the Qi chart of the cycle of a single day!

 Thus the 6 days of creation may also refer to the Qi chart and the 7th day to the houses as if the phase structure of the organ system that emerges in a single day is mapped onto a single moment as if all the resources spread out during a day one at a time become available to the neocortex at a single moment of NOW!

 For those readers that do not know “Astrology” or TCM [traditional Chinese Medicine] each organ of the organ system described in TCM have a “high function” hour within the daily cycle. The heart is strongest at noon, the large intestine at Dawn and the Stomach [8AM] and Spleen [10AM ] at a division of the time between. [and the same at other times for the other 9 organ systems]. These times are equal divisions of day and night which changes as the day lengthens and shortens during the seasons, not of our “modern equal” clock time.

 This “stable” cycle of our basic organs, where each organ in all animal species peaks at the same time for each individual, is mapped onto the moment of birth of each individual for the “charts” of the mammal brain. The organ functions are mapped onto the function of “emotion” which is a fuzzy intelligence estimator system. Emotions give us a fuzzy estimate of the success or failure of a plan or intention or of possible outcomes of multiple possible courses of action.

 This individual mapping means that no two humans will come up with the same available emotional resources at the same time. [The liver and GB. For anger / limits, the Lungs and LI for available energy, etc. See works on TCM] It is as if the entire year is mapped onto a single day, with the moment of birth deciding the orientation of the energies for the emotional brain as if that moment is the start of a day for that person. Thus the information space of the reptilian / visceral brain is spread out or enlarged from 12 hours to 360 moments.

 This same process of increase of information space is continued for the neocortex of the human brain. [research has begun to suggest that It is possible that other mammals can master language and tasks in a spread out way, but as species they never took advantage of their neocortex because there was no need like that that arose when humans left the forest and had to master a new ecological system, facing new dangers].

My work is the first to map this as the ability of humans to move their inner sources of coherence to different viewpoints of the other coherences. [Coherent sources are the generators of holomind layers, like ego – family – culture – civilization]. It is as if a single human can look at their self and others from any day of the year. Even extended multigenerational family systems established a stable single birthday so as to stabilize the viewpoint and information system for all individuals: all looking at things the same way. This was and is adapted to religious holidays: it is as if the “Christ within each of us” is born on Dec. 25th, and we look at ourselves at our year of birth, but from Christmas as our “spiritual” birthday.

 The introduction of science brought a “public domain” of viewpoints, where each truth can be looked at from all time: every day of the year. Then humans not only moved the coherent source of their individuality viewpoint, they started to move the transcendent [outer planets] viewpoints to multiple views! This has spread out the information space so much, that even electrons and atoms became enormous sources of mappings!! This is the trick of public education! Shifting viewpoints until successful!


Thus during evolution the functions of a single cell were mapped onto a multidimensional organ – tissue system, and that organ system again mapped onto family systems, and then onto cultures – civilizations. Now it is as if millions of years of physical system evolution has been mapped onto just decades of information system evolution due to the properties and abilities of the neocortex to move maps of itself and all other mappings to multiple viewpoints. We even give it a name: the scientific method. I have made suggestions here of a connection to the rest of evolution in/of holomind.




Coherence in holomind is different than the coherence of light that makes generates, records and reconstructs a physical holographic “picture”. Biological holomind and in the holographic universe coherence is a sequence of actions the produce a result. The start, result, end of the action, decay of result which requires another repeated start is the cycle of coherence! In the physical hologram, the reapplication of the same coherence [best example is laser light] to the phase code recorded by the original coherence as a pattern of interference and captured on a “film”, reconstructs the original “picture”. This is a model of the process of consciousness. There is a dyad of coherent sources: the original creator and the viewer. In holomind this dyad exists in a multidimensional way: the original process becomes conscious, but also the phase space of steps between each part of the process!



Recursion as a holomind process: the recursive procedure is the coherence and the result is divided into progress and error / mistake which is fed back into the process to eliminate or change. Or see the progress as feedback in N.Nets to change the weights of the iterated process. The progress is the Yang / high and the mistake is the Yin / low of the coherence.



The focus of the observer being in a phase space is seen as sets of plans and objectives / goals. These can be mistaken for accomplishments or identity. [quantum psychology]

This is where both observer and focus use  the same coherence at different orientations. I will explore the similarity or identity with DNA and RNA as being one of the primary levels of holomind dyads that create life. These dyads are what we refer to as consciousness as an interrelationship of 2 processes: one as holographic code and the next as processing that code in its own phase space!


Completeability: It a “energy” of holomind as well as of matter. In science it is defined as the requirement of any new idea or theory to be completeable within the context of all known “Laws” and truth. Any point or location of a hologram and of holomind has the complete information of the context of the object of the hologram. All electron shells connect with other elements until the shells are complete. This is a “power” or dimension of Reality. So is self organization part of this inner need of reality for completion. Coherence is a “in step” or “lining up” that results in completion because there is no contradiction and cancellation. The Tia Chi unity is a completion of Yin and Yang. The phase spaces result in a new level of completion by the next level of holomind. So the phase as detail or as a piece of a puzzle looks for completion at the next level?


Consciousness as procedure: Objects resolve into a final state that is experienced as awareness when they are "attached to" process and procedures of self other interaction and evaluation of the actions outcomes. Thus awareness could be called time dependant action - movement start states. The neural nets as a digital fractal sundial can be a metaphor for consciousness: The inner states that learn to respond to an input by projecting the result as a shadow on a surface, yet can from the same pattern project a different result at a different time, measured in discrete quanta, is the experience of consciousness. This means that the awareness of a complete environment is like the single digits displayed in response to our focus on some environment. This "response" is constructed from the learning that has previously taken place, and is constructed into the structure of the fractal sundial. Information as procedures involving the person and their environment is the sundial's inner structure and what we call the "self" is the light and the experience of the result. As the phase angle of the activating light changes, so does the resulting answer. Consciousness is the experience of this totality of possible solutions contained in the sundial as well as the particular questioning intent and "thought" response as the shadow. This metaphor relates to n.nets in this way: each layer of the digital sundial interrupts the incoming light, and passes it on to the next layer. Another and perhaps clearer metaphor is of  a hologram. The hologram is made of interference patterns in the phase space, and if these interference patterns are to be found as cycles in the time domain, then the resulting objects would be procedures. That is procedures encoded by encoding the steps by connections with a coherent cycle. The output would be reconstructed by the same coherent cycle. This would be a direct involvement of the cosmos in consciousness. This level of process would be cycle dependant, whereas human consciousness is cycle independent. Thus this may be more our emotional animal consciousness and the sundial as more a metaphor of the single pattern human shared brain consciousness. Thus the transform from an analogue to a digital sundial may refer to language. Humans becoming the light or God like may be the freedom we have in doing procedures at any time independent of cycles and "natural” motivation. This is the distributed system, as any angle is accessible by any human, and each angle produces a different orientation to "reality" as distributed work - specialties.


>The point is that each moment of awareness is constructed of a set of ready to go procedures completely available for employment. Humans feel they must decide or think of action, but this is a secondary process analogues to changing the phase angle of the input light on the metaphorical sundial. As I will explain later, thinking is also a perception process, and not independent of total life systems as often modeled by those who see humans as some independently superior creature "above" the animals. The awareness of our surrounding space has pre-calculated components that we "take for granted", namely: front / back, left / right, and up / down. Our consciousness then "locates" objects in terms of these dimensions. This process of location is called a zero dimension cognitive process. Connecting or defining a single weighted relationship between one or more one objects and one or more separate other object is a one dimension cognitive process. Defining connections between sets of one dimensional relationships is a two dimension cognitive process which produces a surface with attractive basins and repulsion highs. Defining a geometry to these two dimensional surfaces is a three dimensional process. An example would be the mobiuse strip relationship between what is seen as our male and female side. Our cognitive processes are pre-calculated within the same congruent dimensions in the visual and/or social spaces. Since these "spaces" are "there" we accept them as reality even though they may have predefined attractive basins built in as preferences and so called heredity. In social spaces mapped from a global frame of reference:  1. the front is the sign and the back the constellation. 2. The sides are the male / female gender persona "charts". 3. The moons and planetary nodes are the up / down - higher / lower rankings. They relate to the chakras or environmental quality levels when combined with the dimensions of the planets.  a. zero to .5 dimension is to keep or control the "place" or location or label. Autocratic. Sun/moon. Touch and smell? b. One dimension is to control the ranking relationship of better / worse. Peer group? Mars. hearing? c. Two dimension is to control the interactions and procedures - data communication flow. competition? Family structures? Jupiter. "reptilian - predator" vision? d. Three dimension is to control the participation? resonance? Social and cultural structures. Saturn. Depth vision? e. four dimension is to control the global points or geometry / framework resulting in control of the forces / intensities / peace - stress? Religious structures? Rotations, stretch etc of coordinate surfaces? f. Four or five dimension is to control the emergence organic structure? Evolution? spiritual?   historical? Change of structures? Neptune. Attractor patterns / full dimensional catastrophe structure?



 The 2 dimensional slices of a three space are a fractal subset of the 3 space. Any 2 slice is controlled by the global points of the slice as an energy surface. This slice is created as the fuzzy placement of the power subset. This means that the set of five emotions in its power set of 32 expanded to 78 tarot can represent all the personalities possible in the human species, just as there can be an infinite number of 11/8 sheets of paper on a room sized slice.


The fractal algorithm that controls the phase angles of the pendulum and its fuzzy movements in a orthogonal direction are also defined by the power set of 2 and subsets of the subsets as fractals defined on fractals. Thus I have described the evolution of personalities coming from the power set of 2 to the five. 2 up6 is then the situationality of the higher dimensional person. Another property of self organizing neural nets is that given identical inputs and outputs, different nets organize the solution path differently: they are chaotically structured, no model of their behaviour is "correct" or standard. This has been traditionally stated as "there are as many different ways to truth as there are individuals" Thus the study of knowledge [epistemology] in and by humans that finds the "one right way" for the [global] organization of social, religious especially monotheistic, political, or learning institutions is not based on the biology of the human or any other species. In my model, such efforts are attempts by some individuals to isolate the "One Mind" from its ability to self organize and substitute centralized self control and bivalent "rationality". Since this is impossible all that results is the creation of phase filters that arbitrarily  select individuals as competitively more suitable and assign greater value to some individuals among identical biological functioning individuals due to their developmental similarity to the "standard model" which may have been developed in religious context or as emperors or other "hero models". There many metaphors for the "One Mind", one of which is "holographic mind", which can clarify many of the brains properties: functions are distributed, they can be layered by phase angle and frequency, they need a "coherent source" for creating the original structures, and output functions of different sizes produce identical information of the whole at different levels of fuzziness of resolution. In neural nets, two principle structures contribute to the understanding of the kinds of models humans make of their world. They are bi-directional resonance between the "layers", and lateral competition within layers for which "function" will "win" and thus be allowed to learn. The winner then inhibits other functions that are "distant" and reinforces those that are "close". In the first case I can group such behaviours as tradition, worship, trust, love, harmony, synthesis, creation, construction, and cooperation. In the second case I see competition, ethic cleansing, analysis, destruction, oppositional bonding, rebellion, and control. The question is if human models of reality are more a result of the brains function or of the reality "out there". The Buddhists clearly stated that the former is the case, whereas early science embodied this projection in its rules designed to avoid subjectivism and religious dogma, especially in the light that an ethnic group as was formed by scientists produce a connected surface that acts as if it was one subjective individual. Thus "proof" as the test of subjectivism became a filter that eliminated complex fuzzy systems where each "individual" self organized and acted from their unique "model" of reality. Another structure of n.nets is by brain systems: sensation and levels of activation and awareness - alertness as emerging from the base of the brain as often referred to as reptilian. Emotion as emerging from the social- mammal mid brain structures, and higher brain structures of the neocortex. I model each of these structures as having different logics, or in the archaic language of Astrology, different charts. Yet these charts supply an excellent metaphor: the reptilian brain belongs to the circadian rhythm of the acupuncture meridians, the mammal brain maps this energy of a whole day and night cycle onto two specific moments: of birth and its symmetric opposite as a map of the personality and its gender opposite as belonging to the cultural neural net energy surface and not to an individual. Finally the "One Mind" of the neocortex language center is mapped by the more global heliocentric structure that can be changed by contact and sharing with other humans. The first two structures have a fixed program that is unique to each individual, and the heliocentric is changed by cohesion, influence, learning, parenting and other cultural functions, but from the center is stable in the "real" structure from which all the other structures are shadows or illusion. From this center emerges the one of human's most respected abilities: empathy as the ability to know another person or situation as if from inside. With the understanding that language evolved as permutations within this heliocentric structure, "One Mind" and empathy logically emerge. This "One Mind" can generate many patterns of which prior evolution "assigned" each different pattern to a different species, with the complementary set being their "environment". Thus each individual contains structural information that links them to their whole ecological system: living systems are not isolated accidents whose only cognitive processes are about individual survival values.


Is human history really a process of discovery / uncovering and understanding the emerging nature of being human revealed in the above three points. Is the evolution of or invention of a level of holographic mind that can be shared with everyone belonging to a culture, that allows them to define themselves as “cultural”, the process by which this “external” supervision can emerge from within. [yet it still retains the self organizing structure]. This results from the enormous “programming space” that emerged in the neocortex: it was waiting to be discovered.


  Discipline needed and invented at agricultural revolution. Beyond the natural: how to invent new minds!


The social – cultural – civilization layers of holomind along with the “individual” is modeled as layers seen in a mirror. First and largest is self and behind is

social – cultural – civilization layers as pictures within pictures. A new model could be a process - task model presented by computer operating systems and windows, with the files within each file menu or button, and windows within windows.


Shared brain is the key of human nature. Language uses representations to share, so the ability to represent is the key. Finer levels of resolution allow representations that are invisible at other levels where they are hidden. For instance, in order to represent electromagnetics the square root of a minus one is needed. For centuries this was considered "out of bounds", so when mathematics allowed imaginary numbers, they could develop electronics.

Self organization uses self reference, iteration, and recursion which results in fractals when procedures are repeated at finer levels of resolution. This becomes a restriction created by resonance in that the finer levels have much more representational space which is ignored by continual resonant reference to generators in smaller spaces. Thus the fully connected networks represent only fractions of dimensions which are not "separated", but are fused - confused by their connectedness. Thus it becomes impossible to create new representations within a fractal which is self referent. This is the basis for inner procedures of the mind being "projected" onto outer reality: "we create our reality out of our own mind". For instance, the iteration of "everything has a value" may hide the intrinsic value of sharing and connecting as "humans" for its own sake.


Play is the best example of being self organizing. Trying and testing and experiment are other words that come to mind. We "play the music" means performance: the form as music is there before or prior to our playing it. But how did it get to be music? Composition or creation or self organization and self regulation: the composer played around with the notes until they liked what they heard or just heard the music as if someone deep inside of them was dictating or singing it to them. Sometimes they would listen to the music of others to "prime the pump" or get things flowing. J. S. Bach and Stravinsky did this. In fact Stravinsky used the music of many other composers with the idea that he could compose there music better than the original. I play around with concepts from science, mathematics and religion as my "notes" so I will introduce one of my compositions called fractals which is a word that means fractional dimensions.

You know what Fractions are like ½, ¼, 2/3, etc. and the dimensions of this room are the up - down, front - back, and side to side, so what is ½ of "up". In music we can call Surprise as a dimension: when music has no surprises and you can predict what the next note and rhythm will be, I can call that the 0 [zero] dimension. When you can't tell what the next note is, everything is totally random and there is no rule or law we can call that the first dimension or one dimensional. Well it seems that the music we like best is half way between or has a fractional dimension. We can measure that with the math called spectral density. A spectrum is a rainbow or a chromatic scale of ½ steps. We can count how many times we play each note and how many times we jump or step between notes to find the density. We can also measure how often the music imitates itself or is self referent and how many times it is new. All of this is done so we can compare the music with other things like trees, flowers, mountains and even the shape of the coastlines of the earth as seen from space. These all have a close to ½ dimension as well as the activity within our brain: and maybe that is how we recognize beauty because it is similar to our own mind's activity.

Self similarity is an ingredient or component of self organization.

The amount of self organization versus the amount of conformity to social organization may be similar to the structure of "good" music defined in the enclosed article as 1/f half way between conformity and randomness. Unfortunately freedom often appears as randomness especially in American school systems which treats everyone as equals in unequal contexts. There now seems to be paying attention to teaching individual and group differences which recognizes individual self organization, but it seems as if those opposing these directions do so from a point of view where Freedom and Equality are unquestionable dogma of a religion called "America". This is how I apply some of the ideas embodied in music. A appropriate question to present students is: "how much self similarity is found in the rap or hip-hop music they listen to". "How much predictability and how much freedom"?




The implications and extension of sharing our mind is that we are not alone: science - religion is a community and increases skills by sharing. Work on skills and knowledge is done in the human community just as in the hard sciences. Knowledge is not in the new mode until it can apply to everyone and is not unique to only one person as individual therapy or some "evil spirit".

This is another application of my paradigm. For classes show applications for fractals as procedures. In music getting a fractal procedure to generate the pitch and time sequence is one scale. Next look at procedures that are self similar to generate the structures of the key, of rhythmic alphabets and phrase alphabets. This looks like automata where the alphabets are rhythm groups and note combinations. Show fuges as self similar phase structures like the turns of a Star of David. Thus the self similar operations are related to figures on the plane that have phase structure and are thus coherent organizations that repeat by iteration.




Meaning: humans share mind, but there are ways of sharing that involve bypassing self organization and "plugging in" to the brain that does not allow connection to human meaning. These cultural / rational representations plug into "it's good [bad] for you" which removes the focus from self realization and understanding to cultural conformity. We seem to plug into laws, instructions and cause / effect. This feels like, "if you don't do this, then that [punishment / bad] will happen" and if you do this you get rewarded. This is impersonal / removed from personal reality level beyond meaning. Cultural rules, beliefs as well as scientific information [facts] take this form. Science stops at the level of correct information [truth] without bothering to connect to human relevance [represented as subjective opinion].


Connecting "information" to being human is an organic process growing from within and organically fitting life processes such as the structures of our brains and social networks. This focuses on humans as "products" [objects] of ---. [heredity, environment or "God"] An example of this way of thinking is our number system. It seems perfectly natural to count from 0, 1, 2 … infinity and then 0, -1, -2 etc., but this system is not seamlessly organic as is reality, but goes to a disconnected +- infinity. The complete I Ching [power set of 2 or more states] represents numbers in the same way as chemical states, neural networks and holographic mind. It includes fuzzy numbers and inverses instead of negatives, as well as levels of resolution.


How thought Recognition works: Need patern recognition to "see" angle phase or sign - of any event.


I - The same phase of different templates has different pattern recognitions. - Both competitive & self organizing


Brain - Mind and cognitive behavior consists of neural nets organized into other types of neural nets. The experience of this is as a person in an environment: referred to as left and right brain organization. The connections we make to other people as extended family are the cognitive pathways already present at birth. In our head we are a family of persons. These cognitive connections are felt as time: past, present and future (anticipation) as a personal history. (this process is described as abstract automata with start state, alphabet of states and transitions and final states) What is called the right brain is a set of neural nets whose connections are to the inner representations of the environment (called objects) which nets supply the feeling of context - meaning in the environment of family and personal culture. This culture includes the global aspects of school, neighborhood and ethnic background as well as subjective interpretations of a persons experience with `mass media'. These multiple neural net connections present themselves as representations of `my self' and `my experience'. Anything that is represented can be acted upon functionally because the representation is also the set of procedures that we call cognitive skills. Thus learning deals with accessing the organizational logics of the inner representation that we call `self' differently at different stages of brain - mind development. The person is clearly involved in different neural net types and their training at different life stages. The different `training processes' are evolutionary and biological invariant as is the right brain `cultural context' which is needed to make experience meaningful. The most important transition is at puberty when new cognitive logics must be mastered in the service of the self organizing new adult brain. At this stage learning is performed without a target `vector' present and is unsupervised.  Clearly the perception in educational theory that there is no inner representational `self', and if there is it does not need to be consulted, has done immense harm to our culture. This is compounded by the attitude that accessing the persons' context is optional. This attitude is supported, by the behaviorists in their stimulus response theories, and by the belief that knowledge can be abstracted from life and experience and taught as fragments by their successors: the cognitivists. Knowledge is an abstraction that does not exist as an outcome of the activity of our nets. All forms of life, from microbes to humans,  work as time and place processors, with skills (cognitive abilities) specific to concrete environments and the personal history of that skill. The `solutions' of these processors is the actual connectivity net structure, and does not have any generalized form, like TRUTH, beyond the topology of the net. There is no `self' which possesses knowledge or skill. The illusion of a supervisory `ego' is only a result of properties of other nets which require `supervision' in order to operate. The so-called free will (ego) is just a property of the net of being unsupervised and self organizing. Language and culture are organized as a neural net!!! Words are the nodes and connections and weights of this unique net which is basically a projection - mapping of our internal representational nets, both neural and biological. (Which is why hypnosis can affect the internal systems workings of organisms.) Thus cultures and subcultures have some of the same properties as a single brain. ( statements about there being no self does not imply that what we call a `person' with all the human self reliant normal properties does not exist, but is a statement that all objects of consciousness are cognitive processors, as well as the so called `subject'. Further discussion is beyond the scope of this `short' introduction.)  In the school environment, parents were only marginally included. The scope of the resulting disaster is only now being measured. This resulted from failure to apprehend the brain as structured as a internal family group. Teachers do not check to see if the student has mastered the logic of subjects before their are taught. During the teaching the only checks on the progress of the building of fully implemented inner representations is the single dimensional logic (appropriate to the 4 year old developmental stage) of giving grades to tests, which a student easily learns to defeat. This system quickly establishes `errors' as the enemy instead of the necessary insight into the organization of the inner representation.  In cognitive development insight into error production is more important for uncovering representational weakness and distortion than already mastered skills.  The clash starting at puberty of the self organizing mind is brought about  by the establishments refusal to acknowledge this development by becoming a partner in learning. Instead they continue the same autocratic training agenda. The need is for the student to understand the difference between the self organizing logics of their emerging adult mind and the logics of the child involved in the enthusiasm and excitement of discovery. One of those properties is the emerging `cool' emotional response, which is the emerging response of `deep feelings' appropriate to the `adult' self organizing of stable skills that no longer have the `heat' of enthusiasm appropriate to the stage of concrete operations. (I use some of Piaget's' constructs as closest approximations to my work) The brain is now ready to accept abstractions and long term individual and group projects. The logics that support this stage are the same rules of evidence introduced by men like Locke, Hume and others in other cultures, but applied to discipline the subjective interpretation of experience based on `like and dislike' and other nominalizations that characterize earlier stages. Finer levels of resolution of cognitive skills are needed, but are only covertly inferred from the `advanced' nature of the subjects. They need to be applied to the persons cognitive organization in the their total context- environment, and as stated above this transference does not and cannot happen because of a presumed `global' property of knowledge or UNIVERSAL TRUTH. Stated again: cognitive skills are local to the generating connections to a specific sequence of `events'. We often encounter the person who is brilliant in one subject, but seems below average in so many others settings, especially social. One list of possible cognitive distortions already used in cognitive therapies is: All-or-nothing thinking, Overgeneralization, Mental filter, Discounting the positive, Jumping to conclusions, Magnification, Emotional reasoning, `Should statements', Labeling, Personalization and blame. ("The Feeling Good Handbook", David Burns, M.D., 1990) We must allow everyone to find `forward and drive' to be able to continue on the journey of evolution, and not just ignore self - organizing unsupervised behavior as `Art', Dreams, and the work of Buddhas. (The `driving backwards' is a metaphor for the essentially inhibitional nature of the neocortex in relation to mid and lower brain centers or `inner child'.)



{new} A new understanding: Our internally produced image of the world out there is actually a real sense organ just like eyes, ears & sense of gravity, which can be programmed to produce unimagined qualities of information. That programing is WISDOM. ("TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE"). The reward is bliss of oneness & total self participating in & connected to the cosmos. Our common understanding of prejudice is that uninformed internal images produce misfitting actions & decisions. The remedy has been to create a corrected set of information describing situations & persons manipulatable by computers i.e. intellect. My new proposal is to take greater responsibility for, to develop our internal wisdom, to enrich our lives by trusting ourselves. By experiencing our internal world - out - there as a gift to be developed, not to be given up to the authority of BIG BROTHER & T.V., of impersonal impoverished world of fewer choices made from our own wisdom. Schools offer us intellect: knowledge about our world & teach us how to manipulate our ideas as information processing. We are expected to make decisions based on highest probability of RIGHTNESS, not on our perception & sense (sensibleness). Thus we learn procedures to work with a world of logic where authorities determine what is possible. Thus we are told the world is not directly knowable, or changeable with our mind. I will present a different & richer model of consciousness & human abilities where:


1. our immediate conscious awareness (recognition) is a map of all possible interactions (produced by billions of years of wisdom)


2. organic molecules produced by the cosmos patternings as an attractor described by fractal geometry & catastrophe theory.


3. language 5th dim connection with code space of cosmos  4. structure of consciousness has qualities of holography indexed by patterns of cosmos.


5. we interact with world & others directly with our internal images whether we ignore it or act on any subset formed & filtered (limited) by our beliefs


6. These images will behave like sense organs that have an interrupted developmental path. (sensing interference pattern of space - time i.e. standing gravity waves)


7. We can resume that development as the next step in conscious evolution.  {insert} Revision: Solutions as completed skills. Objects are functions whose domain is all skills, abilities, manipulations, associations etc. associated with the object; and whose range is all possible outcomes intended, hoped for, expected as an outcome mapped by the function / object. Attributes descriptions of objects are not directly included in object consciousness, but are part of consciousness whose object is thought.  Thinking is not conscious. but is a process / skill / operation. Consciousness happens totally before the first recognition of the happening of a thought registers. Thinking is not consciousness but the result of or symptom of consciousness. This for me, abolishes the distinction between humans and other life forms.  The immediacy of consciousness is for me the salient feature fro understanding the growth / development of consciousness. By the time  one is "conscious" of an action taking place or of some object in our surroundings consciousness has happened; thought is only a "repression" stopping holding back, of the continued operation of consciousness.



10. Consciousness is Organization by "general systems" as interconnectedness, path, and procedure at different scales as levels of resolution as modeled by fractals. Unique individuals and species are selected pathways within this structure of totality, which like a grove cut in a phonograph record, repeats or cycles as self reference which generates stability and "self identity". The total structure is called Buddha Mind or the mind of God. The main skill needed to maintain this stability of self nature is ignorance and separation / division / fragmentation. [concentration and non-attachment]



>In the "study" of consciousness,consciousness is the experience of  the global structure of the self in its environments. It is a processing that happens at times referred to as "awake". It has the global properities of a rational unified presentation of an implicit "model" of the "world". This global experience as behaviour is emergent, which means it doesn't depend on or isn't deduced from the behaviour of neurons or neural nets [n.nets], or anatomy. Yet it can't be seen to contradict brain structures, and it must be consistent with the function and processes of biology. This global experience has the quality and expectation of being extendable to all experience and is expected to be consistent at all locations: we do not expect to fall sideways or up at some "strange" places. We discribe these expectations of the "normal" with laws and rules. In our early "childhood" development that has not fully emerged into human maturity from "animal" logics, the rules are "black and white" rational with little fuzzyness and flexability. Thus a mature adult human can "understand" that in space we can fall "up" and that the square root of a negetive number "exists". When the immature expectation of uniform "experience" is extended to "life" systems as is the case in traditional religions and the "mechanical" psychologies, solutions and explanations based on reductionist models with single uniform generators are expected, and are provided even if they don't "fit". Thus the possibility of finding a single evolving source that generated models that align at all angles of a phase space is not even looked for. These angles of a phase space mean that the models will range from complementary to seperating to contradictory and all be "true", just as some animals in an ecology don't notice each other and others become predator / prey.



The single pattern which contains all patterns such as the fractal sundial, the "solitair" game spread of cards which originates a basin of attraction of  proceedures depending on which card is the "global" start card, or heliocentric patterns of the local cosmos  that are captured in biological structures and can then changed by symbolic movable earth or other planets in the heliocentric point of view. The solatair  position of the level of resolution can be altered by altering the size of the stacks or the end state. This is a case of self organizing positions which generate deterministic sets of proceedures as the "way to solve" the game by putting the cards in sequence. The order of the sequence becomes the attractor. Thus the set of connections is the sequence of possible moves. Other transformations are possible such as rotation of the bottom card to the top, or rotation and translation by bottom card to top of next stack. Thus the proceedure solutions are imbeded within the entire pattern and become avaiable when presented with inputs. The input or request for a solution would be the "global" start card and the set that matchs the correct path to "order". The final order could be called entropy because it has mimimum information, or if the disorder can be seen as stress, then the sequence of moves is framed as stress reduction, and each shuffel is a set or pattern that has "learned" stress reduction or recognition of an input. The competitive aspect is then seen as the winner take all of the sequence of proceedures that lead to complete order "winning" over the proceedures that lead to "dead ends". The max winning stradgy is the introduction of the "free" piles or the use of self organization using free piles instead of determinancy of "following the rules".







  The processes which can be used in construction of skills are called primitives, since they are the fundamental logic blocks used to construct skills. The primary cosmic blocks are derived from the ratios of planetary orbits: 1/12- moon, 1/4 - mercury , 1/2 - venus, unity - sun \ earth, 2 -mars, 6 - astroides, 12 jupiter, 29 - saturn, 84 - uranus, 164 - neptune, 256 - pluto. As presented , tries, spaces, elements \ objects which occupy these spaces, and (now) angles are primitives so far detailed. Angles can be of primitive set: left \ right - mars, 12 houses as Jupiter, 30 degrees -saturn, 90degrees as Uranus +- 6 (asteroids). These primitives refer to a definition of a general system by using levels of resolution.  These automata require starting points and end points. Thus, every object of consciousness as a skill requires a goal, or final state. If doors were seen as only rectangular shapes, we could never exit. Start states are needed:home, from, begin, etc. If there was no left or right from a start state then all goals of processes would be straight ahead.  Angles also refer to access of holographic processes as start states. Metaphor of computer disk directories which are accessed by name, as houses of a chart are accessed by angle, as overlays on a hologram are accessed by the same angle which laid them down. (LATER - common whole number angles are first \ easiest access , thus interior of house is less accessible, ergo weaker. Number of degrees from cusp may refer to access time!!!!!!!)




IV. The main development of human culture is in the direction of fragmentation of consciousness and skills / abilities / solutions. This is seen in the rise of rational thought as a reduction of information to `simpler' principles. (Thus philosophy in the West Started by statements about Truth and reason `I think, therefore I am' to look for absolutes outside of `nature'. This is explained by levels of resolution which trade awareness of detail and organic wholes [poetry] for connections of `outlines' where detail is smoothed or ignored and forgotten in the effort to find `underlying principles'[philosophy]. Thus the creations of abstract thought [like mathematics] seem to take on a life of their own, which in and of itself is only an embodiment of the direction of human evolution and not a think in itself apart from human endeavor. These are only distractions from investigation of the real principles of life, in that the expectation of finding some principle of mechanical operation that life can be reduced to, separate from all the fine structure. This furthers the dualistic thinking of monotheistic religions, now kept alive in science, that there is some generative principle behind appearances that accounts for the material world, with mind, consciousness and `spirit \ psychic energy' only an illusion that disappears when `things are taken apart'. The possibility is not entertained that this is a reflection of the `taking apart of the extended family' and the emergence of individual fulfillment as a goal and is driven by the emergence of new levels of resolution in the cultural psyche.) This model is developmental in that there still remain social skills that where developed 22,000 years ago of the `farmer' as well as skills - consciousness [called instincts] which are rooted in our `reptilian' and `mammal' brains of the hunter. This model is rooted in `group consciousness' out of which the individual emerged as the first Adam at a new level of resolution, based not on a `higher' development, but on self consciousness as shame which arrested development. This slowing down of human development resulted in mastery of fewer skills removed from their context of origin. This development of `work' which can be performed at any arbitrary time devoured from any organic connection with the cosmos. This in turn gives rise to the idea of motivation or reason for activity [doingness] disconnected from `being', since no individual is self sufficient as are all individuals of other species.


In the lower dimension there are fewer phase states available Thus rational mind organizes the work in a way which loses an entire dimension. The soul and spirit and mind are all meta levels of orientation! The pendulum pattern reveals itself over millions of years. This is because the drift of the separate locations takes that long to make complete rotations to the same spot. The lack of synchronsis dimensions in culture results in uncoordinated duplication, with each subset trying to expand to the next "line" or dimension slice.



Mind as related to ST is discribed by tensors, and thus has its own realities which change in other fields: many minds like crystal surfaces. Coordinate and rational systems must be learned, but because they derive differently from differrent tensors, they do not "translate" by simple linear associations called LOGIC. [linear transformations]


 From Shuffle Brain: [remember Tensors are the stuff of curvature - dimension - space time - gravity - and the pattern that is time bound - imprented at birth as invariant reference source that generates the personal coordinate system of each individual  Ego]Consider another question, now that I've mentioned salamanders and the mixing of species. How can we explain the similarities and the differences between them and us? Hologramic mind, constructed as a version of Riemann's universe, supplies the answer in two words: curvature and dimension. We share the rule of curvature, but we and they are totally different universes by virtue of dimension. (I will return to dimension in the next chapter when discussing the cerebral cortex.) And how can we sum together phase codes of learned and instinctive origins, if fundamentally different abstract rules govern, say, a reflex kick of a leg and a 6/8-time tarantella? We'd move like jerk-jointed robots if our inner universe were a series of discontinuous pieces. How could we condition a reflex if we couldn't blend the new information smoothly with what's already there? Speaking of robots, we are vastly different from the digital computer. The computer's mind is a creature of the linear, Euclidean world of its origin. Its memory reduces to discrete bits. A bit is a binary choice--a clean, crisp, clear, yes-no, on-off, either-or, efficient choice. The computer's memories are clean, crisp, clear, linear arrays of efficient choices. The hologramic continuum is not linear; it is not either-or; it is not efficient. Hologramic mind acts flat and Euclidean and imitates the computer only when the items of discrete, discontinuous data are few. We're swamped when we try to remember or manipulate an array of twenty-six individual digits, a simple task for the computer. Yet ask the digital computer to distinguish your face from a dozen randomly sampled other faces--with and without eyeglasses, lipstick, and mustaches, and from various distances and angles--and it fails. Brains and computers operate on fundamentally different principles, and they mimic each other only when the task is trivial. Consider also the problem of perceptions of time and space, as opposed to physical time and space. People, the author included, have dreamed ten-year scenes within the span of a tenminute dream. The reverse also can happen: a horror lived during a second of physical time can protract to many minutes, during a nightmare. To the scuba diver out of air, a minute seems very long. But time seems to compress during a race to the airport, when we are a few minutes behind schedule. Space may do strange things, too. A character in a recent Neil Simon play tells how, during a bout of depression, he couldn't cross the street because the other side was too far away.-The clinical literature abounds with reports of this sort, some related to obvious brain damage, others not. For instance, N. J. David (1964, p. 150) presents the What do we do about subjective phenomena? Discount them from Nature because they are subjective?




In Fourier (and kindred) transforms, the time-dependent features of relative phase become space-dependent. But the relationships in transform space obey what time-dependent ones do in perceptual space: the axes don't contract and expand. Tensors, on the other hand, aren't constrained by presumptions about coordinate axes. In the curved continuum, time-dependent ratios may turn up on an elastic axis. And because the hologramic universe is a continuum, we lose the distinction between perceptual space and other kinds of space; or we may have the conscious impression that time is expanding or that distances will not close. Yes, it's ideal, subjective, illusory. Subjective time and space are informational transforms of what the clock gauges and the meter stick measures. The constraints on the clock and meter stick are physical. Constraints on the transformations of the mind are ideal. But both belong to Nature.



Social N. Net -maps to  God - other realities and maps to

opposition and realms.


Surface produces personality: is cultural dependant.


  Life N Net -maps to   Mind - Buddha - surface of evolution;

culturally independent.


 The connectivity system of society does not creat good natural selection? Moral behavior of correct choice (correct or skillfull 8 fold path) is necessary. (Liberations not correct). Mental illness and anti-social psychopathic behavior - or distortion of "Central" image - skytzophrenic paranoia of animal achievement realm) are results of connectedness pattern.  The 3 types of mentall illness are: 1) Heaven - Hell as BiPolar 2) Human - hungry Ghost as ingestion - attraction    addictions. 3) Achievement - Competition and compulsion retentive.    Anal hero- animal



The mirroring and immagination of the use and availability of a new process or ability makes that available to humans, but only emergent from unified power set [p.set] logics. Ideas like gOD and buddha "cap" the permissions: put arbitary limits on evolution which is what is the generator of evolution comes from: new mirrorings and reflectionss in new dimensions. To creat new forces in the geometry of higher dimesions. Who is to say that the physical "forces" are the only result of the interaction with higher dimensions and "higher"synocrinicities. Starting with the One Mind of humans, the heliocentric positions as a pattern that was "captured" or time bound by "animal" mind was calculated and fragmented for "symbolic" movement in the center chart. These movements were made by the phase angles as numbers, and therefore had no way to represent the irrational chaoitic "real" movements. Thus rationality developed as a necessity and inevatability. AS the fineness of lines - levels of resolution advanced to Uranus, it became possible to represent with percision irrationals as 90 parts per degree, or the ratio of Uranus to mercury or the Moon as a factor of 4 or 12: 360 parts per degree or 1000 parts.



In genetics, this means that there should exist meta-structures made up of smaller code units of DNA, which interact with the whole organism: socially and psychologically. Thus the search for traits as the atom of `life' does not begin to provide an explanation of the synergy of human behavior.



. Words are subsets of the total "aspects" between planets. Frozen pieces of time abstracted from situations or imaginary shifts of single (maybe more?) planets to "as-if" might be s.    The congruence / similarity to biochemistry is significant. Just as enzymes can lock / fit chemical sites or chemical messengers / transmitters can lock / unlock / fit, due to their shape, matching sites; so do words activate / access program / plans of consciousness as whole sets of maps can be identified by matching common features.    The application to acupuncture of this model of consciousness shows the operation of organ systems within their domain is also consciousness, thus hypnosis thru language structures and needles thru specified meridian structures can affect those organs. I show a foundation of the maps in the time dimension cycles of these organ meridians.   The Template-pattern-map-paths which create, every moment, reality; has been studied in humans / mammals in China as Qi Acupuncture meridians. The details of these templates & there relation to conditions, variable structures, & objects (planets, stars etc.) in our solar system & galaxy is the content of this book. We are made of the matter created in the stars, and of the logics which "arranged" these stars and creates "matter". I will present material about our abilities to transform nuclear structures with "mental powers". Implied is that "matter" itself is continuously constructed of more fundamental (smaller) structures and that those structures are "self-creation maps"!   Evolutional development of these abilities to manipulate these projections of cosmo-logical structures serves as an indexing function for the selection for the selection of specializations & controls (assignment / mapping) within human culture. (totem & taboo) The developmental evolution of behavioral diversity within our species started with this new ability to map the functional diversity of ecological system onto individuals: a knowing-oneself consciousness. Logically we can not have direct access to or knowledge of these map-projections since they are the functions used in knowing-accessing process. Thus, as an ecology contains many diverse forms of life; so are life tasks assigned / accessed by mappings among many roles. Fate-Karma-Predestination refers to mappings into the restriction of only twelve primary roles. (Where choice is restricted by role boundaries beyond capabilities of society to provide means of transcendence.) Free Will emerged from many similarity mappings of the twelve into itself (fractal levels: like looking at a mirror in a mirror in a mirror etc.) Thus, we may feel freedom of choice within the context of a total culture; our real scope limits itself to our niche where a variant of the primary mappings emerges. These Efforts to exercise free will are self referently constructed from the original "Fate" mappings. Such efforts only blind us to this circular trap. There are ample illustrations such as killing to stop killing. [Religions of faith / grace / being saved address this condition.]   The research into the fundamental structures of "matter" uncovered quantum: definite energy levels. This is consistent with macrocosmic structures also having definite quantum boundaries. The misconception is that "matter" is something "solid" left over (memory trace) after "creation". The stability of "matter" is found in consistence of the pattern which every moment regenerates / creates itself. Thus creation is an ongoing eternal process happening now that we mistake for a static "thing": an anthropomorphic view.  The fractal approach has expanded the idea of self similar: each segment of branching of trees is a model of all other segments and of the whole tree. This also describes the relationship of first days & months of birth to the whole socialization. (process called "progressions / regressions"). Fractals in information "space" also describe individuality (life shapes / "signatures")   Sources for this model taken from spiritual theories only suggest directions in which to look for possible mechanisms / structures.  Astrology and acupuncture theory are the primary sources. (Yet this does not imply any belief that the stars / planets or the day of birth influence at a distance our behavior or determine our fate or personality.)



10/02/96 10:09 AM

Third Eye is the triad hologramic coherent source that is the structure allowing / making possible self awareness!

Hologramic mind is understood from the physics of the hologram of a single coherent light source being split into 2 parts: the 1st part becomes self reference or the stable ground which is modified by the 2nd part which contains the information from outside sources! This second part is reflected from the world of objects in a single frequency, so what kind of hologram would 2 different coherent sources create? The information processed by each eye as a flat 2 dimensional world is synergized into a 3 dimensional whole at a later stage of brain development. This 3D world brings depth and perspective to nurturing and other human procedures which is not present in the lower reptilian brain where the eyes are on the sides of the head. This earlier perspective saw almost 360 deg. of the world but without the quality we call heart and warmth. This is the midbrain heart chakra. The power and "lower" chakras relate to the reptilian brain and the 12 meridians and Qi. The internal holographic process is to use 2 coherent sources for the heart chakra (heart - mind) which allows the frequency layering of information and opens up storage into categories of the elements. This is represented by the central earth and the 4 outer elements forming dyads. These dyads have a new life of their own as explained elsewhere. This is also the intertwined yin / yang rising up the backbone. In charts this is the Signs and the nurturing front of the body and the 2 charts of the rising signs: Male / female Ascendants. This also includes the two triangles of the star of David. This includes the planets as distance, space functions and territory. Then the constellations are related to the Bladder meridians and back as fear courage and are single and related to the planets as elements and color. The element process is related to the cycles of Venus / Earth as the 5 pointed star!



Holographic mind goes beyond a single source of coherence as found in the simple "physical" hologram.  Reversed Holographic process using recursion produce Fractal scales as levels of resolution which synergizes the Universe which has been referred to as Laws of the Universal or "God". This is a fully connected space which also behaves like a neural network which aspect has been referred to as the Buddha nature or the Universe as MIND!  Dyads as square the intensity.  Triads, the star of David and the cube power. Self consciousness and the third eye.  The cross, quarterno and culture. Sin, Guilt and Judgment.  Fractals allow diversity and structural construction of confined intensity of consciousness.  Music as a representation in all these spaces and an illustration as well as a direct opening and use of the brain's code for the reptilian, mammal and human brain.  I Ching organizes synergizes all the phase / coherent spaces! Astrology was about the details of this synergy in only a single dimension among many. My Charts give the complete picture of all the brain's structures: the reptilian, mammal and human brain.


@ The ego or personality or family role belongs to the culture and does not individually exist. The ego is a part of the energy surface created by the culture and family and selected by the cosmos.


07/25/97 8:40 AM


Sharing of our mind is a biological fact for all humans: there is no choice. To be human is to share virtual representations of our real neural networks and the real neural networks of our ancestors of thousands of years. [opening?] Sharing and culture are laws like the law of gravity or the structure of the elements that make up our bodies. There is no choice about gravity, and there is no choice as to understanding spoken language that has been previously "plugged into" our brains! This plugging in process is labeled "learning" even though it is a self organizing process as are all brain structural changes!



The amount of self organization versus the amount of conformity to social organization may be similar to the structure of "good" music defined in the enclosed article as 1/f half way between conformity and randomness. Unfortunately freedom often appears as randomness especially in American school systems which treats everyone as equals in unequal contexts. There now seems to be paying attention to teaching individual and group differences which recognizes individual self organization, but it seems as if those opposing these directions do so from a point of view where Freedom and Equality are unquestionable dogma of a religion called "America". This is how I apply some of the ideas embodied in music. A appropriate question to present students is: "how much self similarity is found in the rap or hip-hop music they listen to". "How much predictability and how much freedom"?





  The energy "surface" is like a viscous liquid, such as mud or honey, where different areas or regions have different properties of viscosity. Thus movement can be at different "speeds", but the main "force" is gravity. This is a continual falling thru an endless "sea" of honey, bumping into other objects, sometimes connecting, and sometimes separating. The paths or connectivies are the "tubes" of thin - watered honey, and falling down those preset paths seems like a "fate" or "destiny”. Individuals are like miniature universes which model the outside, with a wall and inner structure of dense honey and "threads" of less dense connections which have their own special spin and "gravity directions". At birth we are "light" and rise, but culture trains us to give up our expansiveness self originatedness and contract into dense "selves" which begin to fall into greater and greater regions of density until they merge with this culture mass unmoving thickness which has a movement of its own. This is a kind of death sleep long before the "real" physical death. The more we give up the stickiness, clinging bonding honey and transform me into regions of movement, which can only be accomplished by becoming less dense, The more we can move about freely. We become less involved with other cultural tradition originated messages and learn to integrate to self originatedness of those messages: to remember (put together their original self originated mind in our present context) This culture mass is structured by the cosmos and especially our local solar system. It was first described thousands of years ago as Astrology. Presently this repository of fragments of consciousness is described by Jungian thought as the collective unconscious and is dealt with most effectively by modern family therapies of dysfunction like codependency and adult children. Then the individuals single astrological chart cast at the moment of birth is really about the unintegrated cultural mass, fused, confused as being a personality - self soul. In reality this "chart" has nothing to do with the "real self originating" person, but deals with the birth time bonding to the family and culture. These structures are "carried" (like a disease - toxic condition) in the neural nets of the family, which then pass them on to the infant, principally in the first 90 days, but especially in the first 12 hours. Although the mechanism of the connection with the cosmos has not been explored or even guessed at, there is sufficient "evidence" in the animal and plant and genetic research to come out in the open with a first model of our intentional biological use of cosmic structures as information indexing, structuring around levels of resolution of cycles which are fractal in nature. Such a structure is found in the Chinese classic "I Ching" which is a multidimensional fractal fuzzy system, with which I can model neural nets and their cosmic connections to perihelion and heliocentric elements of the solar system. (this will be explained in later chapters)


Iteration is a reset!?

Fractals and consciousness. jour98a # 47 Backwards time or self as information space of coherent source orthogonal to biological time would be an iterated process where “sleep” was the reset to the beginning. Thus I can ask where to reset: music, learning JAVA, VB fractal music, or whatever. The cycle seems to be on a single scale maybe for 5 or 6 or 8 or 7 or 12 times and angles until entering the next “scale” or level of resolution for more detail. I am seeing a star of David or other large diagram!


Cellular Automata: each cell is a holographic piece with different phase space given by the planetary rule. Thus each neural net layer can be a different size phase space given by the planets. Thus the scanning procedure given by the planets is also giving the OR [mars] and AND  [Venus]  with other operators by other planets. That each cell is a full phase space in a hologram is new! These are logical structures. Thus the outer planets operate with fewer or smaller phase space but link up with more layers. Thus there may be 360 layers?! Then the earth reads a different cell on a different layer? Or are the signs different layers? Or what are the layers: maybe the nodes or the dyads? Thus our consciousness is a “longer” coherence that is a composite of many holocells just as we hear the sound centered in stereo, but this is multidimensional. Like dyads make it in 2 dims. And humans use 3 dims. Plus? Thus music is like visiting separate cells for each note/beat/measure?


Individuals are the fractal parts of the whole: in each situation humans have become smaller and smaller parts of a whole. Now the scientific universe has become larger than god. So the higher power spans a larger group and we are part of a larger phase set: from 30 to 90 to 180 to 240 in 1930. These parts are the map of itself on itself as one degree is divided “X” times and projected onto the “Sun”.?

Phase is needed in holograms, and the first analysis of mind was astrology as phase code.


Fractal nature is also a proof of higher organization [holographic mind of multiple coherence] in human culture: we do inter-depend since no man can do or know everything necessary for modern existence.

The memory skills programs based on association with learned images is the same process as self consciousness: putting coherent parts of other consciousness in a new coherent order that is more general / global than the “learned / ordinary” material of “everyday – non-rational” consciousness.


Intelligence: Atoms interact with only preset light waves. This selection process is modeled at all levels of consciousness. The next stack / level is aware of the interactions: thus this selection process is a map of will and free will when the selection state is a fuzzy state. Stable states as in matter have only a single selection, and fuzzy states have many that complete that state?



The memory skills programs based on association with learned images is the same process as self consciousness: putting coherent parts of other consciousness in a new coherent order that is more general / global than the “learned / ordinary” material of “everyday – non-rational” consciousness.

My book and web must give different viewpoints because of self organization: each person must have a start place to plug into that is close to their own structures!


People have different starting points or viewpoints is characterized by the common statement ”different vibs” and [by Britt] “on a different wavelength”, which all refer to holomind!


Consciousness at all levels of quantum reality means that I participate in a larger structure of all the levels. Human “ego”  builds a map of consciousness that creates a separate structure that results in the appearance of separateness of individual consciousness. Thus animals, who do not have this “ego”, actually participate in a larger conscious structuring!

This is how the processes investigated by Sheldrake works

Consciousness has a built-in search function: electrons are searching for a place to become coherent – where to fit in best. This is self organization. When a fit is found, that may not end the search function. Yet human culture needed to have limits to search for the success of agriculture, which had resulted from search and self organization. So additional search was labeled “Sin”! Now search shows us “self-organization” and that “sin” is a myth – illusion of an unfinished – incomplete search!

TV and especially news has this search structure!

This search for coherence is for higher dimension of connection and organization. So self organization has levels and consciousness – awareness between levels that is studied – mapped in quantum mechanics and called dimension. Gravity may be part of this self organization: connect everything! First level of connection that results in fire and stars!


Search ends in “found” and attachment. Thus nonattachment is freedom for open search. If light is a search – consciousness function, then it is in all directions as part of holouniverse.

That is, light does not emerge with only one piece of information, but the whole picture. How does this compute in layers that have different levels of resolution?

Layers of neural nets = layers of fractals goes-to  layers of consciousness and quantum layers.

The levels of holomind and consciousness in math: the symbols are maps with implications that point to a higher map of results. So without this maps there is no consciousness [or meaning] that appears when those symbols appear. The “study and teaching” of these math symbols involves the solving of problems and a process. Thus consciousness is the plugging into the map which appears as the meaning of the symbol for holomind, just as shining a coherent source thru a finished interference pattern results in restoring the original information – image!

A holomind map is a gathering together of a phase space of a previous level of holomind.

Layers of holomind: eidetic memory is a deeper layer than cultural memory which is “processed”. So I see holomind as coding of process –operations - CA as well as information. Thus coherence is not just lining up, but also base spaces and kinds of things used in representations of quantum mechanics like Eigenvalues!

An orbit keeps things organized: not going to chaos! This is from fractal geometry where periods are created having a number of points with iterated functions! When dyads form multiple orbits of involution and external open structures, then a system is created like the Qi Meridians and organ system. This is orbits for single cells to form multicellular systems! What about points of an orbit and the obvious connection with the idea of meridian points!

This is a direct synergy to the reason for connection to the cosmos as stable orbits! The “points” of orbits construct consciousness as “particle locations” with the interaction – connection between points being the “wave function” or light. These points as cantor dusts – I Ching dimensions – levels of resolution are the structure process of creating coherence for levels of holomind!

I see the academic efforts as golden strings – 1D – in a 3D world which focuses on technique and form as is done in the world of classical music and classical dance. Thus I will not write a book! Video is a 2D slice in a 3D world that can bring synergy.


Fractals and consciousness are maps of the picture within a picture as was illustrated with my capture board taking a picture of the capture window from TV [projected to TV from computer]. Thus each map is a map of itself on a smaller scale: which is exactly what are fractals and recursion in holographic phase space. So what is not mapped is recursive process at different phase angles of the computer window. But what is a phase space in 1D? language and thought is a projection of fractal phase holomind from 3 or 4 dimensions onto 1D “threads”!

Ideal cultural images like body types, especially Barbie Doll women, is an example of the hologram of the hologram where a phase or vector of the source level becomes the coherent source for the active level. The active level is the hologram of the source hologram, and is less inclusive at a higher level of resolution. This higher level of resolution produces more detail since it uses a subset phase vector of the more inclusive level. Thus this level is mapped as a higher, more important level, even though it is a reduction of “totality” or “completeness”. Thus a cartoon or diagram using “stick figures” can refer to a more complete level or to the sub-level at the source level of resolution.

 So the desire to improve within higher levels of resolution actually make it harder to be in touch with the source “spiritual levels” from which these higher levels are “abstracted”. This is the process of “ignorance” that is called “concentration” and “one-pointedness”. Thus “religions” connected with these source holomind levels, and in thinking of them as infallible and sacred, they believed that any abstraction is “holy”, when in fact any abstraction is moving into a smaller realm – level and if it is used as a map or representation of the source “realm” it is a distortion and loss of dimension! Golden threads [1D] in a 7D[imensional] world. 6 process or building dimensions of 60 degrees plus time!

Humans have immense capacity and power that we give up for community: we draw lines and threads from our power and share ourselves and our capacity to enlarge and expand and develop that capacity. We select a few threads to call our life and share the ignored possibilities with others who select that thread for themselves, thus they share what we select with us. This sharing is the refusal and ignoring that they could also become what we are and fight / compete with us to be themselves and to be us at the same time! It is the giving up of complete power in order to share with others that makes us even more powerful!


Bigger – fuller levels of resolution allow slowing down of time! As in the use of slow motion!? So is ordinary time slow or fast? Does slow time allow incorrect logic to be applied: as the eternal now is fuzzy logic and slow time or plans are reformulated in black-white 2 value logic of mars resolution?

So what is multidimensional flow of time? Many chakras?


The most obvious example of the more detailed level of resolution available and used by the neocortex is the opening of human sexual maturity to approximately 12 years from the “normal animal” 2 years. Thus our development is not slowed down, but operates at a different level of resolution. This connects with Jupiter instead of Mars as the social measure and operating system: who we are and who we become!


The operating system effect on holomind and life is to divide and label all operations on objects into a phase space. The effect of this is to only see the meaning of these processes within a single context, which becomes unconscious to the “person” and is ignored by other areas of operation. Thus music cannot be seen as a scientific model of holomind!

Within the fractal structure of holomind and consciousness, the succeeding level that is a new power – dimension of the earlier level is the operation level of procedure and the “earlier” level is the level of consciousness and awareness. Yet this level of consciousness is a “sub-conscious” operational level to a “super-conscious” level at a stage of “evolution” of the fractal that includes [is inclusive of] all the phase angle procedures of the stage that operates as ordinary consciousness. Thus the most recent stages of evolution cannot be self aware of the earlier more inclusive stages, even though these modern stages as the highest levels of resolution are more detailed. The big problem is that we have confused the “operating system” with the highest levels of consciousness. To put it another way, we confuse the highest level of detail – resolution with being the only reality of consciousness. Each level of consciousness is self operating and self organizing. Thus the most detailed levels that we experience as individual awakeness cannot operate or organize the more inclusive levels, which then become like what are called “gods”! we can access those levels of consciousness, but not on their own terms! This new viewpoint was described as enlightenment and turning about [180 degrees] at the seat of consciousness. Now it is described in scientific terms for the first time!


So consciousness and operational procedures may – could be in different realms: space and time. Thus holomind as consciousness may be primarily a space pattern and being able to “see” other realms may be a translation from the time realm which is holoverse. [Holo-universe.]

This would explain so many different - diverse approaches to psychic  events, which would essentially be in the time realm. Thus they emerge into a space relationship conFiguration as conditional on the “consciousness” as unified cultural and language pattern!


The model of holomind that as fractals has one level as conscious or map of the next finer level which becomes the operational domain of consciousness. Thus the consciousness is an operational domain for a more inclusive fractal level and the object of consciousness as operational level is a realm of consciousness for other levels!


Coherence does not need to be a wave, but can be any function. The most obvious coherence would be recursive or repeating functions where the many holomind instances are lined up. Then with the emergence of a phase space, the mapping of phase angles onto the function would be a holomind code!? This recursion with the introduction of a recursive phase space generation would be a fractal? Anyway, holomind must break away from a simplistic reliance on physical light holography as the only



All levels of consciousness are available, but they are at different levels of resolution and can be ignored until they become high impact like pain! Thus they are in a different resolution language.

Years ago I proposed that language is a reorganization of the same system used to recognize odor. Here is a scientific evidence in this direction:

they report that the sense of smell in mammals is based on a combinatorial approach to recognizing and processing odors. Instead of dedicating an individual odor receptor to a specific odor, the olfactory system uses an "alphabet" of receptors to create a specific smell response within the neurons of the brain.

"Each receptor is used over and over again to define an odor, just like letters are used over and over again to define different words," said Buck. As in language, the olfactory system appears to use combinations of receptors (words) to greatly reduce the number of actual receptor types (letters) required to convey a broad range of odors (vocabulary).

My contention is that the huge number of connections within the neocortex extends the system structure of receptors that result in recognition: a translation of a sensory operation into an internalized closed CA system that produced word meanings and context procedural recognition in language, which is an extended system structure to the recognition of odors and the associated procedural context. [what action to take]. Thus the thousands of receptors on a single neuron become an entire with thousands of interconnections. Thus the human holomind responds to thought / language the same way animals respond to odor, and language has come to replace odor as a/the principle action interface.


This is a big step in understanding holographic process and how it translates into holomind and the use of alphabets as phase spaces

The next question is how the other senses relate to phase spaces. Does sound originally relate to the emotional mind as well as language. So patterns of animal sounds have the same recognition structure as odor?

There are 5 primary tastes: I am looking for matches with “5” in the senses as a structural extension with Venus / Earth orbital pattern.


the planet pairs may be consciousness: one function – process looking at another. This opened up when I was using 2 computers with 2 processes: one was copying a CD which I had to watch for when the copy was finished to change the disks. The second process was scanning a book: I had to turn the pages and press a computer key. When I was doing both while focusing on the CD, I felt “engaged” or active and not bored. Thus dual processes such as games between two teams or processes that depend on each other may have a special involvement: as in left – right brain or hand or side or foot or hands and feet.



Levels of resolution can refer to bits of information collected or groups of information as in Mars as black or White – Plus or Minus: opposition structures. Or Mars may be focus on one foreground that excludes the other as in Neckar cube or Vase of 2 faces. This is a category selection for levels of resolution: how many categories to select from. Or a data number – information limit: number of pieces of information used to form an answer. Continue investigation.

There is also the AND: 2 sides to every position. Thus Mars would collect data that is put into one OR other category.

Solitaire and cards show how pairs of coherent sources can write upon each other: black on red and red on black. Thus there are 4 coherences that have layers as color. When they are shuffled, they represent the minds code. When they are stacked by suite they show how mind stores or reveals coherence. Which? So there is a fractal like structure of self similar suites as if arranged in a square: so biosystems may not need to follow physical hologram construction. Thus the place of the phase code is in a underneath layer: as a different layer of holomind as maybe emotion or sensation. This is a start!

Fibanacie series of adding last two terms for each successive layer is due to the layering of holomind. The reason math and biology could not see this is because of reductionist directions: numbers are reduced reality. They loose the complete system of one layer developed from or on top of preceding layers as phase spaces in pairs!


The phase angles of coherence of the objects of self consciousness have / are properties, qualities and characteristics like size, weight, color and many others.