Ch 2 Coherence and phase:


Effects of  partition and use of phase:




  Music is an example

 of multiple coherent sources [time and key signature and harmony] using phase spaces of "notes" and duration.

Written language is a phase code within a coherent "alphabet". [otherwise words would look like "hist" ("this" in alphabetical or coherent order )]

     Rules and games [sports like basketball or football "soccer"] use inhibitory rules to create phase spaces where each individual has a complete map but performs from their position [holographic viewpoint] and the self organization is called skill and play. This is similar to a symphony orchestra structure.

jour98a # 147    Rules and consequently coherence, are the natural output of neural networks: Data in - Rules out!

This and the way in which neural networks are fully connected with weights is the same structure as holograms!


Which brings me to the details of how the newly evolved human brain on top of the older structures [15-200 million years old] called the neocortex defines our humanness!

First: because all biological neural net structures in any and all living systems MUST BE SELF ORGANIZING, human civilization and most aspects of culture like supervision, language, remote teaching not directed by example actions and other interactive behavior are biologically impossible. So the evolution of the neocortex obviously created a way to solve this problem posed by not being able to adjust or supervise each others self organizing neural networks.

In the holomind, the neocortex connects to the older brains and not directly to the sense organs. Then the neocortex is making a hologram of the hologram phase spaces of the older brains. Thus it can make a self similar phase space of each phase within the phase spaces of the older brains. With you I can use the I Ching as metaphoric structure: if the trigrams are the reptilian code space and the hexigrams the mammal brain code space then a space of 12 lines could represent the space of the neocortex which would have 2 to the 12th power states. This fractal scaling is obviously what happens in the creation of language and the maps of "Art, Music, etc." These neural networks in the neocortex which are virtual representations of fragments of the older brain can be shared with others who plug them into their brain [process resulting in "meaning"] as if all humans brains are inside a single virtual skull. This process is modeled by the places of religious worship [cathedrals, mosques, temples, churches, etc.] Thus the meaning of being human is that we all share one mind as maps within each individual.

This process of fractal scaling [fragmentation] reduces the intensity of single pieces of information or process states in the neocortex relative to the high survival intensity of the older brains that relate and deal with family, food, territory, sex and survival. If the older brain which is connected to the environment is like a rotating mirror reflecting sunlight, then the neocortex is like a shattered mirror scattered around and reflecting only parts of the whole mirror and only when there is alignment with the movement [bio-cycles and phase angles]. During the last 10,000 years and especially the last 3,000 as the agriCultural revolution evolved, humans had more time in which to map this process when parts of the neocortex was not connected or reflecting the intensity of the older brain. What happened isjour98a # 148     we discovered ourselves as serene, gentle and Peaceful.

This is especially evident in Buddhism and Taoism: "Know thru the simple and do thru the easy"! Then the 4 noble truths are: Suffering as being connected to the old brains. Suffering results when we use the old brain [excitement and arousal] as motivation. [cause of suffering]. Serenity [nirvana] results when we solve this problem because there are solutions, [not fate, karma and predestination] of non-attachment. The procedure [path] is holographic in many directions at once and one phase step at a time. [8-fold path to start]


jour98a # 149    Matter is in a phase space written on the electron orbitals as coherent source: the electrons as Yang and the nucleus as Yin. Then the holographic code is created from the inside: not as a reflection of something outside. Then the material world becomes self organizing where the holograms are original material and each molecule is a completion and energy is the fragmentation looking for completion: the energy that seeks completion as the finished orbitals of helium, argon etc.. Thus multiple orbitals are like multiple coherent sources and can be lined up with the I Ching?!

     Thus light is a map of the total coherence that links the nucleus and electron structures and charge [polarity] is part of structure that appears as wave yet includes an outer space of EMF and inner nuclear structure that is "earth" or collapsed space as location!?!

     So This definition of matter is also the same as mind and consciousness as being able to "read" everything as if it is holographic. Then when consciousness as coherence records something it is in the same realm! Thus everything takes its place in a phase space and new recordings or maps in phase spaces of different resolution!



Cultural examples: Clocks, alphabets, space direction, Astrology, different wave lengths.



Adams rib is at the heart chakra! Obvious! Religion and coherence / phase


I can see zooming in on holographic mind and having a process happen!

With the holomind, the cards as a phase space of a "lower" scale / chakra is "played" by the consciousness of a "higher" level that contains all the "games" in each subset of itself! This is so much closer to understanding consciousness and its unity! Like the hexigrams contain multiple sets of trigrams but even more powerful in a larger space of mind! It is how humans have limited ourselves to single deals, single games and using only to Ace as start build to solve the "game of life". And each deal / shuffle is a new chart! Looked at from different views! as Signs, constellations, heliocentric and moving within the galaxy!!!



The neocortex “spreads” difficult tasks into a phase space in the same way that the mid brain creates solutions in a phase space spread over the reptilian brain! This process is also represented by the way the “chart of houses” is spread over the Qi chart of the cycle of a single day!

 Thus the 6 days of creation may also refer to the Qi chart and the 7th day to the houses as if the phase structure of the organ system that emerges in a single day is mapped onto a single moment as if all the resources spread out during a day one at a time become available to the neocortex at a single moment of NOW!

 For those readers that do not know “Astrology” or TCM [traditional Chinese Medicine] each organ of the organ system described in TCM have a “high function” hour within the daily cycle. The heart is strongest at noon, the large intestine at Dawn and the Stomach [8AM] and Spleen [10AM ] at a division of the time between. [and the same at other times for the other 9 organ systems]. These times are equal divisions of day and night which changes as the day lengthens and shortens during the seasons, not of our “modern equal” clock time.

 This “stable” cycle of our basic organs, where each organ in all animal species peaks at the same time for each individual, is mapped onto the moment of birth of each individual for the “charts” of the mammal brain. The organ functions are mapped onto the function of “emotion” which is a fuzzy intelligence estimator system. Emotions give us a fuzzy estimate of the success or failure of a plan or intention or of possible outcomes of multiple possible courses of action.

 This individual mapping means that no two humans will come up with the same available emotional resources at the same time. [The liver and GB. For anger / limits, the Lungs and LI for available energy, etc. See works on TCM] It is as if the entire year is mapped onto a single day, with the moment of birth deciding the orientation of the energies for the emotional brain as if that moment is the start of a day for that person. Thus the information space of the reptilian / visceral brain is spread out or enlarged from 12 hours to 360 moments.

 This same process of increase of information space is continued for the neocortex of the human brain. [research has begun to suggest that It is possible that other mammals can master language and tasks in a spread out way, but as species they never took advantage of their neocortex because there was no need like that that arose when humans left the forest and had to master a new ecological system, facing new dangers].

My work is the first to map this as the ability of humans to move their inner sources of coherence to different viewpoints of the other coherences. [Coherent sources are the generators of holomind layers, like ego – family – culture – civilization]. It is as if a single human can look at their self and others from any day of the year. Even extended multigenerational family systems established a stable single birthday so as to stabilize the viewpoint and information system for all individuals: all looking at things the same way. This was and is adapted to religious holidays: it is as if the “Christ within each of us” is born on Dec. 25th, and we look at ourselves at our year of birth, but from Christmas as our “spiritual” birthday.

 The introduction of science brought a “public domain” of viewpoints, where each truth can be looked at from all time: every day of the year. Then humans not only moved the coherent source of their individuality viewpoint, they started to move the transcendent [outer planets] viewpoints to multiple views! This has spread out the information space so much, that even electrons and atoms became enormous sources of mappings!! This is the trick of public education! Shifting viewpoints until successful!


Thus during evolution the functions of a single cell were mapped onto a multidimensional organ – tissue system, and that organ system again mapped onto family systems, and then onto cultures – civilizations. Now it is as if millions of years of physical system evolution has been mapped onto just decades of information system evolution due to the properties and abilities of the neocortex to move maps of itself and all other mappings to multiple viewpoints. We even give it a name: the scientific method. I have made suggestions here of a connection to the rest of evolution in/of holomind.


Coherence in holomind is different than the coherence of light that makes generates, records and reconstructs a physical holographic “picture”. Biological holomind and in the holographic universe coherence is a sequence of actions the produce a result. The start, result, end of the action, decay of result which requires another repeated start is the cycle of coherence! In the physical hologram, the reapplication of the same coherence [best example is laser light] to the phase code recorded by the original coherence as a pattern of interference and captured on a “film”, reconstructs the original “picture”. This is a model of the process of consciousness. There is a dyad of coherent sources: the original creator and the viewer. In holomind this dyad exists in a multidimensional way: the original process becomes conscious, but also the phase space of steps between each part of the process!




 The next higher level in science is general systems and those topics of complexity theory!


So I need to explain levels of resolution and holomind first before I can explain the gap!


I can see a gap in both directions! We are not directly aware of procedures at the cellular “DNA” level or smaller and of the larger levels. So what level is civilization? We have maps of civilization but not of how our “ego” is created by that level of holomind. Or is it? In meditation which separates us from the composite group mind, we can become self aware and see part of a bigger reality? Or is it a implicate holo order where each “part” [phase] is smaller and part of a subset?



The phase size of a level of resolution does not span the full coherence of its superset: thus it does not directly “know” the coherence of which it is a subset. So it creates fragmentary maps made up of phase space or lower level of resolution. Then it does not map this lower / finer level as a coherent set for still finer levels. Thus we do not see cells or molecules or atoms or even animals as conscious or self conscious because we cannot expand or reduce our level of coherence as our holomind. Yet these levels seem to be available as reported by those who have used trance as a tool of investigation. Yet we are all in a trance based on the level of resolution of coherence that generates common cultural holomind. This and all other coherences appear in pairs or dyads where one set operates within the phase space of itself, but doesn’t know its superset!

 Thus the coherent source can generate other coherences at a distance of the elements of the set of phase angles, just as holograms can be overlayered by altering the angle at which the coherent source strikes the “recording media” [which is, of course, itself: self reference] creating a new interference pattern each time. The map of this structure  emerged in the signs and houses of astrology! [finally a what for!]

So now I see how each level of resolution produces self consciousness and multiple consciousness in dyads! [almost]


The 12 holoangles may be “operated” by a single one as master or center or highest [Leo] phase as is suggested by the 10th or 1st house. Or the overlayered [superset] may operate all of them with each being self-organizing!?

 The subset levels provide the same input to all holoangles [levels?] which self organize from a different orientation of the coherence. Thus the 10th house coherence reaches its high point at the 1st house!? [and so on 1st high at 4th, 4th at 7th, and 7th at 10th] so the decision - focus of marriage is business? And so on! Focus of accomplishment is self esteem / worth, focus of self is family and its operation – success!


From the center [Sun] position, the coherent order is 3 as trinity, 7 as sacred, 12 as organs etc., 22 as [Mars] Tarot, 144 next dimension or dyad, 360 as degrees – circle[?],  Uranus as 1000 petal lotus and Neptune as neocortex at 2000 petals[?]. This is also 2^11 as I Ching level beyond crown chakra. It may be theory and ultimate mapping! Pluto is a moon.


Language, M s a fragment of the whole of "life".

18.9 Levels of resolution [fractal scaling] and stacked coherence producing different holograms. Stacking by phase and frequency - scales.

18.10 Sources of coherence: older mind uses cosmos. Language and neocortex can use "melody" and rules.

18.11 Multiple sources of coherence: harmony, I Ching and chakras. Moiré patterns. Many phases at different levels - scales.



Evolution of Neural nets: if we must build a for each problem, then heads may be as large as houses, but if we build virtual neural nets out of holograms then we can stack n.nets like programs on a disk drive and load / access them any time and for any circumstance! Thus representational systems and nets representations use phase space as neural nets! So the holograms are not stored memory, but stored cognition and context!

Thus the biological neural nets are like 486s that are who is talking when we refer to "I" did this and the "I" is an image holographic representation which is also a virtual neural network with full cognitive abilities. I may be that such idiot savants that can do enormous calculations but nothing else do not have the ability to load virtual images and are using their lower brain or neocortex only as a single cognizer! Thus the biological system that loads a virtual brain is like the RISC chips that load the contents of other chips! Thus we are like other animals in the zodiac in a real way and have a wide variety of types! Thus the spiritual traditions talked about an absolute self, unchangeable which are these biological nets. The key is we trade speed for computing power and flexibility! RISC uses extreme speed and we use extreme brightness in a small area which is actually slower because it must penetrate deeper. Thus in meditation we relax to the "older" basic operating system / hardware!!
N.nets: Data in, rules out!!

The further self discovery lays in the understanding of why rules and laws are the most successful way to construct families and cultures because they are based on the need of holographic mind to create sources of coherence for mind and consciousness to function.



About 6: Holomind is structure of shared maps and of brain and diversity. Maps of and the search for coherence as new discipline minds.

Rules and Laws map the search for coherence in inventing new minds.

Mind, not truth! Thus religion will ignore truth or a search to develop more intense and stable coherence.


Language and grammar has the structure of chains that reveal coherent generators. Similar to sequences in solitaire that create links to – paths to cards in sequence [of phase angles]. In music this is the melodies that reveal the “tonic” and are “well constructed” to the ear. Like coming home at the end with “resolution” to the final chords. Rhythms are like repeated heart beats with expansion of the phase structure of that beat. The repeated rhythm/beat is revealing the “being” [or structure?] of the procedure.



I saw that the jour98a # 62 size of the holographic language mind is 5 or 7 to 12 [letters] events/layers/scales connected subsets for each event. The physical hologram points to unlimited copies, but the brain reality is not unlimited and I am looking to every event being a holographic composite of 5-12 phase space connections. Of course this may be why humans construct musical coherent structures with 5-12 phases and most words! [longer structures words are usually names, or compound or pre/suffix] Thus the depth of layers related to new events shows the holographic script the length of a musical phrase. This looks like the code length for any “place” in the phase [phrase] structure. The older brain and vision brain has a much larger code space to “see” all the detail and color we see, as well as the aural space. This fits the RISC model I saw long ago. [the neocortex is like Reduced Instruction Set architecture that must load/connect with/plug into/ whole instruction sets which in human terms is loading a whole “culture” to run/program the older brains.]

 I also described how my system is for all humans without training: one doesn’t study, but this material must be clear to anyone immediately! Also about the multiview of math.



Addendum to consciousness: Thus as far as our mental activity, the entire “world of understanding” is already written in holographic code. The most direct [yet fuzzy] example is the written words that I now use: the coherent set is the alphabet and the sequence of letters read left to right. [1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. letter]. Thus “word” in coherent order is “dorw”. I gave music as another example. The important point is that contents of consciousness are instantly available: the brain doesn’t calculate or recalculate, but reads/accesses/reconstructs already written code [holograms]. In one of my professions as teaching/performing symphonic bass violin I see/encounter this all the time where I or others must first understand that the hologram written sometimes 45 years ago is playing the instrument, and I [ego] am only an “onlooker/outside stander” That tries to invent in real time new untried ways of performing that usually end up as “mistakes” if I try to implement them! [as Chogum Rimpoche called it]

 Another area: jour98a # 58 the 6 divisions of the meridians are also a interlocking hologram coherence. The meridian system itself is the coherence that generates the hologram called DNA and thus is a template for fetal development. It supercedes the physical development of all biological systems! That is why there never has and never will be found any physical correlation to the meridians. [there is some stuff in electroacupuncture, but that is also part of the coherent structure.] the correlation between lasers and holography is why so many report to see or experience “light” associated with transcendent experiences: it is the strongest representation of Qi as coherence. [and also because strongly directed Qi can “control” matter.] Qi/mind reaches all the way down into the Quarks as was demonstrated in 1890 and which I will share with you in the book: “psychic perception of Quarks”  reported by a particle physicist in 1960’s.



Sex is energy of the trough and cancellation of what we refer to as mind! Thus the association with water and “danger”. It is stimulated by smells and sights that are repulsive at other “normal” times. So looking for one instance of the function of the “dark” or opposite of the “light” and why it is associated with the devil! It has a long association with a kind of death or dying during orgasm! It is called release, so is it releasing the rules of mind? What other activities are “reversed” besides maybe meditation? Sleep?

It has been difficult to see sex as spiritual or part of mind. Yet this is part of holographic mind without which this trough or cancellation energy to oppose, concentration could not happen: we could not ignore stimuli and select “paths” to follow and build.

So this release is associated with the parasympathetic system! Are all the activities like eating and connecting also from this “dark” energy as relaxation: so the dark becomes or always was the light? We build and/or do things or work with the sympathetic: we face challenges and fight for being who we are. Then the trough or release of this concentration goes to a peak in the opposite direction.

What is this in the material universe? A relaxation of excited electrons to a ground state which releases a photon? Thus light is a relaxation and letting go?


  The first sources of coherence emerged from the use of internal  connections with the cosmos, especially pairs of planets that form interlocking patterns such as the Star of David [twice], the 5 pointed star, and the Cross. These sources allowed holomind to layer itself where the operator space of the later level [scale in fractals] becomes “conscious” of the phase code space of the other holomind pair. This not only allowed culture and family structures to emerge, but also all the way to the conscious interaction of cells, tissues, and finally, organ systems.


About 4: Solution: shared maps.



Squares and especially T sq. do not allow the development of resonance and consequently of skills. But is this where wisdom develops?

the station of Mars Venus and Mercury creates a situation where the inner personal planets resonate with the same level of resolution of the outer planets, thus creating a sacred situation which is also reframing. Thus the perception of the sacred can come from the “real” movements of the planets or from shifting ones earth to a different viewpoint where the inner planets would be at stations and experiencing the sacred or as oppositional the demonic [evil]. This also refers to the freedom of America as the oppositional [rebellion] of “Satan”. So is there a difference of direct station or retrograde station and between Venus approaching earth or earth approaching mars and outer planets?

 Is prayer such a shift of the earth to other viewpoints?


How are the phase angles gathered and arranged in self-consciousness? Is it more arranged by a larger wave or  smaller waves interacting with the phase angles of larger cycles? Thus Mars in each cycle picks out one of 6 Jupiter and 1 of 15 Saturn phase angles, and the earth is the awareness[?].


Is the disconnection of Mars related to language: Mars is free of major cycle interaction and can be the first dimension of connection and signal?


The phase angles of coherence of the objects of self consciousness have / are properties, qualities and characteristics like size, weight, color and many others.


Waves: if I am going with time and the wave I stay at the same place / phase angle, but if I stay in one place as with my chart, the wave of time changes under me as cycles! So staying in the NOW has significance! Yet this has many ways of looking at it! Staying with my chart may be a standing wave. So what are cycles?

People have different starting points or viewpoints is characterized by the common statement ”different vibs” and [by Britt] “on a different wavelength”, which all refer to holomind!



   Qi [as the full wave form] and Yin/Yang [as 180 degree phases in a phase space] have the same properties as coherent sources.


How are the phase angles gathered and arranged in self-consciousness? Is it more arranged by a larger wave or  smaller waves interacting with the phase angles of larger cycles? Thus Mars in each cycle picks out one of 6 Jupiter and 1 of 15 Saturn phase angles, and the earth is the awareness[?].


Is the disconnection of Mars related to language: Mars is free of major cycle interaction and can be the first dimension of connection and signal?


The phase angles of coherence of the objects of self consciousness have / are properties, qualities and characteristics like size, weight, color and many others.


Categorization is the storage of code with a coherent source in a phase space. Consciousness is looking at Data-in thru the coherence of Self/World [self = Yang, world = Yin of a single wave structure]. Reading cards is reading the holo-code of coherent place stacks just like understanding which note in a melody belongs “where” in the key signature, where key is the coherent source as the underlying consciousness.

 How do I graph and visualize and animate this?

So a deck of cards is like 4 coherent sources and the stacks in a solitaire game is the phase space of consciousness. In reading the cards each stack has a different life meaning and the cards that are next to each other have a meaning. In music the stacks would be like melody, rhythm, harmony, instrumental sound, and phrase and structure like march or symphony etc..


Waves: if I am going with time and the wave I stay at the same place / phase angle, but if I stay in one place as with my chart, the wave of time changes under me as cycles! So staying in the NOW has significance! Yet this has many ways of looking at it! Staying with my chart may be a standing wave. So what are cycles?


My solitaire can move to a different starting place other than Ace or transfer / transpose the cards to a different start with the same shuffle. The second way plays easier in the mechanics of the “game”: it doesn’t bend the rules about kings on empty space and nothing on a king! This is like society more than new start and is a code within a code like normal transposition instead of 12 tone “science”!


The draw piles are the “what’s happening” or draw of life as what becomes available. The cards on the stacks beyond 1 is life’s baggage! What we carry around with us that has not been resolved. Our problems are still bugging us: our internal pain is projected! If the game only allows the rules for one card at a time, then this baggage cannot be fixed. This encouraged the creation of the idea of Karma and rebirth or transpose and restart.. If the rule allows moving any card in a stack, then “things” can be lined up, made coherent, construct mind, or problems resolved.

 The best way of playing the game of life is “one thing at a time”, with the future hidden. The other structure includes hidden or open baggage in ones’ piles. We hide what we cannot operate on, which then is labeled “past” or “childhood”. Yet these unfinished business keeps us from creating peaceful mind of space and freedom!

 The draw pile having one up card and one hidden is like Yin/Yang!


Going up or down and choosing to start  with any card after looking at all the shuffle from an up – revealed position is being fully human. Because of self organizing mind, I created all the positions and conditions incumbent on any stack / phase location, so I do not need to “know” how others prearranged the stack regarding any subject or area of knowledge. I do not need the baggage of background or preparation or school as given by others to tell me what things are!!!

I am human which means I am Buddha and Christ! These “heroes” were only pointing the way as pioneers! This “enlightenment” and “nirvana” [as the freedom from baggage] is what I offer and talk about. But this offer is not doing it for others as Christianity moved into, or being totally one[ness] individual as Buddhist culture: but seeing from all sides / viewpoints / phase locations whenever I so decide! This is not some superman /power but is built into the holomind / brain and consequently built intoit being human!!


The culture map is like the species shared map [DNA?] that resonates as reported by biologist Sheldrake! Thus process and procedures can be shared over space as if the species is One Mind! Humans have gone beyond species maps to culture maps. These may be based on coherent sources of the cosmos. The resonance then is one humanity! The holomind at all levels is not like the hologram in needing the coherent source to break into two streams and recombine because the coherent source is present at all points! Thus the culture map is the coherent source that allows mind to be built by accepting input and creating  code by immediate recombination of the phase code input with coherence already present. Then self-awareness is the same code combining with a higher level coherence!


When all the parts of a self line up in meditation or at near-death, humans experience “The Bright Light!”.


Coherence is created in a Gem stone [ruby] by lining up the release of “energy” when the emerging energy matches phase. Like any process works by lining up with phase! What is this?


The unity of being human with all humans and all living beings is from the coherent source of holomind. This is like the coherence that encodes an entire hologram or is like the “Father” to the entire thing. The coherent light starts out as a unity which splits to find the object. Then the coherence reflects the object as a phase code which recombines with the original source as “Father”. This “Father” coherence provides a unity to the hologram so that any or all parts can be reMembered or reconstructed or reCreated  by the coherent source. It is / has been modeled as consciousness that creates Reality!

 That “physical” metaphor does not fully describe/ include the reality of living beings: as in a Hilbert space of Quantum / holographic structure, each different phase direction can be an entire “dimension”. That is, each direction in not just a different viewpoint, but a whole new beingness. Yet unified in the original coherence. This is seen in DNA and other coherent holomind structures.


Is the “Trinity” Coherent “Father”, Code “Son” and distributed “Holy Spirit”?


Reviewing my thoughts about early conceptual formulations like “instinct”: they have nowhere to fit within bigger coherent structures yet to be put in line [lined up], so they continue the same disorganization. As fragments of organization, they become attractors which increase the “gap”!

What if “instinct” as coherent immediate recognition of workable procedure is consciousness as intelligence and what is called intelligence is the instinct to create coherence [put things in order] where disorder is seen as a “problem”. This is also studied as “evolution” thru the mechanism of “survival of the fittest [most lined up coherence]”.


HoloMind uses the same structure as Quantum Mechanics.

This means that each phase code direction [Ray] is an entire PATH!

What is a phase angle of a coherent source that by iteration becomes a complete coherent source. Not just a step on a path or code? How does it become a map and a layer of consciousness as differing from a part of mind at another level?



The incoherence is modeled by the shadows! And the multiple images on bad reception on TV.

Thinking and thoughts are these ghosts of incoherence, not lined up?! So Buddhist :no thought”!

Simple statements from the neocortex command may appear to academia as “simplistic”: for instance the anthropologist who review my simple intro to religion. So the deeper centers seem to be more sophisticated and complex, because the higher centers divide into more phase space!

Motivation as a fuzzy – analogue function may be a direct awareness of amount of coherence: wave height!

Emptiness is the peak of coherent wave height as attractor -> repulsion. One “falls” into the wave trough and moves away from height!? So no or lack of attraction is emptiness?! Empty of “substance” in the World [samsara] that “moves” humans to “doingness”!

Quantum theory and waves: is the electron to be associated with full coherence and light – radiation with code or explicate order? Is light a search function? Is it consciousness expressed? Is it expression of distribution rather than local points of “matter”!?

From java wavelets: “Wavelets and Scaling functions have to satisfy two scale recursive equations. A scaling function is the weighted sum of translated and compressed (narrow) versions of itself. While a wavelet is the weighted sum of translated and compressed versions of the corresponding scaling function. This applet shows the two scale recursive equation in action. It repeatedly displays the following three steps”


I see a sum of a weighted and compressed “version of itself” as a holographic process: an altered version of a source is summed with the source!?!


  1. Shifting: The shift versions of the compressed scaling functions are shown in green.
  2. Weighting: The weighted versions of the shifted and compressed scaling functions are shown in blue.
  3. Summing: The running sums of the weighted versions of the shifted and compressed scaling functions are shown in yellow. At the end, we get the scaling function or wavelet at the next coarser (wider) scale. “

Weighting is the nature of fully connected neural nets?

Summing is the storage where the inverse is the reconstruction of the original. The wider scale is the next level of resolution or consciousness as output of the!?


It makes sense that each scale is like another I Ching dimension or chakra! They have different levels of resolution up to 1024! Thus each level of the I Ching or line is an octave: it is doubled frequency! This makes sense!

Yet each level has its own phase structure like a key signature and transition structure like code that moves. None of this relies on octaves, but does on scale of resolution. Thus 4 lines would be melody and scales, and 3 lines as time realm? It does not translate that easy into music!

From “Quantum Hologram” Mitchell, “The thesis in the Princeton experiments was that participant intentionality created a non-random effect to bias the skewed distribution. In the Radin experiments the results were not intentional, as the participants were unaware of the experiment, but the hypothesis was that attention (in particular, rapt attention) drove the system away from chaos (randomness) and toward greater order (reduced entropy). These results suggest that attention and intention provide closely correlated outcomes, further, that randomness may not be a general property of nature, but that what is perceived as random noise in a system may be information (a pattern of energy) that is not in resonance at that moment with the particular perceptual system.”


This works well with my individual systems and source of coherence being in the cosmos – especially dyads! Thus different resonances order information as a space created by a viewpoint as what we call a “Self”!

Thus each chart or shuffle of solitaire is a view, not a chaos or randomness. The move of each solitaire hand to coherence is similar to a move to “nirvana”! – “great Power!


“The fact that non-local correlations and non-local quantum information can now be seen as ubiquitous in nature leads to the conclusions that the

 quantum hologram can properly be labeled as "nature's mind" and that the intuitive function we label in humans as the "sixth sense" should properly be called the "first sense". The perception of non-local information certainly preceded and helped to shape, through learning feedback, the sensory systems that evolved in planetary environments, and which we currently label as the five normal senses.”

Looking for meaning of “phase conjugate adaptive resonance” [pcar]

Marcer (1997) has proposed that the condition of phase-conjugate-adaptive-resonance (pcar) is a necessary condition for an object in three-dimensional reality to be perceived as it really is. That is, resonance requires a virtual path mathematically equal but opposite to the incoming sensory information about the object. Further, that it is the incoming electromagnetic (space/time) information (visual, acoustic, etc), which decodes the information of the quantum hologram and establishes the condition of pcar so that accurate three-dimensional perception is possible. That is to say, both quantum information and space/time information are used in the act of perception by organisms having sensory preceptors. I propose that the two equal but opposite paths required by the pcar condition are the mathematical equivalent of perception and attention (or intention). (I shall distinguish between attention and intention in following pages.

The parts are all holomind: they are complete selves that are called up by the one above the gap and identified with as “self”!

So we “go with” the one that works best for us! This is a new start!

The use of legs in dance without arms or hands is the two phase of coherence. This has moved to the whole body. The arms and hands are holocode, which is why they are little used in the West.

Resonance in others selecting me as friend means that I am not responsible if I no longer give them self resonance. They may have needed a looser to feel superior or I do not and cannot know what. One of the signs is when they try control as if I was part of them and not self organizing. They show by this action they  don’t understand their own many selves that are self organizing.

 So it becomes clear that I seek in others a resonance with my ideas and with who I am: thus who I am attracted to is a mirror! I like them is they are similar to me: I am “like” them.

 Thus I want to share who I am and my skills since that gives me resonance, but if others reject this it is no fault. Since my ideas have gone so far outside the shared cultural map, I cannot expect much resonance.


Belief and concepts are examples of holomind coherence in phase spaces. Thus the yang is the organized content and the yin is the excluded, which opposition is very important in the full definition – recognition.


I am looking at language as a holographic process where words as layered phase spaces [layered like fractal procedures] are really coherent sources that access meaning, with "grammar" being another phase layer. Thus communication theory for me centers around the access angle that reconstructs meaning that has been stored on the same coherent source as a canvas, but at different angles. This is reflected in the Chakra levels which include the Tarot cards as different coherent phase angles and the Astrological phase structures which operates at different levels of resolution designated by the planets. As the lower chakras are accessed the "meaning" accessed is matter itself, as you pointed to on your web page of E = MC2. Only the "light" is the coherent structuring and electron shells along with electron pairs in each shell. When they are energized they release "light" as the holo-energy present everywhere. Have you heard of Korziderif [looking spelling up] who showed that there is a time domain in which events that cross the boundary between cause and effect release an energy or information that is instantaneously present everywhere and that the strength only falls off at the first power, not the square of the distance! I can send his paper, but I see that he was talking about the holoverse long before the holographic paradigm came on the scene. Another fit of matter as a subset of holomind! I am beginning [this very moment] to fit the I Ching levels - Chakras with meaning and thus communication! We see into this realm with consciousness as coherent sources in a time realm! Coming into existence of matter is also in this time realm studied as physics and cause - effect which is really meaningful connection.



So many who have followed the holomovement have focused on the everywhereness of holomind, but in biological systems and in holography of a time domain, change is the only constant. thus different viewpoints of the same holoverse produce different structurings and communication - meaning. And they self evolve - self organize so that even within a single individual there are many competing views and the same and different levels of resolution. That is why communication is such a fuzzy structure: to give the same meaning from many views and levels of resolution. That is what I alluded to on my opening page of web site: to allow visitors to find their access route!

The most obvious example of the more detailed level of resolution available and used by the neocortex is the opening of human sexual maturity to approximately 12 years from the “normal animal” 2 years. Thus our development is not slowed down, but operates at a different level of resolution. This connects with Jupiter instead of Mars as the social measure and operating system: who we are and who we become!


The operating system effect on holomind and life is to divide and label all operations on objects into a phase space. The effect of this is to only see the meaning of these processes within a single context, which becomes unconscious to the “person” and is ignored by other areas of operation. Thus music cannot be seen as a scientific model of holomind!

The development of phase space of holomind to support organ systems over single cells was the innovation of using the time domain where cells had – have different time patterns within the daily cycle as outlined by acupuncture. After that the use of other time cycles at different levels of resolution with the solar system and planets as sources or time coherence resulted in a complete human task ecology. With the development of the human mind, the year time cycle became mapped onto a single day so “persons” could develop as unique individuals with distributed “work” tasks. This distribution follows the same lines of development as the organ system: a single cell – individual is differentiated into a specialized task operator that is interdependent within a human ecological system that forms a cultural unity. This relationship was recognized by each individual trusting that it could give up its completeness to others and just do a single task and still live. This is “God as Love” as the interdependence which is the same as single individual cells forming many organ systems! Thus the so-called spiritual road is in a sense a reversal back to wholeness and self reliance – self realization!


Is there feedback and resonance that decreases as well as increases the connected coherent sources? This would explain depression as active reduction. Thus different levels of resolution connected as resonance can decrease or as contradiction or separation can increase!

The genetic Algorithm is a generator of coherence in consciousness as fractal levels. Each GA can be recursive to produce a smaller GA that has a different set to operate on!?

The network of information is really a network system of operators where each level of consciousness is a phase operator or level of resolution operator.

The multiple phase space of holomind may operate like a CAutomata and create sub-phase spaces if input does not belong – fit in any given space!?!

So how to look at this?

The data of a hologram as phases in biological systems is operational as well as data: living data that evolves and operates! So data that uses itself to operate and connect to output action!

What about Yin/Yang cycle: could the start or unity at conjunction be #1 or all Yang as the root? Does this make logic sense? Then the usual order would be reversed so the split of Yin into 2 parts would be at the opposition. Yet the opposition maybe the creative or far out! The conjunction then would resonate with fusion and confusion and inability to separate factors with clarity! Yet the lined up of coherence then has 2 aspects when including the Sun! opposition has the Sun in the middle and thus may be bright? Or may be earth where the other is lost? The conjunction is a lining up coherence!?


I'm beginning to study genetics: in which I can see DNA as the coherent source of the written code and RNA as reading the code. This is the same process as consciousness reading the code of mind which is like the DNA structure. So the genetic code is a twofold oppositional structure that can appear in four different sequences. The question is how is this like a phase code of holomind?

Now I can begin to see the control information present in the planets. For instance Mars is an either/or, choice structure such as noun or a verb, Yin or Yang.
The Neckar cube is a good illustration of how holographic mind having the same structures can allow different viewpoints and operations to exist at the same place. Thus it may be that mind is not divided self up and pieces that can accommodate multiple views and operations in the same structure. So the different changes of viewpoint are accomplished by using different Coherent indexes that access the same structure from different viewpoints and operations.

Wind chimes are like the structures of mind: connected to the cosmos. Is the human “chart” a wind chime or the wind? The wind is scalar so maybe connects to the nuclear holoverse? So maybe the wind is at various levels of resolution? As is time?

The enfolding and unfolding of Bohm is not a process but a structure: of layers of holomind as mapped by the I Ching! There are existing layers that are existing simultaneously so that action is not cause effect, but non-local in time or place or result! Emergence happens at once! The only non-local events are electromagnetic: which is the emergence and revealing of space and time that seems to follow cause and effect. Thus each layer uses phase structures that as create reference coherence for then next layer: hours become minuets become seconds become tenth seconds as needed for the Olympic races!